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Most people think of project management software as aimed at big corporations, to help handle giant projects like building an airport -- but there's much more to it than that. The basic management principles involved are just as useful with personal projects, so whether you're building an extension, organising a holiday with friends, or planning a wedding, ConceptDraw Project has the tools to help.

The process begins with you breaking down your main project into a list of smaller tasks. A wedding plan might involve booking the church, planning a reception, choosing the caterers and so on. ConceptDraw Project makes it easy to enter your list of things to do, and you can also break them down into subtasks ("Book honeymoon" might break down into "Pick destination", "Find best deal" and "Check passport expiry dates", say).

Project also lets you assign start dates and deadlines for each task, which helps you get them in order, and begin to get a feel for how long the project is going to take. ConceptDraw Project offers a Gantt Chart view of your project data, too, a graphical representation that immediately reveals where any bottlenecks might be.

You can also build up a list of resources available for tasks, from helpful friends, to services you need to buy in (a hire car, caterer, maybe a professional wedding planner). Resources can be priced to give you an idea of costs, and a wide range of management reports will keep you up-to-date on current (and projected) project performance.

The latest version of Project adds extras like an individual calendar for each of your project resources, perfect for scheduling purposes. The Reports module has been reworked, too, and can now export reports in RTF and Excel formats.

Normally priced at $179, you can upgrade for only $79 (around £49). Head over to if you're interested, choose ConceptDraw 1.x Standard from the list, and enter your 1.3.6 registration code to get this special deal.

Register online to obtain your serial code
Install ConceptDraw Project 1.3.6 to your hard drive