-------Marta Deskur
-------HUMAN CLEAR, objects


Marta Deskur graduated from the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Aix-en-Provence in France in 1988, and for the last three years has lived and worked in Kraków. The Centre for Contemporary Art has worked with the artist over a number of years; last autumn Deskur took part in the exhibition, 'New I's for New Years' which the Centre organised at the Kunstlerhaus in Berlin.

Deskur began as a painter working on canvas but she was also concerned with creating her own version of painterly installations which sought to transform the exsisting interiors they were shown in. In her early paintings she used natural pigments in sparse, geomertrical forms, but in retaining their essential painterly qualities those works can still be regarded as a reference to the tradition of Polish abstract and constructivist art. Deskur then began to work on the arrangement of a few canvases and panels which create energetic passageways - well-ordered along their vertical and horizontal axis. This axis was regarded by the artist as a kind of skeleton or framework, in other words a principle which set out to give order to both the painter's and other meanings.

In the catalogue from the exhibition in Berlin her work was described: 'one can detect in the work of Marta Deskur a line of irregular form which seems to stress an ever changing tension and density... In both her painting and her installation-based work this line clearly underlines the presence of some kind of straining force which is also the determining factor in the conception and composition of her work.' In the same catalogue, the artist herself wrote that, 'doubtless, this line comes directly from seeing my presence in the world, from my contact with other people, other places and everything around me.'



The Centre for Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle, Al.Ujazdowskie 6, 00-461 Warsaw, Poland
tel: (48 22) 628 12 71-3 ; (48 22) 628 76 83 ; fax: (48 22) 628 95 50 ; e-mail: csw@ikp.atm.com.pl