Newman Haas Racing readme for Internet demo ============================================= This version is cut down to reduce downlaoding time. The final version will have many more features and specifications. Also note that this version is set up for a typcial machine as it has no front end to select the preferences. For the retail version there will be more detail on high spec machines and it will faster on low spec machines with less detail. PowerVR users ------------------- You must have the latest drivers or the game will not look as good as it should. Direct X & Glide --------------------- You will need Direct X 5. The file "glide2x.dll" is needed to run the 3dfx version. This should already be in your windows/system directory if you have a 3dfx card installed. Manually uninstalling ----------------------- Ther are a number of reasons why you may need to manually uninstall. Always try the Add/Remove Programs application in the Control Panel. If for any reason this fails you should be ok to delete the files in the main newmanhaas folder (with newhass.exe in it) and ideally delete the registry entries in regedit under: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PSYGNOSIS\STUDIO33\NEWMANHAAS N.b. Only delete the Newman Hass folder and its contents. You should also delete the start menu shortcuts to Newman Hass under: WINDOWS\START MENU\PROGRAMS\PSYGNOSIS\NEWMAN HAAS N.b. Again only delete the Newman Hass folder and its contents. Enjoy .. (c) Psygnosis / Studio 33 Ltd