Vallen Jpegger 4.70
120 x 95 screengrab Designed for large image libraries with thousands of files. This little power pack reads 40 different image file formats, supports lossless JPEG rotation and includes an unique MP3 Organizer including a simple player: MP3 files are categorized according their MP3 tag information into artist, genre and album in a comfortable tree structure.

Requires: Windows 98SE, 2000, Me or XP

Rainlendar 0.21
120 x 95 screengrabCustomisable calendar that resides on your desktop and shows the days of the current month. The calendar can use different skins to fit your taste (and theme). You can use different fonts and colors, select the background image or even make the calendar's background transparent. Customization can be done with a simple GUI.

Requires: Windows 98SE, 2000, Me or XP

avast! Home Edition 4.6.623
120 x 95 screengrabScans for viruses, worms and Trojans. Protects e-mail, ICQ, mIRC, Kazaa. True incremental updates based on iAVS technology update virus definition at least twice a week. avast! Added intrusion detection, transparent email scanner, support for new P2P and IM programs, and adds new languages.

Requires: Windows 98SE, 2000, Me or XP

YoPoW 2.9
120 x 95 screengrab Create a thumbnail gallery from your pictures, that can be posted on the web. It provides a preview of your gallery and offers a wide range of options to customize the output, as well as several template styles to choose from. You can also choose to include complete EXIF data on the full image pages, making it interesting for photographers.

Requires: Windows 98SE, 2000, Me or XP

FreshUI 7.31
120 x 95 screengrab Configure and optimise Windows. It comes loaded with hundreds of useful hidden settings in Windows such as: the User Interface (UI), system settings, hardware settings, customising Windows application settings, control user environment with policies.

Requires: Windows 98SE, 2000, Me or XP

Yankee Clipper
120 x 95 screengrab Windows clipboard extender/memory. The program handles Pictures, (Rich) text and URLS with no size limitations. Everything you copy to the clipboard is automatically sorted into the responding category, where it can easily be reviewed, deleted, saved or sent to other applications via the "Shoot" feature or drad and drop.

Requires: Windows 98SE, 2000, Me or XP