WCPUID This compact utility displays information about your system, concentrating on processor and bus speeds. It's become the standard to check exactly what CPU you're running, whether it's being pushed a little too hard by an unscrupulous supplier, or simply to prove how far you've overclocked your chip. Delve beyond the main page though and you'll find plenty of detailed information on your main chipset, memory, cache, graphics chipset, motherboard and extended instruction that are sets supported by your CPU.

XOSL multi-boot Setting up multiple operating systems on a single PC can be far from straightforward, especially when three or more OS's are involved. Enter the Extended Operating System Loader, or XOSL for short. XOSL lets you easily set up different operating systems on a single PC, and control them with a graphical interface. XOSL also makes it easy to password protect an OS, or hide one from prying eyes entirely. You will need to set up a separate partition for each operating system though, and keep both the manual and your wits about you.

Systeminfo Systeminfo provides basic information about the internals of your PC, including the type of processor, total memory, disk configuration, network data and OS version. It's not a patch on WCPUID for precision processor clock and bus speeds, but contains a wider range of system information and works well as a complementary utility. Very handy for discovering what's inside your PC and see how it's running without having to get your hands dirty.

IR Assistant IR Assistant allows you to create macros to emulate mouse actions, keyboard presses and launch programs exactly the way you want. These macros can be executed by joysticks, infra-red remote controls or even (with the right hardware) GSM text messages from a mobile phone. The IR side of things works with a wide range of infra-red modules, and it can even learn commands from many popular domestic remote controls. So before long, your Sony TV remote control could be launching macros on your PC to activate your MP3 collection.

Quick Cleanup Whether its crisps, part of a sandwich or a doughnut, there can be few PC users who haven't managed to drop a piece of rogue food into their keyboard at some time or another. If you're too busy to shut down your system for cleaning, before restarting and reopening all your applications and documents again, this utility disables your keyboard and mouse temporarily so you can shake and wipe to your hearts content, without your PC being any wiser to it.