Pl.Zamkowy 8

Johnny Jensen (Dania)
ur. / born 1965 w / in Copenhagen, Dania / Denmark

wystawy indywidualne / individual exhibitions
1991 Fotografisk Galleri, Copenhagen, Denmark 1993 Galleri Image, Arhus, Denmark 1996 Fotografisk Galleri, Copenhagen, Denmark wystawy grupowe / group exhibitions
1989 Fotografisk Galleri, Copenhagen, Denmark 1990 Danish's Photographers, exhibition travelled runt in Soviet Union 1992 Saaremaa Photofestival, Estonia Tendencies. New Danish photography. Fotografisk Galleri, Copenhagen, Denmark Out of the Eye, Kunstforeningen, Gl. strand, Copenhagen 1993 Tendencies. New Danish photography. Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum, Alborg, Denmark The Art Centre of the Municipal League, Copenhagen Centre for Visual Art South Carelia, Finland Staged Photography, Galleri Image, Arhus, Denmark 5 facet of one collection. Museet for Fotokunst, Odense 1994 NordFotoArt, Centre for Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland 1995 Borealis 7, Desire. Helsinki City Art Museum and The Nordic Arts Centre, Helsinki, Finland Desire, Louisiana, Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark 1996 Desire, Bergen Billedgalleri, Bergen, Norway Lost property, the permanent collections, Museet for Fotokunst, Odense, Denmark Desire, Hasselblad Center and Goteborgs Konstmuseum, Goteborg, Sweden One montre in Guldbergsgade, Norrebro Library, Copenhagen Desire, Turku Art Museum, Turku, Finland The Danish Landscape, Fotografisk Center, Copenhagen One montre in Tovegade, Christianshavns bibliotek, Copenhagen One montre in Njalsgade, Islands Brygges bibliotek, Copenhagen 1997 One montre in Blagardsplads, Blagar Library, Copenhagen Status quo vadis, Museet fot Fotokunst, Odense stypendia / grants
Danish Nationalbanks jubileefund National Workshop of Art and Craft The Democracy Trust The Ministerium of Culture prace w kolekcjach / works in collections
Museet for Fotokunst, Odense, Denmark The Royal Library, Photographic Collection, Copenhagen Centre for Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland

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Centrum Sztuki Wspolczesnej, Zamek Ujazdowski
Al.Ujazdowskie 6, 00-461 Warszawa, Polska
tel: (48 22) 628 12 71-3, (48 22) 628 76 83 ; fax: (48 22) 628 95 50