I. Installing the Battleground Ardennes Demo. 1. From Windows, select the File menu, and the Run menu item. 2. Enter: a:\setup Note: If your floppy disk is different from a:, then enter the appropriate letter. 3. Note: you must have Video for Windows Version 1.1 installed on your computer in order to run the Battleground Ardennes videos. II. Getting Started. To see a fully automated demo, do the following. First double-click on the Battleground Ardennes Demo icon. When prompted, select Automatic A/I for both Allied and Axis sides. This will play the demo Computer vs. Computer. Click on the Phase Box when it appears in the middle of the screen. When the A/I Dialog appears, you may wish to click on Step to advance the A/I manually, or click on Run to have the A/I run without stopping. To stop the play if you click on Run, press the Escape key when the A/I dialog appears and then select the Exit menu item from the File menu. Note: be sure to try out the Battleview interface by clicking on the magnifying glass icon in the upper right hand corner of the toolbox icon on the left hand side of the scrren. To try a battle against the computer, do the following. First double click on the Battleground Ardennes Demo icon. When prompted, select Automatic A/I for one side and Manual mode for the side you wish to play. Click on the Phase Box when it appears in the middle of the screen. Here are some tips on how to play: 1. To advance to the next phase, select the Next Phase menu item from the Phase menu or click on the clock icon in the upper left hand corner of the tool box that appears in the left hand side of the screen. 2. In the Prep Fire Phase, you can fire artillery against the other side in addition to normal firing. Try bringing up the Artillery Dialog by selecting the Artillery Dialog menu item from the Units Menu. Units that are highlighted in red on the map are potential targets. Fire on a hex by clicking on the hex with the right mouse button. 3. In the Movement Phase, you can move your units. Select the units by first clicking on their map hex with the left mouse button. Then either double click to select the entire stack, or click on the units at the bottom of the screen to just select certain ones. You then move the units by clicking on adjacent hexes on the map with the right mouse button. 4. If Reinforcements arrive, you can place them on the map by first selecting the Arrived menu item from the Reinforce menu. Then double click on the units you see in the Arrived Dialog to place them on the map. After they have been placed on the map, reinforcements may be moved normally. 5. In the Fire Phases, you can fire on enemy units. Select the units to fire in the same way you selected them for moving by clicking on their hex and then clicking on their picture at the bottom of the screen. Select a target by clicking on a hex containing enemy units with the right mouse button. If prompted for a specific target by the Target Dialog, you can select the default by simply clicking on the Ok button. 6. In the Assault Phase, you can assault units in adjacent hexes. Select the target hex by clicking on the hex with the right mouse button. Then select your attacking units by first selecting them and then adding them to the assault using the Add to Assault menu item of the Assault Menu. When you are done adding units to the assault, you can resolve the assault by selecting the Resolve Assault menu item of the Assault Menu. III. When in Doubt. If you are unsure what to do next in any given situation, you can always get the computer to finish the current phase for you by clicking on the A/I button that is located in the lower right hand corner of the tool box that appears on the left hand side of the screen. IV. What the Full Version of Battleground Ardennes Offers. In addition to a complete main program, the full version of Battleground Ardennes contains: * Over 100 MB of authentic World War II videos and sounds. * Complete hardcopy manual plus foldout quick-start instructions. * Three complete modules containing over 25 scenarios covering: - Kampfgruppe Peiper - The Battle for Bastogne - Roadblock at Clervaux * An easy-to-use front-end interface including "Hall of Fame" scoring and historical medals. * A Scenario Editor that allows you to create your own scenarios and what-if battles. * A fully indexed Unit Handbook describing each of the more than 80 units available in Battleground Ardennes. V. Future Attractions. Watch for Battleground Gettysburg coming Fall 95 from Talon Soft. This will cover this monumental 3 day Civil War battle using the same Battleground features such as 3D map and full multimedia interface. For more information, contact Talon Soft at 401-821-7282.