Internet software update 24 June
This is a roundup of new and updated software applications of interest to Internet users, including: Java for Explorer; Peak WebPage Builder; Interflex FM quality audio; Oracle PowerBrowser updated; HTML Transit; new Internet Phone releases; don't stop, Keep Talking; antivirus software for Internet delivery; GIF support for Illustrator.

Java for Explorer
Support for Java can now be added to Microsoft's Internet Explorer 3.0 with a free download from the Microsoft ftp site. The company is also working on Java support add-ons for the Windows 3.1 and Macintosh versions of its popular Web browser.

  • Current Version: 1.0
  • Supported OS: Windows 95
  • Software Type: Patch for Internet Explorer 3.0 World Wide Web:

    Peak WebPage Builder
    Peak Software is making available a beta version of its first Web related product, the Java-based Peak WebPage Builder. The company says its product allows a fast, easy way to build three-dimensional (3-D), animated home pages. The product is due to ship in its first release version in August.

  • Current Version: beta
  • Supported OS: Windows 95
  • Software Type: Free, beta release
  • World Wide Web:

    Interflex FM Quality Audio
    The ability to send real-time, scalable FM-quality stereo sound across the Internet is now possible say the developers of the Interflex system. It sends out a stream of data to client applications in quality comparable to FM radio at speeds from 28,800 bits-per-second (bps). Users with faster connections will get better quality as the server, and software, automatically scale up the quality.

  • Current Version: 1.0
  • Supported OS: Pentium based MS Windows 3.1 or 95; SPARCstations on SunOS or Solaris; HP 9000/700s running HPUX 9.0.X; and IBM PowerPCs running AIX 4.1.X.
  • Software Type: Free
  • World Wide Web:

    Oracle PowerBrowser updated
    Proudly boasting its achievement, "Oracle beats Microsoft and Netscape to market with first Web browser to support both Java and Basic scripting," Oracle announced an updated version of its PowerBrowser last week. Included is support for Java and built-in Basic scripting which allows users and developers to add intelligence to any Web page by embedding scripts written in the Basic language.

  • Current Version: 1.5
  • Supported OS: MS Windows 3.x, 95, NT
  • Software Type: Free
  • World Wide Web:

    HTML Transit
    An upgraded version of HTML Transit, a document conversion tool for Web publishing, has been released. The new version, 2.0, will ship in September and an upgrade will be available for version 1.x users. The new software adds improved navigation and enhanced table support, plus more formatting features and better graphics capability. Automatic generation of tables and indices is also included.

  • Current Version: 2.0
  • Supported OS: MS Windows 3.1, 95, NT
  • Software Type: Commercial ($495, upgrade $99)
  • World Wide Web:

    New Internet Phone releases
    Coming out almost as quickly as new versions of Netscape Navigator, VocalTec has released a new version of its Internet Phone software. New features include live whiteboarding/document conferencing, direct point-to-point calling, point-and-click file transfer, voice-mail, call hold, Caller ID, call waiting, call screening and blocking, muting, text chat and instant access to VocalTec's Global OnLine Directory (GOLD). The company has also just released its first version for the Apple Macintosh platform and is offering the product with a special licence now.

  • Current Version: 4.0
  • Supported OS: MS Windows 95, Apple Macintosh
  • Software Type: Commercial ($49.95)
  • World Wide Web:

    DonÆt Stop, Keep Talking
    UNET Corporation has released KeepTalking, a chat server for the World Wide Web. Using the software, users get their own space on the screen, can add personal icons or photos to the space, and can "lurk" if they do not want to talk. Great news for site operators is that UNET is making available a server on the network to handle chats initially.

  • Current Version: 2.0
  • Supported OS: Windows NT
  • Software Type: Commercial ($495 to $8,995)
  • World Wide Web:

    Anti-virus software for Internet delivery
    Symantec Corporation has announced a new anti-virus software package designed to be offered over the Internet. The software combined AntiVirus and Speed Disk technologies and is available via the World Wide Web. Because it's specially designed for Internet users compact size and fast download time are features.

  • Current Version: 1.0
  • World Wide Web:

    GIF support for Illustrator
    The folks at Adobe have noticed more and more of their customers are using the Internet, and publishing on it, and have announced a GIF89a import and export plug-in for Illustrator 6.0 for Macintosh.

  • Current Version: 1.0
  • Supported OS: plug-in for Adobe Illustrator 6.0 for Macintosh
  • Software Type: Free online
  • World Wide Web:

    (Martyn Williams/19960624)

  • From the NEWSBYTES news service, 24 June