================================================================================================ Science Inc. Boot Sentry 4.0 DOS Protection Addon by Jason Cueny Copyright 1999, Science Inc. Readme File ================================================================================================ I. Description This is an addon for Boot Sentry 4.0 and above that allows you to password protect your computer before Windows starts. You can use it in tandem with Boot Sentry 4.0 and above for increased security on your computer. III. Installing You must have Boot Sentry 4.0 or above installed before using this addon. If you do not have Boot Sentry 4.0 or above, you can download it from http://scienceinc.cjb.net/ Unzip all files to a temporary directory, and then run setup.exe NOTE: This addon has only been tested on English Windows 95/98. IV. Default Password The default password is: science You will want to change this as soon as possible. To change your DOS password, click on the 'Boot Sentry 4.0 DOS protection Addon' icon in your Boot Sentry 4.0 Program group. NOTE: You should not make your DOS Password the same as either your WinLock or Admin passwords. V. Contact info The main Boot Sentry page is at: http://scienceinc.cjb.net/ or http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Platform/3218/ To contact Science Inc, email bioforce@hotmail.com with 'boot sentry' in the subject of your email. If emailing about a problem, *please* check the Boot Sentry Help and FAQ first before emailing. VI. License Agreement *This program is provided 'as-is' without any warranties of any kind, either express or implied. You use this program entirely at your own risk. Under no circumstances whatsoever shall Science Inc. or its' officers be held liable for any losses and/or damages you incur as a result of using this program. *This program is freeware, but is not public domain. It is copyrighted material with all rights reserved by the author. *This program may be freely distributed for personal use as long as all files are distributed in their entirety and unmodified. You may not in anyway charge for providing this program. If you wish to include this program on a shareware collection CD, or other such collection, you must have my express written permission. *This Program may not be decompiled, disassembled, reverse engineered, or otherwise modified, deconstructed or made part of another program. *By using this software, you agree to all of the above conditions. The laws of the State of Michigan shall govern this agreement. VII. Copyright The Boot Sentry 4.0 DOS Protection Addon is Copyright 1999 by Science Inc.