BulletProof FTP 2.40 Author: BulletProof Software Program Type: Shareware Un excellent client FTP. File Description: BulletProof FTP can download files in any order from any directory on an FTP site, automatically reconnect and resume from where it left off if the connection is lost or no data is received for a specified period of time, browse the FTP site from the cache while offline or transferring, and even list hidden files. Leech mode allows you to quickly download files from servers that have a specified time limit for downloading. Bullet Proof FTP can disconnect, reconnect, and keep downloading automatically when your download credit runs out. If you set BulletProof to monitor the clipboard, it can instantly connect in the background to a URL you copy and start transferring files. With BulletProof you can queue files on more than one site for download. It also offers proxy/firewall support, HTTP downloading with support for redirected URLs, local file listing with rename, delete, make directory support, imported site listings from Cute FTP, WS_FTP, and FTP Explorer, vRemote mirroring, and a Windows9x style file finding ability.