12/16/97 Tone Rebellion patch v1.22E README file. ***NOTE: This patch is for the ENGLISH language version of Tone Rebellion ONLY*** 1) Information This patch addresses all known bugs in the retail version of The Tone Rebellion. These include: - Several ASSERTS which would cause the program to appear to bomb back to windows. - Improved network performance. - Far Obtain spell crashes when not properly targeted. - Leviathan monsters being born fully aged. - Player inventory not being fully returned to the world when a player leaves a network game. The new file, FLOAT.EXE will replace your existing copy, so before you begin, you can either make a backup, or know that the original is on the cd-rom, in case you want to revert back to 1.20E. 2) Installation You should have downloaded a ZIP file, called tone122e.zip, that contains this README along with a new FLOAT.EXE. The new EXE file should have a size of 747,520 and Date 12/9/97 2:38p. If either size or date is incorrect, your download may have been unsuccessful and you should get the file again. Installation is quite simple, just extract the FLOAT.EXE file to the directory The Tone Rebellion resides in (C:\Program Files\Tone by default). That's it, just run the game normally. You can verify the new version is in place by checking it in the game with CTRL-V. The NEW version is 1.22E, the OLD version is 1.20E. If you still show the old version, the file is in the wrong place or missing. You can choose Start/Find.../Files or Folders to try and locate it, or just re-open the ZIP file and make sure FLOAT.EXE is put in the correct directory. There are no new functions or keystrokes in the game, this is designed as a maintenence release for stability/performance only. Any future suspected bugs should be reported to The Logic Factory's customer support department, either by email (support@logicfactory.com) or phone (408 625-1004). Please provide saved games and/or screen shots (CTRL-G) if possible. Thank you and we hope you continue to enjoy The Tone Rebellion -The Logic Factory