Faber Toys 2.3 Copyright © 2000, 2001 Fabio Vescarelli http://www.faberbox.com/fabertoys.asp Questions, comments, suggestions, bug reports: email the author at mailto:faber@faberbox.com This is Features.txt file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table Of Contents (TOC) 1. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 2. FEATURES 3. WHAT'S NEW IN THIS VERSION 4. HISTORY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS * PC running Windows '95, '98, ME, NT 4, 2000 (no Win 3.1) * 16 Mb of RAM (32 or more is better :D ) * Visual Basic 6 Runtime (installed by the full setup program) * MSCOMCTL.OCX (installed by the full setup program) Technical note: the runtime installed is the Service Pack 5 one 2. FEATURES (all features are availables under the 'Control' menu) * Complete Process & Modules management --> Dipendences * Analys of PE Modules, listing exported and imported functions (e.g. from/to a DLL file) --> Examine File * Export of informations in TXT or HTML files --> Save menu * Windows Management --> Windows Explorer * Management of programs running when Windows start --> AutoRun * Management of Alias --> Program Aliases (e.g. if you type iexplore or msimn in Start - Run) * FPL Technology (Fast Properties Load) * You can check for new release in the Info - Check for Update menu 3. WHAT'S NEW Faber Toys 2.3: * First Release :) 4. HISTORY No history now