1 Outwars 10 Infantry Suit 11 Scout Suit 12 Combat Suit 13 Assault Suit 14 Dreadnaut Suit 15 Infantry 16 Scout 17 Combat 18 Assault 19 Dreadnaut 20 Free For All 21 Assassin 22 Smear the Cyborg 23 Team War 24 Capture the Flag 25 Combat Basketball 26 Unknown 27 Empty 30 Yes 31 No 32 Ready To Join 33 Needs a Password 34 Game is Full 35 Game is Locked Out 36 Unknown Game Session 37 Wrong Network Version 38 Press 'F5' to refresh the Session List. 40 Outwars Player 41 Outwars Network Game 50 Blue 51 Red 52 None 60 No Status 61 Connected 62 Ready 63 Rejected 64 In Game 65 Dead 66 Paused 67 Reloading 68 H 70 Mikhal's World 71 Oasis 72 Anubis 73 Ragnarok 74 Juggernaut 75 Dead World 80 Planet 81 Description 82 Game Type 83 Max Players 84 Player Regen 85 Pickup Regen 86 Open Game 87 Tracker On 88 Target ID's On 89 Tech Level 100 Rocket Pod 101 Frag Grenade 102 Guided Missile 103 Napalm Grenade 104 ECM Grenade 105 Swarm Missile 106 Cluster Grenade 107 Fuel-Bonding Missile 110 Timed Mine 111 Proximity Mine 112 Remote Mine 120 Auto-Rifle 121 Flame Thrower 122 Flechette Cannon 123 Gauss Cannon 130 Code Name 131 Planet 132 Description 133 GameType 134 Max Players 135 Player Regen 136 Pickup Regen 137 Tracker On 138 Target IDs On 139 Alt. Scoring 140 Tech Level 150 OFF 151 ON 152 LOW 153 MEDIUM 154 HIGH 155 50 PERCENT 156 75 PERCENT 157 100 PERCENT 158 You : 160 HEALTHY 161 INJURED 162 DEAD 163 Verdana Bold 164 10 165 12 166 14 167 6 168 7 169 8 170 You can't start a mission with these teammates. Please reassign your team. 171 VERDANAB.TTF 172 500 173 500 174 500 175 Microsoft SideWinder game pad 176 Microsoft SideWinder 3D Pro 177 Microsoft SideWinder Precision Pro 178 Player %1!i!'s Kills 179 Player %1!i!'s Damage 180 Keycard Required 181 Hostname : %1 182 Alias : %1 183 IP Address : %1 184 System 185 : 186 All 187 Team 188 M 189 F 190 X 191 Team 1 (Blue) 192 Team 2 (Red) 193 %1's Kills 194 %1's Damage 195 Player %1!i! 197 N/A 198 Blue 199 Red 200 Wallace J., GSGT 201 Wendigo M. 202 Williams E. 203 Elkington H. 204 Ramirez A. 205 Kalinsky R. 206 Deiter H. 207 Menunzo J. 208 Miller T. 210 Pappy 211 Hurley-Bird 212 Snowflake 213 Bubba 214 La Diabla 215 Touchdown 216 Silence 217 Highball 218 Cool Breeze 219 Player 221 Forward 222 Reverse 223 Turn Left 224 Turn Right 225 Slide Left 226 Slide Right 227 Pitch Down 228 Pitch Up 229 Bank left 230 Bank Right 231 Roll Left 232 Roll Right 233 Jet Pack / Jump 234 Walk Modifier 235 Glider Wing 236 Fire Weapon 237 Next Weapon 238 Previous Weapon 239 Select Weap1 240 Select Weap2 241 Select Weap3 242 Select Weap4 243 Select Weap5 244 Select Weap6 245 Fire Weapon 1 246 Fire Weapon 2 247 Fire Weapon 3 248 Fire Weapon 4 249 Fire Weapon 5 250 Fire Weapon 6 251 Lock-on Target 252 Unlock Target 253 Aim Up 254 Aim Down 255 Aim Left 256 Aim Right 257 Center Aim 258 Aim Modifier 259 Aim Toggle 260 Next Camera 261 Previous Camera 262 1st Person Cam 263 Near View Cam 264 Far View Cam 265 Helicopter Cam 266 Drop Cam 267 Camera Up 268 Camera Down 269 Camera Left 270 Camera Right 271 Center Camera 272 Camera Modifier 273 Helmet Light 274 Tracker 275 Map 276 HUD 277 Mission Summary 278 Command Menu 279 Network Score 280 Network Talk 281 Team Talk 282 Inc Viewport 283 Dec Viewport 300 None 301 Button0 302 Button1 303 Button2 304 Button3 305 Button4 306 Button5 307 Button6 308 Button7 309 Button8 310 Button9 311 Button10 312 Button11 313 Button12 314 Button13 315 Button14 316 Button15 317 Button16 318 Button17 319 Button18 320 Button19 321 Button20 322 Button21 323 Button22 324 Button23 325 Button24 326 Button25 327 Button26 328 Button27 329 Button28 330 Button29 331 Button30 332 Button31 333 Right 334 Left 335 Backward 336 Forward 337 Throttle Forward 338 Throttle Reverse 339 Rx Positive 340 Rx Negative 341 Ry Positive 342 Ry Negative 343 Rudder Right 344 Rudder Left 345 POV Hat Up 346 POV Hat Down 347 POV Hat Left 348 POV Hat Right 349 POV Hat Centered 400 None 401 Right 402 Left 403 Reverse 404 Forward 405 Button1 406 Button2 407 Button3 500 None 501 Escape 502 1 503 2 504 3 505 4 506 5 507 6 508 7 509 8 510 9 511 0 512 Minus (-) 513 Equal (=) 514 Backspace 515 Tab 516 Q 517 W 518 E 519 R 520 T 521 Y 522 U 523 I 524 O 525 P 526 [ 527 ] 528 Enter 529 Left Ctrl 530 A 531 S 532 D 533 F 534 G 535 H 536 J 537 K 538 L 539 ; 540 ' 541 ` 542 Left Shift 543 Backslash 544 Z 545 X 546 C 547 V 548 B 549 N 550 M 551 , 552 . 553 / 554 Right Shift 555 * 556 Left Alt 557 Space 558 Caps Lock 559 F1 560 F2 561 F3 562 F4 563 F5 564 F6 565 F7 566 F8 567 F9 568 F10 569 Num Lock 570 Scroll Lock 571 KP7 572 KP8 573 KP9 574 KP- 575 KP4 576 KP5 577 KP6 578 KP+ 579 KP1 580 KP2 581 KP3 582 KP0 583 KP. 584 Prt Scrn 585 Alt Tab 586 56 587 F11 588 F12 589 59 590 5A 591 5B 592 5C 593 5D 594 5E 595 5F 596 60 597 61 598 62 599 63 600 64 601 65 602 66 603 67 604 68 605 69 606 6A 607 6B 608 6C 609 6D 610 6E 611 6F 612 70 613 71 614 72 615 73 616 74 617 75 618 76 619 77 620 78 621 79 622 7A 623 7B 624 7C 625 7D 626 7E 627 7F 628 80 629 81 630 ! 631 @ 632 # 633 $ 634 % 635 ^ 636 & 637 * 638 ( 639 ) 640 _ 641 + 642 8E 643 8F 644 Q 645 W 646 E 647 R 648 T 649 Y 650 U 651 I 652 O 653 P 654 { 655 } 656 KP Enter 657 Right Ctrl 658 A 659 S 660 D 661 F 662 G 663 H 664 J 665 K 666 L 667 : 668 " 669 ~ 670 AA 671 | 672 Z 673 X 674 C 675 V 676 B 677 N 678 M 679 < 680 > 681 KP/ 682 B6 683 Sys Req 684 Right Alt 685 B9 686 BA 687 BB 688 BC 689 BD 690 BE 691 BF 692 C0 693 C1 694 C2 695 C3 696 C4 697 C5 698 C6 699 Home 700 Up Arrow 701 Page Up 702 CA 703 Left Arrow 704 CC 705 Right Arrow 706 CE 707 End 708 Down Arrow 709 Page Down 710 Insert 711 Delete 712 D4 713 D5 714 D6 715 D7 716 D8 717 D9 718 DA 719 Left Win Key 720 Right Win Key 721 App Menu 722 DE 723 DF 724 E0 725 E1 726 E2 727 E3 728 E4 729 E5 730 E6 731 E7 732 E8 733 E9 734 EA 735 EB 736 EC 737 ED 738 EE 739 EF 740 F0 741 F1 742 F2 743 F3 744 F4 745 F5 746 F6 747 F7 748 F8 749 F9 750 FA 751 FB 752 FC 753 FD 754 FE 755 FF 800 Outwars - Network Message 801 PLAYER REJECTED!!! \nThe Host player has removed you from the game. 802 Outwars could not find any network providers on your system.. 803 Outwars could not join the selected network session. Please refresh and try agian. 804 Outwars could not create a network game session. 805 You must have the Outwars CD1 in the drive to host a network game. 806 You do not have enough CDs to play the current network game. You must have at least 1 CD for every 3 players. 807 The Player count has exceeded the maximum set in the Mission Setup. Please adjust the count or remove players. 850 Press key to set functionality. 851 Press button or move joystick to set functionality. 852 Press button or move mouse quickly to set functionality. 853 Press F2 to set to None. 854 Press F3 to reset to Default. 855 CONFLICTS 856 %1 is also mapped to %2. 857 Set throttle to neutral to remap joy-stick. 858 KEYBOARD 859 MOUSE 860 JOYSTICK 870 This will overwrite a saved game. 871 You have not saved this campaign. 872 Press f2 to replay with the same settings. 900 DPERR_USERCANCEL 901 DPERR_UNSUPPORTED 902 DPERR_UNAVAILABLE 903 DPERR_TIMEOUT 904 DPERR_OUTOFMEMORY 905 DPERR_NOSESSIONS 906 DPERR_NOPLAYERS 907 DPERR_NONAMESERVERFOUND 908 DPERR_NOMESSAGES 909 DPERR_NOCONNECTION 910 DPERR_NOCAPS 911 DPERR_INVALIDPLAYER 912 DPERR_INVALIDPARAMS 913 DPERR_INVALIDOBJECT 914 DPERR_INVALIDFLAGS 915 DPERR_GENERIC 916 DPERR_EXCEPTION 917 DPERR_CAPSNOTAVAILABLEYET 918 DPERR_CANTCREATEPLAYER 919 DPERR_CANTADDPLAYER 920 DPERR_BUSY 921 DPERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL 922 DPERR_ALREADYINITIALIZED 923 DPERR_ACTIVEPLAYERS 924 DPERR_ACCESSDENIED 925 DPERR_UNKNOWN 1001 Personnel 1002 Armor 1003 Weapons 1004 Vehicles 1005 Enemy Creatures 1006 Enemy Equipment 1007 Miscellaneous 1008 Credits 1101 Kilgore, J. 1102 Becker, J. 1103 Captain N. Hackett 1104 1st Lt. T. Wray 1105 Captain Russell 1106 Wallace J., GSGT 1107 Wendigo M. 1108 Williams E. 1109 Elkington H. 1110 Ramirez A. 1111 Kalinsky R. 1112 Deiter H. 1113 Menunzo J. 1114 Miller T. 1201 Overview 1202 IA-4 Infantry Suit 1203 PA-9 Scout Suit 1204 PA-11 Combat Suit 1205 PAX-15 Assault Suit 1206 PAX-21 Dreadnaut Suit 1301 Pulse Rifle 1302 Autorifle 1303 Flame Thrower 1304 Flechette Cannon 1305 Gauss Cannon 1306 Frag Grenade 1307 Cluster Grenade 1308 Napalm Grenade 1309 ECM Grenade 1310 Rocket Pod 1311 Guided Missile 1312 Swarm Missile 1313 Fuel-Bonding Missile 1314 Proximity Mine 1315 Remote Mine 1316 Timed Charge Mine 1401 Phoenix 1402 Ulysses 1403 Dropship 1404 Avenger Fighter 1405 Pilum Tank 1406 Combat Transport 1407 Mining Vehicle 1408 Harbringer SAM 1501 Intelligence Information 1502 Laborer 1503 Defender 1504 Spawn 1505 Hopper 1506 Assassin 1507 Flyer 1508 Shredder 1509 Berserker 1510 Royal Guard 1511 Queen 1512 Mastermind 1601 Strike Fighter 1602 Transport Craft 1603 Juggernaut 1604 Gun Turret 1605 Blaster Weapon 1606 Explosive Grenade 1607 Explosive Mortar 1608 Swarm Gun 1609 Spine Gun 1610 Shock Gun 1611 Rocket Weapon 1612 Claw Missile 1613 Crystal Missile 1701 Earth 1702 Oasis 1703 Ragnarok 1704 Mikhal's World 1705 Novus Prime 1706 Anubis 1707 Hobb's Colony 1708 Colonial Defense Force 1709 Strike Fleet Omega 1710 Colonial Jump Corps 1801 SingleTrac 1802 Microsoft 1803 Outwars Team 1804 Kirk 1805 Brad 1806 Jay 1807 Microsoft++ 1808 Hao 1809 Scott 1810 1. If it moves, shoot it! 1811 Operation Body Count 1812 Last Man Standing 1813 2. Be the last to survive. 1814 2. If it shoots back, dodge. 1815 Your target is shown in red. 1816 Your target has been killed by another player. 1820 Player %1!i! (%2) is in the lead with %3!i! points. 1821 Team %1 is in the lead with %2!i! points. 1822 ** GAME OVER ** 1823 The Score Limit (%1!i!) has been reached. 1824 Player %1!i! (%2) has won the game! 1825 You have won the game! 1826 You Loose. Better luck next time. 1827 Pick it up, you're losing... 1828 Game Time Expired... Game Exiting. 1829 Press 'N' to get target list. 1830 Mission Objective : 1831 1. Seek and destroy target. 1832 Your target is %1. 1833 Player %1!i! (%2) has terminated their target. 1834 You WIN! You are the sole survivor! 1835 Congratulations, you have terminated your target. 1836 Seek out and destroy your new target. 1837 Assigned Target 1838 There can be only one 1839 3. Kill the Cyborg. 1840 1. Get Cyborg Ball. 1841 2. Don't get killed. 1842 Player %1!i! (%2) has become the Cyborg. 1843 Player %1!i! (%2) has killed the Cyborg! 1844 You are winning the game! 1850 The Blue Team is in the lead! 1851 The Red Team is in the Lead! 1852 1. There are 2 teams. 1853 2. Kill the other team. 1854 on your base to score. 1860 1. Capture opponent's flag. 1861 2. Return flag to your base. 1862 3. Your flag must be 1863 The %1 Flag has been taken. 1864 The %1 Flag has been restored. 1865 The %1 Team has captured the %2 flag. 1866 The %1 team has recovered their flag. 1867 You cannot take your own flag from its base! 1868 The %1 Flag has been returned to its base. 1869 Your flag must be on your base to score a capture. 1870 1. Get the Basketball 1871 2. Shoot the ball into the goal to score. 1872 3. Stop opponents from scoring. 1873 Player %1!i! (%2) has scored a goal for the %3 team! 1874 You have scored a goal!!!! 1875 Score!!! 1876 Player %1!i! (%2) has killed self. 1878 The ball has regenerated. 1879 Fumble!!! Ball knocked loose. 1880 Player %1!i! (%2) has left the game. 1881 Player %1!i! (%2) has entered the game. 1882 Player %1!i! (%2) was killed by %3. 1883 Waiting for %1!i! players. 1884 Waiting for players 1885 Waiting for players. 1886 Waiting for players.. 1887 Waiting for players... 1900 This session requires a password to join. 1901 This session is FULL and cannot be joined. 1902 This session has been disabled and cannot be joined. 1903 This is not an Outwars session and cannot be joined. 1904 Version ERROR, the version you are using is not the same as the version the host is running. 1905 Network Error Joining a Session 1906 Time Remain 1950 Network Cheat Codes Enabled 1951 Network Cheat Codes Disabled. 1952 The next time someone asks if you're a god, you say YES! 1953 Reduced to a mere mortal 1954 You are immortal ! 1955 There can be only one. 1956 Thrasher Mode Activated - Let the hunt begin 1957 Power drain - Thrasher Mode Deactivated 1958 Go ahead, make my day - Unlimited Weapons On 1959 License Revoked - Unlimited Weapons OFF 1960 Hooooah, Load me up! 1961 Sneaker Mode Enabled 1962 Sneaker Mode Disabled 1963 Mega Guns Enabled 1964 Mega Guns Disabled 1965 Unlimited Jetpack Enabled 1966 Unlimied Jetpack Disabled 1967 Weapon Optic Link Enabled 1968 Weapon Optic Link Disabled 1969 To infinity, and beyond! - Glider Mode Enabled 1970 Glider Mode Disabled 1971 Snip! Snip! Ouch! Animation Gender Change 1972 Mission Timer Has Stopped! 1973 Mission Timer Restarted! 1974 Player Reset to Start Position 1975 Win Mission Cheat Activated! 1976 Frame Rate Counter Enabled 1977 Frame Rate Counter Disabled 1978 Go Derek!!! 1979 Singletrac Rules! 20000 Just say the word, kid. 20001 I'm good to go over here. 20002 Hey Kid, can I shoot? 20010 Here they come. 20011 I'm under attack here. 20012 How about a little help here, kid? 20020 I'm getting scratched up pretty badly, kid. 20021 Suit's taking some damage, junior. 20022 I think I've got a new scar or two for my collection. 20030 These old bones can't take much more of this. 20031 There's not a lot of kick left in me now, kid. 20032 My armor's just barely holding together. 20040 Sorry, kid, but I know when I'm beat. 20041 Call the medic! I'm going down! 20042 I've given all I got, kid. There's nothing left. 20050 ARRRRGGGH! 20060 I've got enemies on my radar. 20061 I've sighted some new targets. 20062 Things could get nasty here. Watch yourself, slick. 20070 I'll get it for you, junior. 20071 Roger that. I'm on it. 20072 Ok, time to smell the napalm. 20080 Time for an old dog to show you some new tricks. 20081 I'm ready for action. 20082 Time to mix it up, eh kid? 20090 Forming up. 20091 I'm returning to formation. 20092 Good idea. Let's pull it together. 20100 Holding steady. 20101 Roger that, I'm holding my position. 20102 Affirmative, kid. Holding here. 20110 Falling back as ordered. 20111 I'm pulling back, kid. 20112 A wise soldier knows when to run like hell. 20120 Safety's on until you say, kid. 20121 Holding fire until further notice. 20122 Weapons cold, kid. 20130 Locked and loaded. 20131 Weapons hot, kid. 20132 Good thinking. Time to heat things up! 20140 Looks like we cleared 'em out. 20141 Radar's clear, kid 20142 Nothing hostile here that I can see. 20150 I might be old, but I can still hit 'em where it counts. 20151 Be advised - target destroyed. 20152 And they wanted to put me behind a desk. 20160 I'm getting too old for this. 20161 We need to tighten up our formation. 20162 Let's just accomplish the objective and get out of here. 20170 Watch it, kid, I'm in your line of fire. 20171 I said, watch your fire! 20172 That's it, kid - it's too late for 'sorry'. 21000 Come on, cut me loose, chief! 21001 May I kill something, please? 21002 I am achin' to fry me some bacon. 21010 There's a fireworks show here and it ain't the 4th of July. 21011 I'm gettin' shot at here! 21012 Ooh! I'm gonna feel that one in the morning. 21020 I'm hurt here, chief, got any antiseptic? 21021 Ow...ow...ow...ow...ow... 21022 Oh, I'm hit, but 'tis but a flesh wound! 21030 It hurts, chief. It hurts! 21031 I'm running out of blood to donate. 21032 A trip to the infirmary is sounding pretty good right about now. 21040 That's all she wrote, chief. 21041 Sorry man, but I'm down and out for this one. 21042 Anybody besides me hear a fat lady singing? 21050 ARRGGHH! 21060 Skulls on my screen. 21061 Chief, I've got incoming bad guys. 21062 Who invited these guys to the party? 21070 Come to poppa! 21071 You want fries with that? 21072 Roger Doger. I'm off to nail the puppy. 21080 Lighting it up, chief. 21081 Roger that. I'm engaging. 21082 Time to crack a few skulls. 21090 What, you feeling lonely, chief? 21091 Good - it's getting boring out here. 21092 On my way. 21100 I'm not going anywhere. 21101 Roger that, chief. I'm holding here. 21102 Consider my ass planted. 21110 Let's pull back and get our act together. 21111 I'm covering my ass, chief. 21112 It's not a bug-out, it's a forced reverse march. 21120 I hear you. The safety is on. 21121 What am I supposed to do - swear at 'em? 21122 Can I at least give 'em the finger? 21130 My finger's itchin'. 21131 I am hot and ready to fire. 21132 I am hot and ready to fire. 21140 That's it for the monsters on my scope, chief. 21141 Nothing but guts left here. 21142 Bang. Bang. You're all dead. 21150 Frosted that cupcake. 21151 Ka-boom! Target is splattered. 21152 Oooh- ahhh- pretty. Target destroyed. 21160 I wonder if Pizza Shack delivers out here? 21161 Say, boss, I ever tell you how cute you are in that suit? 21162 Ooh, I shouldn't have had that burrito for breakfast. 21170 Ow! Was it something I said, chief? 21171 Whose side you on, man? 21172 Sorry, man, but you asked for it. 22000 Might I fire? 22001 With your permission, I'd like to open fire. 22002 I request the opportunity to return fire. 22010 I'm in a bit of a spot. 22011 These blokes are shooting at me. 22012 I am being fired upon. 22020 I seem to be drawing my fair share of fire. 22021 I would really appreciate a bit of covering fire. 22022 These chaps aren't letting up on me. 22030 I'm getting bloody well banged up. 22031 I'm hurt rather badly now. 22032 I'm not doing too jolly well right now. 22040 My apologies, but I'm of no use to you now. 22041 I can't carry on without some medical attention. 22042 I can't move my legs. I might be done for. 22050 ARRRGGH! 22060 I do believe that we have contact with the enemy. 22061 My radar is picking up some distinctly non-friendly signals. 22062 I've located hostiles. 22070 Obeying your instructions and attacking your target. 22071 I'll see to it at once. 22072 Consider it done. 22080 Indeed, I am ready for some action. 22081 Engaging as per your directions. 22082 I'll get the buggers. 22090 I'll be there presently. 22091 Forming up as instructed. 22092 I'll be at your position in a jiffy. 22100 I'm holding position. 22101 I shan't leave this spot. 22102 I'll stay here if you insist. 22110 Quite right - pulling back. 22111 You'll get no argument from me. 22112 Perhaps we should find a bit of cover. 22120 As you wish. Holding fire. 22121 Holding my fire. 22122 Now where was the safety again? 22130 I shall fire as appropriate. 22131 I am now ready to fire. 22132 Thank you! 22140 Well, I can't say that I see anything hostile nearby. 22141 My tracker is clear of enemies now. 22142 It appears that we've done in the lot of them. 22150 I've see to the target as requested. 22151 I'm pleased to report the target dispatched. 22152 Night-night, sweet dreams. 22160 I don't suppose we have time for a cup of tea? 22161 Beautiful spot for a firefight, wouldn't you say? 22162 This is becoming quite the expedition, isn't it? 22170 Would you mind checking your aim, please? 22171 Stop shooting me, or I'll return fire! 22172 I don't know if you've gone daft, but I've had it. 23000 I'm hankering to shoot me something. 23001 Just let me at 'em. 23002 Hurry and sign my hunting permit. 23010 Uh, hey, I'm getting hit. 23011 They are shooting me. 23012 Damn, forgot my mosquito repellent - oh, that's bullets. 23020 I think I'm in a tangle, here. 23021 They're on me like white on rice! 23022 They got me treed. 23030 I don't like this. 23031 I'm bleeding pretty good, here. 23032 I'm walking like a three-legged dog. 23040 I think they've got the better of me. 23041 Sorry - you'll have to go on without me. 23042 This old dog can't hunt no more! 23050 ARRRGGH! 23060 My tracker is picking up some enemies. 23061 There's rats in the kitchen. 23062 Critters a comin'. 23070 No sweat. Consider it blowed up. 23071 I'll get it. Don't you worry none 'bout it. 23072 I'll squish 'em for you. 23080 Time to pick me a fight. 23081 I'm all loaded up and ready to go. 23082 I'm delivering the moonshine. 23090 I'm getting back in line now. 23091 Coming back to your side now. 23092 I'll be there as soon as I can. 23100 I'll stay right here. 23101 I ain't going nowheres. 23102 I'm sitting like a bullfrog on a log. 23110 I'm heading for cover. 23111 I don't like pulling back, but I do like breathing. 23112 Momma didn't raise no fools - I'm falling back. 23120 I won't shoot nothin'. 23121 I'm holding my fire. 23122 Got my hands in my pockets. 23130 I'll be firing at will. 23131 Ready to pop 'em good. 23132 Let this action figure do some damage. 23140 No more bad guys on my screen, now. 23141 The field's been blowed. 23142 Looks like a trailer park after a tornado. 23150 Okay, just finished up my business. 23151 The target blowed up real good. 23152 Job's done - got anything harder for me? 23160 Times like this I sure miss my momma. 23161 I ever told ya I learned to shoot hunting 'coons with my brothers? 23162 I still think this beats workin' in the mines. 23170 Ow! Should I get me an orange vest or something? 23171 Quit shooting at me right now! 23172 I ain't puttin' up with no more of this. 24000 Will you just turn me loose already? 24001 Hey, I'm ready to shoot! 24002 Can I open up on these bastards? 24010 I'm getting sprayed. 24011 I'm under attack! 24012 Some muchacho's trying to get my attention. 24020 I've taken a few here, but I'm O.K. 24021 Is that all they've got? 24022 I've got a few scratches, but nothing I can't handle. 24030 O.K. I'm starting to feel it now. 24031 I can't take a lot more of this. 24032 I'm getting shot up pretty bad. 24040 I've done all I can. Sorry. 24041 No mas. No mas. 24042 Ayuda me! 24050 ARRRGGHH! 24060 I've got skulls on my radar. 24061 Haha! Targets on my scope. 24062 Detecting new victims. 24070 I'll take care of it for you. 24071 No problemo! Consider it dead. 24072 Arriba! I'm off to rack up another kill! 24080 Going to mix it up! 24081 All right, let's rock! 24082 Time to dance! 24090 Joining you now. 24091 I'm forming up on your mark. 24092 You like some company? 24100 I've got it covered. 24101 I'm nice and steady here. 24102 Waiting like a bridesmaid. 24110 Okay, I'm backing up. 24111 I'm moving to safer ground. 24112 Gotta protect this fine derriere! 24120 I'll do my best to keep quiet. 24121 Holding fire. 24122 All right. No shooting 'til you say. 24130 I'm hot and ready to rock! 24131 Let's rip it up! 24132 Listo, jalisco! Vamonos! 24140 Nothing but dead meat on the radar. 24141 Looks like we sent 'em back to mama. 24142 Can't see nothing but skull muerto. 24150 Hasta la Vista! 24151 Chalk up another kill! The target is destroyed! 24152 You can give that target a big 'adios'. 24160 Let's Rock! 24161 Caramba! 24162 Caramba! 24170 That hit me. You be careful with that! 24171 Estupido! Watch your fire! 24172 I never thought I'd have to do this... 25000 Just give me the ball. 25001 I wanna put the hurt on somebody. 25002 Let me hit 'em right between the numbers. 25010 They're all over me! 25011 I'm under attack, coach! 25012 Oh man! I just got thumped! 25020 I'm taking a beating here. 25021 Where's my front line? I'm getting sacked. 25022 Good thing I'm wearing a cup. 25030 I'm hurt pretty bad, coach. 25031 I'm going on the disabled list. 25032 I think I might need a little more than my knee scanned. 25040 Sorry, coach. They've rung my bell. 25041 I gotta sit this one out. 25042 Someone's gonna have to carry me off the field. 25050 ARRRGGGH! 25060 My radar shows a new bunch of skulls incoming. 25061 Looks like we got some fighting ahead of us. 25062 Looks like the other team showed up after all. 25070 I'm all over 'em, coach. 25071 You've got it! 25072 I'm hitting them like a 250-pound fullback. 25080 Time to take the field. 25081 I'm engaging the enemy, coach. 25082 Time to get on the highlight reel. 25090 Heading back to the pack. 25091 Joining the huddle, coach. 25092 Coming back to formation. 25100 I'm digging in! 25101 Holding here, coach. 25102 I'm holding my place. 25110 Heading for the sidelines. 25111 Timeout's been called. 25112 I don't think the other team knows what a timeout is. 25120 Roger - not a shot, coach! 25121 I'm holding my fire. 25122 Taking a timeout. 25130 Ripped, roarin', and ready to go! 25131 Ready to snap the ball. 25132 Let's start this game. 25140 I think we blew the suckers clean off the field. 25141 My scope is clean, coach. 25142 Nothing left but a bunch of jockstraps. 25150 Touchdown! 25151 You can scratch that one out of their playbook. 25152 Don't think they'll be showing up for practice tomorrow. 25160 Oh man, I can't believe I'm doing this. 25161 Where's the cheerleaders? 25162 They got some nasty uniforms. 25170 Check the uniform, coach! I'm on your team. 25171 Don't shoot me, that's what the enemy's for! 25172 Okay, that does it. You've just been traded. 26000 I wish to silence the enemy. 26001 I hunger for blood. 26002 I request permission to fire. 26010 I am under fire. 26011 I've been hit. 26012 I am under attack. 26020 I am getting hurt. 26021 This is not good. 26022 Requesting assistance. 26030 I'm loosing blood. 26031 I'm hurt badly. 26032 I require support - very soon. 26040 I can't go any further. 26041 Ach! Verdamt. 26042 I'm incapacitated. 26050 ARRRGG! 26060 New targets confirmed. 26061 Enemy targets on scope. 26062 Hmmm...enemy contacts approaching. 26070 I will secure the objective. 26071 I will eliminate your target. 26072 I am attacking your target. 26080 Affirmative. Engaging. 26081 Ja, I'm hunting. 26082 Following your directive. Engagement commenced. 26090 Forming up as instructed. 26091 I'm returning to formation. 26092 I am returning. 26100 I am holding. 26101 Standing fast. 26102 I am still as a spider. 26110 Disengaging as ordered. 26111 Confirming disengagement. 26112 Time for a tactical reconsideration. 26120 I'm cold. 26121 Holding fire. 26122 Weapons disengaged. 26130 I'm hot. Just say the word. 26131 Safety off. 26132 I am ready. 26140 Negative signals on scope. 26141 The area has been sterilized, sir. 26142 All clear, sir. 26150 Target eliminated. 26151 Enemy asset neutralized. 26152 Target no longer functional. 26160 Com check...positive. 26161 Nothing further to report. 26162 Silence is golden. 26170 Verdammt! Check your fire. 26171 Stop shooting me or else. 26172 That is enough. 27000 I'm looking for a little action here! 27001 I want to aerate the suckers. 27002 Let me treat 'em with some zit cream. 27010 Incoming! 27011 Hey, who said they could shoot back? 27012 This being a target sucks. 27020 Hey - somebody get 'em off me! 27021 Hey, I could use some support here. 27022 Now I know what it feels like to them. 27030 I'm drawing too much fire! 27031 I'm hurt bad. 27032 Feels like the time I got whacked in the nards. 27040 I'm down and out. 27041 Don't let me die here. 27042 If you don't do something, I'm fertilizer. 27050 ARRRGGH! 27060 I've sighted some new skulls to crack! 27061 All right! Moving targets. 27062 Do all bad guys have bad breath, or is my nose just extra sensitive today? 27070 Consider it wasted! 27071 Get out your dustpan, I'm sweeping up. 27072 I'm giving it more attention than my girlfriend ever got. 27080 All right! Who wants some? 27081 I'm gonna welcome them to the neighborhood. 27082 Hello shoppers, we have a blue light special on lead. 27090 Afraid I won't leave you any? 27091 Returning to you now. 27092 Where are you? Oh, yeah. 27100 All right, but I can only sit for so long. 27101 My butt's planted. 27102 Just call me mannequin boy. 27110 It is getting a little hot here, ain't it? 27111 Hey, where's a concrete bunker when you need one? 27112 Hey - what's the zip code for Splitsville? 27120 The trigger's off, but my finger's still twitchin'! 27121 Safety? What's a safety? Just kidding. 27122 Got my bullet in my pocket, Anj. 27130 You just say and I'll pop the clutch. 27131 'Bout time. 27132 My hormones are raging. 27140 Not a thing left standing anywhere near here! 27141 Nobody's home. 27142 They must have had a wedding to go to. 27150 Target blown to hell. 27151 Nothing left but a grease spot. 27152 Spayed and neutered. 27160 Feel the rush, man... 27161 Marines. Go to exotic places, meet interesting beings, and kill them. 27162 Marines. Go to exotic places, meet interesting beings, and kill them. 27170 Hey! Do I look like a skull? Don't answer that. 27171 Ow! Hey, don't you like me anymore? 27172 You asked for it buddy. 28000 I'm ready for you to cut me loose. 28001 Hey, I'm still holding my fire here. 28002 Let me do the blasting thing. 28010 Yo - I think I felt something. 28011 Something just bounced off my armor. 28012 They're shooting with real bullets. 28020 They're throwing some nasty stuff my way. 28021 I'm hit, but I don't quit dancing that easily. 28022 I'm fine, but my suit's starting to look pretty sad. 28030 Okay, okay. Maybe I'm starting to feel it now. 28031 They got me good that time. 28032 I'm grinning, but I can't bear it. 28040 Sorry, boss, but I've got nothing left. 28041 Ugh - taking off my dancing shoes, now. 28042 I knew I should have bought disability insurance. 28050 ARRGGH! 28060 Aha, my next victims. 28061 I've pinpointed more pinheads. 28062 Looky there. A bunch of aliens with a death wish. 28070 Sure thing, boss. 28071 Let's dance. 28072 Kicking 'A' in a major way. 28080 I'll see you in a minute! 28081 Time to strut my stuff. 28082 I'm ruining my chances of being selected Miss Congeniality. 28090 Comin' back to you. 28091 On my way, boss. 28092 Back where I belong. 28100 Solid and steady! 28101 Not going anywhere. 28102 Prune juice can't move me, boss. 28110 I'm hopping on the train to elsewhere. 28111 Let's start this scene over. 28112 It's time to think in a different direction. Like backwards. 28120 I'm cool with that. 28121 I'll sit this dance out. 28122 Don't mind me. I'll just talk to them skulls while I wait... 28130 Time to party down! 28131 I just want to hear some gun music. 28132 I'm cocked and cocky. 28140 Looks like we mopped up. 28141 The janitors got a lot of work to do. 28142 Nothing showing at this drive-in. 28150 Target fried as prescribed. 28151 Signed. Sealed. Demolished. 28152 Now that was satisfying. Anything else you want killed? 28160 Damn! I'm slick! 28161 Piece of cake, man. 28162 Join the marines, they said. See the galaxy, they said. 28170 Hey! Watch your shooting! 28171 Save it for the enemy, all right? 28172 Okay! Let's see how you like it! 28173 Outwars CD Audio Error 28174 Outwars Movie Error 28175 Outwars DirectDraw Error 28176 Outwars DirectSound Error 28177 Outwars CDROM Error 28178 Outwars DirectPlay Error 28179 Outwars Network Error 28180 Outwars Error 28181 Another program has the CDAUDIO device locked.\n\nPlease quit any other running CDROM programs. Click RETRY to retry or click CANCEL to play without music. 28182 There is a problem with your CDAUDIO device.\n\nMake sure the CD is in the drive. Click RETRY to retry or click CANCEL to continue. 28183 An error occurred while trying to get a handle to the movie window.\n\nThis movie will not be played. 28184 An error occurred while trying to open the movie '%1'.\n\nThis movie will not be played. 28185 A DirectDraw object could not be created (code: %1!i!).\n\nYou may need to restart your computer and/or reinstall DirectX. 28186 The program tried changing to an unsupported video mode (mode: %1!i! x %2!i! in %3!i! bit color).\n\nPlease make sure your that your computer supports the minimum requirements. 28187 The program could not get a pointer to the back buffer (code: %1!i!).\n\nYou may need to restart your computer and/or reinstall DirectX. 28188 The program could not create a primary surface (code: %1!i!).\n\nYou may need to restart your computer and/or reinstall DirectX. 28189 The program could not create any back buffers (code: %1!i!).\n\nYou may need to restart your computer and/or reinstall DirectX. 28190 The program could not set the cooperative level (code: %1!i!).\n\nQuit any other DirectDraw programs and try running this game again. 28191 The program could not create a system memory buffer (code: %1!i!).\n\nTry quitting all other running programs and rerun this game. 28192 The program could not create a clipper object (code: %1!i!).\n\nProgram execution will continue. 28193 The program could not associate the clipper object with the GDI (code: %1!i!).\n\nProgram execution will continue. 28194 The program could not attach the clipper object to the primary surface (code: %1!i!).\n\nProgram execution will continue. 28195 DirectDraw does not appear to be supported.\n\nIf you are in 16 (4-bit) color mode, please change to at least 256 (8-bit) color mode. Program execution will terminate. 28196 There is no DirectDraw hardware support.\n\nThis may have been caused by changing the video card and not reinstalling DirectX or you may not have a video card installed that supports DirectDraw.\nTry reinstalling the game or getting a new DirectDraw video driver from your video card manufacturer. Program execution will terminate. 28197 DirectSound could not be initialized.\n\nThe game will continue without sound effects. 28198 The game disk is not in the CDROM drive.\n\nPlease insert the CDROM and click RETRY to retry or click CANCEL to quit the program. 28199 Please insert an Outwars CD and click OK. 28200 Unable to open %1.\nPlease insert an Outwars CD and click OK or click Cancel to ignore the error and continue. 28201 Fatal error!\n\nUnable to open %1.\nPlease insert an Outwars CD and click OK or click Cancel to quit Outwars. 28202 Could not open a DirectPlay game session.\nError Number : %1!d!\nError Description : %2. 28203 Could not open a DirectPlay game session.\nError Number : %1!d!\nError Description : %2. 28204 There was an error trying to enumerate players.\nError Number : %1!d!\nError Description : %2. 28205 There was an error trying to enumerate sessions.\nError Number : %1!d!\nError Description : %2. 28206 Could not creat a DirectPlay object with current provider.\nError Number : %1!d!\nError Description : %2\nProvider : %3. 28207 Network data search encountered an invalid link.\nError Number : %1!d! 28208 Network data requested is out of range.\nError Number : %1!d! 28209 Network could not resolve a player ID.\nPlayer Number : %1!d! 28210 The Network is not available.\nError Number : %1!d!\nError Description : %2 28211 Assertion failed at line %1!d! of file %2.\n\nPress Abort to quit the application.\nPress Retry to break in the debugger.\nPress Ignore to continue running the application. 28212 Please insert CD %1!i! and click OK. 28213 Please insert CD %1!i! and click OK or click Cancel to continue. 28214 Please insert CD %1!i! and click OK or click Cancel to quit Outwars. 28215 It appears the Audio Compression Manager (ACM) is not installed. Most Outwars audio will not be played.\n\nTo install Audio Compression:\nSelect Start from the Windows Task Bar.\nLaunch the Control Panel by selecting Settings/Control Panel.\nFrom the Control Panel, launch Add/Remove Programs.\nSelect the Windows Setup tab.\nHighlight the Multimedia selection.\nSelect the Details button.\nCheck the Audio Compression selection.\nClick OK to accept your selection.\nClick OK to begin installation and follow the prompts. You may be prompted to insert your Windows installation CD. 28216 Outwars Audio Compression Error 28217 Please insert an Outwars CD and click OK. 28218 Please insert an Outwars CD and click OK or click Cancel to continue. 28219 Please insert an Outwars CD and click OK or click Cancel to quit Outwars. 28220 %1\n\nAssertion failed at line %2!d! of file %3.\n\nPress Abort to quit the application.\nPress Retry to break in the debugger.\nPress Ignore to continue running the application. 28221 Outwars does not support all 3D cards. By enabling D3D, Outwars may not function properly and/or performance may suffer on some 3D cards. If you have problems, please try the latest drivers for your 3D card or contact your card manufacturer. 28222 Outwars Info 28223 Outwars is already running. 28300 Incorrect mission file version. Please convert it. 28301 (BLUE) Your team has won the mission! 28302 (Blue) Your team has lost the mission! 28303 (Red) Your team has won the mission! 28304 (Red) Your team has lost the mission! 28305 MISSION COMPLETE 28306 Mission Failure... Abort Immediately 28307 Bonus Objective Completed 28400 ECM CLOAK FAILING 28401 TRACKER ENHANCEMENT FAILING 28402 You fell to your death. 28403 Now within mission bounds. 28404 Pick-up is not required. 28405 Return to battlefield immediately. 28406 Medkit Acquired 28407 Armor Patch Kit Acquired 28408 Grenades Reloaded 28409 Mines Reloaded 28410 Rifle Attachment Reloaded 28411 Missiles Reloaded 28412 Tracker Signature Masked 28413 Keycard Acquired 28414 Tracker Enhanced 28415 H.U.D. Message Exceeded Bounds 28500 NAME: 28501 GOALS: 28502 KILLS: 28503 DAMAGE: 28504 SCORE: 28505 LATENCY: 28506 This Outwars Beta has expired. 30000 Alpha Leader, Command has declared the planet a total loss. 30001 Follow the blue diamonds on your Heads-Up Display. 30002 The beacons will direct you to your dropship. 30003 We're leaving in five minutes, with or without you. 30004 Glad to see you made it. You're the last one. 30005 We're bugging out. 30006 It's too hot to wait any longer. 30007 We'll try to swing back and pick you up. 30008 You have five minutes to hit the nav points on each of the platforms. 30009 The nav points appear as blue diamonds on your Heads-Up Display. 30010 You'll have to pause between some of the jumps to let your 30011 rocket-pack recharge. Good luck 30012 Good morning. Today begins your live weaponry training. 30013 We'll start you out on targets. There are three flare targets on your right, 30014 four pop-up targets, and one moving target on the track. 30015 Kill all eight, and we'll move to the final platform. 30016 Ok, now's where we separate the dreadnauts from the wannabes. 30017 You will be using simulated weaponry in combat against three 30018 of your teammates. After enough hits, your suit's power will be cut out, 30019 and you'll be considered `dead'. Good luck to all of you. 30020 Remember, this is live fire, so do not engage the instructor should you 30021 be unable to avoid detection. Proceed carefully to the first target. 30022 Keep low and don't get caught. 30023 Alpha team, we're suffering a minor technical glitch in 30024 today's exercise. We have an unknown aircraft entering 30025 the training area, and Sgt. Derkin is not checking in. Proceed 30026 to your new nav point and await further orders. 30027 The dropship is down near the southern platform. The sooner 30028 you get over there, the sooner we can get you out of there. 30029 You'll need to get to the far side of the base complex to 30030 get to the reactor tower. 30031 There are three cooling pods surrounding the reactor tower. 30032 Destroying them should make the reactor go critical in about two minutes. 30033 The glider wing pods are already boxed at the bottom of the 30034 freight elevator, but the door is locked. Find the access card 30035 and get there before the skulls do. 30036 This is the dropship `Prowler'. We have enemies advancing 30037 on our position. We need cover while we complete repairs. 30038 Engines repaired and functional. Thanks for your assistance 30039 Alpha. We are leaving. 30040 The LZ is clear, but we're picking up unidentified signals near 30041 your position. Stay sharp, sweep your nav points, and report 30042 back. We'll monitor you from here. 30043 Damn it! The skulls nailed the science team! 30044 We needed that data. Abort the mission. 30045 Alpha leader, we are under attack! Our engines are 30046 damaged... Requesting immediate assistance. 30047 This is Lieutenant Wray. The strike fleet has taken a beating up 30048 here. We've lost contact with Commander Hackett, and the Ulysses 30049 is going down. You'll have to get out of the crater on your own. 30050 Find Sgt. Ramirez and head out the passage on the north side. 30051 Alpha leader, engineering thinks that two of those timed charges 30052 on the shelf, by the landslide, should clear the way. 30053 Alpha leader, there should be an air vent right next to you. 30054 Blast the grate and go into the ventilation shaft. 30055 Alpha leader, the S&R team just spotted something big headed 30056 your way. Take it out, and get that data back to us. 30057 We have a hull breach on decks six and eight. Aliens are 30058 boarding the ship and heading towards engineering. 30059 All teams, stop them! 30060 The queen is deposed. Get back to the dropship, and 30061 let's get out of here. 30062 We detect a number of flyer patrols in your area. 30063 Stay away from them. 30064 The ventilation shaft to the rail gun is opening. Go inside now 30065 before they know what you're up to. 30066 There's no time to come back out the way you went in. 30067 Jump down the shaft. The inertial dampener should protect 30068 you. We'll pick you up on the way out. 30069 GROUND TRANSPORT HAS BEEN DESTROYED 30070 S.A.M. LAUNCH VEHICLE HAS BEEN DESTROYED 30071 You let the mastermind get away. We needed the information 30072 in that skull! Abort the mission. 30200 (A) Attack Target 30201 (E) Engage at Will 30202 (R) Rejoin Formation 30203 (H) Hold Position 30204 (W) Withdraw 30205 (F) Cease Fire 30206 (F) Fire at Will 31000 MID-GAME OPTIONS 31001 SOUND 31002 RESOLUTION 31003 VIEWPORT 31004 DETAIL 31005 CONTROLS 31006 EXIT MISSION (Alt+X) 31007 SOUND OPTIONS 31008 SOUND EFFECTS VOLUME 31009 WAV MUSIC VOLUME 31010 CD MUSIC VOLUME 31011 BACK 31012 RESOLUTION OPTIONS 31013 INCREASE RESOLUTION (Alt+PageUp) 31014 DECREASE RESOLUTION (Alt+PageDown) 31015 DEFAULT RESOLUTION 31016 SET RESOLUTION 31017 MID-GAME OPTIONS (PAUSED) 31018 VIEWPORT OPTIONS 31019 INCREASE VIEW 31020 DECREASE VIEW 31021 FULL SCREEN 31022 1/4 SCREEN 31023 DETAIL OPTIONS 31024 HIGH DETAIL (ALT+H) 31025 MEDIUM DETAIL (ALT+M) 31026 LOW DETAIL (ALT+L) 31027 VIEWPORT OPTIONS (PAUSED) 31028 EXIT MISSION? 31029 NO 31030 YES 31031 %1!i!x%2!i! 16-bit color 31032 Paused 31033 AUDIO CD TRACK 31034 SOUND OPTIONS (PAUSED) 31035 RESOLUTION OPTIONS (PAUSED) 31036 DETAIL OPTIONS (PAUSED) 31037 EXIT MISSION? (PAUSED) 31038 SWAP L/R AUDIO CHANNELS 31039 SWAPPED 31040 NOT SWAPPED 31041 Loading Textures... 31042 1 31043 Arial Bold 31044 ENABLE FOG (ALT+F) 31045 RESUME MISSION 31046 200 31047 72 31048 208 31049 80 31050 203 31051 75 31052 205 31053 77 31054 15 31055 0 31056 42 31057 54 31058 68 31059 0 31060 0 31061 0 31062 1 31063 0 31064 78 31065 78 31066 74 31067 74 31068 59 31069 0 31070 87 31071 0 31072 88 31073 0 31074 67 31075 0 31076 68 31077 0 31078 84 31079 183 31080 57 31081 0 31082 28 31083 156 31084 28 31085 156 31086 1 31087 0 31088 199 31089 71 31090 0 31091 0 31092 0 31093 0 31094 0 31095 0 31096 0 31097 0 31098 0 31099 0 31100 59 31101 0 31102 53 31103 0 31104 201 31105 73 31106 209 31107 81 31108 0 31109 0 31110 0 31111 0 31112 0 31113 0 31114 200 31115 72 31116 208 31117 80 31118 203 31119 75 31120 205 31121 77 31122 207 31123 79 31124 209 31125 81 31126 200 31127 72 31128 208 31129 80 31130 203 31131 75 31132 205 31133 77 31134 207 31135 79 31136 209 31137 81 31138 57 31139 76 31140 42 31141 54 31142 34 31143 0 31144 29 31145 157 31146 52 31147 211 31148 51 31149 210 31150 2 31151 0 31152 3 31153 0 31154 4 31155 0 31156 5 31157 0 31158 6 31159 0 31160 7 31161 0 31162 8 31163 0 31164 9 31165 0 31166 10 31167 0 31168 11 31169 0 31170 12 31171 0 31172 13 31173 0 31174 28 31175 156 31176 14 31177 55 31178 17 31179 0 31180 31 31181 0 31182 30 31183 0 31184 32 31185 0 31186 18 31187 0 31188 15 31189 0 31190 58 31191 0 31192 61 31193 0 31194 62 31195 0 31196 63 31197 0 31198 64 31199 0 31200 65 31201 0 31202 66 31203 0 31204 67 31205 0 31206 23 31207 0 31208 37 31209 0 31210 36 31211 0 31212 38 31213 0 31214 22 31215 0 31216 16 31217 0 31218 38 31219 0 31220 19 31221 0 31222 50 31223 0 31224 35 31225 0 31226 24 31227 0 31228 46 31229 0 31230 49 31231 0 31232 20 31233 0 31234 21 31235 0 31236 78 31237 0 31238 74 31239 0 31240 53 31241 0 31242 60 31243 0 31244 87 31245 0 31246 88 31247 0 31248 0 31249 0 31250 47 31251 0 31252 30 31253 0 31254 33 31255 0 31256 35 31257 0 31258 17 31259 0 31260 19 31261 0 31262 18 31263 0 31264 0 31265 0 31266 0 31267 0 31268 0 31269 0 31270 0 31271 0 31272 0 31273 0 31274 0 31275 0 31276 88 31277 0 31278 33 31279 201 31280 209 31281 45 31282 35 31283 50 31284 38 31285 2 31286 3 31287 4 31288 5 31289 6 31290 7 31291 8 31292 9 31293 10 31294 11