Creator: Zoran Korveziroski Scenario Name: Prilep Map name: Prilep.mp2 Size: XL Difficulty: Hard Special Victory Condition: Capture castle Special Loss Condition: None Players: 6 (1 human player and 5 computer players) About: To achieve victory you must conquer castle Prilep. If you try this scenario, I have one request: Try not to look at the map in the editor first. I know it's tempting, god knows I've caved and done it, but it does ruin a lot of the fun. ----- SPOLIER HELP HINTS: On 6.01.1997 I send my map Prilep. Here is help for start playing this map . Korveziroski Zoran ***************** For Prilep map. ***************** Here is help for start playing this map . At the beginning you have only one hero with one ghost. Ghosts have unique characteristic, they take on theirs side all monsters which they kill in battle. So you must find some weak monsters and raise the number of the ghosts. But in some start up situations there is no available weak monsters and it is wery hard to find the solution. So here is solution for all situations: 1. Find the castle on northwest. 2. Attack the castle. 3. First attack skeletons. 4. Again attack skeletons intil you destroy all. 5. Destroy zombys. 6. Destroy mummys. Now you have castle and more then 10 ghost. Split ghosts in two gropups, and continue the mission.