Detonator Destroyer v1.02.1 By Fatman ( Right here is the procedure and usage of this (wonderful) tool. * Uninstall the drivers from the Add/Remove Section of Control Panel * Run this program * Click on Uninstall * Click on either Restart to restart windows or close to shut the program. You will need to restart shortly * When the machine has restarted, Install the display adapter as "Standard VGA" * Restart whern prompted * Install the new display drivers * Restart again Well hope this helps you all but comments, requests, death threats, cheques, cash etc to Revision History --------------- v1.02.1 01/07/01 >Minor specific changes for users >Program know doesnt assume windows directory is c:\windows and reads from registry >Small underlying changes v1.02 28/06/01 >Changed name from Detonator Uninstaller to Detonator Destroyer >Minor GUI Changes v1.01 27/06/01 >Fixed Reboot bug >Updated instructions v1.00 26/06/01 >First release out >Support for Win 9X and ME