READ ME for "Dr. Cyborg and the Sanctum of the Gods" This is the third (and, for now, final) Dr. Cyborg scenario. The map name is "DrCybrgx.mp2". To use, place in your Heroes2/Maps folder. The file should appear in your "New Games" list. Like the other Dr. Cyborg scenarios, I give the player a good start and (hopefully) a tough endgame. Unlike my previous efforts, the computer opponents are much less dynamic, but much tougher. I made a conscious effort to imitate the old King's Bounty NWC game. I hope you like it. If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, please e-mail me at: Also, if you know of any scenarios that have a good power curve (like I try to put in my scenarios), let me know. I'd love to play them. Dan