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Cancel quitFromHome homeBook leaveSystem send quitFromTOC toolbook homeBook TOC Selection buttonUp buttonUp nextTOCpage buttonUp buttonUp myEnabled TOC Selection 4homeBook ><> " B"); xmyEnabled "Sorry, that section has xyet been added." doRemoteCmd (" goSection" && mhShow tmpList v"); mhInitPage excludeTab tonUp mhShow buttonUp mhInitPage buttonUp button myEnabled Sorry, that section has not yet been added. doRemoteCmd send goSection homeBook mhShow button rectangle rectangle tmpList mhInitPage button tmpList Startup myEnabled myEnabled Index $1O!/ "Index" buttonUp buttonUp Index myEnabled Index Index myEnabled myEnabled myEnabled myEnabled myEnabled myEnabled myEnabled myEnabled false myEnabled myEnabled false nextTOCpage buttonUp buttonUp myEnabled :PHYSSIZE Software Demos Multimedia PC Anti-Virus Solutions CD ROM Directory Commentary HighFive Interactions NAUTILUS Letters Press Room index (x = keyEnter); 4homeBook oselectedTextLines doRemoteCmd (" goSection" && keyUp buttonUp keyUp buttonUp buttonUp doRemoteCmd send goSection homeBook Index to content on this issue of NAUTILUS... (click any item to go directly to that page)))))))) return default enterButton leaveButton buttonup enterButton leaveButton buttonup default myEnabled Return index (x = (x = doRemoteCmd what 4nautWindow ()); "ToolBook" goNautWindow() 4nautHandle, tempList "NAUTILUS Startup, Link" nautID fNameList "startup.tbk,link. nautBook = 0) findWindow(0, = 0) "Unable locate Please asure " && \ xminimized restart your showWindow( = 0) ()); setActiveWindow( 4homeBook, should be only generated entered %a 2nd instance X"user" "Couldn't load USER.EXE" & try restarting "xxx" c"File" c"Edit" c"Text" c"Page" c"Help" quitFromTOC"; handler received remotely quits quitFromHome -- so mhInit mhInitPage mhSaveAs -- traps ( older versions) doSwitch setNautHandle initTOC enterSystem leaveButton leaveSystem quitFromHome keyDown mhInit enterButton mhInitPage doSwitch doRemoteCmd setNautHandle initTOC nautWindow goNautWindow enterButton rectangle leaveButton rectangle keyDown doRemoteCmd nautWindow ToolBook goNautWindow nautWindow nautWindow NAUTILUS Startup,NAUTILUS Link nautID startup.tbk,link.tbk nautBook findWindow Unable to locate NAUTILUS book. Please make sure it is not minimized or restart from your NAUTILUS Startup book. showWindow fNameList tempList nautHandle nautWindow goNautWindow nautWindow showWindow setActiveWindow nautHandle enterSystem findWindow setActiveWindow showWindow Couldn't load USER.EXE Please try restarting NAUTILUS. nautWindow sizeToPage homeBook nautHandle nautWindow leaveSystem doRemoteCmd send quitFromTOC homeBook quitFromHome homeBook mhInit mhInitPage gmhSaveAs mhInitPage doSwitch setNautHandle initTOC 2WVVVVW V2,-,-2,3P32-23VV2 ,-2,3,2-,, 3,322-2-22,3,2323 WWWWWWW ]W23233232332 2WV2W 3V32,2 WVWWV3,3, 32,3,23 ,-2,V33 222-22, -32-22WW 3WW]W 3,3,23,322333323WW3W 2,22, VVWW]W ,2332V WVV2, ]]WW^]W ,,22WW +2WVW +,2W3VW] ,22WV2 ,2VWW 2,2WVW] **,3VW 2,W3V XW]W] ^^W^] ^^]WW^ ^W]W] ^^]W] ^]WW] WW^]W] ^]WW] ^W^W^ ^WW3]W W^W^W]^ ^2,WW ^^W2W ^^W^WW ^]W]WW]WW ]]W3W]] ^^W2WW X]W]W] ]W]X22V3W ^W233WV ^X]^WW] 332,3WV]W ^W^W] WX]W]WW ^W^]W2W] ^^W3233W W322,2 W]WX2W ^]]^WW ^W]W]+** W3WW]^ ^]W32W ^WX]VW ^W^W^ ^]WW]^ 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Sound Bytes & MIDI Photography & Images **aggy index index (x = keyEnter); 4homeBook oselectedTextLines doRemoteCmd (" goSection" && keyUp buttonUp keyUp buttonUp buttonUp doRemoteCmd send goSection homeBook Index to content on this issue of NAUTILUS... (click any item to go directly to that page)))))))) return default enterButton leaveButton buttonup enterButton leaveButton buttonup default myEnabled Return & :PHYSSIZE Subscribe to NAUTILUS How to subscribe The NAUTILUS Concept Publish on NAUTILUS Games & Entertainment Introduction The Animal Game - Version 1. Checkers Chomp for Windows Islands of Danger (v3.2) Jumpman Lives Neko WinJack Education A Word To Parents The JEdI Project The Hypermedia Book EdLINC HyperSpace From Windham Hill ... About From Windham Hill ... A Word From Windham Hill ... 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Eyes Flipped IcoFrite WinRoach The Bug Interactions TriGem NAUTILUS Letters Letters to NAUTILUS Using NAUTILUS Submissions to NAUTILUS Modem Difficulties Subscriber Testimonials Press Room About the Press Room Newsbytes Reports Events Calendar NAUTILUS Help