This legal document is an agreement between the legitimate purchaser of a licence, hereinafter referred to as licensee, and Image Recognition Integrated Systems S.A., hereinafter referred to as I.R.I.S. 1. This agreement applies to the software and documentation. 2. The licence agreement is the entire and sole understanding between I.R.I.S. and the licensee with respect to the software and documentation. It supersedes all prior understandings or communications, whether written or oral. 3. The copyright on the software and documentation and all further intellectual rights of I.R.I.S. remain its exclusive property. I.R.I.S. shall under no circumstances be bound to communicate its source codes. In con-sideration of payment of the licence fee, included in the product price, I.R.I.S. only grants the licensee, under the terms and conditions of this agreement, the right to use the software and documentation. 4. The licenced software must be solely and exclusively used together with the specific I.R.I.S. product it was delivered with or developed for. Under no circumstances will the licencee be entitled to use any product directly or indirectly orginating from, distributed or manufactured by I.RI.S. with any other software than the licenced software program. Furthermore, without prejudice to article 6 if the licencee does not comply with the present provision, I.R.I.S. will under no circustances be held liable for any malfunctioning whatsoever of its product, nor for any direct or indirect, incidential or consequential damage caused by the use of a third party's software program and I.R.I.S. cannot in this event be held by any warranty whatsoever related to its product or its licenced software program. 5. The licensee shall abstain from reproducing, electronically transferring, copying, translating, modifying or reverse-engineering any part of the software or documentation, except in so far as the electronic transfer of software to a host computer's memory is required for the normal software utilisation. He may be held responsible for any infringement of intellectual rights caused or made possible by his failure to abide by the terms of this agreement. 6. The software and documentation are licensed to the licensee and may not be transferred, neither wholly or partly, to anyone without the prior written consent of I.R.I.S. 7. This licence is effective until terminated. The licence terminates automatically without notice from I.R.I.S. if the licensee fails to comply with any provision of this agreement. Upon termination he shall destroy all copies of the software and documentation or alternatively return the same to I.R.I.S. 8. I.R.I.S. does not warrant that the software will run without interruptions or that it will be free from errors nor that all discovered errors shall be corrected. All software and documentation are delivered as such without any express or implied warranty. In particular, I.R.I.S. does not warrant its merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. In no event shall I.R.I.S. be liable for any direct or indirect, incidental or consequential damages caused by the software or documentation. 9. I.R.I.S. may create upgraded versions of the software and documentation. I.R.I.S. will make such updates available to licensees who have paid the update fee. IMAGE RECOGNITION INTEGRATED SYSTEMS S.A. RUE DU BOSQUET 10, 1348 LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE (BELGIUM) TEL: 32-10-45 13 64 - FAX: 32-10-45 34 43