Welcome to Abel Gratis!
Free unlimited Internet access from
Providers of dialup Internet access since 1990

Visit the main Abel Internet web site

ABEL GRATIS is the first UK Internet Service Provider to offer a vast choice of FREE domain endings for your e-mail addresses and FREE full Internet access for life.


and many more .....................

Please note that this dialler software is to be used in conjuction with a browser such as Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer and an email program.

To obtain your FREE Internet access for life from ABEL GRATIS please read on.

If you are currently on the Internet simply go to our website http://www.abelgratis.co.uk and follow the easy sign-up procedure. It will only take a few minutes and there is nothing to download.

During the sign-up procedure you will be asked to choose an account name. This will also form your e-mail address and, if applicable, web site address. Your email address will be unlimited multi-user.

For example, if you chose abelgratis.com as your e-mail domain ending and bloggs.abelgratis.com as your account name,
then you could use any of the following e-mail addresses:


If you are NOT currently on the Internet there are 3 easy options:

A)  ABEL GRATIS has set up a temporary sign-up account which will enable you
to make your initial connection to the Internet.

Please use the Abel Dialer software and the temporary sign-up account
details below:

Modem number: 0845 662 1043
Account name:     signup
Password:           signup
Visit: http://www.abelgratis.com

Now visit http://www.abelgratis.com to sign up for your FREE personalised Internet connection for life.

During the sign-up procedure you will be asked to choose an account name. This will also form your e-mail address and, if applicable, web site address.

Please note that upon completing the sign-up procedure, you should use your chosen account details and NOT the temporary account details above.
It will be necessary to go back to your temporary settings and change them for your new chosen account name and password.
Please allow up to one hour for your account to become fully operational.


B)  In order to automatically setup a Dial-Up Networking profile with the above details please click here.  When prompted please select 'Run this program from its Current Location'.  Now you can dial in from choosing Abel Gratis  from Dial-Up Networking.  All you have to do is to connect to our website and setup your own account.

Please note that upon completing the sign-up procedure, you should use your chosen account details and NOT the temporary account details above.
It will be necessary to go back to your temporary settings and change them for your new chosen account name and password.
Please allow up to one hour for your account to become fully operational.

For your e-mail address, you can have an unlimited number of names, all with the same ending - your account name.

For example, if you chose abelgratis.com as your e-mail domain ending and bloggs.abelgratis.com as your account name, then you could use any of the following

e-mail addresses:



C)  Simply phone Abel Gratis. A member of our friendly staff will set up your new FREE Internet for life account and explain just how easy Abel Gratis is to use.

Your new FREE account will be set up within minutes.

Telephone number: 0906 680 4444

Please note that this file is best viewed in Internet Explorer  and Netscape Navigator 3 or above