128MB RAM, IDE or SCSI hard disk drives with 32MB of available space, CD or DVD writer to burn recovery disc

Paragon GmbH

User name: VNU
Serial number: 07489-4DB7F-A670E-8921C


Every day, you turn your PC on, Windows loads and the desktop appears. It happens each time so you might think it always will, but don't get too complacent. One corrupt Registry entry, or a single driver conflict is all it takes to stop your system booting at all. Even into Safe Mode. And what are you going to do then?

No need to panic, especially if you've installed the Paragon Rescue Kit. It comes with an ISO image you can burn to CD, creating your very own bootable recovery disc. If your operating system won't load any more, then start from the CD instead and you'll have access to a variety of recovery tools.

There's no way the Rescue Kit can solve every problem, obviously, even with all this functionality. Paragon realise this, and have included some backup tools as a last resort. At their simplest you could just copy a few files from the File Manager, but there's also a complete version of Paragon Drive Backup, to create an image of your complete disk or a specified partition.

You don't have a backup drive? That's fine, they've also thrown in a copy of Paragon Easy CD/DVD Recorder, which can save your files to any supported CD or DVD burner. (That's most of them, but test yours out just to make sure).

It would be something of a waste to leave all these tools on a CD (especially one you may never use), which is probably why Paragon also install copies on your Startup menu. And so installing the Rescue Kit also gets you a simple CD/DVD backup tool, basic Partition Manager and other utilities, all designed to help manage your PC and keep it running smoothly.

Paragon Rescue Kit includes usable cut-down versions of some of their most popular tools, including Partition Manager, Drive Backup and Hard Disk Manager. If you're looking for powerful drive management, backup and data recovery tools, then this selection is hard to beat; visit www.paragon.ag to find out for yourself. Click "Buy now" if you decide to purchase, and enter the coupon code VNUPSG to claim your special 30% discount.

User name: VNU
Serial number: 07489-4DB7F-A670E-8921C
Install Paragon Rescue Kit v4 Personal to your hard drive
Emergency Bootable Recovery CD - requires CD burner to burn ISO image to blank CD-R