C L O N E (TM) Goals and Tips Note: This document is intended to provide you with the major goals of each puzzle, since these might not be evident at the first look. This document will prove to be very helpful to beginners. However, even if we tried not to give away any solutions to the actual puzzle elements, we'd suggest experienced players not to read the following. --- Episode 1: Mornack's Castle -------------------------------------------- Level 1. Welcome: Get the silver key, open the silver door, then find a way to make the exit gem appear at the bottom of the level. Level 2. No Return: Get the golden key (beware of one-ways!), find a way to release the silver key (team work!), open the silver door and exit. Level 3. Offset: Make your clone(s) appear, then make all of them cross the harrow at the right (beware not to make any of them exit before all have gone through the gate!) Level 4. Traps: Try to find your way through these traps. There's a logic to understand and these traps will come back in other levels, so taking the time to understand everything correctly is worth the trouble! Then pickup the potion(s) in the chest and use them (SPACE) before going any further. Go get the other protections and exit. Level 5. Boars: Don't worry, these aren't dangerous, except for your nerves! This one is as simple as placing all four crystals onto their respective sockets. Level 6. Similar 1: Just place both crystals onto their color sockets. Level 7. Rings: Make your way through the rings in order to trigger all the red buttons at the left and right extremities of the level. You can roll inside a ring, or push it from the outside. You can push a ring from within another ring, but you can't push two ring from the outside at the same time. Beware not to block your exits. Although, rings are easier to deal with than crystals, so when you think you are stuck, you might not really be! Level 8. Guardians: Make your way through the Guardians while striving to trigger all round tiles on the ground, in order to open the door to the exit gem. Never look in the direction of a Guardian or you'll be roasted! When Guardians spot you, they stare at you for as long as you stay still. But there's a way to make them go away, as if you were invisible... Level 9. In The Woods: Just move the crystals over their respective sockets. But for that, you'll have to find your way through the forest. There are sort of brighter paths in the woods, which you can walk through. Level 10. Simple: Try to make the rocks blow with the help of the bomb given to you (SPACE to use it), but you should still be able to reach the exit gem without being fried alive by the thunder clouds. Level 11. A-MAZE-ING: Trigger all buttons and tiles on the ground. Beware of one-ways and always keep your clones close to each others. Level 12. Deep Forest: Find your way through this huge amazonian forest. Find all golden and silver keys and find the exit gem. Level 13. The Raft: Bring the other raft (on the island) back to your clone, in order for both of you to be able to cross the river to the exit gem. Level 14. Too Many: Get all keys and then to the exit gem! NB: Here, the one-ways aren't really dangerous, since they can be rotated by making other clones step on the activation tiles. Level 15. ReUse: Well... One crystal, many sockets...? Level 16. Massacre: Pick-up the potion versus fire in both chests and use them all immediately. Bring the raft to a narrow section of the river so that all clones can cross it. Bring them in the tunnel at the bottom of the level. You need at least six clones to open the exit, and then the last clone alive must survive in order to succeed. Level 17. Chained: Bring the crystal(s) on their sockets. Team work! :) Level 18. Paradoxal: Bring all crystals on their corresponding color sockets in both the left and right rooms. Beware not to displace a crystal while trying to reach the exit gem. Level 19. Trapped: Find the exact movements to bring all clones on the trigger tiles at the same time, without exposing them to traps! You must keep all clones alive! Level 20. MaxiNixaM: Bring all clones in the middle of the level without killing one of them. Make use of strategies! Level 21. The Nest: Get the three keys, trigger the three tiles over the keys, open the three doors, and trigger the three tiles beyond these doors. Beware not to be seen by a Frantic Arachnid! If one notices you, go hide behind a wall or die! And don't forget to hurry up! This is the last level of the episode and your are timed! When your time elapses (left blue digit is 0 and right is 9) all Arachnids are set loose on you! --- Episode 2: Frozen Mountains -------------------------------------------- Level 1. Lotankass: You must bring both clone on the first two tiles at the same time. This will open the way for one clone. Then do the same of each set of two tiles. If your difficulty level is KooL or Foolish! then beware of spikes! Level 2. The Clock: Bring the four crystals on the four sockets. To get some challenge, try it at Foolish! it's worth it! Level 3. Dragons: Here you must get all of the keys. Try to tell the difference between all dragons. The kind dragons will only blow you some tiles downward, while the mad dragons will roast you! But there's a way to avoid their breath... (and it's not necessarily a block!) Level 4. Islands: Find the keys and head to the doors and the bottom left corner of the level. Finding the keys might not be easy, since they're concealed under the trees. Make sure to explore every little corner. Level 5. The Salvior: Go help your clones to leave their islands. And don't waste your rafts, you'll need all of them! Level 6. Sacrifices: The tile on the left-hand extremity controls the harrow to the exit gem. You must cast a magical ice block on this tile in order to access the end of the level. But... well... There's someone in the way... Just a matter of planification... and timing! This one is really worth trying at Foolish! Level 7. Matitash: Just move the crystals over their sockets. Simple? Nah! Level 8. Recycle: Use the yellow crystal as shields against the thunder clouds. But read the name of the level... twice! And then twice again! :) Level 9. Passage: Bring all of the clone to the left then up in the narrow passage then right between the lasers. Beware not to desintegrate any of your clones, you'll need them all to open the final door. Level 10. Cross-Wind: Move all crystals on their socket on the left. Easy? Might be... Level 11. Ice-Cubes: Four tiles, four ice-cubes, well...! Level 12. Wall-Kers: Take the upper corridor to the right room and gather all keys in this room. Then come back to take the lower passage to the other room and get the silver and golden keys. Then open all doors and exit. By the way, you'd better hurry up, the Frantic Arachnids are awaiting to bite your tender blue flesh! Level 13. Passes: This one is sport and team play. Every clone must be at the right place at the right moment, but don't worry, in this one you've got all your time. Level 14. Partakuus: Bring all six horizontal rings in the middle of the room, between the one-ways. Beware not to move a clone into this middle column, since there's no way out! Level 15. Seven: Once again, move all crystals over their sockets. However, in my opinion, this one is only really fun to play with the Foolish! difficulty level. Level 16. Quaternaum: Guess what? Crystals, sockets...? Yeah, right... Crystals over sockets! :) But this one is gonna require some team work. Level 17. Block Them: First, activate the Cloning Rune to the left of the big blue "5". Now you're 5! All clones must be on a trigger tile at the same time in order to open the exit. Now, how? You to guess! Level 18. Paranoid: Well, there's lot of traps in there! Step 1: Move the blue crystal to block most traps, but don't waste any of them, each has its purpose. Now, look near the bottom of the level, there's a frozen lever on the wall. This lever opens the door to the exit gem. Step 2: Reach this lever by going to the top of the level, then following the right area down to the bottom of the level then to the lever. But beware not to forget any unblocked trap! Level 19. Longit: (This one was named by the friend who conceived the puzzle, from the word Longitude because he commented that most of Clone's puzzles were horizontal! :) Yet another Move The Crystal Over the Color Socket story, but think twice as for which block to move first and where! Level 20. Groom: First, you need to open the harrows to the right by depressing the two tiles in the middle of the top of the level, right on the sides of the big blue "2". To use the Magical Ice Cube after picking it up, just press SPACE while taking care of heading in the correct direction. Then, there are two tiles left, on the two upper corners of the level, but the two clones are both on the same side...? How to reach the left trigger tile??? Do you really think I'll disclose the key to my puzzle!?! :) Level 21. The Freezer: Love moving crystals around to sockets? But what if you're given ice cubes instead of crystals and that they slip away as soon as you push them a little??? That makes it very difficult to cover all trigger tiles at once! NB: Beware not to block the lower left corner of the level, because the exit gem is there! Level 22. Doom!: Well... You'll remember The Freezer here, except that there are improved difficulty factors, like having to use many clones and... A DEADLY COUNT-DOWN!!! --- Episode 3: Ground Bowels ----------------------------------------------- Level 1. N-Trans: (Read "Entrance"!) Get the bombs in the left room, then get the keys in the right room (To use bombs, press SPACE). Then take the middle passage down to the underworld. Here, you need to open the golden door just to the left of the passage you came from (yeah, I know, you need a key...). Once the golden door is open, you need to free the purple crystal from the rocks and move it onto its socket. Then take the raft and cross the lava river to get the last keys. But beware of the Red Frantic Arachnids, they are the Guardians of the Underworld and won't let you in so easily! Level 2. Spiky Maze: Take the raft onto the lava river. Find the entrance into the spiky maze, but beware not to run into spikes heading toward you! Get all the keys and bombs you can and come back to your raft and then to the right passage with golden and silver doors. Go down through it, while doing everything necessary to free your way. Then get all the bombs and keys you can and head to the bottom room. Experiment with the three levers to find out how to open the three harrows at the same time. Then your out to the next level! Level 3. avaLDrop: (To be read like if there was a mirror right in the middle of the name :) Get the bomb in the left room, then come back to the bow and take the right passage down to the lower room. Make your way to the exit gem (to the left) by blowing up some rocks, and blocking some Fire traps. Level 4. B-Powder: (Like in "Black-Powder"!) The barrel in the lower left corner of the upper big room must be rolled right to the opposite wall, in order to trigger a chain reaction that will free the middle passage for you. Once in the lower room, pick-up the two keys without destroying them, and your ready to leave the level! Level 5. Fire Runes: Go step onto the two side rooms' trigger tiles and then go down in the middle passage. Go get what's in the two chest on both sides and trigger the tile on the left. Then take the right passage down to the last room. Blow up some rocks and you're out of here! Level 6. Off-Rails: All the mine carts that are oriented vertically (with their wheels toward left and right) must be moved onto the trigger tiles on the top and bottom edges of the level. Level 7. Count: Blow up your way to the exit gem, but do count your bombs! Level 8. Devils: Go trigger all red buttons and then go to the exit gem immediately. Be very cautious, because the Sarcasm Devils will try to convert you to the Evil! Level 9. Search!: Explore all chest to find all the bombs you need to complete the level. Note: The first time you press on a chest, it opens and you get what's inside, and the second time you press it, it moves. That's a very important detail in this puzzle because you need to use that to offset your clones correctly and prevent them from being killed. (Joystick Note: Players using a joystick should use the keyboard for this level, since with the joystick, the chest will be opened at the same time as pushed). When you've got the bombs, bring your clones in the passage to the right and make sure they are distanced correctly some both of them will make a rock blow up when you place the bombs. You need both clones to complete this level. Level 10. Similar 2: Remember "Similar 1"? Similar 2 is very similar to "Similar 1"! :) But the previous strategy you used won't work here! This one can be very easy or very hard, depending if you're lucky or bright. Like mentioned in the message, don't persist in playing the level only once. Retry it as many times as needed, it might be easier that way. Level 11. Hide-Out: Reach the lever down to the right and go to the end. This one is very restricted in space and you'll need every single tile on the board! The Foolish! version as an extra puzzle element before the end, which is really worth a try! Level 12. Blandor: Make your way through the level in order to gather all bombs. Don't waste any single bomb since you'll need them all. Be cautious to block all Fire traps in your way. Level 13. Let it!: Blow your way up to the trigger tile, then push the gray crystal all the way right to the vacuuming hole. Then you're almost done. This one is a matter of sequence. There are things that must be done now, and there are things that must wait a little before doing. Well... I've already told you too much, good luck! Level 14. After: Same advice as previous level. You must blow your way to the exit gem to the right. The lever in the middle of the level opens the harrow to the exit gem. Level 15. Bomb Lack: Oh! This one seems complex! Don't worry, in fact it is quite simple when taken by little chunks. Like the "Count" puzzle, this one is very tight as for the number of bombs you're given compared to the number you need! Be very ingenious in your use of bombs. The overall path to follow is to take the passage to the right, then up, then left into the biggest room. Once everything as been gathered and triggered in this big room, head to the exit in the upper right corner of the level. Level 16. Malineous: Get the bombs in the two right-most chests, then clone yourself. Now try to reach the exit gem. NB: Try to take advantage of the fact you are two to optimize your usage of bombs. This one is really more challenging at Foolish! since you're not given any extra bombs for completing the level. Level 17. Metal Jaws: Just try to survive until you reach the end, in this random maze controled by four Dumb Boars that care little about your fate! Level 18. Human Shape: Just take a few seconds to scroll down the level with the PgDn key. Notice anything about the general shape of the level? :) (When you're done scrolling, press the ScrollLock key to reactivate Auto-Scrolling). Your goal is to reach the left and right feet. But first, you have to complete the puzzle in the torso, reach the left and right arms, and then go down on his belly. NB: Notice something strange with the number of crystals in the torso, compared to the number of sockets??? Once you'll have reached the legs, you must trigger the corresponding tiles with your two clones. The problem here is that you can't tell which tile is paired with which other tile...! Level 19. TouchDown!: Any Football fans here??? You'll love this one! It's a nice idea from my friend Sebastien Courtemanche. Get the ball then run past their blocking line, up to the TouchDown line! By the way, the so-called "ball" is an Energical Gem. Take care to notice the big "TouchDown" written with lava! Level 20. Gargoyles: Fire Gargoyles are strange creatures with mystical powers that can make you shrunk until you totally disappear. But they also have a weakness. They can't support being touch by a Living Being, which makes them petrify into stone statues. The only way you can reach them safely is when they're looking away from you, so they can't see you coming. The general path to follow is to gather all bombs in the upper corridor, then down into the magical room (beware here!). From this room, I'd suggest to take either the left or right passage. Then travel down the level completely, in order to gather more bombs and trigger some tiles. When you're done with one side, do the same for the opposite side you haven't explored yet. When all trigger tiles will have been activated, the middle room filled with those nasty creatures will be opened for you to cross. If you're still alive after that, you'll have to trigger the tiles on both lower corners of the level. These will o pen the way to the Deep Void (at the bottom of the level, right in the middle). Be confident, and face the Deep Void. It will lead you to the final level of the Ground Bowels episode. Level 21. Chickaboum!: Bring all crystals over their corresponding color sockets. Another puzzle with a... DEADLY COUNTDOWN!!! This one is REALLY a great challenge at the Foolish! difficulty level. No matter the difficulty level, you'd better plan the exact sequence of the blocks you'll move, etc... since it's really a matter of timing and planification. --- Episode 4: Candy Land -------------------------------------------------- Level 1. Alzabarki: Clone yourself with the cloning rune right in front of you. Then, you must align all clones in the side rooms on the green trigger tiles. Once you succeeded, make all the clones on the sides exit and move up the middle passage, then repeat the same procedure for the two other side rooms. Level 2. Run!!!: Well... RUN!!!!!!!!!!!! Level 3. Alibaba: Remember Alibaba's Hide-Out? Don't touch the little goodies or you'll be trapped and roasted! Once you're out of the Room of Temptation, say goodbye to your clone brother, and try to reach the exit gem in the upper room. Level 4. Traffic Jam: Your goal here is to make the creatures step on all the green trigger tiles in the upper room (not necessarily at the same time! :) To achieve this, you have to step on the tiles in the lower corridor. This makes the pipes and intersection in the room change of direction. Funny!... Level 5. Country: Here you must travel in the Candy Land outside world to trigger all red buttons. Once all buttons have been triggered, the exit in the upper right corner of the level will be open. Level 6. Six: Just align the six clones over the six tiles and that's it! However it might not be as easy as it looks! Level 7. Rescue: Here you must make your way to your clone on the right-hand part of the level and bring both of them back to the exit gem. Level 8. Get Back: Trigger all green tiles in the level in order to access the exit gem. Level 9. Sentries: Align all clones on the tiles, but beware of the Frantic Arachnid sentries! Level 10. Catoblepas: Free the other clone with the four crystals, then use both of them to open the exit with the same crystals. Level 11. The Gate: Make all clones travel through the big gate way. Level 12. The Bridge: Remember "The Raft"? Now there's some extra elements, like the bridge for the mine cart... Level 13. COY: Arrange the crystals in the three rooms. Be VERY careful with your movements. Level 14. Azanis: Get the keys, place the green crystals over their sockets, use the lever(s) in the upper left corner of the level wisely and with strategy. Then bring both clones on the green tiles around the big blue "2". You'll need both clones alive in order to complete this level. Level 15. Nine: Crystals on the left, sockets on the right, you guessed it! Be very careful not to waste or block any crystals in the left room, you'll need nine of them! Level 16. Exchange: This time crystals are already on sockets, but not the right ones! You must rearrange them with the use of the railway and mine-cart. There's some very particular way to make the crystals travel on railroads, and a tip might as well be suggested by your environment... Pay attention to details... Level 17. Get Them Out: You must retrieve the blue crystals in the upper room and move them to their sockets. You must also reserve the raft for getting the silver key in the upper left corner of the level. Level 18. Rooms: Here you must go through six rooms of hazards and puzzles. The first room requires the rocks in front of the door to be blown away. The second is filled with spider(s). The third is a crystal warehouse you must rearrange a little. The fourth is... well... EASY! And the fifth contains powder barrels to be used in the sixth room. Good luck! Level 19. Passage 2: For this one, you need to align all clone into one vertical column and then move all this column of clones down into the passage. If you're playing in Foolish! mode, you have the extra step of moving the two last clones on the green tiles, without displacing the vertical column of clones, in order to open the harrow to the passage. REALLY worth trying it in Foolish!!!! :) Level 20. Arrgghh!!!: The two tiles in the room to the right must be held down by something heavy. This opens the harrow to the exit gem. But this puzzle is really hard! Don't be sad if you can't complete it in KooL or Foolish! the first time. The design of this puzzle is by my friend Sebastien Courtemanche, who by the way is really a puzzle SADISTIC!!!! If you're really confused by the many elements, try it in Childish, then once you grasped the idea behind the puzzle, try it in KooL, then in Foolish! The foolish version is by me. I just added two more spiders to the KooL version, but that was enough to render it unfeasible! I have to admit I had to play it for a while before finishing this abomination of puzzle, timing, and coordination! :) --- Episode 5: Future Destiny ---------------------------------------------- Level 1. The Secret: Four crystals, four sockets... But doesn't anything look strange to you??? Level 2. Vacuums: Get the four keys, then reach the exit gem. But beware not to be swallowed by the vacuuing holes on the ground! Level 3. The M: You must move the crystals from one end of the big M to the other. Level 4. Hyarusz: Get the red key, then open the red door which hides the blue key, then reach the blue door. Under this door is the triggering tile that will open the exit. But beware of Living Sparks! Try to move with their rhythm if you don't want to be electrified! Level 5. Teleportal: The teleporting portals! Use the portals to travels between rooms and arrange the crystals. Level 6. Controlers: You must bring both clones (in the middle passage) to the trigger tiles on the left and right sides of the level. The two other clones control the energy gates. Level 7. Sparks: Trigger all tiles, but get synchronized! Level 8. Ray Guns: Get the red key, then get the blue key, then reach for the blue door. If you play Foolish! then you must then come back to the starting position (lower left corner of the level). Here, you'd better write down what lever rotates which ray gun, since you'll need to toggle then many times to travel in this lethal maze! Level 9. Pattern: Align all clones to fit the pattern of the trigger tiles. Level 10. Yu Wang: Bring all clones on the trigger tiles. If you're playing KooL or Foolish! then you'll have to duplicate into more clones, in order to occupy all tiles. All clones must survive. Level 11. Ipon: Arrange all crystals. Beware not to displace the ones that you already set, this is the main difficulty in this puzzle. Level 12. The Pair: Here you've got to take advantage of you pair of clone. Both of them must make their way to the end, because all mecanisms are triggered by sets of two tiles, as the big computers at NASA are controlled by two keys that only two different persons can handle! Level 13. E-Shield: One way or the other, you end up electrified! Well, there has to be a way to avoid death... And even if you find a way, you'll still have to succeed putting your plan to execution! Level 14. Got The Blue: Use the blue crystals in the left room to protect yourself from the vacuuing holes in the right part. Plan everything wisely and don't waste a single crystal! (except the ones that you can't save) Level 15. Electrokus: Trigger all tiles and avoid the electrical waves! Level 16. Trapful: Get the yellow crystals in the right part of the level to protect yourself from the traps and reach the exit gem. Once again, don't waste any crystals or bombs. Level 17. Synchro: Bring the right clone onto the right trigger tile. This will open the left trigger tile, for the left clone to reach. Mostly a matter of synchro and itinerary. Level 18. The Path: Well... Short-cuts are not valuable alternatives here... You'd better follow the path, and follow it quickly! Level 19. Tubic: This one as two major steps. During the first step, one clone will control the pipes for the other to follow, and pick-up goodies, and during the second step, they will have their role exchanged. Once you have all the keys and jewels, bring both clones down to the middle passage, and climb it up to the exit gem. Level 20. Self-Destrux: You know when big space ships enter in auto-destruction mode, and then you have to escape the ship before becoming yet another space debris? That's the matter here! There's a chain reaction of exploding toxic-waste-barrels that will destroy the only keys to the end of the episode, and like if that wasn't enough, there's a mecanical glutton triggering a countdown that will make all the level burst! You start the level with four bombs already in your inventory. You must retrieve the 8 blue keys, then use 4 of them to open the two door to the right and the two others at the bottom, which will provide you with 4 red keys. The 4 red keys give access to the 4 trigger tiles that open the energy gate near the exit. When this gate is open, rush toward the exit and wait for the final explosion, if any time's left at all! --- Episode 6: Kaos Realms ------------------------------------------------- Level 1. Revolve: Here you must turn counter-clockwise and trigger all the lever. You must be cautious not to block the way behing you, since you'll have to pass there many times. Level 2. Intersect: Well... Try to reach the exit gem! Level 3. 4th Power: Use the clone that is free to go free the three others, then gather them in the middle room to open the exit. Level 4. Eight: Arrange the crystals. Level 5. Interval-5: Bring all 5 clones onto the 5 trigger tiles at the bottom of the level. Level 6. aMAZEing 2: Remember aMAZEing 1? Now there are turning one ways! Level 7. Blind: And the blind shall find its way!!! :) Level 8. The Lock: Trap most or all spiders in the room at the right. To help you with this is a lock in which you can trap spiders temporarily and then transfer into the big room. The left and right tiles of the lower corridor can be used in case of desperate situations! Level 9. Similar 3: Remember Similar 1 and 2? Now that's a brand new design, with the same concept of two clones in two almost identical rooms. Your goal is to enter the little rooms in the lower right corner of each big room. For this you need at least one silver key and one golden key. Level 10. Way Back: Activate all buttons as they appear. But plan you way back wisely! Level 11. Turn-O-Ring: There are trigger tiles, and there are rings. Move the rings onto the trigger tiles. But, well... Rings won't roll in any directions...? Level 12. Ghosts: This one may remind you of PacMan! Your goal is to trigger all the tiles, and reach the exit gem. If you retrieve the Devil Runes, then you'll be invincible for some times... Level 13. The Curse: There's something very weird happening... No matter the curse cast upon your clones, you must still try to trigger all tiles at once. Level 14. Symmetry: Here, almost everything is symmetrical, except the way your clones move! Move the crystals over their sockets. Level 15. Get Away: Tired of always trying to arrange the clone so they fit perfectly over all the tiles at once? This time, you have to remove them from all the tiles at once! Level 16. Lead It!: Tired of always having to go trigger all the tiles by moving the clones? This time, someone else will do it at your place. But as you will learn here, making someone else do exactly what you want is often way harder than doing it yourself!!! Level 17. Yalidla: Yet another move-the-crystal-over-the-socket puzzle. But that's no easy business when you're given so little working space! Level 18. Preserve'em: Four silver keys to open four silver doors. Four destroyed silver keys won't open four silver doors. Must preserve four silver keys to preserve chances of leaving level alive. Simple? Nah! Level 19. Claws: Bring all clones in the corridor in the lower left corner of the level. From there, you can open the harrow to the lower corridor by stepping on all the tiles at once. From the lower corridor, you can reach the so well protected golden key. The other tiles at the left of the golden key open the door to exit this part of the level. Then bring all clones up to the top-most corridor, and to the golden door. Beyond the golden door is a chest you must access in order to retrieve the four silver keys that free the way to the exit gem. Level 20. Species: What a nice souvenir of all the species you encountered in the six Clone Worlds. But, as a souvenir, it should remind you that you're not out of the wood! Trigger all red buttons and reach for the stairs at the top of the level, which lead directly to The Final Level!!! Level 21. Dead End: No one single second to waste! First set the five crystals onto their sockets. Second, push the raft left, then all the way down, into the toxic waste, and get the golden key. Then leave the island where you got this key and get the new raft that just appeared near-by and push it to the upper right lake, where you'll retrieve the silver key. Once you got both keys, head to the golden and silver doors, open them, push the mine-cart down onto the rails at the bottom of the level. By this time the Horde of Fiends of Kaos will be after you. While on the rails, try to avoid them, and escape to the right to the exit gem. Be quick, since the exit gem might not wait for you very longly! The End! You finally DID it!!!! Do you realize?!?!? You went through all the Clone puzzles! Now you've got something to flabbergast your friends with. And what an epic story to tell your grand-children, years from now! You will now be able to sleep normally, eat normally, well... do everything as you used to before entering the captivating World of Clone. WAIT!!! Do you really think it's over??? Do you really think we, the people at Antares, will let you one second away from your computer, wandering with pleasure in the laziness of Life??? NO WAY!!! Clone will soon be back into your computer, for weeks of even more torturing new puzzles!!! Meanwhile, have a deep breath, 'cause you can't tell when insomnia and little blue things running all over your mind will strike you back... MidKnight, Antares Prod.