Sony intros "PC TVs" with MPEG, 3-D graphics 19 June

With features that include a Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) decoder, three- dimensional (3-D) accelerated graphics, a full-duplex speakerphone, and a 28.8 Mbps modem with digital simultaneous voice/data (DSVD) exchange, Sony's new PCV-70 and PCV-90 multimedia PCs can be accurately dubbed "PC TVs," contended Sony officials during a press conference at the Sony Music Studios in Manhattan.

Slated to ship at the end of this summer, the new "computer TVs" will be produced by the new Sony Information Technologies of America, said Tim Errington, senior VP of sales and marketing for the Sony division, speaking at the press event, which was attended by Newsbytes at PC Expo.

The new division, which is based entirely in the US, brings together consumer products with electronics -- two areas that are long-time strongholds for Sony, maintained Sony President and CEO Carl Yankowski. Officials reminded the reporters that Sony first unveiled its intentions to produce PCs for the US market during Fall Comdex. As previously reported in Newsbytes, Sony execs said at the time that Sony had already manufactured PCs on an OEM basis for the US market, and had also been marketing workstations in Japan under the Sony brand name.

Also during the press conference at PC Expo, Errington said that Sony is better positioned than any competitor to produce products in the PC TV category, due to factors that include technical expertise, pre-established content, and well established retail channels.

Sony will sell the new multimedia PCs at consumer electronics stores such as Circuit City, as well as in about five computer retail chains starting late this summer, he added.

During a demonstration, journalists viewed the new PC TVs running "WipeOut," one of eight games that will ship with the products. Other bundled software will include MPEG-based reference and entertainment CDS such as Microsoft Encarta, productivity tools, Microsoft and Netscape Web browsers, America Online, Compuserve, and Radish Communications' Voice View Talkshop, for service and support via DSVD.

Sony's first PCs for the US market will be priced in the $2,000 to $3,000 range, officials said.

(Jacqueline Emigh/19960616/Press Contacts: Brian Levine, Sony, 408-955-5121; Joshua Weinberg, Technology Solutions, 408-280-6000)

From the NEWSBYTES news service, 19 June