[101 To play using the telephone be sure to 1. Select the COM port for your modem. 2. Select the humans playing at this computer. Do not select those playing on the other computer. 3. Select the baud rate. A baud rate of 2400 is almost as fast as 9600 for the purpose of playing this game. 4. Click on help for call waiting. This is important. Note: The databits are preset to 8, the stopbits to 1 and parity to N. These parameters cannot be changed. [102 Just a reminder that your COM port, baud rate, and call waiting selection are saved to disk for future play. [103 Be careful with the call waiting selection. If you have call waiting, and someone calls you while using the modem, you will most likely have problems. Call your telephone company to find out if either #70 or *70 will disable call waiting for you. For example, Nevada Bell uses *70. If you have call waiting and can disable it, you should do the dialing. Do not attempt to disable call waiting if you are answering the call. Your program will crash. Do not use a disabling feature if you don't have call waiting. Your program will crash. [104 Only select the hands to be played on this computer. Only the proper hands will be shown face up on the individual screens. If more than one person is playing on this computer, just click on the back of your hand to have the cards shown face up. If playing the cards, click on the prompt in the upper right hand portion of the screen to have current player's hand (or declarer's hand when it is dummy's turn) shown face up. Note: When you click You Bid or You Play Cards, the computer will print on the other screen the people you show playing on the other computer. _______________________ The names of all human players must be entered under Options, screen top left. [105 This option is for those situations when more than one person is playing at the same computer. When bidding or playing the cards, click on the back of the cards to have the hand shown face up. Dummy's hand and computer hands are not affected. This option is not used with modem play. _____________________________________________ Checking the lower square in this box allows you to change your position around the table as well as instantly change the primary offensive bidding system. An icon will appear on the screen after the cards are played or after a bidding sequence has been completed. [106 When the computer is searching for a slam quality hand (for example), it counts the number of hands dealt and examined. This option reveals the number of hands screened to find the type of hand you requested. This option is for those who would like to know how often a particular type of hand is dealt. It only works when you select for Slam, Game or Better, Select Bids, or Select Contract under Hands in the menu bar at the top of the screen. ___________________________________________________ If you would like the computer to automatically play the singleton cards in a suit, check this square. Remove the check if you wish to play the singleton cards in your hand. [107 Click on this function to have the north, south, east, and west seating arrangement printed on the screen. [108 This option causes human player's names to be printed on the screen. There are no names for the hands played by the computer. ___________________________________________________ Select the suggest bid square if you would like to know what the computer would bid in an individual situation. When the square is showing click the square to find the bid. Click a second time to make the bid. [109 Click on the back of the deck desired, the face cards you like most, the table, and the background color of the screen you prefer. The computer does not show you your selection, but it does make the change for you. The items selected on this screen are all saved to disk for your convenience. [110 When playing a trump game, identify the losers in the long hand and then determine the best means of eliminating the excess losers. Four approaches: 1. Losers in the long hand are discarded on extra winners in the short hand (examine game 1, random). 2. Losers in the long hand are ruffed in the short hand (examine game 1112, random). 3. Losers in the long hand are discarded on long suit winners developed in the short hand. 4. Cross ruffing requires the dummy to be void in one suit and the declarer to be void in another. Both must have trumps. Usually the high cards in the suits are played first. If you can't draw all the trumps first, you must have high trumps in both hands or risk losing a trick. [111 LONG HAND: The offensive hand with the most trumps is called the long hand, the other the short hand. In some cases either hand can be thought of as the long hand when determining a line of play. The computer examines both ways. LOSERS: Losers are counted in the long hand only. EXTRA WINNERS: Winners in a side suit in the short hand which exceed the number in the long hand. RUFFING WINNERS: A ruff in the short hand that removes a loser in the long hand. LONG SUIT WINNERS: Winners in a side suit in the short hand that are developed by playing enough cards to void this suit in both opponent's hands. The suit is trumped in the long hand to avoid losing any tricks in the suit. It is the trumping of some of the cards in the long hand which distinguishes long suit winners from extra winners. [112 To play notrump, determine the total winners in the combined hands, then plan your attack to find the additional winners needed to make game. The best suit is one which will give you all the eventual winners you will need without developing a second suit. Any suit with eight or more cards in the combined hands is an obvious choice, since it may give you one or more distribution winners. The probability that 5 cards will break 3/2 is 62.5%. Even a suit with seven cards in the two hands may split 3/3 in the opponent's hands. Here, however, the odds are against you. Once you have decided on the suit you need to develop, you usually attack this suit while you still have control in the other suits. In some cases you may have to finesse. [113 Ready cash: Cards that can take an immediate trick. Eventual winner: A winner that becomes ready cash after the opposition has played the card blocking yours. Distribution winner: This results when you have a longer suit than either of your opponents. Direct Finesse: Example, if dummy has the ace/queen and declarer leads low to dummy, declarer is hoping that the left hand opponent has the missing king. If the opponent plays the king, dummy plays the ace, and if the opponent plays low, dummy plays the queen (50/50 chance). Indirect Finesse: When dummy has the king, declarer leads a low card to dummy. If the opponent plays the ace, dummy plays low; otherwise, dummy plays high. [114 CARD COUNTING: Count the number of cards in a suit held by you and dummy, then subtract from 13 to find the number in the two unknown hands. Imagine an equal or near equal number in each hand. Reduce the number in each hand as the suit is played. [115 The reasoning behind the play of a card by the computer can in some cases be obtained by clicking the card once it appears on the table. Click on the first card of every trick to get a brief explanation of the reasoning behind the play of the card. One of the most important tricks for the defense is the first trick of the game. Click on either card played by the defense on the first trick. The partner's often signal one another. [116 To play using phone, do the following in the order shown: 1. Prearrange who will do the dialing, each player's position, and how the OPTIONS table is to be filled out. Both computers should have the same settings in the OPTIONS table and in BIDSYS. Note: You must be able to select game number, and you must have two people typed in on the OPTIONS table. 2. Select Setup under MODEM and fill out the table. 3. If receiving partner, select Wait For Call. 4. If you are the dialing partner, select Dial and call. Only the clicks on the main screen are transmitted over the telephone lines (clicks for main menu selections and OK buttons are not transmitted). You can type a message directly onto the screen at any time and it will not interrupt the game, or you can select Powwow under MODEM and clear the whole screen for conversation purposes. [117 Getting Started Click Options (screen top left). Type in your name as one of the players. The computer will play all positions left blank. If you choose south, you can make south declarer most of the time by choosing this option on the same screen. Make the other options random. Click BidSys (top left) and choose your bidding system. Click Play (screen top center) to deal, bid, and play the hands. Just keep going back to Play or, when available, use the on screen icons to deal, bid, and play the cards as you please. Take your time and enjoy. Scan through each one of the menu items at the top of screen to learn what information or options they contain. See Booklet under Help. [118 No information available. [119 When beginning the play of the cards, it is best to use the You Play Cards options under Play at the top of the screen. Click off all OK prompts quickly. It is a good idea not to use any of the menu items which cause a message box to be displayed unless you alert your partner. If you have a message box displayed when your partner sends a bid or plays a card, your computer will likely miss the play. When clicking to change possible bids be sure to make deliberate clicks with a slight pause between each click. If you don't do this, the two computers will tend to get out of synchrony and the wrong bid will be made on the receiving computer. [120First alternative: Click on suggest bid once to get a suggested bid. Click same area again to make suggested bid. This option can be activated by going to Decks, screen top right. Second alternative: Using the blue area of the Bid Box continue to click on the suit you prefer (or notrump) to raise the bid to the desired level. Once the bid you are after appears in the white center area, click in this area to make the bid. This is true for all bids when using the bid box. In the green area: P stands for Pass, DB stands for double, Redb stands for Redouble, and the down arrow lowers any suit bid (or notrump) one level if allowed. Note: When using preselected bids it is necessary to use the down arrow to change PASS to DONE if it is not showing. [121 Each hand in duplicate is scored as a complete game. There are no partials carried over. Who is vulnerable and not vulnerable is assigned for each hand. Duplicate differs in scoring as follows: Honors are not counted Bonus for a nonvulnerable game is 300 points. Bonus for a vulnerable game is 500 points. Bonus for a part score is 50 points. For example a small slam in spades bid and made with one overtrick, nonvulverable, would be scored as follows: Bonus for game 300 points Bonus for slam 500 points Six spade tricks 180 points One overtrick 30 points Total 1010 points [122 TRICK SCORE (below the line) Majors: 30/trick. Minors: 20/trick. notrump: 40 first trick and 30/trick thereafter. Doubled multiply by 2, redoubled multiply by 4. Game: 100 points or more below the line BONUSES (above the line) Rubber Bonus: 700 for 2 games in a row, 500 for 2 of 3. Small slam: Nonvulnerable 500 vulnerable 750 Grand slam: Nonvulnerable 1000 vulnerable 1500 Honors: 4 aces in one hand at notrump, 150; 5 trump honors in one hand, 150; 4 trump honors in one hand, 100 Making Doubled Contract: 50 points. Overtricks: Undoubled, trick value (no additional if vul) Doubled, 100, redoubled 200 (multiply either by 2 if vul) Penalties per trick: Not vul and not doubled, 50 per trick. Vul and not doubled, 100 per trick. Not vul and doubled, 100 first trick and 200 thereafter. Vul and doubled, 200 first trick and 300 thereafter. [123 BALANCED HAND: Two to five cards in every suit and only one suit with two cards. 5 3 3 2, 4 4 3 2, 4 3 3 3 UNBALANCED HAND: Any hand with a void, singleton, or six card or longer suit. The exception is the 5 4 2 2 distribution that is spoken of as semibalanced. [124 HCPC is an abbreviation for High Card Point Count. It is useful for estimating the strength of a hand. HCPC is used when bidding notrump and in computing OPC and RPC. Ace..... 4 points King.... 3 points Queen... 2 points Jack.... 1 point [125 For weak one notrump only OPC is an abbreviation for Opener's Point Count. It is useful in evaluating a hand when bidding a suit. It is not used in bidding notrump. First determine the HCPC and then add the following to it. Void............. 2 points. Singleton........ 1 point. Six card suit.... 1 point. Seven card suit.. 2 points. Eight card suit.. 4 points. The partner who usually has the most trumps uses OPC and partner RPC. [126 For weak one notrump only RPC is an abbreviation for Responder's Point Count. Add to the HCPC the following: void....... 5 points. singleton.. 3 points. doubleton.. 1 point. It is important to deduct one point with less than 4 cards in the suit. The partner who usually has the fewest trumps in the bidding sequence uses RPC, his/her partner uses OPC. [127 Declarer must make book(6 tricks) plus the bid made. notrump: To Make Contract Combined Count Game: 3NT. 9 tricks (book + 3). HCPC 24-32* Small Slam: 6NT. 12 tricks (book + 6). HCPC 33-36. Grand Slam: 7NT. 13 tricks (book + 7). HCPC 37+ MAJOR SUIT GAMES: Game: 4H(4S). 10 tricks (book + 4). OPC+RPC 24-28 Small Slam: 6 bid. 12 tricks (book + 6). OPC+RPC 29-33** Grand Slam: 7 bid. 13 tricks (book + 7). OPC+RPC 34*** MINOR SUIT GAMES: (Slams same as for major suits) Game: 5C(5D). 11 tricks (book + 5). OPC+RPC 27-28 *26 needed if points unevenly divided in two hands. **31 needed for a conventional 6 bid when only checking for aces or when flying blind. Only 29 needed if using my system. Note: 4/4 distributions require 33. ***Combined count can be lower with a second strong suit. [128 You should download booklet.doc. This 40 page booklet contains: (1) Terry's complete weak 1NT bidding system. (2) Terry's method of pinpointing combined point counts and slam bidding. (3) A users manual for Let's Play Bridge. (Modified 2/1/97). If you have "Microsoft Word" just enter file manager and double click on booklet.doc. [129 QT is an abbreviation for Quick Tricks. QT are assigned as follows: Ace alone......................... 1 QT King alone....................... 1/2 QT Combinations in the same suit. Ace/King......................... 2 QT Ace/Queen....................... 1 1/2 QT King/Queen............................1 QT [130 When the bidding chart is in view, click on a bid already made to find the requirements for that bid. Click on the Decks menu item top of screen to select suggested bids. When this white display box is showing, click on the box to get a suggested bid. Click again to make the bid. There are over 5,000 final bids programmed in this game, plus the sequences used to explore slam. It is virtually impossible to give a description of each. If there is no information available when you click on the bid, hopefully the reason for the bid will become clear upon examination of the hands. [131 2C: Artificial bid, strong suit, and OPC of 22(slightly less for long major), or any time you have HCPC of 23. 2NT: Balanced distribution and 21-22 points. 1H or 1S: 5 card suit, OPC 12, 2 QT (OPC 13+, 1 1/2 QT). 1C or 1D: 5 card suit, OPC 14, 2 QT (OPC 13+, 2 1/2 QT). OR Balanced Distribution, HCPC 15-20. 2D,2H,2S: Exactly 6 card suit, 1 1/2 QT to 2 QT, OPC 9-11. 3NT: 7 card minor suit and HCPC of 18. 3C,3H,3D,3S: preemptive bids with 7 card suits and few points, no aces. Do not bid when only team vulnerable or after 3 passes unless showing 2QT and good seven card suit. Bids higher than the 3 level are usually preemptive with 8 + cards and poor defensive hand unless only tean vulnerable, in which case they must be strong. [132 Weak 1NT system. UNBALANCED HAND, 5 card minor suit (no 5 card major). OPC 11+, 2 1/2 QT Also 1,4,4,4 hands. OPC 12+, 2 QT OPC 13+, 1 1/2 QT With two 4 or two 5 card suits bid diamonds, then rebid clubs if this seems desirable. BALANCED HAND ( 2 3 3 5, 4 4 3 2, 4 3 3 3), at least 3 cards in minor suit, no 5 card major suit, and 15-20 HCPC. Bid your best minor suit, then rebid 1NT if you want to. Reminder: HCPC 12-14, balanced hand, open 1NT HCPC 15-20, balanced hand, open 1 minor suit With 15-17 rebid 1NT. HCPC 21-22, balanced hand, open 2NT HCPC 23+, balanced hand, open 2C [133 WEAK 1NT SYSTEM The minimum requirements for an opening bid in a major suit: 5 card major suit. OPC 11+, 2 1/2 QT OPC 12+, 2 QT OPC 13++ and 1 1/2 QT With two 5 card major suits, bid spades first. Opening bids in a major suit should be made in preference to 1NT and most minor suit opening bids. [134 WEAK 1NT SYSTEM 1NT: HCPC 11-14, sufficient QT, no 5 card major*, balanced hand (2 3 3 5, 4 4 3 2, 4 3 3 3). Also bid 1NT with 2 2 4 5 distribution with a stopper in both short suits (Ax or Kx or better). HCPC 11+, 2 1/2 QT HCPC 12+, 2 QT HCPC 13-14, 1 1/2 QT STRONG 1NT SYSTEM 1NT: requires either HCPC 15-17 or 16-18, depending on your choice, balanced hand, no 5 card major*. Also bid 1NT with 2,2,4,5 distribution, and no 5 card major with a stopper in both short suits (Ax or Kx or better). *With no points in the 5 card major suit, a balanced hand, and sufficient points, bid 1NT. [135 Artificial 2C bid requires: OPC 23+ and good 6 card suit (only 21+ in a major suit), or any hand with a HCPC 23+. 2D,2H,2S automatically become weak opening bids. Natural 2C requires a good 6 card suit (solid 5) and OPC of 22 or more. When using natural 2C bids, 2D,2H, 2S bids have the same requirements as the natural 2C. [136 When using artificial 2C, the weak 2-bid in spades, hearts or diamonds has the following requirements: A 6 card suit, OPC 9-11, and QT of 1 1/2 OR 2. There are usually 6+ points in the suit bid. When using a natural 2C bid, 2D,2H,and 2S are strong, natural bids showing OPC 22+ and a good 6 card suit (solid 5). [137 An opening bid of two notrump. Weak 1NT system Balanced hand, HCPC 21- 22. Strong 1NT system Balanced hand, HCPC 21-23. Unless you are using the artificial 2C opening bid. In this case it has the same limits as the weak 1NT system. [138 3C,3D,3H,3S: A. When there is even vulnerability, or the other team is vulnerable and there were not three passes in front of the player, it shows a preemptive bid; a 7 card suit, 1 QT or less, HCPC 8 or less, no aces, and most of the points in the suit bid. This is an offensive type hand. Partner will usually pass. It is capable of taking 5 or 6 tricks in the suit bid. B. If you are the only team vulnerable, it shows a 7 card suit, with about 2QT. It is capable of taking 7 tricks, mostly in the suit bid. With less make the weak opening 2-bid (when bidding the artificial strong 2C) or make a 1 bid which ever seems more appropriate. [139 The opening bid of 3NT: Weak 1NT A gamble for game in notrump with a good 8 card minor suit and a HCPC of 21 to 22. Strong 1NT This shows HCPC 24+ and balanced hand, unless you are using the artificial 2C opening bid. In this case it has the same meaning as in the weak 1NT system. [140 Any bid higher than the three level is usually made as a preemptive bid in an 8 card suit, or two suiter. There should be seven or more winners in the hand with most of the points in the suit bid. The hand should be of little defensive value. Never bid when vulnerable nor after 3 passes. [141 The first defensive player was unable to bid because the hand did not have the high cards and/or distribution to bid at this time. It is entirely possible that the hand has a fairly high HCPC. [142 Takeout doubles 1H DOUBLE? 1. 3-suiter, RPC* 12+ following a major suit and RPC 11+ following a minor suit, 2 cards or less in the opponent's suit, at least 3 cards in any other suit: typical hand KQxx xx Axx Qxxx 2. HCPC 18+, a good 6+ suit (to be rebid). Typical hand: AKQxxx xx AKxx Qxx 3. Strong atypical hands, hands with more than 2 of the opponent's suit: AKx xxx AQ10xx Ax Note: Do not double with two major 5 card suits nor with 5/3 in the major suits. Do not double with a 6+ suit unless you have HCPC 18+. *To HCPC, add 5 points for a void, 3 for singleton and 1 for a doubleton. [143 Overcalls at the one level* An overcall at the one level requires a good 5 card suit, 1 1/2 QT, OPC 8+. If bid in a minor suit, it usually denies the ability to double. The upper limit for the one level overcall when using the intermediate jump 2-bid system is 2 QT and OPC 13+. A one level overcall might be made even with a strong hand if the suit does not qualify for the jump 2-bid. The player may choose to double with a long strong suit and 18+ points, then later jump in this suit. The upper limit for the weak jump 2-bid system is about 11 points. With stronger hands, the player makes a bid at the 1 level or doubles with 18 points. *NOTE: If the enemy is vulnerable and you are not, this bid only promises a good 5 card suit with 1 QT. [144 1C,1D,1H,1S 1NT? The bid of 1NT after an opening suit bid, promises HCPC 16-18 and a balanced distribution. It promises stoppers in the opponent's suit. Reminder: Always double in preference to a 1NT with a 3-suiter excluding opener's suit. [145 The competitive two level overcall requires QT 2+, 6+ suit (sometimes 5) and an OPC 12+. The longer the suit the less QT required for a competitive bid at the 2 level. The requirements for the competitive two level overcall are the same for both the intermediate and weak jump 2-bid systems. [146 Intermediate jump 2-bid system, preemptive bids Make a double jump overcall to the 3 level with a 7 card suit and a weak offensive hand. Typical hand: xx xx KQ9xxxx Qx Make a single jump overcall to the 3 level with a 6 card suit or better and a weak offensive hand. For example opener may have bid 1S and you are bidding in diamonds. You must jump to the 3 level to show this typical hand: xx xx KQ109xx Qj10 If you have passed previously, you may choose to show a 6 card suit and a weak offensive hand; otherwise, you would have opened the bidding. Example: xx xx KQ109xx Qj10 These hands tend to have HCPC less than 10 and QT 1 1/2 or less. [147 Michael's Cue Bid The rebid of opener's suit bid by the defense to show a 2-suiter is know as Michael's cue bid. It promises at least 5/4 in two suits, 1 1/2 QT, and about 8 points if not vulnerable. 12 points if vulnerable. Most of the points are usually in the two suits. A cue bid of opener's minor suit promises hearts and spades. A cue bid of opener's major suit promises 5 cards in the unbid major and 4 cards in one of the minor suits. [148 UNUSUAL NOTRUMP When a 2NT bid by the defense is used to show a 2-suiter, it is called an unusual notrump. If not vulnerable it shows at least 8 points (mostly in the two suits), and if vulnerable it promises 12 points and 2 1/2 QT. Opponent Unusual NT Compare with Michael's cue bid 1C D & major Both majors 1D C & major Both majors 1H Both minors S & one minor 1S Both minors H & one minor An unusual 4NT bid (or higher) promises a strong 2-suiter, but the opportunity for such bids are extremely rare. [149 A 4NT bid (or higher notrump) in this situation is know as an 'unusual notrump'. It promises a strong two suit hand. A suit bid at the 4 level or above is probably a sacrifice bid promising an eight card suit with few points in the hand. [150 After a WEAK 1NT opening bid. 2C: 3-suiter, HCPC 10+, 1 suit has to be clubs. 2NT: 2-suiter, HCPC 10+, never 2 majors and never 2 minors if by passed hand. Double: shows a HCPC 15+ and is for penalties unless a passed hand, then shows 2-suiter (either 2 major or 2 minor) and about HCPC 10+. Also double with a long strong suit and less than HCPC 15. 2D: 5/4 in majors, HCPC 10+, unless by passed hand which then shows 3-suiter playable in D,H,S. Suit bid: natural except for 2C and 2D. After a STRONG 1NT opening bid. 2C: 3-suiter, HCPC 10+, must include clubs. Double: 2-suiter, HCPC 10+, (2 majors or 2 minors). 2NT: 2-suiter, HCPC 10+, never 2 majors or 2 minors. 2D: 3-suiter, HCPC 10+, playable in D,H,S. Suit bid: Natural except for 2C and 2D. Note: These bids are identical following a weak 1NT if defender passed previously. [151 ACTIONS OVER A WEAK 1NT 1NT ? Double: If non-passed hand: (a) HCPC 15+, balanced hand; (b) OPC 18+, strong 6+ suit. If double removed rebid long strong suit or double again for penalties. If passed previously, the double shows HCPC 10+, a 2-suiter (5/4 in the majors or 5/5 in the minors). 2H,2S: Natural bids, fair 6+ card suit, HCPC 10+. 2C: HCPC 10+, 3-suiter, includes 4 clubs. 2D: HCPC 10+, and at least 5/4 in 2 major suits unless a passed hand, then it shows a 3-suiter, one being a 4 card diamond suit. 2NT: HCPC 10+, 2-suiter (5/5), any two suits other than 2 majors unless a passed hand, then one suit must be a major the other suit a minor. Reminder: Same for second defender if you and opponent pass. [152 ACTIONS OVER A STRONG 1NT 2H,2S: HCPC 10+, fair 6 card suit. 2C: HCPC 10+, 3-suiter, one of which is clubs. 2D: HCPC 10+, 3-suiter, playable in D,H,S. 2NT: HCPC 10+, 2-suiter, one must be a major the other a minor suit. Double: HCPC 10+, 2-suiter (both majors or both minors). [153 Following a weak 1NT opening bid 1NT Double opponent ? (A) If partner did not pass previously, the double shows HCPC 15+ and balanced distribution. Double: HCPC 6+ and 5 cards (4 with double stopper or 3 honors) in the opponent's suit. 2NT: If opponent bids a minor suit it shows a 2-suiter (5/4 in the major suits). If opponent's bid a major suit it shows a 3-suiter. 4H (4S) HCPC 10+, a good 6 card major. 3H (3S) HCPC 10+, a good 5 card major 2C,2D,2H,2S 5 card suit and the inability to double. The weaker the hand, the more important it becomes to bid a long suit if the opponent passed. (B) If partner passed previously, the double shows a 2-suiter (2 majors or 2 minors). Bid longest minor suit. [154 Following a strong 1NT opening bid 1NT Double opponet ? The double shows a 2-suiter, either 2 major suits or 2 minor suits. Bid your lowest 4 card suit (if you have one in a major and one in a minor), otherwise bid your lowest 3 card suit at the 2 level. [155 _2 level overcall: Jump bid requires a good 6 card suit(solid 5); 2 1/2 QT; OPC of 13+. _Double: Promises at least 3 cards in each of the unbid suits. Over a minor it requires RPC 11+ and over a major a RPC 13+. _1 level overcall: fair five card suit, 1 1/2 QT, OPC 8+. Requires only 1 QT if not vulnerable. _Michael's cue bid(opponent's suit): If over a minor it promises 5/4 in the major suits, and HCPC 8+. Following a one bid in a major it promises 5 cards in the unbid major and 5 in one of the minor suits. _Unusual 2NT: Following a major it promises 5 cards in both minors, and following a minor it promises the other minor and hearts. HCPC 8+.(preemptive). _preemptive 3 bids: Jump bids which promise 7 card suits and hands with little defensive value. [156 If opener's bid was at the two level or higher, player's response depends upon whether the opening bid was preemptive or a strength showing bid. Greater latitude is taken if opener made a preemptive bid. However, in either case your response requires a long suit with good values. [157 When partner opens with a suit bid at the 1 level and the opposition passes, pass with less than HCPC 5. [158 1H (opposition bids 1S) ? Strong responses are not affected by an intervening bid by the opponents. But if you can't raise partner's major suit bid and have only HCPC 9 or less, pass a hand you would have bid 1NT. If your partner has a decent hand, he or she will rebid the hand giving you a chance to bid again. Note in passing: When responder bids 1NT after the opposition bids 1S, it shows a balanced hand with 10 or 11 points and two stoppers in the opponent's suit. [159 TERRY'S 2S ASKING BID When the right hand opponent PASSES and partner opened with 1C or 1D, responder bids 2S with the following hands: 2S: Balanced hand, HCPC of 18+, with at least 3 clubs or with stoppers in all unbid suits. 2S: 5+ card support and RPC 18+. 2S: 3+ card support, no 5 card major, RPC 15+. 2S: 6+ card suit, no 5 card major, OPC 14+. Almost any hand that responder knows should be played either in notrump or opener's minor suit qualifies as long as the player is willing to bid to game. This bid is asking partner to reveal the kind of hand he/she is bidding. [160 1C* (Defense 1H) 2H? Supporting club bids 2H cue bid: OPC 12+, 4+ clubs, usually unbalanced hand with less than 4 spades. 2C: HCPC 9+, 4+ clubs. 3C: HCPC 0-8, 5+ clubs (preemptive jump bid). Reminder: Double to shows 4 spades. *Analogous for 1D opening bids. [161 No information. [162 1C(1D) 1H(1S)? If the first defensive player passes, the bid of 1H or 1S over a minor suit opening bid shows a 4 card suit and HCPC 5+. If the first defensive player bids, the bid of 1H or 1S over a minor suit is only made with a good 4 card suit and a HCPC 7+. [163 1C* OPPONENT BIDS ? 1D,1S,1H: HCPC 7+, 4+ cards in suit. 2C: HCPC 9+, 4+ clubs. 3C(nonjump): 4+ clubs, HCPC 7+. 3C(jump): 5+ clubs, HCPC 0-8. Cue bid of opponent's suit: OPC 17+, 5+ clubs. 2D,2H,2S(nonjump): HCPC 10, good 5 card suit. 2D,2H,2S(jump): preemptive, 6 card suit, weak hand. 3D,3H,3S(jump): preemptive, 7+ suit, weak hand. Dble: HCPC 6+, 4 cards in any unbid major. Dble: Also double with HCPC 13+ and 5+ cards in your partner's minor suit (rebid this suit). 1NT: HCPC 8-9, opponent's suit stopped, bal. hand. 2NT: HCPC 12-14, appropriate stoppers. 3NT: HCPC 15+, appropriate stoppers. *Analogous responses to 1D opening bids. [164 1C PASS 2H*? When the opponent passes, the jump bid shows HCPC 17+ and a long, strong heart suit. Reminders: (1) To show strong support for opener's minor suit, and a strong hand, use the 2S asking bid. (2) If the opponent bids, the jump bid shows a weak hand with a long heart suit. *Analogous for 2H,3C,3S over 1D and 2H,2D,3S over 1C. The suit bid is always a long, strong suit. [165 1C 2C? Support of opener's minor suit at two level. Requires 4 clubs and HCPC 9+. Opener will usually bid again. Same for 1D 2D. [166 1C* (opponent bids) 3C? The competitive 3C bid shows at least 4 clubs and HCPC 9+. Reminder: A jump 3C bid is preemptive. The bid requires 5 card club suit and HCPC 8 or less. If vulnerable, you might not want to use this bid with zilch values. *Same for diamonds. [167 Responder doubles opener's minor suit 1C* 1H DOUBLE This double has two possible meanings. 1. HCPC 6+ and 4 cards in any unbid major suit. Note: with a 5 card major suit, bid it directly rather than double. The bid requires 9+ points after an enemy 2-bid and 12+ points after a 3-bid. Opener should respond just as if you had made a major suit bid. 2. HCPC 13+, 5+ clubs. Rebid clubs with your next bid if you cannot support partner's major suit bid. *Analogous for 1D opening bids. Reminder: If the opening bid is 1H or 1S, the double by responder is for penalties. [168 Terry's system 1C 2D? If the opponent passes, the jump bid shows a long, strong diamond suit with HCPC 17+. Reminder: (1) 1D HCPC 5+, 4 or more cards (usually 5). (2) To show strong support for the club suit with a strong hand, use the 2S asking bid. (3) If the opponent bids, the jump bid shows a weak hand with a long diamond suit. [169 1D 2C? This bid usually shows 4+ clubs and HCPC 6+. It denies the ability to support diamonds. It also denies a four card major and the ability to bid notrump. [170 1C 1D? HCPC 6+, 4+ diamonds (usually 5). This bid denies a 4 card major and the ability to raise clubs. Reminder: when the right hand opponent passes, bid 2D to show OPC 17+ and a long, independent diamond suit. [171 1C(1D) NT? 1NT: if opponent passes, it shows balanced hand, HCPC 6-8. If opponent bids, it requires a stopper in opponent's suit and HCPC 8-10. It denies the values to raise opener's suit and the ability to double or bid a major suit. 2NT: HCPC 12+, balanced hand, stoppers in appropriate suits. 3NT: HCPC 15+, balanced hand, stoppers in approprite suits. [172 No information [173 No information. [174 No information. [175 1H 2H? or 1S 2S? The single raise of partner's major suit promises 3 card support and RPC 5-8. [176 1H PASS 3H? or 1S PASS 3S? The double raise of partner's suit promises 3 card support and RPC 10-11. Reminder: with exactly RPC 9, bid 1NT then 3 of partner's suit. [177 1H(1S) 1NT? WHEN THE FIRST DEFENDER PASSES: The 1NT bid describes a hand with HCPC 5-11. It denies 3 card support in the major suit, with one important exception. With exactly RPC 9, and 3 or more trumps, bid 1NT and then on the next turn bid 3 of the major suit. Partner will know you have support with exactly 9 points. Note: You may want to bid 2 of the suit rather than 3 with a weak looking hand. WHEN THE FIRST DEFENDER BIDS: It shows a balanced distribution HCPC 10-11 and the opponent's suit securely stopped. [178 1H(1S) 2C(2D)? Either shows a good suit with HCPC 7+ in the suit bid or a stopper in the suit and HCPC 12+. [179 1S 2H? The two heart bid shows a HCPC 10+ and 5 card heart suit (OPC 10+ with competition). [180 1H 1S? Responder has HCPC 5+ and 5 card spade suit, or HCPC 12+ and only 4 spades. Responder lacks support for hearts. [181 1H PASS 2S? TERRY'S WEAK 1NT SYSTEM When the first defensive player passes, the bid of 2S promises 3 card support and RPC 16+. It asks partner to bid the number of points in hand. Reminder: The full range of bids showing 3 card or better support for the 1H bid are as follows. 2H RPC 5-8 1NT, followed by 3H, shows exactly RPC 9. 3H RPC 10-11 3C RPC 12-13 Following a pass by opponent 3D RPC 14-15 Following a pass by opponent 2S RPC 16+. Following a pass by opponent The 2S bid is asking opener to bid point count. [182 1H PASS 3C? TERRY'S WEAK 1NT SYSTEM When the opponent passes, the 3C bid promises 3 card support and RPC 12-13. Reminder: The full range of bids showing support for the 1H bid are as follows. 2H RPC 5-8 1NT, followed by 3H, shows exactly RPC 9. 3H RPC 10-11 3C RPC 12-13 Following a pass by opponent 3D RPC 14-15 Following a pass by opponent 2S RPC 16+. Following a pass by opponent, the 2S bid is asking opener to bid point count. [183 1H PASS 3D? TERRY'S WEAK 1NT SYSTEM When the opponent passes, the 3D bid promises 3 card support and RPC 14-15. Reminder: The full range of bids showing support for the 1H bid are as follows. 2H RPC 5-8 1NT, followed by 3H, shows exactly RPC 9. 3H RPC 10-11 3C RPC 12-13 Following a pass by opponent 3D RPC 14-15 Following a pass by opponent 2S RPC 16+. Following a pass by opponent The 2S bid is asking opener to bid point count. [184 1S PASS 3C? TERRY'S WEAK 1NT SYSTEM When the opponent passes, 3C bid by responder promises 3 card support and RPC of 16+. The bid is asking opener to bid his/her OPC. Reminder: The full range of bids showing 3 or more card support for the 1S bid are as follows. 2S RPC 5-8 1NT, followed by 3S, shows exactly RPC 9. 3S RPC 10-11 3D RPC 12-13 Following a pass by opponent 3H RPC 14-15 Following a pass by opponent 3C RPC 16+. Following pass by opponent. The 3C bid is asking opener to bid point count. [185 1S PASS 3D? TERRY'S WEAK 1NT SYSTEM When the opponent passes, the 3D bid by responder promises 3 card support and RPC 12-13. Reminder: The full range of bids showing support for the 1S bid are as follows. 2S RPC 5-8 1NT, followed by 3S, shows exactly RPC 9. 3S RPC 10-11 3D RPC 12-13 Following a pass by opponent 3H RPC 14-15 Following a pass by opponent 3C* RPC 16+. Following pass by opponent. The 3C bid is asking opener to bid point count. [186 1S PASS 3H? TERRY'S WEAK 1NT SYSTEM When the opponent passes, the 3H bid by responder promises 3 card support and RPC 14-15. Reminder: The full range of bids showing support for the 1S bid are as follows. 2S RPC 5-8 1NT, followed by 3S, shows exactly RPC 9. 3S RPC 10-11 3D RPC 12-13 Following a pass by opponent 3H RPC 14-15 Following a pass by opponent 3C RPC 16+. Following pass by opponent. The 3C bid is asking opener to bid point count. [187 1S* BID jump 3C,3D,3H? When the opponent bids and responder makes a jump bid, the bid is preemptive. It is made with a 7 card suit, no help in spades, and poor defensive value in any other suit. This bid is similar to an opening preemptive bid. Analogous for other opening 1 bids and responses. [188 1S (2C) ? WHEN THERE IS INTERVENTION 2S RPC 6-8, at least 3 spades. 3S: RPC 9-11, at least 3 spades. 3NT RPC 12-14, at least 3 spades. 3C* RPC 15+ and at least 3 spades. Reminder: A double by responder following a major suit bid by opener is for penalties. It requires a defensive type hand with little support for partner. It must have good length and strength in opponent's suit and usually with scattered values in the other suits. Partner will leave this double in for penalties with a good defensive hand or take the double out with an offensive type hand. [189 TERRY WEAK 1NT SYSTEM 1H(1S) Pass 2NT? 2NT: HCPC 12-13, appropriate stoppers, balanced hand, not quite forcing to game. 3NT: HCPC 14-16, appropriate stoppers, and balanced hand, forcing to game in notrump or major suit. Reminder: In Terry's system 3NT is used to show support for partner's major suit only if the opponent bids. [190 1H (OPPONENT BIDS) jump 2S(3C,3D,3S)? When the opponent bids and responder makes a jump bid, the bid is preemptive. It is made with a 7 card suit, no help in hearts, and poor defensive value in any other suit. This bid is similar to an opening preemptive bid. The 2S bid only promises a preemptive hand with a six card suit. [191 1H (1S) 3NT? Supporting bids when defense intervenes All show 3 card heart support 2S: Cue bid, RPC 15+ 3NT (4H): RPC 12-14, forcing to game in hearts. 3H RPC 9-11 2H RPC 6-8 Reminder, hands without 3 card support: 1NT: Balanced hand, HCPC 10-11, stopper in spades. 2NT: HCPC 13+ forcing to game in notrump or hearts. [192 1H(1S) double ? The following bids show 3 card support for the major suit following an opponent's double. 3NT RPC 13+ Redouble RPC 10-12 3H RPC 7-9 2H RPC 4-6 [193 1H 1S(or higher) ? When supporting partner's heart bid 3H RPC 10-11, at least 3 hearts. 3NT* RPC 12+, at least 3 hearts *Partner will bid 4H with OPC 12-16. Partner will bid a side suit with OPC 17+ and first round control in the suit bid (the combined point count must be 29 or greater to investigate slam using the computer's system). Reminder: A double by responder is for penalties if opener bid a major suit. [194 1S (2C) ? WHEN THERE IS INTERVENTION When supporting partner's spade bid after the opponent's have bid 2S RPC 7-9, at least 3 spades. 3S: RPC 10-11, at least 3 spades. 3NT RPC 12-14, at least 3 spades 3C* RPC 15+ and at least 3 card support. Reminder: [195 Standard Stayman response to weak 1NT 1NT 2C? Strong hands 1. HCPC 12+, at least one 4 card major suit, may have a major 2-suiter (5/4 or 5/5); 2. HCPC 12+, weak 5 card major suit, balanced hand. 3. HCPC 12+ (OPC 15+), good 6+ minor (forcing to game). Weak hands 4. HCPC 0-10, no 5 card major, void or singleton in clubs, (ideal distribution 4,4,5,0). Pass opener's next bid. 5. HCPC 0-5, no 5 card suit, at least 3 cards in both major suits, and preferably 4 diamonds. Once you make this bid you are unlikely to be doubled for penalties. NOTE: If responder passed previously, or right hand doubled, then the 2C bid is natural. [196 1NT DOUBLE 2C(2D,2H,2S)? Any bid at the two level after partner is doubled is a natural bid showing 5+ cards in the suit bid. [197 When opener is doubled 1NT double pass? If doubler did not pass previously, the double shows a very strong hand. Either HCPC 15+ and a balanced hand or OPC 18+ and a long strong suit. If the double is taken out, the doubler rebids the long suit. Responder does not pass with a 5 card or longer suit because of the possibility that defender can defeat contract with the long strong suit. With a 2-suiter bid the major suit with 8+ points, otherwise bid the lowest ranking suit. If doubler passed previously, the double shows a 2-suiter, either two majors or two minors. Hopefully, the responder will have the opportunity to bid again once it is discovered whether the double was showing two majors or two minor suits. [198 1NT 3H(3S)? If responder has not passed previously, it shows a fair 5+ suit, HCPC 12+. There is no upper limit to this bid. Partner will bid 3NT with only two cards in the suit, or bid 4H(4S) with 3+ card support. If responder passed previously it only shows a 6+ card suit and OPC 11 or 12. Opener with a maximum hand goes to game, otherwise passes. [199 1NT PASS 2NT? Requires a balanced distribution and: HCPC 11 exactly, strong 5 card minor suit. HCPC 12 exactly, no 5 card minor suit. HCPC 12 exactly, weak 5 card minor suit, meaning that most of the points are in the shorter suits. Do not bid 2NT if opponent doubles, pass instead. Reminder: When bidding the more complex sytem, these same hands are first bid 2C, then 2NT. [200 Bidding notrump with balanced hands 1NT PASS NT? 2NT*: HCPC 11, balanced hand, standard system. 3NT: HCPC 12-18**, balanced hand. 4NT: HCPC 19-20, balanced hand. 6NT: HCPC 21-24, balanced hand. 5NT HCPC 24 balanced hand. 7NT: HCPC 25+, balanced hand. *Reminder: When bidding the more complex sytem with HCPC 11 and balanced hand, bid 2C first, then 2NT. **12 point hands with a weak 5 card minor (or no 5 card) should be treated as 11 point hands. In this situation, the 8's,9's, and 10's in the 5 card suit may help persuade you to go one way or the other. Note: 6 card minor suits are often bid to 3NT. [201 1NT 2bid 2D(2H,2S)? If the opponents have intervened, a suit bid at the 2 level in diamonds, hearts, or spades promises a 5 card suit and HCPC 9-11. Note: With a balanced distribution and HCPC 11+ the responder could elect to bid 2NT with a double stopper in the opponent's suit. [202 1NT 4H(4S)? This bid requires a good 6 card suit and OPC 12-18. With a 5+ major suit and less points bid 2H(2S) and with more bid 3H(3S) or 4C which is Gerber asking for aces. Upon hearing the 3H or 3S bid, opener will bid 3NT with only 2 card support; with 3 card support opener will bid a first round control in a side suit just in case responder is interested in bidding slam. [203 1NT pass 2D,2H,2S? 2D: 5+ diamonds, HCPC 0-6, balanced hand or HCPC 0-10 and an unbalanced hand. 2H,2S: 5+ major suit, HCPC 0-10, balanced or unbalanced hand. Partner will pass any of these bids. Reminder: With a club suit and a weak hand, it is necessary to bid 3C in the standard system or 2NT in the more complex system. The 2D bid is made in preference to other bids with a miserable hand to encourage the opponents to bid. [204 1NT pass pass? Pass: HCPC 6-10, balanced hand, no 5 card major suit. Pass: HCPC 11 exactly, balanced hand, no 5 card major and no strong 5 card minor suit. Reminder: 1. Do not pass any time with HCPC 0-5 if you have a suit with 5+ cards. 2. Do not pass anytime if you have a 5+ major suit. 3. If the opposition doubles or you passed previously all bids become natural including the 2C bid. 4. If the opposition did not double and you have not passed previously, a. do not pass any time with 4 hearts, 4 spades, and 5 diamonds. Make the Stayman 2C bid then pass partner with HCPC 0-10(11). b. with HCPC 0-5, do not pass with 3 hearts, 3 spades, and 4 diamonds. Make the Stayman 2C bid, then pass partner. [205 1NT bidding system, bidding major suits. The same method is used for all systems. 1NT ? 1NT 4C: OPC 21+, Gerber, strong 6+ major suit, slam try asking for aces. 1NT 4S,4H: OPC 13-17, good 6+ major suit, little chance of slam. 1NT 3S,3H: OPC 13+, 5+ suit, no upper limit. Opener with 3 trumps bids the lowest ranking first round control or without one bids game. Opener with 2 trumps bids 3NT. 1NT 2C: HCPC 12+, major 2-suiter or any hand with a 4 card major suit. 1NT 2S,2H: HCPC 0-10, 5+ suit. [206 2C ? When partner opens with an artificial 2C, the player has the following options: 2S(2H) OPC 8+, 5+ major suit. 3C(3D) OPC 8+, 6+ minor suit. 3NT HCPC 10+. 2NT HCPC 7-9. 2D HCPC 0-6, artificial bid showing point count. [207 2NT ? 7NT HCPC 16+. 5NT HCPC 15. 6NT HCPC 12-14. 4NT HCPC 11. 4C Gerber (asks for aces). 7 card suit (or 2-suiter). Try for slam. If responder then bids 5C it asks for K. 6 BID in a suit. OPC 12+, long, strong suit. 4H,4S OPC 8+, good 6 card suit, mild slam try. 5D,5C OPC 8+, good 6 card suit, mild slam try. 3S,3H OPC 4+ and 5 card suit. May also take a chance with 6 cards and fewer points. 3C Three suit hand (D,H,S), OPC 5, or bust hand. 3D OPC 7+, 5 card suit. 3NT HCPC 4+, balanced hand. Pass Three points or less. [208 No information [209 No information [210 No information. [211 No information [212 Strong 1NT system 1C 1S DOUBLE PASS ? 4H: 4 hearts, HCPC 19+ 3H: 4 hearts, HCPC 15+ 2H: 4 hearts, opening bid values, usually HCPC 12+ 3NT: HCPC 20, appropriate stoppers. 2NT: HCPC 19(18), appropriate stoppers. 1NT: HCPC 12-15, appropriate stoppers. 3C: OPC 18+, long strong club suit. 2D: HCPC 15+, 6+ clubs, stopper in diamonds. 2C: OPC 12+, 5+ clubs. Pass: strong 4 spades (converts to penalty double). Note: Partner will correct to clubs when holding 5+ clubs and HCPC 13+. [213 1C* PASS ? 2S: 5 card support, RPC 18; bal dist, HCPC 18; 5 card support, RPC 15 (no 5 card major suit). 1H,1S: 4 card suit, HCPC 5+. With two 4 card major suits, bid hearts first. 2D: good 6 or near solid 5 card suit, HCPC 16+. 2NT: Stoppers in all unbid suits, HCPC 12-14. 1D: 6 card suit, less than HCPC 10. 2C: 4 card support, HCPC 8+. 1NT: Balanced distribution, HCPC 6-8. 3C: 5 card support, HCPC less than 8. preemptive bid. Any long suit when bid at the one level can be for rescue purposes. *Same for 1D opening bids except 2C over 1D shows HCPC 6+, stopper or long suit in clubs, no other bid available. [214 1C* RIGHT HAND OPPONENT BIDS ? Double: 4 cards in any unbid major, HCPC 6+, 2H,2S: 5+ major suit, HCPC 10+. 1H,1S: 4 card suit and HCPC 6+. 2D: good 6 or near solid 5 card suit, HCPC 10+. 2NT: Appropriate stoppers, HCPC 12-14. Cue bid of opponent's suit to show 4 card support for partner and OPC 12+, no 4 card major. 2C: HCPC 8+, 4+ club support, no 4 card major. 1NT: HCPC 6-8, balanced hand. 3C: HCPC 1-8, 5+ club support, preemptive bid. *Same for 1D opening bids except 2C over 1D shows HCPC 6+, stopper or long suit in clubs, no other bid available. [215 1H OPPONENT PASSES ? *Artificial bids showing 3 card support(ONLY BID IF RIGHT HAND OPPONENT PASSES). *2S: RPC 15+. Asks partner to bid point count. *3C: RPC 12-13. *3D: RPC 14-15. 4H: Rare, indicates weak hand with lots of hearts. 3H: 3 card support, RPC 9-11. 2H: 3 card support, RPC 5-9. 1S: 5 spades, RPC 7+ (or 4 spades and 12 points). 2C,2D: Stopper in suit and HCPC 12+ (with balanced hand it may have 3 hearts, bid hearts later). Also may mean a long strong suit with HCPC 7+. 1NT: HCPC 5-11 (may have 3 hearts, 10-11 points) and balanced hand. Will bid 3H later. [216 1S OPPONENT PASSES ? *Artificial bids promising 3 card support (ONLY USED WHEN THE RIGHT HAND OPPONENT PASSES). *3C: RPC 15 Asks partner to bid point count. *3D: RPC 12-13. *3H: RPC 14-15. 3S: 3 card support, RPC 9-11. 2S: 3 card support, RPC 5-9. 4S: Rare, indicates weak hand with lots of spades. 2H: Good 5 card suit, OPC 10. 2C,2D: Stopper in suit and 12 HCPC(with balanced hand it may have 3 spades; will bid 3S later). Also it may mean a long strong suit with as little as HCPC of 7. 1NT: HCPC 5-11, (may have 3 spades, 10-11 points, and balanced hand. Will bid 3S later). [217 Responder's options following opener's 1 bid in major suit when the player to the RIGHT BIDS. With 3 card support for partner Cue bid opponent's suit: RPC 15+. 3NT: RPC 12+. *3Bid in trumps: RPC 9-11. *2Bid in trumps: RPC 7-9. Double: RPC 3-6 4Bid in trumps: RPC 12+ Some other possible bids *2C,2D: Stopper in suit and 12 HCPC. 1NT: HCPC 10-11, balanced hand, opponent stopped 3Bid (jump)in suit other than hearts is preemptive showing 7 card suit, no support for partner, weak hand. *These bids remain mostly the same whether the person to the right passes or bids. [218 Responder's options following opener's 1 bid in a major suit when the player to the right DOUBLES. With at least 3 card support in future trumps 3NT: RPC 12+. Redouble: RPC 10-11 3Bid in trumps RPC 7-9. 2Bid in trumps RPC 4-6. 4Bid in trumps RPC 12+ Other possible bids 2NT: HCPC 12-15, balanced distribution, stoppers in all unbid suits (double in opponent's suit) (partner goes to game at 3NT). 2C,2D: Stopper in suit and HCPC 12+ or a long, strong suit and as little as HCPC 7+. 1NT: HCPC 10-11, balanced hand. 3Bid: (jump 2BID) jump other than hearts is preemptive; 7 card suit, no support for partner, weak hand. [219 1NT PASS ? Standard weak 1NT system 7NT: HCPC 25; 5NT: HCPC 24; 6NT: HCPC 21-24; 4NT: 20 3NT: HCPC 12-19, balanced hand, or 2,2,5,4 with stoppers in the two short major suits. HCPC 9+ and a good 6 card minor suit. 5C,5D: Minor 2-suiter, OPC 16+, slam unlikely. 4Bid major suit: HCPC 12-17, 6+ major suit. 3Bid major suit: 5+ major suit, OPC 12+ 3Bid minor suit: 6+ minor suit (5 if clubs), weak hand. 2NT: HCPC 11, strong 5 card suit, balanced hand or HCPC 12, weak 5 card minor or no 5 card minor. 2C: (1) HCPC 11+, at least one 4 card major. (2) HCPC 11+, 5 card major, balanced hand. (3) HCPC 0-10, 3-suiter, D,H,S. Ideal if void in clubs. (4) HCPC 0-5, 3-suiter, D,H,S. 3,3,4,3 acceptable. (5) HCPC 12+, unable to bid notrump or major suit. (6) Natural after previous pass or opponent doubles. 2D,2H,2S: HCPC 0-10, 5 card suit. 4C: OPC 21+, asking for aces, long strong suit, slam try. PASS: balanced hand, HCPC 6-10, no 5 card major. PASS: balanced hand, HCPC 11, weak 5 card minor or none. [220 1NT DOUBLE ? 3NT: HCPC 13-18 and balanced distribution. 4Bid major suit: good 6 card suit, OPC 12+. redouble: fair 5 card major suit, OPC 12+. 2C,2D,2H,2S: The lowest ranking 5+ suit 2C bid is natural following a double. PASS: With no 5 card suit and HCPC 5+. With no five card suit and a terrible hand, bid your lowest ranking four card suit. [221 When the opening bid was 1NT and the player to the right bids, you have the luxury of passing with a bad hand. Also with sufficient length and strength in a suit, you can be competitive or even try for game since you know the composition of your partner's hand. [222 2C ? When partner opens with an artificial 2C, the player has the following options: 3S(3H) OPC 8+, good 6 card major suit. 2S(2H) OPC 8+, fair 5 card major suit. 3C(3D) OPC 8+, 6 card minor suit. 3NT HCPC 11+. 2NT HCPC 7-10. 2D HCPC 0-6, an escape bid. [223 After opening 2-bid in major: 4Bid: 4 winners in QT and ruffing tricks and two or three card support. Bid can be preemptive with 4+ trumps and little defensive value. 3Bid: 1 1/2 QT (HCPC 10+). Competitive bid. 2NT: Wants partner to bid stopper in hopes of eventually bidding 3NT. May end up 4 in major suit. HCPC 15+. After opening 2-bid in diamonds: 3NT: HCPC 14+ and stoppers in C,H,S. A couple of diamonds would be useful. 5D: 5 winners in QT and ruffing tricks and three card support. 2NT: Wants partner to bid stopper in hopes of eventually bidding 3NT, HCPC 15+. Greater values are needed after a weak two bid in third position. Partner may have only HCPC 7. [224 No information [225 When partner opens with a 3-bid, the hand should be capable of taking 5 or 6 tricks. If a major suit was bid: 4Bid: (1) A hand that will take 4 or 5 tricks (QT plus ruffing tricks). (2) A hand with 4 trumps, and HCPC 6-9. This is a sacrifice to prevent the enemy from finding their suit. If a minor suit was bid: 5Bid: (1) A hand that will take 5 or 6 tricks (QT plus ruffing tricks). (2) A hand with 4 trumps, and HCPC 8-11. This is a sacrifice to impede the enemy. Note: With void give yourself 2 ruffs and with singleton 1 ruffing trick. Should have 3 trumps. [226 1H 1S opponent ? Partner has a good suit but only promises OPC 8. 3NT* RPC: 18+, 3 spades (sometimes 2) 2H RPC: 15-17 (cue bid)**, 3 spades, sometimes 2 3H RPC: 12-14 (cue bid), 3 spades, sometimes 2 2S RPC: 8-11, 1 1/2 QT, 3 spades, sometimes 2 3S RPC: 8 or less, preemptive bid, less than 1 QT, 4+ spades, right hand opponent bids. Similar when responder bids 1H(1S) following a minor suit opening bid. Note: When the overcall is 1D following a 1C bid, the 2C cue bid shows a three suit hand (D,H,S) and 2 1/2 QT. *Some use 3NT for a long, strong minor suit. It's use here seems to be less rare and therefore more useful. This will become an option soon. [227 1C 1H* opponent ? With no support for partner's major suit: 1S: 5 spades, OPC 8+. 2S: good 6+ spades, OPC 12+. 1NT: Stoppers in suits not bid by partner; HCPC 12+ 2NT: Stoppers in suits not bid by partner; HCPC 15+ 2D: good 6+ diamonds, OPC 10+. Double: RPC 12+, at least 4 cards in any unbid suit. *Analogous bids for partner's 1S bid. Note: Cue bids in clubs and 3NT shows support for partner's hearts. [228 RESPONSE TO INTERMEDIAE JUMP OVERCALL 1C 2H* opponent ? All require 2 card support or better 3NT(4H) RPC: 10+ 3C RPC 8-9 Cue bid 3H RPC: 6-8 (slightly less if competitive bid). Without support for hearts. 2NT Double stopper in opponents suit, HCPC 12+. 3C,3D HCPC 12+, 4 card suit or better. *Analogous bids following a 2S response. Note: When bidding strong 1NT systems (distribution calculated using 321/321), the requirement for RPC is 2 points higher. [229 Complex defensive bidding system 1C 1D PASS ? 1S or 1H: 5+ major suit, HCPC 8+ 2H,2S: good 6+ major suit, HCPC 9-13 2C: Cue bid, at least 4/4 in major suits, HCPC 8+ 3C: Cue bid (next bid show type of hand) HCPC 18+, notrump hand, stoppers in clubs RPC 18+, 3+ diamond support. HCPC 14+, good 6+ major suit. 2D: 3+ diamonds, RPC 8-11 3D: 3+ diamonds, RPC 12-15 4D: 3+ diamonds, RPC 16-17 5D: 4+ diamonds, weak offensive hand if not vulnerable Notrump hand, double stopper in clubs 1NT: HCPC 9-12, 10+ if vulnerable 2NT: HCPC 13-15, 14+ if vulnerable 3NT: HCPC 16-17, 17+ if vulnerable [230 No information [231 The 2C bid by partner was natural (anytime it does not follow a 1NT and is not a cue bid). The defensive responder has several important options: Bid 4C: 3 clubs, RPC 16+ in clubs. 3S: good 6 spades, OPC 10+. 3H: good 6 hearts, OPC 10+. cue bid of opponents suit (2D,2H,2S) shows support in all unbid suits and HCPC 10+. 2S: good 6 spades (strong 5 spades), OPC 8+. 2H: good 6 hearts (strong 5 hearts), OPC 8+. 5C: 3 clubs, RPC 14+ in clubs. 2NT: Double stopper in opponents, suit, HCPC 11+. 3C: 3 clubs, RPC 12+ in clubs. [232 BID 2D OPPONENT ? 5D: 3 diamonds, RPC 14+ in diamonds. 3D: 3 diamonds, RPC 12+ in diamonds. 3S: good 6 card spade suit, OPC 10+. 3H: good 6 card heart suit, OPC 10+. cue bid of opponents suit with (2C,2H,2S) shows support in all unbid suits and HCPC 10+. 2S: good 6 spades (strong 5 spades), OPC 8+. 2H: good 6 hearts (strong 5 hearts), OPC 8+. 2NT: Double stopper in opponents, suit, HCPC 11+. [233 [234 [235 1C 2C* OPPONENT ? If the opponent passes or doubles, the player is obligated to bid the better of the two major suits. 4H(4S) Preemptive bid: two suit hand (hearts and spades) and few if any points. Don't bid if only team vulnerable. 4H(4S) At least 4 card support and RPC 15+. Give yourself an extra point for having a 5 card suit. Also make this bid with a two suit hand (hearts and spades, one being 5 cards long), if the combined points in the two suits are 7+. 3H(3S) At least 4 card support and RPC 10+. Or a two suit hand (hearts and spades, one being 5 cards long) and with at least some points in both suits. 2H(2S) Does not promise any values whatsoever. [236 1H 2H* OPPONENT ? With 3 card support in the major suit and a RPC 12+, bid game. With slightly less values bid 3 of the major; otherwise, bid your best minor suit. *Michael's cue bid of a major suit promises 5 cards in the other major and one 4 card minor. [237 1D double pass ? Pass: 5 diamonds with 3 honors 2C: Cue bid shows 4 hearts and 4 spades 4S(4H): 4+ major, 12+ RPC*. 3S(3H)**: 4+ major, 9+ RPC. 2S(2H): 4+ major, 6+ RPC. 1S(1H): 4+ major, 0-5 RPC. 3NT: HCPC 14, double stopper in diamonds 2NT: HCPC 12, double stopper in diamonds 1NT: HCPC 9, stopper in diamonds 5C: 5(4)+ clubs, RPC 15+ 4C: 5(4)+ clubs, RPC 12+ 3C**: 4+ clubs, RPC 9+ 2C: 4+ clubs, RPC 0-8 *Discount points for distribution in opener's suit. Use 5 points for void, 3 points for singleton, and 1 point for doubleton in any other suit. **With opposition, reduce point requirement for 3-bids to RPC 7. [238 1NT 2NT? The defensive 2NT bid shows a 2 suit hand. If the bid follows a weak 1NT, the defensive responder bids as follows: With 3 cards in the suit 3H HCPC 9+, 2 QT* 3S HCPC 9+, 2 QT* 3C No point requirement, just 3+ cards 3D No point requirement, just 3+ cards 3H No point requirement, just 3+ cards *The bid of 3S guarantees 2 QT, while the bid of 3H is likely showing 2 QT. With a fit partner bids game. Following a strong 1NT, the responder simply bids the lowest ranking suit with 3+ cards. [239 1bid 2NT opponent ? The unusual 2 notrump made by partner promises a 2-suiter (any two suits not bid by opponent) and about HCPC 10+. Bid your lowest ranking 3 card suit until hopefully you find a fit. [240 1S pass pass double This double requires support in all the unbid suits, shortness in clubs, and RPC 11+. To the HCPC add 5 points for a void, 3 for a singleton and 1 point for a doubleton. A double in fourth position after two passes is made with a lighter hand than in second position. [241 Lead direct double 3NT PASS PASS DOUBLE 1NT PASS 3NT DOUBLE 2NT PASS PASS DOUBLE A double used in this situation shows a long, strong suit, usually with the ace. Partner will attempt to lead your suit. A lead directing double of an uncertain suit is made in fourth position when it appears the opponents are going to take the bid in notrump and partner will lead off. [242 1NT pass 2C Double? The double of the artificial 2C bid shows a long, strong club suit. Partner is expected to lead clubs. This is a lead directing double. [243 A Michael's cue bid by the person in fourth position has much the same meaning as a Michael's cue bid by the first defensive player. If the opener bid a minor suit it shows at least 5-4 in the two major suits. After a major suit, it promises 5 cards in the unbid major and 5 cards in one of the minor suits. It guarantees a RPC 9+. [244 The unusual NT when bid by the player in fourth position has the same meaning as if the first defensive player made the bid. The unusual 2NT promises a two suit hand with some high cards in each suit. It should have at least 1 1/2 QT, and HCPC 8+. If opener bid a major, the 2NT promises 5 cards in each minor suit. If the opener bid a minor suit, it promises 5 hearts and 5 of the unbid minor. [245 Standard responses 1H PASS PASS ? A bid in this situation is known as balancing. You are in part bidding your partner's hand too. With 2 cards or less in opponent's suit: 2S: good 6+ spades, HCPC 10+, 1 1/2 QT (jump bid) 1S: 6+ spades, HCPC 4+. 1S: Good 4 card or fair 5+ spades, 1 1/2 QT, HCPC 8+ 2D(2C): fair 6+ diamonds, HCPC 9+, 1 1/2 QT. Double: HCPC 11+, 4 spades, 3+ clubs, 3+ diamonds. 1NT: Balanced hand, HCPC 9+, 2 QT, and stopper in opponent's suit, but less than 4 cards in this suit. [246 Anytime the partnership is investigating slam in a MINOR suit, a 4NT bid is asking for partner's number of aces. This bid is not often used for minor suits. 0 or 4 5c 1 5d 2 5h 3 5s This is true for all bidding systems. Reminder: When asking for aces by bidding 4NT you need a minimum of 31 points (33 with 4/4 fit) when bidding a weak 1NT system and 33 points when bidding a strong 1NT system. [247 TERRY'S WEAK 1NT SYSTEM When the partnership is investigating slam in a MAJOR suit and the trump suit is agreed upon at the four level, a 4NT bid is asking for partner's number of aces. Possible responses are: 0 or 4 5c 1 5d 2 5h 3 5s When bidding a weak NT system, the partnership should have a minimum of 31 points (OPC+RPC) to ask for aces by bidding 4NT(33 points with a 4/4 fit). NOTE: If the last trump suit bid was at the four level and there was no attempt to determine side suit controls, then the 4NT bid is asking for the number of aces even though the trump suit was confirmed before the four level. [248 TERRY'S WEAK 1NT SYSTEM In this situation*, the bid of 4NT affirms there are sufficient points for slam (OPC + RPC is 29 or greater or 31 with a 4/4 fit). It tells partner there are sufficient controls in the three side suits to make at least a small slam. It asks partner to bid the number of top three cards in trumps. 0 5c 1 5d 2 5h 3 5s *The partnership is investigating slam in a MAJOR suit and the trump suit was decided at the level of three or less (including artificial bids of 2S,3NT,3C,3D,3H); and either the last bid was less than four of the trump suit or there was at least one intervening bid showing a first round control in a side suit. [249 When playing notrump (except immediately following a 1NT or 2NT), the 4NT bid is asking for the number of aces. 4 5NT; 3 5S; 2 5H; 1 5D; 0 5C; [250 1S 2C Double* ? Partner's double shows little support for spades and defensive values in all the other suits including clubs (HCPC 9+). 3C This cue bid shows no clubs and a strong interest in game. PASS: Only a 5 card suit in spades, and strength in other suits, makes partner's double for penalties. 4S Strong 6 card suit, OPC 16+ 3S Good 6 card suit, OPC 14+ 2S 6 card suit, little defensive values. Reminder only: *Double following minor suit opening shows length and strength in unbid major suits. [251 cue bid 1C* 1D 2D ? The 2D cue bid shows 5+ clubs, HCPC 17+. Any suit bid other than clubs, shows first round control in that suit and interest in slam (OPC 12+). Otherwise use these approximate values to arrive at club bid. 7C OPC 20+ 6C OPC 15+ 5C opening hand. *Applies to any suit bid by opener, although in the case of a major suit, partner only needs 3+ card support to make the cue bid. [252 1S OPPONENT BIDS 3NT* ? Any side suit bid in this situation is showing sufficient points to attempt slam (OPC+RPC 29 or greater) and first round control in the suit bid. *Artificial bid showing at least 3 spades and RPC of 12+. Only used if the opponent bids. Same following 1H opening bid. [253 1C (1H) PASS PASS Double? This bid is not for penalties. It is referred to as a takeout double, and in this case it is used as a means of reentering the auction. The double promises support in all the unbid suits. Analogous situations exist for other opening 1 bids where the opener is attempting to reenter the auction. [254 1C 1H 3C? 3C OPC 18+, long strong club suit. Reminder: 4H RPC 20+, 4 hearts. 3H RPC 18+, 4 hearts. 2H RPC 14+, 4 hearts. 1S OPC 15+, 4 spades. 2C OPC 13-14, 5 card suit, unbalanced hand. 1NT HCPC 15-17, balanced hand. 2NT HCPC 18+, approprite stoppers. 2D Forcing for one round. HCPC 15-22. Inability to bid something more discriptive. [255 1D 1H 3D? 3D OPC 18, and independent diamond suit. Reminder: 4H RPC 20+, 4 hearts. 3H RPC 18-19, 4 hearts. 2H RPC 15-17, 4 hearts. 1S OPC 15+, 4 spades. May also have a good 6 card diamond suit to rebid. 2D OPC 13-14, 5 card suit, unbalanced hand. 2C Two suit hand. 1NT HCPC 15-17, balanced hand. 2NT HCPC 18+, stoppers in unbid suits. [256 1H PASS 3C(3D) 3H? 3H Sufficient points to attempt slam, but no first round controls in the three side suits. Other possible bids: 4H Insufficient points to attempt slam 3D,3S,4C First round control in the suit bid and sufficient points to attempt slam. 4NT First round control in all three side suits and sufficient points to attempt slam. Asking partner for holding in trumps. [257 1S PASS 3D(3H) 3S? 3S Sufficient points to attempt slam, but no first round controls in the three side suits. Other possible bids: 4S Insufficient points to attempt slam 3H,4C,4D First round control in the suit bid and sufficient points to attempt slam. 4NT First round control in all three side suits and sufficient points to attempt slam. Asking partner for holding in trumps. [258 TERRY'S WEAK 1NT SYSTEM When the partnership is INVESTIGATING SLAM in a MINOR suit, the bid of 4S shows that the partners have sufficient points (OPC + RPC is 29 or greater) and sufficient controls in the three side suits to make at least a small slam. The bid is asking for the number of top three cards in trumps.* Responses expected are: 0 4NT 1 5C 2 5D 3 5H * For this reason, 4S is never used as a cue bid showing first round control when bidding in a minor suit. [259 When using 4NT to ask for the number of top 3 cards in a major suit or 4S to ask for the number of top 3 cards in a minor suit, the bid of 5NT means that the partnership has 1. first round control in all three side suits. 2. the top three cards in trumps. 3. sufficient values to bid at least a small slam. The 5NT bid asks partner to bid a grand slam if 1. the combined point count is 35 or higher (OPC + RPC). 2. partner has an excellent second suit (usually 5 or more with the top three cards in the suit). 3. some other sound reason. If a grand slam bid is not possible, then partner bids a small slam to end the bidding. [260 When 5NT is used following a 4NT ASKING FOR ACES, it promises the ace and king of trumps and first round control in all suits. It asks partner to either bid a small slam or grand slam depending on his/her hand. [261 1H PASS 3C (heart support, RPC 12-13) ? The bid of a side suit guarantees an OPC 17+ (OPC + RPC combinded 29+) and first round control in the suit bid. 3D: First round control in diamonds. 3S: First round control in spades and none in diamonds. 4C: First round control in clubs, none diamonds and spades. 4NT: First round control in all three side suits, and 17+ points. Other bids. 3H: Sufficient points to make slam, no first round controls in side suits. 4H: Insufficient points to make slam. [262 1H PASS 3D (heart support, RPC 14-15) ? The bid of a side suit guarantees an OPC of 15 or more (OPC + RPC of 29+) and first round control in the suit bid. 3S First round control in spades. 4C First round control in clubs, none in spades 4D First round control in diamonds, none in spades and clubs. 4NT First round control in all three side suits, sufficient points to attempt slam. Partner bids the number of top three cards in trumps. Other bids. 3H Sufficient points for slam, no first round controls 4H Insufficient points to bid slam. [263 1H PASS 2S* ? 2NT OPC 12-13 3C OPC 14-15 3D OPC 16-17 3H OPC 18+. *Responder wants to know opener's point count. [264 1S PASS 3C Asking partner for point count ? 3D OPC 12-13 3H OPC 14-15 3S OPC 16-17 3NT OPC 18+. [265 1S 3D (support with 12-13 pts) ? The bid of a side suit guarantees OPC 17+ (OPC + RPC combined 29+) and first round control in the suit bid. 3H First round control in hearts. 4C First round control in clubs and none in hearts 4D First round control in diamonds and none in hearts,clubs. Other bids. 3S Sufficient points to attempt slam, no first round controls in side suits. 4S Insufficient points to bid slam. [266 1S PASS 3H (spade support, RPC 14-15) ? The following bids show an interest in slam (OPC + RPC combined 29+). 4C First round control clubs 4D First round control diamonds, none in clubs 4H First round control hearts, none C & D. 4NT First round control in three side suits. Asking for number of top three cards in spades. Other bids. 3S Sufficient points to attempt slam, no first round controls in side suits 4S Insufficient points to initiate slam. [267 1C(1D) PASS 2S (asking bid)* ? 3C OPC 13-14, 5 clubs 3D OPC 15-17, 5 clubs 3H OPC 18+, 5 clubs 2NT HCPC 15-17 and 3 or 4 clubs 3NT HCPC 18+ and 3 or 4 clubs *Responder wants to know opener's point count and distribution. [268 1NT 3H(3S) ? When the bid is in a suit other than responder's suit, it shows three card support for responder's major suit and first round control in the suit bid. This sequence is used just in case the responder is interested in investigating slam. [269 1NT 3H* ? 4H 3+ hearts and no side suit with a first round control. 3S,4C,4D: Any of these bids show 3+ hearts and an ace in the suit bid. 3NT 2 card heart support. *Same situation for 1NT 3S [270 1NT PASS 2C ? Only possible bids 2S: 4 card suit 2H: 4 card suit (with both bid hearts first) 2D: If can not bid major suit. [271 (1D) 1H* ? Shows 4 card support (sometimes 3) 2H* RPC 15-17** 3H* RPC 18-19 4H* RPC 20+ *Or in spades **Some hands may have slightly less but partner is expecting 15. [272 1C(1D) 1H 1S? The 1S bid promises 4 spades. Since the minor suit was not rebid, it suggest a HCPC of 15+; however, the player may have a 2-suiter with fewer high card points. It denies support for hearts. [273 1C(1D) 1H,1S 1NT? The 1NT bid promises a balanced distribution and a HCPC of 15-17. It denies 4 card support for responder's major suit, and if responder bid 1H, it denies 4 spades. [274 1C(1D) 1BID PASS PASS 1NT? The 1NT bid shows a balanced distribution, HCPC 18+, and the opponent's suit securely stopped. It denies a 5 card or better suit. [275 1C* 1H ? 4H RPC 20+, 4 card heart suit. 3H RPC 18-19, 4 card heart suit. 2H RPC 15-17, 4 card heart suit. 1NT HCPC 15-17, balanced hand. 2NT HCPC 18-20, balanced hand with stoppers. 3C OPC 18+, good 6 card club suit. 2C OPC 13+, unbalanced hand, 5+ clubs. 2D HCPC 18+, stoppers all suits except spades or a strong club suit, 15-17 points. *Same analogy following 1D opening bids and for 1S responses. [276 1D 2C ? 4C OPC 18, 5 clubs 3NT HCPC 18 and stoppers in unbid suits 2NT HCPC 15 and stoppers in unbid suits 2H HCPC 15 and stoppers in hearts. 2S HCPC 15 and stoppers in spades. 4D HCPC 19-22, strong 7 card suit. 3D OPC 16-18, good 6 card suit. 3C OPC 15, four card suit (non forcing). 2D OPC 13+, 5+ diamonds. [277 1C 1H(1S) 2D? The 2D reverse bid forces the responder to bid again. Opener has one of the following: (1) HCPC 17+, stoppers in clubs and diamonds, none in the unbid suit, and an interest in game in notrump. (2) A good six card club suit, with HCPC 15-17, stoppers in clubs and diamonds interested in game in notrump or in clubs. (3) A four card diamond suit, HCPC 16+. Note: The player cannot support responder's major suit and cannot bid 2NT either because of insufficient values or because the hand lacks a stopper in the unbid suit. [278 1D 1H(1S) 2C? The 2C bid describes a two suit hand with at least 4 cards in each of the two minor suits. It denies help for partner's major suit and the hand is likely to be unbalanced otherwise opener would have bid notrump [279 1D 1S 2H? Responder should bid again. Opener with HCPC 15+ is probably trying to find game in hearts with a 4/4 fit, or in notrump. [280 1C Pass 2D ? Responder is promising a strong independent diamond suit with an OPC 17+. Slam is likely. Any suit bid other than diamonds is showing first round control in that suit. An anologous situation exists after 1C and responer's 2D,2H, or 3S response or after 1D and responder's bid of 3C,2H, or 3S. The response of 2S is reserved as an asking bid which is explained elsewhere. [281 WEAK 1NT SYSTEM 1C(1D) Partner's bid: 1D,1H,1S 3NT? 3NT: HCPC 17+, appropriate stoppers*, and a strong 6 card minor suit. It shows lack of support for partner's major suit bid. Reminder: Opening bids: 1NT HCPC 12-14. No stoppers guaranteed, bal. hand. 2NT HCPC 21-22. No stoppers guaranteed, bal. hand. 2C HCPC 23+. No stoppers guaranteed. Opener bids again 3NT As above. 2NT HCPC 19+, appropriate stoppers*, or 18 points with a strong hand. 1NT HCPC 15-17, no stoppers guaranteed, balanced hand. *All suits except partner's. [282 WEAK 1NT SYSTEM 1C(1D) 1D,1H,1S 2NT? HCPC 19+ and stoppers (except partner's suit). HCPC 18 with a strong hand; e.g., a king or better in every suit, or 4QT, or a strong 5 card minor suit. Reminder: NT hands are bid as follows: Opening bids: 1NT HCPC 12-14. Balanced, does not guarantee stoppers. 2NT HCPC 21-22. Balanced, does not guarantee stoppers. 2C HCPC 23+. It does not guarantee stoppers. Second bids: 3NT HCPC 17+, stoppers in all suits except partner's, and a strong 6 card minor suit. This hand is not balanced. 2NT as above. 1NT HCPC 15-17(18), balanced hand. [283 1C DBLE PASS 1D(1H,1S) 2C? At least 5 clubs and OPC 15+. Partner may not have been able to raise opener's club bid because of a lack of club support (opener only guarantees 3 clubs). However, the bidding suggests that partner likely has 3 clubs, and the 1Bid by the defensive responder shows relatively poor high card value. [284 1H 1NT (artificial,forcing opener to bid) ? 3NT HCPC 18, long strong hearts, stoppers 2NT HCPC 18-20, balanced,stoppers (game try) 3H OPC 18, good 6 hearts (game try) 3C,3D Strong 2 suit hand (HCPC 18). 2S OPC 15+, good 4 card spade suit. 2H Fair 6 card heart suit (final bid). 2C At least 3 card suit* 2D At least 3 card suit* *Bid lowest ranking 4(3) card suit first. Reminder: Following 1NT, a 2H bid shows a 6 card heart suit. However, opener's 2H bid following responder's 1S,2C or 2D bid, only promises 5 hearts. [285 1S 1NT (artificial,forcing opener to bid) ? 3NT HCPC 18, long strong spades, stoppers 2NT HCPC 18-20, balanced, stoppers 3S OPC 18, good 6 card suit 3C(3D) Strong 2 suit hand or HCPC 18 2S Good 6 card suit, a final bid 2H 5 card or good 4 card suit* 2C 3 cards or better* 2D 3 cards or better* * Bid the lowest ranking 4 card suit, and with no 4 card suit, bid lowest ranking 3 card suit; except with a good four card major, bid it first. Reminder: 2S following 1NT requires a 6 card suit. 2S following 2C or 2D only promises 5 spades. [286 1H 2C ? 4H: Strong 7 card suit, OPC 16+ 3H: Fair 6 card suit, OPC 14+ 3NT: HCPC 16, appropriate stoppers 2NT: HCPC 13-15, appropriate stoppers 2H: Minimum hand, 5 card suit. 2D: Two good 5 card suits, or HCPC 15+ with a stopper in diamonds. 2S: 4 card suit, HCPC 13+. 6C: Good 5 card suit, OPC 21+. 5C(4C): Good 5 card suit, OPC 17+. 3C: 4 card suit, RPC 14+ in clubs. [287 1S 2C ? 4S: Strong 7 card suit, OPC 16+. 3S: Good 6 card suit, OPC 14+. 3NT: HCPC 16+, appropriate stoppers 2NT: HCPC 13-15, appropriate stoppers 2S: Minimum hand, 5 card suit 2H: Minimum hand, good 4 card suit. 2D: Two good 5 card suits, or HCPC 15+, stopper in diamonds. 6C Good 5 card suit, OPC 21+. 5C(4C): Good 5 card suit, OPC 17+. 3C: 4 card suit, OPC 14+. [288 1H 2D ? 4H Strong 6 card suit, OPC 16+. 3H Good 6 card suit, OPC 14+* 3NT HCPC 16+, appropriate stoppers 2NT HCPC 13-15, appropriate stoppers 2H Minimum hand, 5 card suit 2S Good 4 card suit, HCPC 13+ 6D Good 5 card suit, OPC 21+ 5D(4D) Good 5 card suit, OPC 17+ 3D 4 card suit, OPC 14+ 3C 2 suit hand or HCPC 14+ with stopper *Requires good 6 card suit and OPC 12+ if made as a competitive bid. [289 1S 2D ? 4S Strong 6 card suit, OPC 16+ 3S Good 6 card suit, OPC 14-17 3NT HCPC 16+, appropriate stoppers 2NT HCPC 13-15, appropriate stoppers 2S Minimum hand, 5 card suit 2H Minimum hand, good 4 card suit. 6D Good 5 card suit, OPC 21+ 5D(4D) Good 5 card suit, OPC 17+ 3D 4 card suit, OPC 14+ 3C 2 suit hand or HCPC 14 with stopper [290 1S 2H ? 4S OPC 18+, strong 6 card spade suit. 3S OPC 15+, strong 6 card spade suit 2S OPC 12-14, no support for hearts 4H RPC 15+, 3 card heart support 3H RPC 12-14, 3 card heart support 3NT HCPC 16+, stoppers in all suits hearts. 2NT HCPC 14-15, stoppers as in 3NT 3C Stopper in clubs, HCPC 15+ 3D Stopper in diamonds, HCPC 15+ PASS Terrible 5 card spades, minimum hand and at least 1 heart [291 1S* 2S 3C,3D,3H? A try for game with a short suit. The artificial bid promises a singleton or void in the suit bid. If the suit is a singleton it promises HCPC (14)15 in the other three suits. If a void it promises HCPC 13. With HCPC 7 or greater in the unbid suits, partner will bid game(only the ace of the short suit can be counted, and it is not given a full 4 point value). *Analogous for 1H opening bid. [292 1H(1S) 2H(2S) 2NT? Try for game on power. Opener is showing a hand with OPC 17+. It need not be a balanced hand. [293 Support for hearts Point Count 1H 3H(10-11),3C(12-13),3D(14-15) 4H? It promises sufficient points to make game but not enough points to make slam (combined OPC + RPC less than 29). Note: The responder must pass the 4H bid. Reminder: 1H (opponent passes) 2S? Responder's 2S bid shows 16+ points and is asking for opener's point count. [294 Support for spades Point Count 1S 3S(10-11),3D(12-13),3H(14-15) 4S? The 4S bid promises sufficient points to make game but not enough points to make slam (combined OPC + RPC less than 29). Note: The responder must pass the 4S bid. Reminder: 1S (opponent passes) 3C? The 3C bid shows 16+ points and is asking for opener's point count. [295 1S* 3S ? Any suit bid other than spades is showing first round control in that suit, an OPC 20+, and an interest in slam. If a lower ranking suit was skipped it denies first round control in that suit. If opener bids 4NT, it shows first round control in all side suits, OPC 20+, and is asking for the number of top three cards in trumps. *Same for hearts. [296 1H 1S ? MINIMAL HANDS, 14 POINTS OR LESS 2S 4(3 with an honor) or more spades 1NT Balanced hand (2 spades, 5 hearts). 2H 5+ hearts.* RELATIVELY STRONG HANDS 4S RPC 20+, 4 spades 3S RPC 17-19, 4(3) card spade support 3H OPC 18+, 6+ hearts 2NT HCPC 18+, balanced distribution 3C OPC 18+, 5+ clubs. 3D OPC 18+, 5+ diamonds. 2C OPC 15+ or 2-suiter. 2D OPC 15+ or 2-suiter. *Reminder: 6+ hearts required after hearing 1NT. [297 2C 2D ? 4H(4S) Strong 6+ card suit 3H(3S) Strong 6+ card suit, less than game in hand. 3NT Stoppers all suits , QT 4 1/2 or more, and HCPC 25+. 3C(3D) Strong 6+ card suit 2NT Stoppers all suits, HCPC 23-24 2H(2S) Good 5+ card suit. [298 2C 2H ? 3H 3+ hearts, interested in slam or game in hearts 3S Strong 6+ spades, interested in game or slam in spades 3NT HCPC 25+, stoppers 4H 2 or 3 card support in hearts 2S Good spade suit, interested in game or slam in spades 3C Good club suit, interested in game or slam in clubs 3D Good diamond suit, interest in game or slam in diamonds. 2NT Balanced distribution, HCPC 23-24. [299 2C 2S ? 3S 3 card support interest in slam in spades 3H Strong 6 card suit, interested in game or slam in hearts 3NT HCPC 25+, stoppers all suits except spades 4S 2 or 3 card support in spades 3C Good club suit, interested in game or slam in clubs 3D Good diamond suit, interest in game or slam in diamonds. 2NT Balanced distribution, HCPC 23-24. [300 2C 2NT ? 7NT HCPC 30 6NT HCPC 26-29 3NT HCPC 23-25, balanced distribution 3Bid in suit Strong suit, interest in game in suit or slam. [301 2C 3C* ? 7C 3 clubs and RPC 28+, points in clubs 6C 2 clubs and RPC 24+, points in clubs 3D,4D Strong 6 card diamond suit 3S Strong 6 card spade suit 3H Strong 6 card heart suit 5C 2 or more clubs (must have high cards in clubs) 3NT HCPC 23+, stoppers *Similar for 3D bid showing weak to fair 6 card suit and OPC of eight or more. [302 2C 3S* Strong 6 card suit, OPC 8+ ? This bid is not used by LPB program [303 1C(1D) PASS 2S When first defensive player passes ? An asking bid. Expected Responses 2NT: 3 or 4 cards in minor and HCPC 15-17 3C: 5 cards in minor suit and OPC 13-14 3D: 5 cards in minor suit and OPC 15-16 3H: 5 cards in minor suit and OPC 17+ 3NT: 3 or 4 cards in minor and HCPC 18+ [304 1C* 1H ? 3H: 4 card support for partner's major, RPC 18 2H: 4 card support for partner's major, RPC 15-17. 4C: 19+ points, long strong independent suit. 3C: 15-18 points, long strong suit. 2C: 13-14 points, minimal hand with 5 clubs. 1NT: Balanced hand, HCPC 15-17. 2NT: Balanced hand, HCPC 18+, stoppers. 1S over 1H: 4 spades and 15 HCPC *Analogous situation with opening bid of 1D or with response of 1S. [305 1C* PASS 2C ? 4C OPC 18+. 3NT HCPC 17+ and stoppers in all suits. 2NT HCPC 15-16 and stoppers in all suits. 2D Stopper in diamonds. 2H Stopper in hearts. 2S Stopper in spades. *Similar responses for 1D 2D [306 1H PASS 2S When the first defensive player passes. ? Responder is asking for opener's point count. 2NT: OPC 12-13 3C: OPC 14-15 3D: OPC 16-17 3H: OPC 18+ [307 1H PASS 3C(3D) When the first defensive player passes ? Following a 3C bid(shows 12-13 points). OPC 17, bid lowest ranking suit other than trumps with first round control (void or ace). Slam try. OPC 12-16: Bid 4H. Following a 3D bid(shows 14-15 points). OPC 15, bid lowest ranking suit other than trumps with first round control(void or ace). Slam try. OPC 12-14: Bid 4H [308 1S PASS 3C* When the first defensive player passes Responder is asking for opener's point count. 3D: OPC 12-13 3H: OPC 14-15 3NT: OPC 16+ *If the first defensive player had not passed this jump bid would show a 7 card suit with few values outside clubs(preemptive). [309 1S PASS 3D(3H) When the first defensive player passes. ? Following a 3D bid(shows 12-13 points). OPC 17, bid lowest ranking suit other than trumps with first round control (void or ace). Slam try. OPC 12-16: Bid 4S. Following a 3H bid(shows 14-15 points). OPC 15, bid lowest ranking suit other than trumps with first round control(void or ace). Slam try. OPC 12-14: Bid 4S. [310 1S 3S or 1H 3H ? ? OPC 20+: Bid the lowest ranking non-trump suit with a first round control (ace or void). OPC 16-19: 4Bid in trump suit. [311 1H 2H or 1S 2S ? ? Bid 4H(4S) with 20+ points With a void and HCPC 13 or singleton and HCPC 15 make 3-bid in the short suit. When responder has a HCPC 7+ (not counting the short suit except for the ace), he/she bids game. [312 1S(1H) OPPONENT BIDS 3NT ? Partner's artificial 3NT bid shows a supporting hand with a responder's point count of 12+. OPC 17+,bid a first round control in the lowest ranking suit other than trumps. OPC 12-16: Bid game. [313 1S(1H) 2C(2D) ? Responder will bid again over all these bids. 2Bid in original suit: Shows minimum opening hand with with less than OPC 14. 2NT: HCPC 15, stoppers in all non-bid suits. Forcing to game. 3Bid in responders minor suit: RPC 15, 3 card support 2Bid in second suit: Shows 3QT, OPC of 14+, or a fairly strong two suited hand. Must have at least one stopper in suit bid. EXCEPTION: 1S 2C(2D) 2H The 2H bid shows good 4 or 5 card heart suit but the hand may have no extra values. [314 1H(1S)* 1NT ? 3NT: HCPC 18, long strong major, stoppers in all suits 2NT: HCPC 18, balanced distribution, stoppers in all suits 3Bid original suit: 6 card suit, OPC 18+ 3Bid minor suit: HCPC 18+. May have strong 6 card major suit. 2Bid original suit: 6 card suit 2Bid second suit: Longest lower ranking suit with, a stopper, searching for fit. May be 3 card suit. *If the original bid was 1S a rebid of 2H, should only be made with 4 or 5 cards in the suit. [315 1-bid pass 2-bid opener's suit pass pass ? 2-bid in suit: RPC* 9+, fair 5+ suit, and shortness in the enemy's suit. For example, after hearing 1H raised to 2H by the offense, bid 2S with: example hand: Kjxxx x Qxxx xxx When the opposition finds a fit and stops at a low level, it is likely the defense also has a fit and sufficient high strength to make a bid. In bridge language this is known as balancing. You have the suit and by inference your partner has the high card strength. *To the HCPC, add 5 points for a void in the enemy's suit, 3 for a singleton, 1 for a doubleton. [316 1C(1D,1H,1S) PASS 1NT PASS PASS DOUBLE The double in this situation is for penalties. It is made when the player has length(at least 5) and strength in the opponent's suit. You are betting that your partner has the additional strength to defeat the contract. [317 1NT 2C offense 2NT (etc) pass ? The player's response of 2NT is asking for partner to bid 3 clubs with 5 clubs, else bid the next lowest ranking 4 card suit. The defensive opener will usually pass* any bid less than 2NT with 4 card support; otherwise, the player will bid the next lowest ranking 4 card suit. *Note: The defensive opener can try for game after a response of 2H or 2S by raising the bid with a HCPC 16+. Partner will continue to game with HCPC 10+ (with 5+ card support, the player goes to game with HCPC 8+). [318 1C DBLE PASS 1S 2C(pass) 2S? The 2S bid shows at least 5 spades and OPC 15. The player hopes that partner did not bid higher for lack of spades. With some luck the partnership may make 4S. [319 1C 1S 3C ? TRY FOR SLAM WITH AT LEAST 2 CARD SUPPORT 3D RPC 14, first round control in diamonds. 3H RPC 14+, first round control in hearts. 3S RPC 14+, first round control in spades. This is not a try for game in spades. TRY FOR GAME 5C HCPC 12+ and 1 or more clubs. 4S HCPC 8, strong 6 card spade suit*. 3NT HCPC 8, stoppers in appropriate suits. *ONLY EXCEPTION: The 4S bid here is after game and not asking for number of top cards in clubs. [320 1C 1H 3C ? Slam try with 2 or more clubs. 3D RPC 14+, first round control diams. 3H RPC 14+, first round control in hearts, none in diamonds. Note: This is not a try for game in hearts. 3S RPC 14+, first round control in spades, none in diamonds and hearts. Try for game 5C RPCC 12+ and 2 or more clubs. 4H OPC 8+, good 7 card heart suit. 3NT HCPC 8+, stoppers in appropriate suits. [321 1D 1S 3D ? Try for slam with 2 or more diamonds 3H RPC 14+, first round control in hearts. 3S RPC 14+, first round control in spades. 4C RPC 14+, first round control in clubs. Try for game 5D HCPC 12+ and 1 or more diamonds. 4S* HCPC 8+, good 7 card spade suit. 3NT HCPC 8+, stoppers in appropriate suits. *In Terry's system, this is an exception to the rule that a 4S bid is asking for number of top cards. [322 1D 1H 3D ? Try for slam with 2 or more diamonds 3H RPC 14+, first round control in hearts. Is not showing a long strong heart suit. 3S RPC 14+, first round control in spades. 4C RPC 14+, first round control in clubs. Try for game 5D HCPC 12+ and 2 or more diamonds. 4H HCPC 8+, good 6 card heart suit. 3NT HCPC 8+, stoppers in appropriate suits. [323 1S pass 3D,3H 3H,3S,4C,4D ? Opener's second bid initiated a slam sequence. Responder's second bid has the following meaning. 4NT Shows first round control in all three side suits Bid is asking for the number of top three cards in spades. 3 or 4-bid in a side suit. Shows first round control in the suit and lack of control in any lower ranking suit skipped by bidder. 3S No first round controls in side suits. 4S No first round controls in side suits. [324 1H pass 3C,3D 3D,3H,3S,4C ? Opener's second bid initiated a slam sequence. Responder's second bid has the following meaning. 4NT Shows first round control in all three side suits Bid is asking for the number of top three cards in spades. 3 or 4-bid in a side suit. Shows first round control in the suit and lack of control in any lower ranking suit skipped by bidder. 3H No first round controls in side suits. 4H No first round controls in side suits. [325 1C PASS 2S (RPC 15) 3C (OPC 13-14) ? The first 4 bids below show sufficient points to bid at least a small slam (OPC + RPC 29 or greater). 3D 3 clubs, first round control diamonds 3H 3 clubs, first round control hearts, none in diamonds 3S 3 clubs, first round control spades, none in diamonds and hearts. 4C No first round controls but with support and sufficient points for slam bidding. Try for game 3NT Balanced hand, insufficient points for slam. 5C Unbalanced hand, insufficient points for slam. [326 1C PASS 2S 3D (OPC 15-17) ? The first 4 bids below show sufficient points to bid at least a small slam (OPC + RPC 29 or greater). 3H 3 clubs, first round control hearts 3S 3 clubs, first round control spades none in hearts. 4D 3 clubs, first round control diamonds none in spades and hearts 4C No first round controls but with support and sufficient points for slam bidding. Try for game. 3NT HCPC 14-19, balanced distribution 6NT HCPC 19+. [327 1C PASS 2S 3H(OPC 18, at least 5 clubs) ? The first 4 bids below show sufficient points to bid at least a small slam (OPC + RPC 29 or greater). 3S 3 clubs, first round control spades 4D 3 clubs, first round control diamonds none in spades 4H 3 clubs, first round control hearts, none spades, diamonds 4C No first round controls but with support and sufficient points for slam bidding. 6NT HCPC 18-21, balanced distribution 7NT HCPC 22+, balanced distribution [328 1C PASS 2S 3S ? 7NT HCPC 22 6NT HCPC 18-21 3NT HCPC less than 18 The following bids show an interest in slam (OPC + RPC 29+) and a minimum of 5 clubs. 4D First round control in diamonds. 4H First round control hearts, none diamonds 4S Appropriate controls in all three side suits, asking for the number of top 3 cards in clubs. [329 1C PASS 2S 3NT ? 7NT HCPC 19 6NT HCPC 15-18 3NT HCPC less than 15 The following bids show an interest in slam (OPC + RPC 29+) and a minimum of 5 clubs. 4C No first round controls. 4D First round control diamonds. 4H First round control hearts, none in diamonds. 4S Appropriate controls in all three side suits, asking for the number of top 3 cards in clubs. [330 1D PASS 2S 3C (OPC 13-14 and 5 dias) ? (OPC + RPC 29+) and a minimum of 3 diamonds. 3D No first round controls. 3H First round control hearts. 3S First round control spades, none in hearts. 4C First round control clubs, none in spades and hearts 4S First round control 3 side suits Asking for number top 3 cards in trumps Other attempts at game or slam. 6NT HCPC 19+. 3NT HCPC 14-18 balanced distribution. 5D 3 diamonds, RPC less than 16. [331 1D PASS 2S 3D OPC 15-17 and 5 dias. ? (OPC + RPC 29+) and a minimum of 3 diamonds. 3H First round control hearts. 3S First round control spades, none in hearts 4C First round control clubs, none in S & H 4D No first round controls but with support and sufficient points for slam bidding. 4S First round control 3 side suits Sufficient points for small slam Asking for number top 3 cards in trumps Other attempts at game and slam. 3NT HCPC 15-18, balanced distribution 6NT HCPC 18+. [332 1D PASS 2S 3H (OPC 18 and 5 diamonds) ? With RPC 11+ and 3 card diamond suit (try for slam) 3S First round control spades. 4C First round control clubs, none in spades 4H First round control hearts, none in C & S 4D No first round controls in side suits, but with support and sufficient points for slam. 4S First round control 3 side suits Sufficient points for small slam Asking for number top 3 cards in trumps Other attempts at slam ad game. 7NT HCPC 19+. 6NT HCPC 15-18. 3NT HCPC less than 15, balanced hand [333 1S PASS 3C (RPC 16+) 3D (12-13) ? 3H* First round control in hearts 3S* No first round controls. 4C* First round control clubs, none in hearts. 4D* First round control diamonds, none in hearts and clubs. 4S Enough points for game only. *These bids required responder to have at least RPC 17, a sufficient number to attempt slam (OPC + RPC 29+). [334 1S PASS 3C (RPC 16+) 3H (OPC 14-15) ? 3S No first round controls. 4C First round control clubs. 4D First round control diamonds, none in clubs. 4H First round control hearts, none in clubs and none in diamonds. 4NT First round control in all three side suits, asking for top three cards in spades. [335 1S PASS 3C (RPC 16+) 3S (OPC 16-17) ? The partnership has more than sufficient points to bid slam (OPC + RPC 29 or greater). Grand slam is in view. 4C First round control in clubs 4D First round control diamonds, none in clubs. 4H First round control hearts, none in clubs and diamonds. 4S Sufficient points for slam but no first round controls in side suits. [336 1S PASS 3C (RPC 16+) 3NT (OPC 18+) ? The partnership has more than sufficient points to bid slam (OPC + RPC 29 or greater). Grand slam is in view. 4C First round control in clubs 4D First round control diamonds, none in clubs. 4H First round control hearts, none in clubs and diamonds. 4S Sufficient points for slam but no first round controls in side suits. [337 1H PASS 2S (RPC 16+) 3C (OPC 12-13) ? bid made meaning 3D* First round control in diamonds 3H* No first round controls 3S* First round control in spades, none in diamonds 4C* First round control clubs, none in spades and diamonds. 4H Enough points for game only. * These bids require the responder to have at least 17 points (sufficient points to attempt slam, OPC + RPC 29 or greater). [338 1H PASS 2S(RPC 16+) 3D (OPC 14-15) ? Combined point is at least 30 (slam try) 3H No first round controls in side suits.* 3S First round control spades, 4C First round control clubs, none in spades 4D First round control diamonds, none in S & C 4NT* First round control in all three side suits Asking for top three cards in trumps. *Note: When investigating slam in a major suit, controls in trumps are determined by bidding 4NT after the controls in the side suits are are accounted for. [339 1H PASS 2S(RPC 16+) 3H (OPC 16+) ? There are more than sufficient points for attempting slam. 3S First control in spades 4C First control in clubs, none in spades 4D First control in diamonds, none in spades and clubs 4H No first round controls but sufficient points to make game. 4NT First round control in all three side suits. Asking for the number of top three cards in hearts. [340 1C 1H 1S ? 4S: RPC 13+, 4 spades 4H: OPC 15+, strong 6 card heart suit 3NT HCPC 12+, stoppers in hearts and diamonds. 5C: OPC 15+, 5+ clubs 2NT: HCPC 9-11, stoppers in hearts and diamonds. 3S: RPC 11+ and 4 spades (3 with honors) 3H: OPC 11+ and good 6+ hearts (strong 5) 3C: OPC 11+ and 5+ clubs (4 with honors) 2D: HCPC 9+, stopper in diamonds 2H: HCPC 9+, fair 6+ hearts (good 5) 2S: RPC 8+, 4 spades (3 with honors) 2C: OPC 8+, 5+ clubs (4 with honors) Pass: 4 spades, 5 points or less 2C: 5+ clubs (possibly slightly less than expected by partner) 1NT: HCPC 5-8, escape bid showing poor values [341 2C 2NT 3H(3S) ? BID MADE MEANING 4H(4S) 3 card support and HCPC 7-10 3NT Balanced distribution, HCPC 7-10. [342 2C 2D* 2S ? 3C,3D,3H All show 3 card support for spades, RPC 8+, and first round control in suit. This is a try for slam. 4S 3 card support, RPC 6+. 3S 3 card support, RPC 3-5 points 2NT less values than a 3S Note: Player denies a worthy suit to bid. [343 1C 1H Note: 1NT bid, guarantees HCPC 15-17 1NT ? 6NT: HCPC 18+ 4NT: HCPC 17, try for small slam 3NT: HCPC 10-16, balanced hand or stoppers 2NT: HCPC 8-9, balanced hand or stoppers 4H: OPC 10+, fair 6 card heart suit 5C: OPC 13+, 5 clubs (partner has at least 3) 4C: OPC 11+, 5 clubs 3C: OPC 9+, 5 clubs, if not competitive bid 3C: OPC 6+, 5 clubs, competitive bid only 2C: 5 clubs or unbalanced hand and 4 clubs. 3H: OPC 9+, fair 5 card heart suit 2D: HCPC 11+, stoppers in diamonds and hearts. 3D: OPC 11+, good 6 card diamond suit. 5D: OPC 13+, good 6 card diamond suit. 6D: OPC 17+, strong 6 card diamond suit. 2S: HCPC 11+, good 4 card spade suit 2H: HCPC 5+, 6 card or fair 5 card heart suit PASS: Balanced hand, 5-6 HCPC [344 1C* 2C (HCPC 9+, 4 clubs) 2D(2H,2S)** ? 3NT: HCPC 10+, stoppers in both unbid suits 2NT: HCPC 9+, stoppers in both unbid suits 2H: HCPC 9+, stopper in hearts 2S: HCPC 9+, stopper in spades *Analogous following a 1D opening bid. **Opener's second bid shows HCPC 15, a stopper in the suit bid and a desire to play game in notrump. [345 1H 1NT 2BID 3H? Promises 3 or more trumps and RPC exactly 9. [346 1H* 2H 3C(3D,2S) ? 3H: Less than HCPC 7 in hearts and the other two suits that have not been bid. 4H: HCPC 7+ in hearts and the other two suits that have not been bid. *Analogous if bid in spades. [347 Responder passed previously pass pass 1NT pass ? All bids in this situation are natural. Attempting game in major suit 3S,3H: 6+ major, OPC 11+, interested in game in major. 3D,3C: 6+ minor, HCPC 10+, interested in notrump game. Attempting game with balanced hand 2NT: HCPC 11, any good 5 card suit, balanced hand. 2NT: HCPC 12+, balanced hand, inability to open bidding. Partial game 2S,2H 0+ points, 5 card suit. Pass 8+ points, no major suit, balanced hand. 2C,2D: Natural bids showing 5+ card suit. [348 1H* 2H 3C**(3D,2S) ? 3H: Less than HCPC 7 in the non bid suits. 4H: HCPC 7+ in the non bid suits. 4C**: Cue bid in partner's short suit. Asking opener to bid game in spades or hearts. Has 4 strong spades, 3 hearts, balanced hand. 4D: Bid in a new suit shows a short suit (void or singleton) and lots of hearts for cross ruffing. *Analogous bids if bid in spades. [349 1C 1H 3C ? The first three bids invite a slam in clubs and show first round control in the suit bid. 3D: 2 clubs, RPC 11+ (responder's point count clubs) 3H: 2 clubs, RPC 11+ 3S: 2 clubs, RPC 11+ 4S: 2 clubs, RPC 11+ First round control in diamonds, hearts, spades, sufficient points to invite slam, asking for the top three cards in clubs. 3NT: Stoppers in spades, diamonds, hearts, HCPC 7+. 4H: 6 hearts, HCPC 7+. Game in hearts 5C: Club support, RPC 9+. Game in clubs. [350 1C 1S 3C ? The following three bids invite a slam in clubs and show first round control in the suit bid 3D: 2 clubs, RPC 11+ 3H: 2 clubs, RPC 11+ 3S: 2 clubs, RPC 11+ 3NT: Stoppers in spades, diamonds, hearts, HCPC 7+. 4S: 6 spades, HCPC 7+. Game in spades 5C: 1 clubs, RPCC 9+ Game in clubs [351 1D 1H 3D ? The first three bids invite a slam in diamonds and show first round control in the suit bid. 3H: 2 diamonds, RPC 11+ 3S: 2 diamonds, RPC 11+ 4C: 2 diamonds, RPC 11+ 4S: 2 diamonds, RPC 11+ First round control in clubs, hearts, spades, sufficient points to invite slam, asking for the top three cards in clubs. 3NT: Stoppers in spades, clubs, hearts, HCPC 7+. 4H: 6 hearts, HCPC 7+. Game in hearts 5D: Diamond support, RPC diamonds 9+. Game in diamonds [352 1D 1S 3D ? The first three bids invite a slam in diamonds and show first round control in the suit bid 3H: 2 diamonds, RPC 11+ 3S: 2 diamonds, RPC 11+ 4C: 2 diamonds, RPC 11+ 3NT: Stoppers in spades, clubs, hearts, HCPC 7+. 4S:* 6 spades, HCPC 7+. Game in spades 5D: Diamond support, RPC 9+. Game in diamonds *This 4S bid is an exception to the 4S cue normally given following a minor suit bid. It is not showing first round controls. [353 1NT 3S 4C,4D,4H ? Any suit bid other spades shows an interest in slam and first round control in that suit. [354 1NT 3H 3S,4C,4D ? Any bid other than 4H shows a combined point count 29+ and an interest in slam. 1. A suit bid other than spades shows first round control in the suit (either a void or ace). 2. A 4NT bid shows controls in all three side suits and is asking for the number of opener's top three cards in hearts. [355 1C(1D) 1S 3S 4C,4D,4H? Any of these bids show first round control in the suit bid (either a void or an ace) and sufficient points to investigate slam in spades (a combined point count of 29 or greater). [356 1C(1D) 1H 3H 3S,4C,4D? Any of these bids show first round control in the suit bid (either a void or an ace) and sufficient points to investigate slam in hearts (a combined point count of 29 or greater, 31 with 4/4 fit). [357 1C 1S* 2D ? 4S OPC 10+, good 7+ spades or strong 6+ spades. 3S OPC 9+, good 6+ spades, or solid 5 spades. 3NT HCPC 9+, stoppers hearts and spades. 5C RPC 12+, 3+ clubs 4C RPC 9+, 3+ clubs 3D HCPC 9+, 4+ diamonds 2H 5+ hearts 2S 5+ spades 3C 3+ clubs 2NT HCPC 5-8 *Analogous following a 1H bid. [358 1H (1S) (OPPONENT PASSES) 1NT 2C (2D) 2NT? The 2NT bid requires HCPC 10 to 11, balanced distribution, and no 4 card support for partner's major suit. It may or may not have 3 card support for the suit. It requires stoppers in the suits not bid by opener. [359 When investigating slam in hearts, any side suit bid shows first round control in the suit bid. It denies first round control in any lower ranking side suit it skipped. It denies the ability to bid 4NT (a recognition of controls in all three side suits). A bid of 4 hearts denies any additional first round controls in the side suits. [360 When investigating slam in spades, any side suit bid shows first round control in the suit bid. It denies first round control in any lower ranking side suit it skipped. It denies the ability to bid 4NT (a recognition of controls in all three side suits). A bid of 4 spades denies any additional first round controls in the side suits. [361 When investigating slam in clubs, any side suit bid below 4S shows first round control in the suit bid. It denies first round control in any lower ranking side suit it skipped. It denies the ability to bid 4S (a recognition of controls in all three side suits). [362 When investigating slam in diamonds, any side suit bid below 4S shows first round control in the suit bid. It denies first round control in any lower ranking side suit it skipped. It denies the ability to bid 4S (a recognition of controls in all three side suits). [363 No information available. [364 A small red dot will appear on the button clicked. You can then click on the cards you would like in that hand. Click on any card to change the selection. The number of cards selected appears on the buttons. When finished with your selections, click Finished. 1. The computer will finish all hands by selecting at random from the available cards not chosen by you. 2. The screen will be painted your favorite color. 3. Next deal the cards, then either you or the computer can bid the game and play cards. Note: To get out of manual selection mode, you must go to Hands, menu item top of screen, and change your selection. You can do this anytime. [365 This version of Let's Play Bridge has three offensive bidding systems and two variations for the defense. Even greater choices are in the works. Please note: When you buy Let's Play Bridge, your access number is good for future upgrades. The access number is computer specific. When selecting slam hands, game or better hands, final contract, and selected bids, you should consider having both teams use the same bidding system. [366 1H* 2D* 2H ? 4H RPC 15, 2 hearts with an honor 4H RPC 13, 2 hearts, good diamonds 4H RPC 13, 3 hearts 3NT HCPC 16, appropriate stoppers. 2NT HCPC 13, appropriate stoppers (not forcing). 3C HCPC 14, two suit hand or stopper in clubs 3H RPC 10, 2 hearts (competition only) 4D(5D) OPC 16, near solid 6 card diamond suit, possible game in diamonds 3D Good 6 card diamond suit (no hearts) Wants to play in diamonds *Analogous for the other major and minor suits. [367 1C* 2C ? Partner's 2C response requires 4 clubs and HCPC 9 to 20+ points. 6C OPC 22+ 4 card club support (or jump in another suit). 5C OPC 18+ 4 card club support 4C OPC 15+ 4 card club support 3C OPC 12+ 4 card club support, minimum hand. 3NT HCPC 17+ Appropriate stoppers 2NT HCPC 15+ Appropriate stoppers 2D,2H,2S HCPC 15+, stopper in suit bid *Analogous for 1D opening [368 1S* 2S 3S? This try for game requires a 5 card suit and OPC 18+. *Analogous for 1H opening bids. Reminder: Can also try for game with a void and HCPC 13+ in the other suits or with a singleton and HCPC 15 in the other suits. Cue bid the short suit. [369 1C* 1S** 2C ? Opener's rebid of 2C indicates 5 clubs and a minimal hand (13 points). 6C 3 clubs, RPC 18+ 5C 3 clubs, RPC 14-17 3C 3 clubs, RPC 10-13 4S 7 good spades, OPC 14+. 3NT HCPC 16+, stoppers in appropriate suits 2NT HCPC 13+, stoppers in appropriate suits 2S Long suit, preference for spades. 2H 5 Hearts (two suit hand). *Analogous for diamonds. **Analogous for hearts [370 1C 1D ? 5D RPC 20+, 4 diamonds, 5+ clubs. 3D RPC 18+, 4 diamonds, 5+ clubs. 2D RPC 15+, 4 diamonds, 5+ clubs. 3NT HCPC 19+, strong club suit, stoppers. 2NT HCPC 19(18)+, appropriate stoppers. 3C OPC 18+, good 7+ suit (strong 6). 2H(2S): HCPC 19+, good 4 card suit, 5+ clubs. 1H(1S): HCPC 15+, good 4 card suit, 5+ clubs. 1NT HCPC 15-17, balanced hand. 2C OPC 12-14, 5+ clubs. [371 1S 2H 3H ? 3S: First round control in spades 4C: First round control in clubs none in spades 4D: First round control in diamonds and none in spades and clubs. 4NT: First round control in all suits, asking for the top three cards in trumps. Any suit bid other than hearts tells partner that you are interested in attempting slam, that you have first round control in the suit bid, and that the partnership has a combined point count (OPC+RPC) 29+. [372 1H 1S 3S ? 4C: First round control in clubs 4D: First round control in diamonds none in clubs 4H: First round control in hearts and none in diamonds and clubs. 4NT: First round control in all side suits, asking for the top three cards in trumps. Any suit bid other than spades tells partner that you are interested in attempting slam, that you have first round control in the suit bid, and that the partnership has a combined point count (OPC+RPC) 29+. [373 1S (suit bid)* Double? When partner bids a major suit, the double by responder is for penalties. It requires HCPC 9+, at least 5 cards in the opponent's suit with honors, no support for partner's spades, and with some strength in all the other suits. Opener will leave the double in for penalties unless opener has a good 6+ major suit, with little strength in the opponent's suit. With this type of hand, opener will rebid spades at the appropriate level. *Reminder: When opener bids a minor suit and partner doubles, the double is for takeout. It shows strength in the unbid major suits. A double after the opponent makes a cue bid shows support for partner's major suit. [374 You might want to print or read booklet.doc. This is a 40 page copyrighted booklet which contains: (1) Terry's complete weak 1NT bidding system. (2) Terry's method of pinpointing combined point counts and slam bidding. (3) A users manual for Let's Play Bridge. If you have "Microsoft Word" enter file manager and double click on booklet.doc. If your word processor can read this file you should consider printing it. However, even if you don't, the numerous prompts built into the program are more than ample to guide you along the way. [375 2C 3NT ? The 3NT bid shows the lack of a suit to bid and HCPC of 10+. This bid occurs with a greater frequency than you might imagine. It is an invitation to slam or game in declarer's suit or in notrump. Make 6 bid in a long strong suit with first round controls in at least 3 suits. Your partner may not have any first round controls. Make game bid in a long strong suit if lacking controls for slam bid. Partner will go to slam with two first round controls. 7NT Combined count of 37+ 6NT Combined count of 33-36. [376 2C 2NT (HCPC 7-9) 3C,3D,3H,3S ? Opener is showing a long strong suit with interest in game in suit or slam. Any suit bid other than opener's suit initiates slam try. It shows 1. First round control in suit bid. 2. At least two card support for partner's suit. 3. RPC 9+. 3NT shows lack of support for partner's suit. Partner can pass or bid game in his/her suit. Game bid in partner's suit shows support for suit but either no first round controls or insufficient points to initiate slam. Opener can bid slam or pass. [377 Response to a takeout double with competition 1D double 2D ? 4S(4H): 4+ major, 13+ RPC* 3S(3H): 4+ major, 8+ RPC. 2S(2H): 4+ major, 6+ RPC. 3NT: HCPC 14, double stopper in diamonds 2NT: HCPC 12, double stopper in diamonds 5C: 5(4)+ clubs, RPC 15+ 4C: 5(4)+ clubs, RPC 12+ 3C**: 4+ clubs, RPC 7+ *Discount points for distribution in opener's suit. Use 5 points for void, 3 points for singleton, and 1 point for doubleton in any other suit. NOTE: Choose major suits over minor suits, especially when it appears you might have enough for game. [378 1H double (responder) ? xxx ? Doubler uses the combined point count of the two hands to determine the final bid. With 24+ points, bid game in a major suit, and with 27+ points, bid game in a a minor suit. If doubler initially made the double to show a strong hand and a long strong suit, then doubler shifts to the new suit (a jump bid may be in order). [379 2S* ? Responder makes final bid (usually passes). 4S 2 spade support and either 4 taking tricks or RPC 15+. 4S preemptive bid if player to right bids. At least 4 spades and few points. Taking tricks = QT + ruffing tricks. Give yourself 2 ruffs with a void and 1 ruff with a singleton. Should have at least three trumps to count two ruffing tricks. *Analogous for 2H opening bid [380 With the exception of those hands entered manually, every game has a game number. The previous and current game numbers can be found under Game_i. Numbers can be negative or positive. You can choose whether to enter the game number yourself or have the computer choose games at random (click on Options at the top of the screen). Note, the access number is needed to activate the game number option. One advantage to using game numbers is that you can play specific games not saved to disk. This is essential for phone play. Note: With preselected hands (such as slam) you must choose this option and game number to get the same game. [381 1H Double Opponent bids 2H ? Partner's cue bid of the opening bid shows 4 spades and an OPC 9+. This may be slightly less with a good two card suit. It denies a five card spade suit; otherwise, the player would have bid spades directly. 4S 4 spades*, RPC 16+. 3S 4 spades*, RPC 12-15 (required for double). 2NT Double stopper in hearts, stopper in other suits, HCPC 12+ 2S 3 spades *With higher values, the bidder might choose to respond with 3S or 4S with only 3 card support. Note: The cue bid following 1C or 1D promises 4 cards in both spades and hearts. [382 1S 2C(2D) 2H ? Opener may have two five card suits, but 4 hearts is more likely, and with a minimum hand. Four hearts required to show support (in a pinch only 3 if responder can not bid notrump and can not support spades). With appropriate stoppers in the unbid suits, bid 2NT with 11 or so points and 3NT with 13 points. [383 1C 1D 1NT? Opener's 1NT bid requires HCPC 15-17 and a balanced hand. [384 1D 1S* 2C ? The 2C bid indicates a 2 suit hand, with at least 4 cards in each suit. 4S OPC 14+, fair 6+ spades. 3S OPC 12+, fair 6+ spades. 3H OPC 12+ 5 hearts, two suit hand. 5C(5D) RPC 14+, 4+ suit. 4C(4D) RPC 12+, 4+ suit. 3C(3D) RPC 10+, 4+ suit. 3NT HCPC 14+ and stoppers in hearts and spades 2NT HCPC 11+ and stoppers in hearts and spades. 2D Preference for diamonds 2H HCPC 7+, 5 hearts, two suit hand. 2S HCPC 7+, 5 spades. *Similar for 1H [385 WEAK 1NT This is a standard weak 1NT system used by many players around the world. When using this system, just click on the bid made to obtain the requirements for this bid. Also see Bid_i at the top of the screen. [386 STRONG 1NT (15-17) This is a standard bidding system that lowers the requirement by one point for a 1NT opening bid. Otherwise the bidding remains much the same as the 16-18 range. Requirements for individual bids can be obtain by clicking on the bids once they appear on the screen. Go to Bid_i top of screen for more information. [387 By checking this square, you choose the artificial 2C bid. It is bid with any hand HCPC 23+ with a good six card major suit and OPC 21+, or good six card minor suit and OPC 23+. When 2C is chosen as an artificial bid, the 2D, 2H, and 2S bids automatically become weak bids (6 card suits with slightly less than standard opening bid values). If this square is left unchecked, all opening suit bids are strong, natural bids showing 22+ points and a good six card suit. Only available with the strong 1NT system. Reminder: The weak 1NT systems always use the artificial 2C. [388 Standard, strong 1NT system All opening 2 bids in suits are strong, natural bids showing 22+ points and a good six card suit. Only available with the strong 1NT system. Reminder for NT opening bids: 1NT HCPC 16-18, balanced hand. 2NT HCPC 21-23, balanced hand. 3NT HCPC 24+, balanced hand. [389 No information. [390 Standard, strong 1NT system An opening bid of 1H or 1S requires a 5 card suit and OPC 13+. With two 5 card suits, bid spades first. [391 No information. [392 Standard, strong 1NT system 2NT opening bid shows HCPC 21-23, balanced hand. 3NT opening bid shows HCPC 24+, balanced hand. [393 STRONG 1NT (16-18) This is a standard bidding system that many American players use. It should allow you to play with most individuals as partners. Requirements for individual bids can be obtain by clicking on the bids once they appear on the screen. Go to Bid_i top of screen for more information. [394 Strong 1NT An opening bid of 1NT requires HCPC 16-18 (one point lower if you select the 15-17 range), and a balanced hand. In some cases a strong 1NT is bid with semibalanced hands with strength in the two short suits and no 5 card major. [395 Strong 1NT system An opening bid of 1C or 1D requires at least three cards (usually 4+) in the suit bid and OPC 13+. With two 5 card minor suits, or two 4 card minor suits, diamonds is bid first. Reminder for notrump hands: Opening bid 1NT HCPC 16-18. 1C(1D) HCPC 13-15 is shown by rebidding 1NT. 1C(1D) HCPC 19-20 is shown by rebidding 2NT. 2NT HCPC 21-23. 3NT HCPC 24+. [396 No information. [397 TERRY'S PINPOINTING SUPPORT FOR SPADES Pinpointing support in spades. Discussed in detail in booklet.doc. (when first defensive player passes) 2S RPC 5-8, 3 spades 1NT RPC 9 exactly, 3 spades 3S RPC 10-11, 3 spades 3C RPC 16+, 3 spades (asking bid) 3D RPC 12-13, 3 spades 3H RPC 14-15, 3 spades Opener must have at least a 5 card spade suit to open 1S. With only 3 spades and a balanced distribution, the responder has the option of bidding 2C(2D), then supporting spades. This rarely works to his/her benefit. [398 TERRY'S PINPOINTING SUPPORT FOR HEARTS Consult booklet.doc for a detailed description. (when first defensive player passes) 2H RPC 5-8, 3 hearts 1NT RPC 9 exactly, 3 hearts 3H RPC 10-11, 3 hearts 2S RPC 16+, 3 hearts (asking bid)* 3C RPC 12-13, 3 hearts 3D RPC 14-14, 3 hearts Opener must not open a 4 card major. *Asking bid is answered by bidding OPC beginning with 2NT (12-13 points), 3C (14-15), 3D (16-17), etc. Analogous situation for spades. [399 TERRY'S 2S ASKING BID FOLLOWING 1C(1D) When the right hand opponent PASSES and partner opened with 1C or 1D, responder bids 2S with: 2S: Balanced distribution and HCPC 18+. 2S: 5 card or better support and OPC 18+. 2S: 3 card or better support, no 5 card major, RPC 15+ (easily switch to notrump). 2S: 6 card or better suit, no 5 card major, OPC 14+ (hand probably best played in clubs). Opener's responses for opening bid of 1C* 2NT HCPC 15-17, 3 or 4 clubs. 3C OPC 13-14, 5 clubs. 3D OPC 15-17, 5 clubs. 3H OPO 18+, 5 clubs. 3NT HCPC 18+, 3 or 4 clubs. *Analogous for diamonds. [400 Consult booklet.doc for a complete description of slam bidding used in Terry's system. [401 [402 TERRY'S WEAK 1NT Terry's method of pinpointing bids in major suits, as well as several other innovations, often allows the players to know within one or two points the exact combined point count of the two hands. The second reason this system out performs the other two is a comprehensive method of bidding slam. This bidding system is presented in detail in booklet.doc (see Help, booklet.doc for details). Even without this booklet you can follow the bidding by clicking on the bid once it is made on the screen. See Bid_i top of screen for other details. [412 Standard strong 1NT system 1D 2C (10 points, 4 clubs) ? 5C Points 19+, 5 clubs 4C Points 17+, 4 clubs 3C Points 13+, 4 clubs 2NT HCPC 14+, balanced hand, both unbid suits stopped. 3NT HCPC 16+, balanced hand, both unbid suits, stopped. [413 Standard strong 1NT system 1NT ? When you do not respond in notrump 2S,2H,2D HCPC 0-7, 5+ card suit. 3C HCPC 0-7, 6+ clubs. Pass HCPC 0-7. 2C HCPC 8+, 4 hearts or 4 spades. 2C HCPC 0-7, 3 suit hand (D,H,S), no 5 card suit except diamonds (pass any bid by opener). 4H,4S 6 card suit, HCPC 10+ (possibly 8-9 points and good 6+ card suit). 3H,3S 5 card suit, HCPC 10+. 3D 6 card suit, HCPC 10+. 5D 6 card suit, OPC 13+. 5C 6 card suit, OPC 13+. 6 bid Strong 6 card suit, OPC 17+. 7 bid Strong 6 card suit, OPC 21+. [414 Standard strong 1NT system 1NT ? When you respond with a notrump bid points are high card points Pass: Balanced hand, HCPC 7 or less. 2NT HCPC 8-9, balanced hand or strong 5+ card minor suit. 3NT HCPC 10-14, balanced hand or strong 5+ card minor suit. 4NT HCPC 15-16. 6NT HCPC 17-18. 5NT HCPC 19-20. 7NT HCPC 21+. [415 Standard, strong 1NT system. 1S ? Pass Points 0-5 2S: Points 6-9, 3+ spades. 1NT: All other hands with HCPC 6-9. 4S: 5+ spades, less than 10 points. Preemptive type bid. 3S: 4+ spades, points 13-16. 3NT: HCPC 16+, balanced hand, appropriate stoppers. 2NT: HCPC 13-15, balanced hand, appropriate stoppers. 2H: HCPC 10+, 5+ hearts. 2C,2D: HCPC 10+, 4+ minor suit or if necessary with HCPC 10-12 and spade support. 3C,3D,3H(jump shift) OPC 17+, either 4+ spades or long, strong suit in C,D,or H. (When opponent intervenes, the bid is preemptive). [416 Standard, strong 1NT system. 1H ? Pass: Points 0-5. 2H: RPC 6-9, 3+ hearts. 1S: HCPC 6+, 4+ spades. 1NT: All other hands with HCPC 6-9. 4H: 5+ hearts, less than 10 points. Preemptive type bid. 3H: 4+ hearts, points 13-16. 3NT: HCPC 16+, balanced hand, appropriate stoppers. 2NT: HCPC 13-14, balanced hand, appropriate stoppers. 2C,2D: HCPC 10+, 4+ cards, or if necessary with with 3 cards and support in hearts. 3C,3D,2S(jump shift): OPC 17+, either 4+ hearts or long, strong suit in C,D,or S.(When opponent intervenes, the bid is preemptive). [417 Standard, strong 1NT system. 1D ? Pass: HCPC 0-5. 1S: HCPC 6+, 4+ spades. 1H: HCPC 6+, 4+ hearts. 2D: HCPC 6-9, 4+ diamonds. 1NT: All other hands with HCPC 6-9. 3NT: Stoppers in unbid suits and HCPC 16-17. 2NT: Stoppers in unbid suits and HCPC 13-15. 3D: 5+ diamonds, HCPC 13-16. 2C: HCPC 10+, 4+ clubs or if necessary with 3 clubs and diamond support. 3C,2H,2S(jump shift): OPC 17+, either 5+ diamonds or long, strong suit in C,H,or S.(When opponent intervenes, the bid is preemptive). [418 Standard, strong 1NT system. 1C ? Pass: HCPC 0-5. 1S: HCPC 6+, 4+ spades. 1H: HCPC 6+, 4+ hearts. 1D: HCPC 6+, 4+ diamonds or if necessary with 10-12 points, 3 diamonds, and club support. 2C: HCPC 6-9, 4+ clubs. 1NT: All other hands with 6-9 points. 3NT: Stoppers in unbid suits and HCPC 15-17. 2NT: Stoppers in unbid suits and HCPC 13-14. 3C: HCPC 13-16, 5+ clubs. 2D,2H,2S(jump shift): OPC 17+, and 5+ clubs or a long, strong suit in D,H,or S. (When opponent intervenes, the bid is preemptive). [419 No information. [420 1S* (opponent's suit bid) ? 2S: Points 6-10, 3+ spades. 3S(jump): Points 13-16, 4(3) card spade support. 3S(competitive): Points 7-11, 4(3) card spade support. 4S(competitive): Points 12-16, 4(3) card spade support. Cue bid: Points 17+, 3 card spade support. 2NT(nonjump): HCPC 10-12, stoppers. 2NT: HCPC 13-14, appropriate stoppers. 3NT: HCPC 15+, appropriate stoppers. 2C,2D,2H: HCPC 10, 5 card suit or possibly 3 spades. 3Bid(nonjump): HCPC 11+, usually forcing to game either in suit bid or partner's suit. 3Bid(jump): preemptive bid with long suit, weak hand. Double: For penalties. Four cards in opponent's suit with honors, HCPC 12+, few spades. *Analogous for 1H opening bids. [421 Standard strong 1NT system 1S* (opponent 1NT) ? 2S: Points 6-10, 3+ spades. 3S: Points 11-12, 3+ spades. 4S: Points 13+, 3+ spades. Double: HCPC 9+. Any other suit bid shows a long suit with less than 9 points, a nonforcing bid. *Similar for 1H opening bids. [422 Standard, strong 1NT system. 1C opponent bids ? 1D,1S,1H: HCPC 7+, 4+ cards in suit. 2C: HCPC 7-9, 4+ clubs. 3C(nonjump): 4+ clubs, HCPC 7+. 3C(jump): 5+ clubs, HCPC 13-16 (or double). Cue bid of opponent's suit: OPC 17, 5+ clubs. 2D,2H,2S(nonjump): HCPC 10, good 5 card suit. Jump shift: Shows 7+ card suit, weak hand Dble: HCPC 6+, 4 cards in any unbid major. Dble: Also double with HCPC 13+ and 5+ cards in your partner's minor suit (rebid this suit). 1NT: HCPC 8-9, opponent's suit stopped, bal. hand. 2NT: HCPC 12-14, appropriate stoppers. 3NT: HCPC 15+, appropriate stoppers. [423 Standard, strong 1NT system. 1D opponent bids ? 1S(1H): HCPC 7+, 4+ cards in suit 2D: HCPC 7-9, 4+ diamonds. 3D(nonjump): 4+ diamonds, HCPC 10+ 3D(jump): 5+ diamonds, HCPC 13-16. Cue bid of opponent's suit: HCPC 17, 5+ diamonds. 2C,2H,2S(nonjump): HCPC 10+, 5+ card suit. Jump shift: 7+ card suit, weak hand. 1NT: HCPC 8-9, opponent's suit stopped, bal. hand. 2NT: HCPC 13-14, stoppers, bal. hand. 3NT: HCPC 15+, appropriate stoppers, bal. hand. Double: Two suit hand, at least 4 cards in any unbid major suit, OPC 10+. [424 In the strong 1NT system, opener shows support for responder's major suit as follows: 1C(1D) 1H* ? 2H: Points 13-15 and 4 hearts. 3H: Points 16-18 and 4 hearts. 4H: Points 19+ and 4 hearts. *Analogous for 1S response. [425 Standard, strong 1NT system. 1C 1H (similar for 1S response) ? 2H: Points 13-15, 4 hearts*. 3H: Points 16-18, 4 hearts*. 4H: Points 19+, 4 hearts*. 1S: OPC 13+, good 4 spades. 1NT: HCPC 12-15, balanced hand. 2NT: HCPC 19+, appropriate stoppers. 2C: OPC 13-15, 6 card suit (sometimes 5). 4C: OPC 19, strong 7 card club suit. 3C: OPC 17+, good 6 card suit. 2D: Reverse shows intermediate type hand, 5+ clubs and 3+ diamonds, HCPC 16+. Forcing bid. 2S(jump bid): HCPC 19+, strong 4 card suit. *Sometimes must make do with good 3 card support. [426 Standard, strong 1NT system 1D* 1NT ? Pass HCPC 16 or less and balanced hand 3NT HCPC 19-20, balanced hand, stoppers 2NT HCPC 17+, balanced hand, stoppers. 2H,2S HCPC 19+, good 4 card suit. 2C 4+ clubs, OPC 13+. 2D 6+ diamonds (solid 5), OPC 13+. *Similar for 1C opening bid. [427 Strong 1NT system 1C* 2C ? Pass HCPC 19 or less. 3C 5+ clubs, HCPC 20+. *Analogous for 1D opening bids. [428 Standard, strong 1NT system 1C 1D ? 1H(1S) good 4 card suit, OPC 13+. 2D 4+ diamonds, Points 13-18 3D 4+ diamonds, Points 19+ 1NT 13-15 HCPC, balanced hand. 2NT 19+ HCPC, balanced hand. 2C OPC 13-18, good 6+ card suit 3C OPC 19+, long strong suit. [429 Strong 1NT system 1C* 3C ? Add point count to partner's point count and with about: OPC 26-28, bid 4C OPC 29-32, bid 5C OPC 33+, initiate a slam try by bidding a first round control in a side suit. OPC 37+, think of a grand slam. *Analogous for 1D opening bid. [430 1C* Pass 2H (jump bid) ? Partner already knows the suit (hearts or clubs). Computer responds to show point count only. 2S 13-14 points (1 above partner). 2NT 15-17 points (2 above partner). 3C 18+ points (3 above partner). *Analogous for all 1 bids where partner jump shifts. Reminder: When the opponent bids, jump shifts are preemptive showing a long suit, weak hand. [431 Strong 1NT system 1H* (opponent 1S) 2S** ? Cue bid shows 4 card support for hearts and 17+ points. 3H 13-15 points. 3C,3D 16+ points and first round control in the suit bid. May have to either make a false bid (second round control), or bid 4H, 4NT, or slam directly. *Similar for other opening 1 bids. **Cue bid shows 4+ hearts, 17+ points, and first round control in spades. Note: Without first round control in spades, jump shift. [432 Strong 1NT system 1C (opponent bids) 2H,2S(nonjump) 10 points, good 5+ card suit. ? With 3* card support for partner's major suit, add points in your hand to partner's points: 23-25 points, bid 3 of partner's suit 26-32 points, bid 4 of partner's suit 33+ points, initiate slam by bidding a third suit, or bid slam directly. Without support: 4C 19+ points, long, strong suit 3C 13+ points, 6+ clubs. 2NT stoppers in unbid suits, double stopper in opponent's suit, HCPC 16 or higher. *May have to make do with strong 2 card support. [433 Strong 1NT system 1H* 2H,3H,4H ? Add point count of hand to point count of partner's hand. With 33+ points, try for slam by cue bidding a first round control in a second suit or bid 4NT, asking for aces. With 26-32 points, bid game. With slightly less than 26 points, bid 3H. *Analogous for 1S opening bids. [434 Strong 1NT system 1S 1NT ? Pass 16 points or less and balanced hand. 2S 6+ spades, 13-16 points. 3S Strong 6+ spades, 17-19 points. 4S Long, strong suit, 20+ points. 2C,2D,2H 4+ suit, 13+ points. 2NT 19+ points, balanced hand. 3C,3D,3H 4+ suit, 19+ points. [435 Strong 1NT system 1H 1NT ? Pass 16 points or less and balanced hand. 2D,2H 4+ suits, 13-18 points. 2H 6+ spades, 13-16 points. 3H Strong 6+ card suit, 17-19 points. 4H Long strong suit, 20+ points. 2NT 19+ points, balanced hand, stoppers. 3C,3D,2S 4+ suits, 19+ points. [436 No information. [437 Strong 1NT system 1H 1S ? 2S 13-16 points, 4 spades 3S 17-19 points, 4(3) spades. 4S 20+ points, 4 spades 1NT 13-15 HCPC, balanced hand. 2C,2D 13+ points, 4+ minor suit. 2H 13-16 points, 6+ hearts. 3H 17-19 points, strong 6+ card suit. 4H 20+ points, long, strong suit. 2NT 19+ HCPC , appropriate stoppers. 3C,3D 4+ minor suit, 19+ points. [438 Strong 1NT system 1S 2H ? 4H 16+ points, 3+ hearts. 3H 13+ points, 3+ hearts. 4S 19+ points, long, strong independent suit. 3S 17+ points, good 6+ card suit. 2S 13+ points, 5+ card suit. 2NT stoppers in unbid suits, HCPC 16 or higher. [439 Standard, strong 1NT system 1NT 2C ? 2S 4 spades (possibly 4 hearts too). 2H 4 hearts, no 4 card spade suit. 2D denies a major suit. Note: With two 4 card major suits, bid 2H. [440 Standard, strong 1NT system 1NT 3H or 3S ? With 3+ cards in partner's major suit, bid game (4H or 4S), otherwise bid 3NT. [441 Standard, strong 1NT system The following guidelines are useful in determining whether to bid game or slam. 3NT 26-32 HCPC 6NT 33-36 HCPC 7NT 37+ HCPC The following are commonly used values when HCPC is adjusted the same for both players (3 points for a void, 2 for a singleton, and 1 for a doubleton). 4H,4S 26-32 points 5C,5D 29-32 points 6 bid in a suit 33-36 points 7 bid in a suit 37+ points [442 Standard, strong 1NT system Both players use the same point count. Points are added or subtracted from HCPC as follows: void +3 points singleton +2 points doubleton +1 point 6 card trump suit +1 point 7 card trump suit +2 points 8 card trump suit +4 points For the opening bid, adjust points as follows: 4 aces or two suit hand +1 point no aces or less than 2Q -1 point Unprotected king, queen or jack -1 point [443 Standard, strong 1NT system 1S 2C ? 2S 13-16 points, 6+ spades. 3S 17+ points, good 6+ spades. 4S 20+ points, long, independent suit. 2NT 14-15 HCPC, balanced hand, stoppers. 3NT 19 HCPC, balanced hand, stoppers. 5C 20+ points, 5+ clubs. 4C 17+ points, 4+ clubs. 3C 13-16 points, 4+ clubs (possibly 3). 2D 13+ points, 4+ diamonds. 2H 13+ points, 4+ hearts. Note: Similar following a 2D response. [444 Standard, strong 1NT system 1H 2C ? 2H 13-16 points, 6+ hearts. 3H 17+ points, good 6+ hearts. 4H 20+ points; long, independent suit. 2NT 14-15 HCPC, balanced hand, stoppers. 3NT 19+ HCPC, balanced hand, stoppers. 5C 20+ points, 5+ clubs. 4C 17+ points, 4+ clubs. 3C 13-16 points, 4+ clubs (possibly 3). 2D 13+ points, 4+ diamonds. 2S 13+ points, good 4 card spade suit, good 5 card heart suit. Note: Similar following a 2D response. [445 Standard, strong 1NT system 2S* ? 2NT 0-5 points. Bid slam direct with 11+ points and 2 card support for partner's suit (15 for grand slam). Bid game in partner's suit with 9+ points and 2 card support, mild try for slam. Bid partner's suit at 3 level to show 2 card support. Bid 3NT with balanced hand. Bid at lowest level to show a 5 card suit (bid a major suit if possible). *Analogous responses for other strong 2 bids. [446 Standard, strong 1NT system 1D 1H (similar for 1S response) ? 4H 19+ points, 4 card suit*. 3H 16-18 points, 4 card suit*. 2H 13+ points, 4 card suit*. 1S 13+ points, 4 card suit. 1NT 13-15 HCPC, balanced hand. 2NT 19+ HCPC, appropriate stoppers. 2D 13-15 points, 6+ diamonds (sometimes 5). 3D 16-18 points, good 6+ diamonds. 2C 13+ points, usually 4+ clubs. 2S,3C 19+ points, usually a 4 card suit. May have strong 7+ diamond suit with 19+ points. *May have to make do with good 3 card support. [447 Standard, strong 1NT system 1C(1D) 1H* 2H(3H) ? Any suit bid other than hearts below a 4H bid is showing an interest in slam, a combined point count of 33 points, and first round control in the suit bid. *Analogous for a 1S response. [448 Standard, strong 1NT system. 3NT ? Partner has 24 points. 7NT Combined count is 37+. 5NT Combined count is 36 (try for grand slam). 6NT Combined count is 33+. 4NT Combined count is 31+ (for for slam). Bid slam in a long, strong suit with combined count of 33+. Try for game or even slam in a long suit with an honor or two. [449 STANDARD WEAK 1NT 1S pass ? Pass RPC 0-4. 2S: RPC 5-8, 3+ spades in support. 3S: RPC 9-11, 4+ spades in support. 3NT: RPC 12-16, 4+ spades in support (strong 3). Jump shift (following a pass) OPC 17+, 4+ spades, or long, strong, independent suit. 2H OPC 10, 5+ hearts. 1NT 5-11 points. With 9-11 points and 3+ spades support, bid 1NT then rebid 3S. 2C,2D Good suit and 10+ points, or HCPC 12+. With 3 card spade suit, rebid 3S if desired. 2NT HCPC 13-16, balanced hand, appropriate stoppers. [450 STANDARD WEAK 1NT 1H pass ? Pass RPC 0-4. 1S 5+ points, 4+ spades. Usually denies heart support. 2H RPC 5-8, 3+ hearts. 3H RPC 9-11, 4+ hearts. 3NT RPC 12-16, 4+ hearts, (strong 3). Jump shift: OPC 17+, 4+ hearts, or long, strong, independent suit. 1NT RPC 9-11, 3+ hearts in support, rebid 3H. 2C,2D: Good suit and HCPC 10+, or HCPC 12+, or with 3 hearts and RPC 12+. 2NT HCPC 13-16, balanced hand, appropriate stoppers [451 STANDARD WEAK 1NT 1D pass ? Pass HCPC 0-4 1S,1H HCPC 5+, 4+ cards in suit. 1NT HCPC 6-8, balanced hand (denies major suit). 2C HCPC 8+, usually 4+ clubs. 2NT HCPC 12-14, balanced hand, stoppers. 3NT HCPC 15-17, balanced hand, stoppers. Jump shift: 17+ points, with 5+ diamonds in support or strong independent suit. 3D RPC 8 or less, 5+ diamonds. 2D RPC 9+, 4+ diamonds. [452 STANDARD WEAK 1NT 1C pass ? Pass HCPC 0-4 1S,1H HCPC 5+, 4+ cards in suit. 1D HCPC 5+, 4+ diamonds (usually 5 or more). 1NT HCPC 6-8, balanced hand. 2NT HCPC 12-14, balanced hand or stoppers. 3NT HCPC 15-17, balanced hand or stoppers. Jump shift: OPC 17+, 5+ clubs or a strong, 7+ cards in the suit bid. 3C RPC 8 or less, 5+ clubs (preemptive). 2C RPC 9+, 4+ clubs. [453 STANDARD WEAK 1NT 1S opponent bids ? Pass RPC 0-5. 2S: RPC 5-8, 3+ spades. 3S: RPC 9-11, 3+ spade. 3NT: RPC 12+ points, 3+ spades support. Cue bid: RPC 17+ and 3+ spade support. Jump shift: preemptive bid. 2C,2D Good suit and HCPC 10+, or HCPC 12+. 2NT HCPC 13+, balanced hand, double stopper in opponent's suit, stoppers in the unbid suits. Double: For penalties, HCPC 10+, strength in opponent's suit, some strength in unbid suits. [454 STANDARD WEAK 1NT 1H opponent bids ? Pass: RPC 0-5. 2H: RPC 5-8, 3+ hearts. 3H: RPC 9-11, 3+ hearts. 3NT: RPC 12-16, 3+ hearts. Cue bid: RPC 17+ and 3+ hearts. Jump shift: preemptive bid (7 card suit, weak hand). 1NT: 9-11 points (stopper in opponent's suit). 2C,2D: Good suit and HCPC 10+, or HCPC 12. 2NT: HCPC 13+, balanced hand, double stopper in opponent's suit, stoppers in unbid suits. Double: For penalties, HCPC 10+, 4 card length in opponent's suit, some strength in unbid suits. [455 STANDARD WEAK 1NT 1D opponent bids ? Pass: HCPC 0-5. 1H,1S HCPC 6+, 4+ major suit. 3D: OPC 8 or less, 5+ diamonds. 2D: OPC 9+, 4+ diamonds. Cue bid: RPC 17+, 5+ diamonds. Jump shift: preemptive bid (long suit, weak hand). 1NT HCPC 9-11, stoppers in opponent's suit. 2NT HCPC 12-13, appropriate stoppers. 3NT HCPC 14+, appropriate stoppers. Double: HCPC 7+, 4 cards in any unbid major suit. Use this bid if possible rather than 1H or 1S with only 4 cards in the suit. 2C Good 5 card suit, HCPC 10+, or HCPC 12. [456 STANDARD WEAK 1NT 1C opponent bids ? Pass: HCPC 0-5. 1H,1S 4+ major suit, HCPC 7+. 3C: RPC 8 or less, 5+ clubs. 2C: RPC 9+, 4+ clubs. Cue bid: RPC 17+, 5+ clubs. Jump shift: preemptive bid (long suit, weak hand). 1NT HCPC 9-11, stoppers in opponent's suit. 2NT HCPC 12-13, appropriate stoppers. 3NT HCPC 14+, appropriate stoppers. Double: HCPC 7+, 4 cards in any unbid major suit. Use this bid if possible rather than 1H or 1S with only 4 cards in the suit. 2C Good 5 card suit, HCPC 10+, or HCPC 12. [457 WARNING: Turn off battery gauge if you are using a battery powered computer. Go to Start/Control Panel/ Power Properties, then remove the check in front of Enable battery meter on taskbar. If using Windows 95 and this program is using the whole screen, lower the Windows 95 menu at the bottom of screen. The best method to eliminate this problem is to go to Start/settings/taskbar and check Always on top and Auto hide. The Start menu bar will still come up but only if you touch the bottom of the screen with your cursor. A second method is not permanent: After your cursor enters the grey area and changes to a double arrow, click your left mouse button and drag the window to the bottom. Don't worry about the temporary change in color. Later it is easy to move it back up the same way. [458 If you are a beginner, you might want to start with the strong 1NT, 16-18 point range, as a bidding system. Many bridge players know this system, making it possible for you to bid and play with them if you get the opportunity. As you develop your feel for the game, try the other bidding systems. It is fun to compare all three for any one game. After you have decided upon a bid, use the suggested bid option to compare yourself with the computer. [459 After you have physically connected the two computers fill out the Null Modem Table. Be sure to include all players who use this computer, but not those on the other computer. All players at both computers must be entered under Options, screen top left. The other items under Options should be the same including the ability to select game number. As you can imagine both computers must be playing the same game number. Make sure both computers use the same bidding system. After you have filled out the table, click Exit, then click Connect This Computer found under Modem/Direct Connection. If you choose Close Serial Port, it terminates the game as well as closing the port. [460 Two computers can be connected by their serial ports without the use of a phone. You will need a null modem and a cable. The connections are made at the back of your computer. See your friendly computer hardware supplier. These items are not expensive. If you don't know the number for your serial port, you will need to do some experimentation. On some computers it may be necessary to put a serial port on line by using your port function on the control panel. Make the settings the same as for your regular modem port. The advantage of using two computers for two players is that you can always view your own hand while the other player's hand will be face down on your screen. [461 Hopefully no additional information is needed. [462 Gerber Convention, asking for aces A bid of 4C following an opening bid of 1NT or 2NT is made when responder feels that with sufficient aces there is a good possibility of slam. It is normally made with a long strong suit. [463 Gerber convention The response of 4C following an opening bid of 1NT or 2NT is asking for aces. The reponses are 4D 0 or 4 aces 4H 1 ace 4S 2 aces 4NT 3 aces After opener makes this bid, responder may ask for kings by bidding 5C. [464 Lead Directing Double When offensive responder bids 4C following an opening bid of 1NT or 2NT, the defense doubles if it has the ace of clubs or is void in clubs. The player is asking partner to lead a club. [465 STRONG 1NT SYSTEM or STANDARD WEAK 1NT When attempting slam in a suit in a standard system, the bid of 4NT is almost always asking for the number of aces (the exception is immediately following an opening bid of 1NT or 2NT, then it shows a point count slightly less than that needed to bid 6NT). Possible responses when asking for aces: 5C 0 or 4 aces 5D 1 ace 5H 2 aces 5S 3 aces When using a strong 1NT system (where both opener and responder use the same system for evaluating voids, singletons and doubletons), a combined point count of 33 is necessary to make this bid. When using a weak 1NT system and its method of evaluating the hand, a combined point count of 31 is sufficient. [466 When attempting slam in a suit, the bid of 5NT is asking partner to bid a grand slam in the trump suit with the appropriate values, else bid a small slam. When bidding Terry's system, it shows that the partnership has the top three cards in trumps and first round control in all three side suits. Immediately following a 1NT or 2NT opening bid, it is asking partner to bid a grand slam with a point or two higher than minimum for the opening bid, else bid a small slam. The use of 5NT is the same for both weak and strong 1NT systems. [467 STRONG 1NT SYSTEM 1D 2C ? 4D Long independent diamond suit, OPC 19. 3D Good 6+ diamonds, OPC 16+. 3NT Appropriate stoppers, HCPC 16+. 2NT Balanced hand or appropriate stoppers, HCPC 12-15. 5C 4+ clubs, RPC 19 4C 4+ clubs, RPC 16 3C 4+ clubs, RPC 13 2D 5+ diamonds, OPC 13 [468 TERRY'S BIDDING SYSTEM 1C,1D,1H 1S* 2S 3C,3D,3H Any of these cue bids show first round control in the suit bid and sufficient points to investigate slam. It requires a combined count of 29 (31 with 4/4 fit). Analogous situation when 1H is bid over 1C or 1D and partner bids 2H showing RPC of 15-17. Reminder: When bidding with a standard weak 1NT, you need a combined 31 points to initiate slam (33 points with a 4/4 fit). [469 Help on using the internet. [470 The access code is the same one given to you when you purchased the game from Terry Inc. The internet name is decided upon when you register with Terry Inc. to play over the internet. It is the name you show to the world when you play bridge on the web. It can be a code name only you will know. This is the place where you enter your internet name. When you go to the web page (www.letsplaybridge.com) to arrange for an internet game, you will need your access code number and your internet name to play. [471 TERRY'S INTERMEDIATE JUMP 2-BID SYSTEM The only difference between this system and the other intermediate jump 2-bid is the use of 4NT to ask for the top three cards in trumps when the suit is decided upon below the 4 level. For all practical purposes this only happens when an overcall is supported with a cue bid of the opponent's suit, or after 3NT is used to show support for a major suit bid. See Bid_i for a more detailed discussion of opening defensive bids. [472 INTERMEDIATE JUMP 2-BID SYSTEM The intermediate jump 2-bid requires a good 6 card suit, 2 1/2 QT and about OPC 14+. Note: If you passed previously, your partner passed, and your left hand opponent passed, then you can make the weak jump 2-bid. In this system the double jump bid is used to show a weak offensive hand. Make the double jump bid to the 3 level with a 7 card suit and a weak offensive hand. Typical hand: xx xx KQ9xxxx Qx With a 6+ suit and a weak offensive hand, make a single jump to the 3 level. For example opener may have bid 1S and you are bidding in diamonds. You must jump to the 3 level to show this hand. Typical hand: xx xx KQj10xx QJ10 This hand may also be bid at the 3 level if the opponent opened with 1C. [473 WEAK JUMP 2-BID SYSTEM Make a single jump bid to the 2 level with a 6+ suit and a weak offensive hand (6-11 points). Typical hand: xx xx KQ109xx QJx Make the double jump bid to the 3 level with a 7 card suit and a weak offensive hand. Typical hand: xx xx KQ9xxxx Qx With a 6+ suit and a weak offensive hand, make a single jump to the 3 level. For example opener may have bid 1S and you are bidding in diamonds. You must jump to the 3 level to show this hand. Typical hand: xx xx KQj10xx QJ10 Partner may be inclined to sacrifice by raising the suit to the 4 or 5 level with weak offensive hand (at least 4 cards in the suit, 1 1/2 QT or less, HCPC 10 or less). To raise the bid with the intention of making game requires a strong hand with some help in the first defender's suit. There is no purpose in ever raising the bid to the 3 level. [474 ONE LEVEL OVERCALL, WEAK JUMP 2-BID SYSTEM, The one level overcall denies the ability to make a weak jump bid (6+ suit, 6-11 points), and it denies the ability to double because of strong hand (18+ points) or to double because of desirable distribution. An overcall at the one level requires a good 5 card suit, 1 1/2 QT, OPC 8+, or 12-17 points and a fair 6 card suit. NOTE: If the enemy is vulnerable and you are not, this bid only promises a good 5 card suit with 1 QT. [475 WEAK JUMP 2-BID SYSTEM Make a single jump bid to the 2-level with a 6+ suit and a weak offensive hand (6-11 points). Typical hand: xx xx KQ109xx QJx Make the double jump bid to the 3 level with a 7 card suit and a weak offensive hand. Typical hand: xx xx KQ9xxxx Qx With a 6+ suit and a weak offensive hand, make a single jump to the 3 level. For example opener may have bid 1S and you are bidding in diamonds. You must jump to the 3 level to show this hand. Typical hand: xx xx KQj10xx QJ10 Partner may be inclined to sacrifice with 4 or more trumps and a weak hand by raising to the 4 or 5 level. Terry's varies only in the use of 4NT to ask for the number of top three cards in trumps when the major suit is immediately supported below the level of a 4-bid. [476 Opener rebids 1C 1S pass pass ? In this situation the opening bidder usually bids again. 2S: Cue bid showing good length and strength in all suits except spades. Requires 18+ points. Double: At least 3 cards in each of the two unbid suits, 2 cards or less in the opponent's suit (defensive type hand). 2C: At least 5 clubs (offensive type hand). 2D: A two suit hand, clubs and diamonds in this case. Pass: Hands that do not qualify for the above bids. [477 Weak Jump 2-bid System, Preemptive Bids Make the double jump bid to the 3 level with a 7 card suit and a weak offensive hand. Typical hand: xx xx KQ9xxxx Qx Make a single jump bid to the 2 level with a 6+ suit and a weak offensive hand (6-11 points). Typical hand: xx xx KQ109xx QJx With a 6+ suit and a weak offensive hand, make a single jump to the 3 level. For example opener may have bid 1S and you are bidding in diamonds. You must jump to the 3 level to show this hand. Typical hand: xx xx KQj10xx QJ10 These hands tend to have HCPC less than 10 and QT 1 1/2 or less. [478 Standard weak NT or standard strong NT systems When responder makes a jump bid showing a strong hand, opener gives point count. Responder merely adds points to arrived at the combined count and bids accordingly. Standard weak 1NT 35+ points, bids 7 (either in partner's suit or 31+ points, bids 6 responder's suit). With less bids game. Strong 1NT system 37+ points, bids 7 (either in parnter's suit or 33+ points, bids 6 responder's suit). With less bids game. Note: A 4NT asking bid (not used by computer) will be interpreted as if a natural bid was made by responder. 1D 2H 3D 4NT (taken to mean a strong heart suit) [479 Bidding aggressively I suspect this is mostly just for the fun of it, but you can make the computer bid more aggressively by choosing one of these: Attack 1: When playing a weak 1NT system, it causes the computer to determine OPC by using 3 for a void, 2 for a singleton, and 1 for a doubleton (verses normal 2,1,0). RPC and HCPC remain the same. When playing a strong 1NT system, it causes the computer to determine RPC by allowing 5 for a void, 3 for a singleton and 1 for a doubleton (verses normal 3,2,1). OPC remains the same, as well as HCPC. Attack 2: The computer plays as if it has one additional point for OPC, RPC, and HCPC. Consult Bid_i for discussion of OPC, RPC, and HCPC. [480 2S* Double This double is for takeout promising a 3-suiter not including spades. *Analogous for light opening bids of 2D,2H,2S. [481 DEFENSIVE INTERMEDIATE JUMP 2-bid 1D 2H* If the player has not passed previously, the two heart response requires a good 6 card heart suit and 2 1/2 QT. OPC is usually 14+. The requirements for this bid are more than for a competitive bid at the two level. If the player has passed previously, the bid has the same requirements as a weak jump 2-bid. Consult Bid_I for information on other possible preemptive jump bids for the player using the intermediate jump bid system. Other bidding options such as Michael's cue bid, doubles, and unusual notrump have the same requirements as in the weak jump 2-bid system. *Same requirements for other suits. [482 RESPONSE TO A COMPETITIVE 2-bid OVERCALL 1S 2H opponent ? all require 2 card support or better 3NT(4H) RPC: 12+ 2S RPC 10-11 Cue bid 3H RPC: 8-9 slightly less if right hand bids Without support for hearts 2NT Double stopper in opponents suit, HCPC 12 3C,3D HCPC 12+, 4+ minor suit. Note: If using a standard strong 1NT system, make the requirements for RPC one or two points higher. [483 TERRY WEAK 1NT SYSTEM 1H pass ? 3NT: HCPC 14-16 (sometimes more), stoppers in all suits except hearts, forcing to game in hearts or notrump. 2NT: HCPC 12-13, stoppers in all suits except hearts, not quite forcing to game. 1NT: HCPC 6-11, distribution unknown at this point. Reminder: If the opponent had intervened, then 3NT would be showing 3 card heart support and RPC 12-14. In this case 2NT would show 13-16 points and be forcing to game. [484 2S Double Responder bids Your bid? When offensive responder passes, the player is usually forced to bid: Pass: HCPC 9+, no long suit, two spade tricks. 3Bid: 0-8 points, 4+ suit. 4Bid: 9-11 points, 4+ major suit. 4Bid: 9-11 points, 5+ minor suit. 5Bid in minor suit: 12+ points, 5+ minor suit. When offensive responder bids, make a free bid with good values only. 3Bid 6-8 points, 4+ suit. 4Bid 9-11 points, 4+ cards (5 card minor suit) 5Bid (minor suit): 12+ points, 5+ minor suit [485 2H* Double Responder bids Your bid? When offensive responder passes (forced to bid): Pass: HCPC 9+, no long suit, two heart tricks. 2S: 0-5 points, 4+ spades. 3S: 6-8 points, 4+ spades. 4S: 9-11 points, 4+ spades. 3C(3D) 0-8 points, 4+ minor suit. 4C(4D): 9-11 points, 5+ minor suit. 5C(5D): 12+ points, 5+ minor suit. When offensive responder bids, make a free bid with good values only. 3Bid 6-8 points, 4+ suit. 4Bid 9-11 points, 4+ cards (5 card minor suit) 5Bid (minor suit): 12+ points, 5+ suit *Analogous for other suits doubled at the two level. [486 DEFENSIVE BIDDING SYSTEM When opponent opens with a weak 1NT, and responder makes a relatively weak 2-bid, the defense may choose to bid: 1NT P (2D,2H,2S) ? Double: Takeout, 3-suiter not including opponent's suit and about 10 points. 2NT: 2-suiter, not including opponent's suit and about 10 points. 2-bid: 6+ cards, but can be a fairly weak hand. You can not afford to lose more than one trick if vulnerable [487 DEFENSIVE BIDDING SYSTEM 1NT Pass (2D,2H,2S) Pass Pass ? 2Bid overcall: Natural, 5 or 6 card suit and about 10 points, light bid when not vulnerable Double: 3-suiter, not including opponent's suit and about 10 points, discount points in opponent's suit. 2NT: 2-suiter (not including opponent's suit), 10 points. Reminder: The penalty double is only used against the weak 1NT immediately following the 1NT bid and by second defender if the preceeding two players passed. In both cases it requires 15 points and a balanced hand or a long strong suit and strong hand. If this player doubles again it is still for penalties, partner's is takeout. [488 DEFENSIVE BIDDING SYSTEM 1NT Pass (2D,2H,2S) 2-bid or 3-bid Pass ? It is difficult to know how many points partner had when he overcalled in this situation. All you can count on are points in the suit bid. However, it seems advisable to bid if you meet the following requirements. Pass: Less than 10 points in support. 3-bid in a major suit: 10+ points and 2 trumps. 4-bid in a major suit: 15+ points and 2 trumps. You should tend to discount points in the opponent's suit and distribution points unless you have several trumps. [489 Defensive bidding system 1NT Pass (2D,2H,2S) Pass Pass 2-bid Pass ? You can count on partner having about 10 points and a fair 6 card or good 5 card suit for the 2-bid. Pass: Less than 10 points in support. 3-bid in a major suit: 10+ points and 2 trumps. 4-bid in a major suit: 15+ points and 2 trumps. You should tend to discount points in the opponent's suit and distribution points unless you have several trumps. [490 When playing duplicate bridge, the computer will not provide you with a suggested bid. Also it will not provide you with the requirements for your partner's bid. It does allow you to determine the requirements for your opponent's bid if available. The purpose is to allow you to see how well you do in duplicate with no help from the computer. This same game when played outside duplicate will allow the computer to give you bidding information. [491 WEAK 1NT SYSTEM 1C(1D) 1D,1H,1S 2NT ? Play partner for having HCPC 19 4C: Asks partner for the number of aces in hand. This is the bid used by the computer with 13+ points. 3NT HCPC 6 or greater 4H 4S OPC 7, good six card major suit, when you would rather play for game with a trump suit. 3-bid Little support for minor suit, weak hand, 6 card suit (responder bid suit to protect partner). [492 WEAK 1NT SYSTEM 1C(1D) 1D,1H,1S 3NT ? 4C: Asks partner for the number of aces in hand. This bid used by the computer with 13+ points [493 STRONG 1NT SYSTEM 1C(1D) 1D,1H,1S 2NT ? 4C: Asks for the number of aces in partner's hand. Make this bid with 13+ points. 3NT HCPC 6+ 4H 4S OPC 7+, good 6+ card suit, preference is to try for game with a trump suit. 3-bid Usually made with a poor hand and long suit which was bid to save partner from a potentially bad minor fit. It has little or no support for partner's minor suit. [494 STRONG 1NT SYSTEM 1C(1D) 1D,1H,1S 3NT ? 4C Asks for the number of aces in partner's hand. Make this bid with 13+ points, then decide whether to bid slam or end up at 4NT. [495 STRONG 1NT SYSTEM 1C(1D) 1D,1H,1S ? 2NT* 19+ HCPC, stoppers all suits except partner's suit. Also 18 points with a good hand; for example, a strong 5 card minor suit, or king or better in every suit (including partner's). 3NT 17+ HCPC, stoppers all suits except partner's suit and a strong 6 card or solid 5 card minor suit. [496 1C* 2C DOUBLE? The double of the defensive cue bid shows a hand with at least 10 points and the inability to raise partner's clubs at this time, and the inability to make a more precise descriptive bid. Opener should rebid clubs with a good club suit. *Analogous situation for 1D opening bid. [497 1C* 2C Double 2H,2S ? Double: The defense made a cue bid. The double of a cue bid by responder shows strength only, about HCPC 10. If opener doubles again it is for penalties with length and strength in opponent's suit. A defensive type hand. 3C: Long, strong, club suit with most of the strength in the club suit. This is an offensive type hand. *Analogous for diamonds. [498 After a weak or strong 1NT bid 1NT 2C opponent ? Partner's 2C bid shows a 3-suiter, one of the suits being clubs. 3D: 5 hearts and 5 spades, 12 points in c,h,s. Attempt at making game in a major suit. Cue bid showning a 2-suiter. 2NT: Forces opener to bid his/her lowest 4 card suit above clubs. Make this bid with at least 4 cards in two different suits above clubs. Bid your lowest 4 card suit at the 2 level or with 4 cards in clubs, pass. [499 After a weak 1NT opening bid 1NT 2D opponent ? If this is partner's first turn to bid, the 2D bid shows at least 5/4 in the majors. Bid your best major suit. 4S (4H) About 15 points and 4 card support (may have to make do with strong 3 card support) 3S (3H) Try for game with slightly less points and 4 card support. 2S (2H) Choice of trumps only. If partner passed previously, the bid shows a hand playable in diamonds, hearts, and spades. Bid a 4 card major suit if possible (more competitive). [500 After a strong 1NT opening bid 1NT 2D opponent ? The bid shows a hand playable in diamonds, hearts, and spades. Bid a 4 card major suit if possible. [501 After a weak 1NT 1NT 2NT opponent ? Bid your lowest ranking 3 card suit at the 3 level. (A) If its partner's first chance to bid, then the 2NT shows a 2-suiter (at least 5/5) in any two suits other than the majors. (B) If partner passed previously, the 2NT shows a 2-suiter (at least 5/5). One suit must be a major the other a minor. [502 After a strong 1NT opening bid 1NT 2NT opponent ? If partner passed previously, the 2NT bid shows a 2-suit hand (at least 5/5). One suit must be a major the other a minor. Bid your lowest ranking 3 card suit, at the 3 level. [503 After a weak 1NT opening bid 1NT Double 2C,2D,2H,2S PASS PASS Double? If the original bid showed HCPC 15 and a balance distribution, the defender's second double is made with 5 card length (or 4 with honors) in the offensive suit. [504 After a weak 1NT opening bid 1NT Double Pass ? In this situation the offensive responder usually passes with 6-10 points and no 5 card suit. 2C,2D,2H,2S All natural bids showing a 5 card suit (any 5 card suit is acceptable) and less than 6 HCPC. This bid usually produces good results for the defense. You may make the bid or you may go down 1 trick. Either way you are a winner because the offense can usually make their 1NT bid which is worth more than you going down 1 trick if you are not vulnerable. Pass: No 5 card or better suit or 6 HCPC or greater. [505 1NT 2H* Double? This offensive bid is made with a 3-suiter, excluding hearts, and about 10 HCPC. It is best to have 2 cards in the opponent's suit but not more. With a good 4 card heart suit partner will pass, converting this takeout double to a penalty double. This is an important reason to double in the first place. Otherwise partner should bid his/her longest, strongest suit at the lowest level. *Analogous for all other suit bids made by opponent at the 2 level. [506 Defensive bidding following a weak 1NT 1NT pass 2D ? 2H(2S) Natural bids, fair 6 or good 5 card suit and few diamonds. You may go down 1 or 2 tricks, but if not vulnerable you will likely be ahead of the game. Points outside trumps not necessary. Double For takeout. A 3-suiter, excluding diamonds, and 10 points not including diamond points. 2NT: A 2-suiter, any two suits other than diamonds, and about 10 points. Reminder: The double by first defender is for penalties if he/she doubles immediately following the weak 1NT bid provided the player has has not passed previously. Any double after this penalty double is also for penalties. [507 Over a weak 1NT 1NT pass pass ? Double: (A) If first turn to bid, (1) balanced hand, HCPC 15+ or (2) good 7 card suit (strong 6). If partner or opponent removes double, rebid suit. (B) If passed previously it shows 10 points and a 2 suit hand (5/4 in the majors or 5/4 in the minors). 2H,2S: 10 points, fair 6 or good 5 card suit if not vulnerable (especially not only team vulnerable). 2C: 10 points, 3-suiter, includes 4 card club suit. 2D: 10 points, and at least 5/4 in 2 major suits unless a passed hand; then it shows a 3-suiter, one being a 4 card diamond suit. 2NT: 10 points, 2 suit hand (5/5), any suits other than 2 majors unless a passed hand, then one suit must be a major the other suit a minor. Reminder: Same requirements for first defender. [508 1NT 2NT pass 3C pass 3D pass ? The original 2NT promised a 2-suiter (any but 2 majors). Because the 2NT bidder rejected clubs, he/she must either have hearts or spades. With poor support for diamonds and at least 3 hearts and 2 spades, it is better to bid 3H, otherwise, pass with a 2 card diamond suit. [509 DEFENSE 1NT 2NT opponent ? or 1NT pass pass 2NT opponent ? (A) Opponent weak 1NT. Partner has pronounced 2-suiter (5/5) in any two suits except two majors. try for game in major suit 4H: 4QT, 3 hearts, 3 spades, (3 clubs or 3 diamonds). 4S: 4QT, 3 spades (3 clubs or 3 diamonds) Otherwise bid lowest ranking 3 card suit (B) Opponent strong 1NT or partner passed previously. Partner must have pronounced 2-suiter (5/5), one in a major suit and one in minor. Bids similar to (A) except with 3 hearts and 3 spades, always bid hearts and with RPCH 12 or greater, bid 4H. [510 DEFENSE 1NT 2D opponent ? or 1NT pass pass 2D opponent ? (A) Opponent weak 1NT. 2D bid shows 10 points and major 2-suiter (5/4, 5/5). 4H(4S): 4 card support (strong 3), RPC 12 with some help in both major suits, otherwise 14 points. 3H(3S): Same as 4 except with RPC 10. 2H(2S): Best major suit. (B) Opponent strong 1NT or 2D bidder passed previously. 2D bid shows 10 points, 4 diamonds, 4 hearts, and 4 spades. Responses similar to (A) but 4-bid and 3-bid require a stronger hand. [511 Defense after opener's weak 1NT bid 1NT double opponent ? or 1NT pass pass double opponent ? The double promises a balanced hand, HCPC 15, or strong hand, long strong suit. If opponent bids Double: 8 points, 3-suiter, 4 cards in any major suit not bid by opponent. Partner may raise in one of these suits or leave double in with 5 cards in opponent's suit. 2NT: 2-suiter, in suits other than opponent's suit. 2Bid or possibly 3Bid with 5 card suit and 7 points or so. If opponent passes Might try for game in major with long suit. Pass: At least HCPC 6+, leaving double in. 2Bid: Five card suit and weak hand, few points, attempt to save partner from bad double. [512 Defense after a 1NT bid. 1NT double opponent ? or 1NT pass pass double opponent ? (A) Strong 1NT or doubler passed previously. Double shows 10 points and pronouced 2-suiter (2 majors or 2 minors). 4H(4S): 4QT, 3 card support in suit, (3 clubs or 3 dia) 3H(3S): RPC 12, 3 card support in suit,(3 clubs or 3 dia). 2C(2D): Bid best minor suit regardless of length. (B) Weak 1NT, doubler's first bid. The double promises a balanced hand, HCPC 15, or a long strong suit that doubler intends to bid if the double is removed. [513 DEFENSE 1NT double opponent bids 2NT pass ? When double was a strength showing bid by partner following a weak notrump (player had not passed previously). The 2NT shows a 2-suiter (5/5) in any suits not bid by the opponent. Bid lowest ranking 3 card suit not bid by opponents or jump bid in a very long strong suit of your own. [514 When playing duplicate you can play any combination of human and computer players. However, you will not be able to get a suggested bid nor can you ask the computer for the meaning of your computer partner's bid. This is a true test to determine how you do against the computer (or another human). For this reason, Let's Play Bridge makes it convenient to test yourself in duplicate with every game when using the standard method of playing cards. When playing rubber bridge you can play with any combination of human and computer players. You will still be able to get help on bidding and play of cards. [515 TWO SUIT HANDS (NOT BEING USED AT THIS TIME) Used by either first or second defender, 8 points in two suits if not vulnerable, otherwise, 12 and 2 1/2 QT. Opponent Unusual 2NT Michael's cue bid 1C D & major Two majors 1D C & major Two majors 1H Both minors S & one minor 1S Both minors H & one minor 1NT(strong) 2NT: one major/one minor. 1NT(strong) Double: 2 majors or 2 minors 1NT(weak, passed hand) Same as after strong 1NT 1NT(weak,non passed hand) 2NT shows a strong hand but is NOT a 2-suiter. 2D At least 5/4 in majors 2D,2H,2S (weak 2-bids) 2NT response shows any 2-suiter except one involving opponent's suit. Also next example 1NT(weak) (partner doubles with non-passed hand) 2C,2D,2H,2S [516 THREE SUIT HANDS (not used as a prompt) Opponent 1C,1D,1H,1S Double, 12 points 2D,2H,2S (weak) Double, 12 points 1NT(strong, or weak) 2C (3-suiter including clubs) 1NT(strong) 2D (3-suiter including diamonds) 1NT(weak) partner 2C,2D,2H,2S double 1NT(weak) pass 2D,2H,2S pass pass double [517 Instanly change your position at the table by clicking N for north, S for south etc. The change will not be written on the screen until the play of cards or bidding begins. This method of changing positions, saves going to Options (top of screen) to make this change; however, using Options is always available, and it is the only means of entering more than one name. Change the OFFENSIVE bidding system by clicking the appropriate square. Please note this changes both teams to the same primary offensive bidding system: S1 Strong 1NT 16-18 point range. S2 Strong 1NT 15-17 point range. W Standard weak 1NT 12-14 point range. T Terry's weak 1NT 12-14 point range. If you want one team bidding strong 1NT and one bidding weak 1NT, you will have to go to BidSys, screen top left. [518 Defensive bidding system 1C* 1H pass pass 2C ? 2D 13 points, 5/4 in hearts and diamonds 2H 13 points, good heart 5 card heart suit 3D 19 points, 5/4 in hearts and diamonds 3H 19 points, strong heart suit Reminder: 1C 2C The 2C cue bid shows at least 5/4 in spades and hearts. *Analogous for a 1D opening bid. [519 Defensive bidding system 1C* 1S pass pass 2C ? 2D 13 points, 5/4 in spades and diamonds 2S 13 points, good 5 card spade suit 3D 19 points, 5/4 in spades and diamonds 3S 19 points, strong spade suit Reminder: 1C 2C The 2C cue bid shows at least 5/4 in spades and hearts. *Analogous following a 1D or 1H opening bid. [520 1C(1D) 1D,1H,1S 2NT(3NT) 4C ? The 4C bid is asking for the number of aces in my hand. Possible responses are: 4D 0 or 4 aces 4H 1 ace 4S 2 aces 4NT 3 aces [521 1C(1D) 1C,1D,1H,1S 2NT(3NT) 4C response ? 7NT: 4 aces, HCPC 18+. 5NT: 4 aces, HCPC 17+. 6NT: 3-4 aces, HCPC 14+. 4NT: 13 points The 4NT bid shows at least 13 HCPC (regardless of the number of aces), but the inability to bid slam. Opener is, however, free to go to slam with 20+ points regardless of the number of aces (combined count 33). [522 see info bitmap (name found nsbidsys page) to write a comparison between terry and std. weak system 1/25 games there is a difference and terry's twice as likely to achieve the best contract where they do differ. [523 Response to Stayman 2C bid 1NT 2C 2S: 4 card spade suit. 2H: 4 card heart suit. 2D: Only other possible bid. Reminder: With two 4 card suits, bid hearts first. [524 The more complex responses to partner's strong 1NT opening bid can be obtained by clicking on the handy prompts that appear on this screen. This game only allows you to select all or none of the options. The first purpose of these bids is to provide a means for the player to describe his/her hand more accurately. The second is to arrange, where possible, for the player who bid the strong 1NT to become declarer and thus hide the stronger hand from the opponents. This type of bid is referred to in the literature as a transfer bid. [525 More complex Stayman bid following strong 1NT. 1NT 2C? Responder bids 2C with: 1. HCPC 0-6, 3-suiter (D,H,S). Pass any bid made by partner. 2. HCPC 7+, at least one 4 card major suit. (a) With 4 card support for opener's major suit, support opener at appropriate level. (b) If opener bids 2H and with less than 4 hearts, bid 2S to show the spade suit. (c) Hearing 2D and with 5/4 in hearts and spades make a Smolen transfer by bidding the 4 card suit at the 2 level. With 3 card support for the other suit, opener will either bid 3 or 4 of that suit. With less than 3 cards, opener rebids 2NT (or 3NT with 18 points). With 5/5 in hearts and spades, bid 3H. Opener can choose between hearts and spades. 3. HCPC 7+, balanced hand. Over the expected 2S,2H, or 2D bid, respond with 2NT with HCPC 7-8 or bid 3NT (9-14). 4. HCPC 10+, fair 6+ minor suit, no stoppers in majors. Want partner to either bid 3NT or game in minor suit. [526 Jacoby transfers 1NT 2D(2H)? 2D: (1) 5 hearts. Opener with 3 card or better support, bids 2H, otherwise bids 2NT. Opener may also bid 3C or 3D to show 3 card support for the major suit as well as a good minor suit: responder rebids diamonds, opener then bids hearts. (2) Responder's 2D bid may also show a strong minor suit with hopes of slam in that suit. To signal this hand, responder next bids 2S after hearing a 2H bid by opener. Opener then bids 2NT to allow responder the opportunity to bid the long strong suit. However, if opener bids 2NT, responder bids the long strong minor suit immediately. 2H: 5+ spades. With 3 spades, opener bids 2S, else bids 2NT. [527 Texas Transfers 1NT 4D(4H)? 4D HCPC 8+, 6+ heart suit. 4H HCPC 8+, 6+ spade suit. Texas transfer is also used after a defensive bid. The Texas transfer is not used when there is interest in slam. Reminder: Bid 3H or 3S to initiate slam in a broken 6 card or longer major suit. Use 4C immediately following the 1NT bid with a strong 6+ major suit to ask for aces, since partner will have no voids or singletons. Jacoby transfers can also be used in a try for slam in a major suit. [528 Minor Suit Stayman 1NT 2S Responder has one of these types of hands: 1. Diamond bust (at least 6 diamonds, few points). 2. Weak minor 2-suiter (5 diamonds, 5 clubs) and not more than 3 or 4 points. 3. 5/4 or better in minors and near slam quality hand, but unable to bid slam directly. With a void in a major suit, make this bid with 12+ points outside the short suit. With a singleton in a major suit, make this bid with 13 or more points outside the short suit. With a doubleton in both major suits, the 2S bid requires 14 points. Opener must bid lowest ranking 4 card minor or lacking one bid 2NT. Note: Do not use the minor suit Stayman with a good 6 card suit and a strong hand even if you do have 6/4 or 6/5 in the minor suits. [529 2NT Transfers 1NT 2NT? Responder has two possible types of hands. 1. Club bust (at least 6 clubs, 2 or 3 points). 2. 3-suiter with at least 4 cards in each suit, HCPC 10+ in the 3 long suits, distribution 4,4,4,1 or 4,4,5,0. Should not have a 5 card major suit. Opener is ask to bid 3C. With a club bust, responder passes. With strong values, the short suit is bid by responder, opener then bids longest suit which becomes trumps. [530 Some Jump Responses 1NT ? 3C,3D: HCPC 6+, fair 6+ suit, asking partner to bid 3NT with some help in minor suit, else pass. 5C,5D: OPC 12-16, 8(7) card suit, unsuitable for notrump play and less than needed for slam. 3H,3S: OPC 15+, broken 6 card or longer major suit, interested in slam. 3NT: HCPC 9-14, balanced hand or good minor suit, little prospect for slam. 4C: Gerber asking for aces. Bid when slam is likely if interested in number of aces in partner's hand. 6 bid: OPC 15+, 6 card suit or longer (or bid 4C and ask for aces). [531 More complex sytem following strong 1NT with competition. 1NT (2H) ? Double: HCPC 6, 4 card heart suit with stopper. 6S: HCPC 15+, good 6 card spade suit. 4S: HCPC 8-14, 6 card spade suit. 3NT: HCPC 10+, no heart stopper. 3H: HCPC 10+, cue bid, Stayman, 4 card spade suit, no stopper in hearts. 2C,2D,2S: HCPC 5-7, 5 card suit, non-forcing. 2NT*: HCPC 8+, stopper in hearts. After hearing opener's 3C response, bid 3H with 4 card spade suit, 3S with 5 card spade suit, or 3NT with support in all suits. 2NT: Club bust or diamond bust; either pass opener's 3C bid or bid 3D (opener will pass). 3C,3D: HCPC 7+, good 5 or 6 card suit, non-forcing. 3S: 5 card suit, HCPC 8+, no stopper in hearts, forcing. *The only sequence that requires a stopper in opponent's suit. [532 More complex system following strong 1NT, no competition. 1NT ? 2C: HCPC 7+, Stayman (4 card major) or 2NT type hand (7-8 pts). Also 0-6 points and 3-suiter(D,H,S). 2D: 5+ hearts (Jacoby) or slam try with HCPC 14+ and a good 6+ suit. 2H: 5+ spades (Jacoby transfer). 2S: Diamond bust, or minor 2-suiter (strong or weak). 2NT: HCPC 7+ and 3-suiter or club bust (2NT transfer). 4D: HCPC 8+, fair 6+ hearts (Texas transfer). 4H: HCPC 8+, fair 6+ spades (Texas transfer). 3C,3D: HCPC 7-8, 6+ card broken suit, invites 3NT. 3H,3S: HCPC 11+, 6+ card broken suit, invites slam. 3NT: HCPC 9-14, no 4 card major and no prospects for slam. 4C: Gerber asking for aces, slam intentions. 4H(4S): HCPC 9-12, 6+ major suit (natural). May jump directly to slam with sufficient values. [533 Standard responses, strong 1NT, with competition. 1NT (2H) ? Double: HCPC 7+, stopper in hearts (usually 4 hearts). 6S: HCPC 15+, good 6+ spades (or 4C). 4S: HCPC 9-14, 6+ spades (Texas transfer not available). 3S: HCPC 9+, 5+ spades, forcing jump bid. 2S: HCPC 5-8, 5+ spades, natural, non-forcing. 3C,3D: HCPC 5-8, good 6 card suit (strong 5 card). 3H: HCPC 9+, cue bid, Stayman type bid, 4 card spade suit. Does not promise stopper in opponent's suit. 4H: HCPC 8+, 6 card spade suit (Texas transfer). 2NT: HCPC 7-9, balanced hand, does not guarantee stopper in opponent's suit. 3NT: HCPC 10-14, balanced hand, does not guarantee stopper in opponent's suit. [534 When defender doubles opener's strong 1NT. 1NT double ? The double, as used in this computer program, shows either a major 2-suiter or a minor 2-suiter. The doubler's partner is expected to bid. For this reason it is not necessary to make any bid whatsoever. The player will have the opportunity to bid again and at that time will know the actual distribution of the doubler's hand. With 9+ points and a strong 6 card major the computer goes to game regardless; otherwise, it adopts a wait and see attitude to determine course of action. [535 Defender uses unusual 2NT following opener's strong 1NT bid. 1NT 2NT ? The 2NT bid shows that defender as a major/minor 2-suiter and defender's partner is expected to bid again. For this reason it is not necessary to make any bid whatsoever. The player will have the opportunity to bid again and at that time will have a better idea as to the actual distribution of the doubler's hand. With 9+ points and a strong 6 card major the computer goes to game regardless; otherwise, it adopts a wait and see attitude to determine course of action. [536 Summary standard responses without competition. 1NT ? Pass: HCPC 7 or less and a balanced hand. 2C: HCPC 8+, Stayman, at least one 4 card major. 2C: HCPC 7 or less. 4,4,5,0 distribution. Pass any bid made by opener. 2D,2H,2S: HCPC 0-7, 5 card suit or longer. 3C: Club bust, long suit, few values in hand. 2NT: HCPC 8-9, balanced hand or strong 5 card or longer minor suit. 3D: HCPC 10-14, 5 card or longer diamond suit. 3H,3S: HCPC 10+, 5 card major, forcing. 3NT: HCPC 9-11 and any hand with no 4 card major and without a long minor that might produce slam. 4H,4S: HCPC 8-14, 6 card major. 4C: Gerber, asking for aces, slam prospects. 4NT: HCPC 16. 6NT: HCPC 17-19. 5NT: HCPC 20. 7NT: HCPC 21 or greater. [537 More complex Stayman bid, strong 1NT 1NT 2C 2D ? 2NT: HCPC 7-9, no 5 card suit. 3NT: HCPC 10+, no 5 card suit. 2H(2S): Responder's rebid is a Smolen transfer showing 5/4 in the major suits (HCPC 7+). The 4 card suit is bid and responder with 3 cards in the other major, bids that suit, otherwise bids 2NT. 3H; HCPC 8+, 5/5 major 2-suiter, bids hearts. With 3 cards in either of these suits partner goes to game in that suit, otherwise bids notrump. [538 More complex Stayman bid, strong 1NT 1NT 2C 2H ? 6H; Bid or attempt slam with 4 hearts, 15+ points. 4H: 9 points, 4 hearts. 3H: 7-8 points, 4 hearts. 2S: 4 or more spades. 2NT: 7-8 points, no 4 card major. 3NT: 9-15 points (if waited to bid rather than making it the first response) [539 More complex system, Stayman bid. 1NT 2C 2S ? 6S; Bid or attempt slam with 4 spades, 15+ points. 4S: 9 points, 4 spades. 3S: 7-8 points, 4 spades. 3C(3D): OPC 12-16, fair 6+ minor suit, no stoppers in major suits (partner will either bid 3NT or game in minor suit). 2NT: 7-8 points, no 4 card spade suit. 3NT: 9-15 points (if waited to bid rather than making it the first response). [540 Dual nature 2D Jacoby bid 1NT 2D ? Opener always bids as if responder is showing a 5 card heart suit with HCPC 7+, but makes the following bids in case responder has a strong minor suit with hopes of slam in that suit. 2H: 3 hearts, minimum hand 2S: Strong heart support, maximum hand 2NT: Only 2 hearts. [541 Dual nature 2D Jacoby bid 1NT 2D 2H ? Pass: 5+ hearts, weak hand. 6H: 15 HCPC, 5 hearts, either bid slam or initiate slam with a cue bid in some suit or bid 4NT asking for aces. 4H: 9-14 HCPC, 5 hearts. 3H: 7-8 points, 5 hearts. 2S: Strong independent minor suit, slam possible. Partner is ask to bid 2NT. 3C,3D: Strong hand, 6 card broken minor suit. With help in the minor suit, partner bids slam, 4NT, or cue bids a control in another suit. Otherwise partner must either bid 3NT or game in the minor suit. [542 Dual nature 2D Jacoby bid 1NT 2D 2S ? 3H: 5+ hearts, weak hand. 6H: 13 HCPC, 5 hearts, either bid slam or initiate slam with a cue bid in some suit or bid 4NT asking for aces. 4H: 7-12 HCPC, 5 hearts. 2NT: Strong independent club or diamond suit, slam possible. Partner is ask to bid 3C. If this is not the correct suit, then responder corrects to 3D. If it is correct responder can either bid slam, 4NT, or cue bid in a major suit. 3C,3D: Strong hand, 6 card broken minor suit. With help in the minor suit, partner bids slam, 4NT, or cue bids a control in another suit. Otherwise partner must either bid 3NT or game in the minor suit. [543 Dual nature 2D Jacoby bid 1NT 2D 2NT ? 3H: 5+ hearts, weak hand. 3NT: HCPC 8+. 3C,3D. The suit bid is promised to be a good 6 card minor suit and the player has interest in slam. Partner is ask to bid the lowest ranking ace, 4NT, or slam. [544 Jacoby transfer showing 5 spades 1NT 2H ? 2S: 3 card spade support. 2NT: 2 card spade support. [545 Minor suit Stayman 1NT 2S ? 3C; 4 card suit. 3D: 4 card suit. 2NT: No 4 card minor suit. [546 Minor suit Stayman 1NT 2S 2NT ? 3C: Weak 2-suiter. 3D: Diamond bust. In some cases partner might be able to bid 3NT after hearing this bid. It requires 5QT and a 4 card diamond suit headed by the ace, king. 3H(3S): Strong minor 2-suiter (5/4), either a singleton or void in the suit bid. If it is a singleton, the hand must have at least 13 points outside this suit. If it is a void it must have at least 12 points outside the major suit. 3NT: Strong minor 2-suiter (5/4) with a doubleton in hearts and a doubleton in spades. Opener requested to bid 3 card minor suit at the 4 level. Willing to play at 4NT. Must have at least HCPC 14 to make a 2S bid with this hand. [547 Minor suit Stayman 1NT 2S 3C ? 3D: Diamond bust. In some cases partner might be able to bid 3NT after hearing this bid. It requires 5QT and a 4 card diamond suit headed by the ace, king. Pass: Weak 2-suiter. 3H(3S): Strong minor 2-suiter, singleton or void in the major suit bid, try for slam. 3NT: Strong minor 2-suiter (5/4) with a doubleton in hearts and a doubleton in spades. Partner will bid slam in clubs or pass. 6C: May at this point bid slam directly with an extra strong minor 2-suiter (maximum points and a 5 card minor for trumps). [548 Minor suit Stayman 1NT 2S 3D ? Pass: Either a diamond bust hand or a weak 2-suiter. 3H(3S): Strong minor 2-suiter, void or singleton in the major suit bid, try for slam. 3NT: Strong minor 2-suiter (5/4) with a doubleton in hearts and a doubleton in spades. 6D: May at this point bid slam directly with an extra strong minor 2-suiter (maximum points and a 5 card minor for trumps). [549 Minor suit Stayman 1NT 2S 2NT 3H,3S ? Responder's 3H or 3S bid is showing either a singleton or void in that suit. 4C,4D. Shows 3 cards in the suit bid and most of the points in the hand outside the short suit (an ace in the suit is acceptable). 3NT: 16-17 points and either has no 3 card minor or has too many points in partner's short suit. 4NT: 18 points and either has no 3 card minor or has too many points in partner's short suit. [550 1NT 2S 2NT 3H,3S ? Responder's 3H or 3S bid is showing either a singleton or void in that suit. Asks partner to bid a 3 card minor if seems advisable otherwise bid 3NT (4NT). 4C,4D. Shows 3 cards in the suit bid and most of the points in the hand outside the short suit (an ace in the suit is acceptable). 3NT: 16-17 points and either has no 3 card minor or has too many points in partner's short suit. 4NT: 18 points and either has no 3 card minor or has too many points in partner's short suit. [551 1NT 2S 3C 3H,3S ? Responder's 3H or 3S bid is showing either a singleton or void in that suit. 6C: Most of the points outside partner's shortsuit (ace in the suit is acceptable or with HCPC 18). 5C: Trusting that responder can go to 6C with a little stronger hand than minimal. [552 More complex system, 2NT bid 1NT 2NT 3C? Opener must bid 3C. This allows responder to clarify hand. [553 2NT transfer bids 1NT 2NT 3C ? Pass: Club bust. 3D: Singleton or void in diamonds. 3H: Singleton or void in hearts. 3S: Singleton or void in spades. 3NT: Singleton or void in clubs. [554 2NT transfer bids 1NT 2NT 3C 3H* (short suit is hearts in this example) ? Show a hand with good distribution and points by making a jump bid in some suit with 4 or more cards. 4S: 4 card spade suit, 2 hearts or less, HCPC 17+. 4 card spade suit, 3 hearts or less, 15+ points in the 3 long suits. 3S: Standard hand, 4 card spade suit, good 3 if no other bid available. 5C: 5 card club suit, 2 hearts or less, HCPC 16+. 5 card club suit, 3 hearts or less, 14+ points in the 3 long suits. 5D: 5 card club suit, 2 hearts or less, HCPC 16+. 5 card club suit, 3 hearts or less, 14+ points in the 3 long suits. 3NT: Stopper in hearts. 4C: Standard hand, 4 card club suit. 4D: Standard hand, 4 card diamond suit. *Analogous for other short suits. [555 2NT transfer bids 1NT 2NT 3C 3H (short suit is hearts in this example) 3S,4C,4D ? 4S,5C,5D 1. If opener bids game, responder is able to bid slam with an adjusted* point count of 16+. 2. If opener bids less than game, it is probably best just to go to game unless the hand is unusually strong. *Reminder, adjust points as follows: Discount all points except the ace inside the short suit (in this case hearts). Add 5 points to the HCPC with a void in hearts and 3 points with a singleton in hearts. Note: If partner bids 4NT (showing 18 points and the inability to bid a suit), go to 6NT with HCPC 15+. If partner bids 3NT, pass. [556 Texas transfer 1NT 4D* (6 hearts, 8+ points) 4H? The only bid possible. *Analogous following responder's bid of 4H showing 8 points and 6 spades. [557 Texas transfer 1NT 4H* (6 spades, 8+ points) 4S 4NT? 4NT bid requires 16 points* However, with such a powerful hand, responder should consider bidding 3S to initiate slam, or 4C immediately after partner's 1NT bid depending on the quality of the trump suit. With a solid trump suit, bid 4C immediately, with a ragged trump suit bid 3S. *Points arrived at by adding 2 points for a void and 1 point for a singleton to the HCPC. [558 When opponent doubles 1NT double ? The opponent's double, as used in this program, is promising either 5/4 in the major suits or 5/5 in the minor suits. Pass: No long suit, 0-5 points. Redouble: 6+ points. The bid alerts partner that the side belongs to them for potential penalty double. The player is waiting for the defense to disclose the nature of the 2-suiter. 2S,2H,2D,2C: 0-5 points, 6 card suit, non-forcing. [559 When opponent doubles 1NT double redouble 2C,2D pass pass The defense must have a minor 2-suiter (5/5). The responder now has the opportunity to either reach game in notrump or a major suit or double with strong values in the minor suits (especially if the minor is diamonds). [560 1NT double redouble 2C,2D pass 2H ? The player knows now that the double promises 5/4 in the major suits. The player can use this information to place the final contract in notrump, the minor suit not bid by the opponent, or pass with strong values in the major suits. Partner may choose to double for penalties. [561 Competitive bids at the one level. 1NT opponent bids 2D,2H,2S? Natural bids, 5 card suit, HCPC 6 or greater. Reminder: If you would like to see a summary of the bids available to the responder, go to Bidsys, screen top left, click on either the north/south or east/west bidsystem. This screen provides red help icons that give summaries of responder's bids after opener bids 1NT. [562 Variable nature of 2NT response after opponent bids. 1NT opponent bids 2NT? This bid has several potential meanings: 1. Bust hand in either minor suit. 2. HCPC 10+ with a stopper in the opponent's suit, and a 4 card major. Player intends next turn to cue bid in the opponent's suit to show the 4 card major. 3. HCPC 10+ with a stopper in the opponent's suit. Player intends to bid 3NT next. This shows values for game as well as the stopper in the opponent's suit. [563 Three bid in a minor suit after opponent bids. 1NT opponent bids 3C,3D? The 3-bid in the minor suit shows a hand with about 8 points. Stopper in the opponent's suit is not guaranteed. Partner is encouraged to bid 3NT with appropriate values; otherwise, the hand is played in the minor suit. Reminder: If you would like to see a summary of the bids available to the responder, go to Bidsys, screen top left, click on either the north/south or east/west bidsystem. This screen provides red help icons that give summaries of responder's bids after opener bids 1NT. [564 Three bid in a major suit after opponent bids. 1NT opponent bids 3H,3S? The 3-bid in a major suit promises a fair 5 card suit and 10 points. It does not guarantee a stopper in the opponent's suit. It is forcing to game in the major suit or notrump. [565 Immediate bid of 3NT after opponent bids. 1NT opponent bids 3NT? This bid promises 10 points, but it does not promise a stopper in opponent's suit. If a major suit was bid (which shows length and strength in the suit), opener will pass with a stopper; otherwise, opener may elect to scramble into a suit contract by bidding a 5 card suit at the 4 level. If the opposition bids 2C or 2D showing a 3-suiter, opener will pass this bid because no one will have a long suit to worry about. Reminder: There are only two sequences that responder guarantees a stopper in opponent's suit: 1NT 2H,2S 2NT 1NT 2H* 2NT 3C 3NT 3C 3H* *spades Opponent's 2C and 2D bids are artificial showing a 3-suiter. [566 Immediate cue bid of opponent's suit 1NT 2H 3H? This bid is a version of Stayman showing 4 card spade suit, HCPC 10, and no stopper in hearts. Reminder: There are only two sequences that responder guarantees a stopper in opponent's suit: 1NT 2H,2S 2NT 1NT 2H* 2NT 3C 3NT 3C 3H* *or spades Opponent's 2C and 2D bids are artificial showing a 3-suiter. [567 Continuation after opponent bids and responder bids 2NT 1NT opponent bids 2NT 3C? 3C: Opener bids 3C and waits for responder to clarify hand. Reminder: There are only two sequences that responder guarantees a stopper in opponent's suit: 1NT 2H,2S 2NT 1NT 2H* 2NT 3C 3NT 3C 3H* *or spades Opponent's 2C and 2D bids are artificial showing a 3-suiter. [568 Following Stayman response after opponent bids. 1NT 2H* 3H (no stopper in hearts, 4 spades, 10 points) ? 4S: 4 spades or strong 3 if there is no stopper in hearts. 3NT: Stopper in hearts and no 4 card spade suit. 4C,4D: 5 card suit if all else fails. *Analogous for other suits. Reminder: There are only two sequences that responder guarantees a stopper in opponent's suit: 1NT 2H,2S 2NT 1NT 2H* 2NT 3C 3NT 3C 3H* *or spades Opponent's 2C and 2D bids are artificial showing a 3-suiter. [569 After opponent bids, responder clarifies hand. 1NT (2H) 2NT 3C ? Pass: Club bust. 3D: Diamond bust. Partner will pass. 3H: 10 points, stopper in hearts, 4 spades. Partner will either bid 4S or 3NT after this Stayman* bid. 3NT: 10 points, stopper in hearts. Partner will pass. *Analogous for spades but not clubs and diamonds. Reminder: There are only two sequences that responder guarantees a stopper in opponent's suit: 1NT 2H,2S 2NT 1NT 2H* 2NT 3C 3NT 3C 3H* *or in spades Opponent's 2C and 2D bids are artificial showing a 3-suiter. [570 Penalty double 1NT 2H* double? This double is for penalties. This double requires HCPC 7, four or more hearts, 2 or more heart points and 2 or more honors in the suit. If the opponent changes suits, either partner can continue to double for penalties. *Same for spades. Doubling clubs or diamonds only requires jack or better in a 4 card suit and 6 points. [571 1NT 2C? More complex system, Stayman bid. Strong hands 1. HCPC 12+, at least one 4 card major suit. 2. HCPC 12+, major 2-suiter (5/4 or 5/5). 3. OPC 15+, good 6+ minor with no stoppers in either major suit (or 6/5 in minor suits). 4. OPC 19-20, strong 6+ minor, near slam, rebid 4C( 4D). Some Intermediate Type hands 1. HCPC 11, a 4 card major and good 5 card minor. 2. HCPC 11, major 2-suiter (5/4 or 5/5). 3. HCPC 11, good 5 card major, balanced hand 4. HCPC 11, good 5 card minor suit, rebid 2NT. 5. HCPC 12, weak or no 5 card minor suit, rebid 2NT. 6. RPC 11, 4/3 or 4/4 in majors and 4+ diamonds. If major supported, raise to 3 level otherwise pass. Weak hands 1. HCPC 0-10, 3-suiter, D,H,S. Will pass partner's expected 2D, 2H, or 2S bid. Ideal hand, 4,4,5,0. 2. HCPC 0-5, 3-suiter, D,H,S. 3,3,4,3 distribution OK. [572 2NT response, more complex weak 1NT system, opponent passes. 1NT pass 2NT? 1. Minor 6+ suit, HCPC 3+, club or diamond bust. After opener's required 3C bid, pass with a club suit, bid 3D with diamond suit. Opener will pass the 3D bid. Use when game is unlikely. Requires 9 points if vulnerable. 2. HCPC 12+ (no upper limit), 3-suited hand with void or singleton (4,4,4,1 or 4,4,5,0), no 5 card major, game forcing bid, possible interest in slam. With major short suit, rebid suit at 3 level. If the void or singleton is in a minor suit: 1. HCPC 17 or less in 3 long suits, bid 3NT. 2. HCPC 18+ in 3 long suits, bid short suit at 4 level. This strongly invites slam. [573 1NT ? More complex responses to weak 1NT 2C:(1) HCPC 0-10, 3-suiter (S,H,D, ideal 4,4,5,0). Only requires (S,H,D of 3,3,4,3 with 0-5 points). (2) HCPC 11+, major 2-suiter (5/5 or 5/4) or at least one major 4 card suit. (3) OPC 15+, good 6+ minor, weak in both major suits. (4) HCPC 11, strong 5 card minor; HCPC 12, weak 5 card minor (points in short suits), or HCPC 12, no 5 card. 2H,2S: Natural, 5 card suits, HCPC 0-10. 2D: Natural, 5 card minor, HCPC 0-6 if balanced and 0-10 points with singleton or void. 2NT: (1) HCPC 0-10, 6 card minor. (2) HCPC 12+ in three suits, 3-suiter (4,4,4,1 or 4,4,5,0). 3H,3S: 5+ major, HCPC 12+ (no upper limit). 3NT: HCPC 12-17, balanced hand; HCPC 13, good 6+ minor, inability to bid as 2C; HCPC 9+, A,K,Q in 6+ minor. 4H,4S: 6+ major, HCPC 12-17 (slam unlikely). 5C,5D: 8 card suit, OPC 16-18, unsuitable for notrump. 3C,3D: HCPC 9 or less, A,K in 6+ minor suit; HCPC 10-12, good 6+ minor (always has ace with only 10-11 points). 4C: OPC 21+, long strong suit, Gerber for aces. [574 1NT ? Standard responses to a weak 1NT 2C: (1) HCPC 0-10, 3-suiter (S,H,D, 4,4,5,0 is ideal). also 3-suiter, HCPC 0-5, (S,H,D, 3,3,4,3 is OK). (2) HCPC 12+, at least one 4 card major. (3) HCPC 12+, major 2-suiter (5,5 or 5/4). (4) HCPC 12+, good 6 card minor. 2H,2S: HCPC 0-10, 5 card suit. 2D: HCPC 0-6, 5 card suit, balanced hand (HCPC 0-10 with unbalanced hand). 2NT: HCPC 11, strong 5 card minor; HCPC 12, no 5 card minor or with weak 5 card minor (points in short suits). 3NT: HCPC 12+, balanced hand . Also with good 6 card minor, HCPC 9+, strong honors in suit. 3H,3S: 5+ suit, 12+, no upper limit. 4H,4S: 6+ suit, 12-17 points, slam unlikely. 3C,3D: HCPC 0-10, 6+ suit (only 5 clubs if necessary). 4C: Gerber asking for aces (slam interest). [575 Weak 1NT more complex system, Stayman bid. 1NT 2C 2D ? 2NT: HCPC 11, strong 5 card minor; HCPC 12, no 5 card minor or HCPC 12 and weak 5 card minor (points in short suits). 3NT: HCPC 13+ or HCPC 12 with fair 5 card minor. 2H(2S): 5 card major, HCPC 11 or weak 12 points. Bid hearts first with 5/5 in major suits. 3H(3S): 5 card major, HCPC 13 or HCPC 12 and good major suit. Bid hearts first with 5/5 in major suits. 3C,3D: OPC 15+, good 6 card minor, weak in both major suits. Opener with stoppers in both, bids 3NT otherwise bids 4 or 5 of minor suit. 4C,4D: OPC 19-20, good 6+ minor, near slam, with just a little extra partner bids a small slam. [576 1NT 2C Weak 1NT, more complex system, Stayman bid. 2H ? 4H: HCPC 12+, 4+ hearts. 3H: HCPC 11, 4 hearts. 2S: HCPC 12+, 4 spades. 2NT: HCPC 11 exactly, strong 5 card minor; HCPC 12 exactly, no 5 card minor, HCPC 12 exactly, poor 5 card minor (most of the points in short suits). 3NT: HCPC 13 (12, good 5 card suit), can't support hearts. 3C,3D: OPC 15+, good 6 card minor, weak in both major suits. Opener with stoppers in both, bids 3NT; otherwise bids 4 or 5 of the minor suit. 4C,4D: OPC 19-20, good 6+ minor, near slam, with just a little extra partner bids a small slam. [577 1NT 2C 2S ? Weak 1NT more complex system, Stayman. 4S: HCPC 12+, 4 spades. 2NT: HCPC 11 exactly, 5 card minor; HCPC 12 exactly, no 5 card minor; HCPC 12 exactly, weak 5 card minor (points in short suits not the 5 card minor). 3NT: HCPC 13+, or HCPC 12 and good 5 card suit. 3C,3D: OPC 15+, good 6 card or longer suit, but weak in both majors. Opener with stoppers in both, bids 3NT; otherwise bids 4 or 5 of the minor suit. 4C,4D: OPC 19-20, good 6+ minor, near slam, with just a little extra partner bids a small slam. [578 Standard responses to weak 1NT with competition 1NT (2H) ? Double: HCPC 9+, takeout* double, usually a 3-suiter but may be a minor 2-suiter if the opponent bids 2H. 5C,5D: OPC 15+, good 6+ minor, not suitable for notrump or a major suit. 4S: HCPC 12+, 6+ spades. 3S: HCPC 12+, 5+ spades. Partner bids 4S or 3NT but the 3S bid does not promise a heart stopper. 3NT: HCPC 13+, balanced hand, guarantees stopper in opponent's suit. Also some long strong minor suits. 2S: HCPC 11 or less, 5 card suit, natural, non-forcing. 3H: HCPC 12+, 4 spades, stopper in hearts, cue bid. 3C,3D: HCPC 5+, good 6 card suit. Looking for partial score. *Takeout doubles are also referred to as negative doubles since they deny strength in the opponent's suit. [579 More complex responses to weak 1NT with competition. 1NT 2H ? Double: HCPC 9+, takeout double, 3-suiter showing support for all unbid suits. May be a minor 2-suiter if the opponent bids 2H, the only exception. 4S: HCPC 12+, 6+ spades. 3S*: HCPC 12+, 5+ spades, stopper in hearts. 3NT*: HCPC 12+, balanced hand, stopper in hearts. 3H*: Cue bid, 4 spades, HCPC 12+, stopper in hearts. 2NT: Minor suit bust (if vulnerable it requires OPC 10 but less than a direct 3C(3D) bid; HCPC 10 and minor 2-suiter; With HCPC 12+ and no stopper in hearts: with 4 spades (rebid 3H); balanced hand, rebid 3NT; with 5 spades (rebid 3S). None show a stopper in hearts. 3C,3D: HCPC 12+, good 6+ minor, no stopper guaranteed. *Make these bids without guaranteeing a stopper by first bidding 2NT. Note: analogous after other intervening 2-bids, except 2NT Stayman not possible after hearing 2C and Stayman after 2D bid is only used if the player who made the bid passed previously; otherwise the defensive player is showing a major 2-suiter. [580 After opponent bids, responses to special 2NT bid. 1NT (2H) 2NT* 3C ? Pass: Club bust or 10 points and minor 2-suiter. 3D: Diamond bust, or 10 points and minor 2-suiter. 3S: HCPC 12+, 5+ spades, no stopper in hearts. Opener with 3 card support will go to 4S or with only 2 cards, bid 3NT with stopper in hearts. 3H: HCPC 12+, Stayman type cue bid, 4 spades, no stopper in hearts. Opener will support spades (may have to do so with only 3 card support) or bid 3NT with a stopper in opponent's suit. 3NT: HCPC 13+, balanced hand, no stopper in hearts. Analogous after other intervening 2-bids, except after 2C there is never a Stayman type bid, and after 2D only if the 2D bidder passed previously. [581 Possible responses to opener's 1NT bid. 1NT ? The more complex system of responding to a weak 1NT bid is quite different than the standard system. It is Terry's own modification of the standard system and evolved after studying numerous hands. It permits the identification of many more specific types of hands, their distributions, and strengths. It permits a more reliable method of arriving at the best contract. The requirements for these bids can be found by clicking on the help prompts on this screen. The responses to a weak 1NT opening bid are placed here for your convenience. The requirements for most bids are found by clicking on a bid once it appears on the bidding chart during the bid of the game or immediately after. [582 Standard responses to the 1NT opening bid No bidding system is simple but the standard system is the least complex of the two systems presented in this program. A quick review of the responses following a 1NT opening bid, with and without competition, are shown below. The requirements for all major bids can be found by clicking on a bid once it appears on the bidding chart during the bid of the game or immediately thereafter. [583 Responses following the 2NT bid in the more complex system, no intervention. Weak notrump system 1NT 2NT 3C 3NT* ? Pass: No 4 card major. It is best to have a stopper in both minor suits; however, it is very likely that your best minor will be the one partner is short in. 4S: 4 card spade suit. 4H: 4 card heart suit. *Responder has no interest in slam. Player has a void or singleton in one of the minor suits and two 4 card majors. [584 Responses following 2NT, no intervention, more complex weak notrump system. 1NT 2NT 3C 3H* ? 3S: 4 card spade suit, less than 10 points in S,C,D. 4S: 4 card spade suit, 10+ points in S,C,D**. 3NT: Stopper in hearts. 5C,5D: 5(4) card suit, no stopper in hearts**. *Analogous for bids following 3S response, except player can not bid major suit at 3 level. **Partner will bid slam in suit with 18 points in S,C,D. [585 Responses following 2NT, no intervention, more complex weak notrump system 1NT 2NT 3C 4C* ? With 10 points in D,H,S consider bidding a small slam, especially with a 5 card diamond suit, otherwise bid game. 4S,4H: 4 card major suit. 5D: 4 card diamond suit. 4NT: Inability to bid a suit, stoppers in clubs. *Analogous following a 4D response. Partner has a slam going hand with short club suit. [586 Responses following 2NT, no intervention. 1NT 2NT More complex weak notrump system 3C* ? Pass: 6+ clubs, HCPC 0-10. 3D: 6+ diamonds, HCPC 4-10. Partner will pass. 3H: HCPC 12+, void or singleton in hearts. No upper limit to bid. Heart points discounted. 3S: HCPC 12+, void or singleton in spades. No upper limit to bid. Spade points discounted. 3NT: HCPC 12+, a void or singleton in a minor suit, points in short suit discounted. 4C: Void or singleton in clubs, OPC 21+. Strong slam interest. 4D: Void or singleton in diamonds, OPC 21+. Strong slam interest. [587 Responses following 2NT, no intervention More complex weak notrump system 1NT 2NT 3C 3S* ? 4H: 4 card heart suit, less than 10 points in C,D,H. 5H: 4 card heart suit, 10+ points in C,D,H**. 3NT: Stopper in spades. 5C,5D: 5(4) card suit, no stopper in spades**. *Analogous for bids following 3S response, except player uses 3S or 4S following a 3H bid to show the two different types of hands. **Partner will bid slam in suit with 18 points in C,D,H. [588 Defense against a long club or diamond suit 1NT pass 2NT pass 3C pass pass* ? The 2NT bidder shows HCPC 4-10 and a 6+ minor suit. Intervention requires a good 5+ card suit and at least 10 points (other than in opponent's suit). It is impossible to know whether the offense has more points than the defense. However, the defense will have at least 16 combined points if you require 10 for the bid. *Or bids 3D [589 Responses following 2C, no intervention. More complex weak notrump system 1NT 2C 2D(2H,2S) ? 3C: good 6 card suit, OPC 15+. 3D good 6 card suit, OPC 15+. Reminder: To show a 6+ minor with less values than needed for game, first bid 2NT then end in 3C or 3D to show a bust hand. Also bid 3C or 3D directly to show a hand that needs a little help to bid 3NT, but it does not guarantee game. [590 Responses following 3C*, no intervention More complex weak notrump system 1NT 3C* ? 3NT: HCPC 14 or a high honor in clubs. Pass: Inability to bid 3NT. *Same for a 3D response. The minor suit bid does not guarantee game as it does after a Stayman bid. [591 Cue bid of opener's suit 1C double 1H* 2C? The cue bid of opener's suit after partner doubles shows a weak 4 card spade suit* and a good diamond suit. You are asking partner to bid spades with a good 4 card spade suit, otherwise bid diamonds or notrump. With a 5 card spade suit or good 4 card spade suit, player would bid spades directly because partner's double shows support in all suits except clubs. *If this person passes, the 2C cue bid shows about 9 points, with values in both hearts and spades. Doubler is ask to make a choice. It doesn't promise a 4 card suit, however, [592 Standard Stayman bid, weak 1NT 1NT 2C 2D ? Pass: Weak hand, 3-suiter, S,H,D. Ideal distribution is 4,4,5,0 but with only 0-5 points, 3,3,4,3 is acceptable. The longest suit is diamonds. 2H,2S: HCPC 12+, 5 card major. With two 5 card suits, bid hearts first. 3NT: HCPC 12+, no 5 card major. 2NT: HCPC 11. 3C,3D: HCPC 12+ (OPC 15+), 6+ minor, forcing to game. [593 Standard Stayman bid, weak 1NT 1NT 2C 2H ? Pass: Weak hand, 3-suiter, S,H,D. Ideal distribution is 4,4,5,0 but with only 0-5 points, 3,3,4,3 is acceptable. The longest suit is diamonds. 4H: HCPC 12+, 4 hearts. 2S: HCPC 12+, 4 spades. 3NT: HCPC 12+. 2NT: HCPC 11. 3C,3D: HCPC 12+ (OPC 15+), 6+ minor suit. [594 Standard Stayman bid 1NT 2C 2S ? Pass: Weak hand, 3-suiter, S,H,D. Ideal distribution is 4,4,5,0 but with only 0-5 points, 3,3,4,3 is acceptable. The longest suit is diamonds. 4S: HCPC 12+, 4+ spades. 3NT: HCPC 12+. 3C,3D: HCPC 12+ (OPC 15+), 6+ minor suit. [595 More complex system, Stayman bid 1NT 2C 2H 2S 3S ? Opener's 3S bid shows 13 points, 4 spades. 4S: HCPC 11 (weak 12), 5 card spade suit, and some other good 4 card suit. [596 If the defending bidder did not pass previously, then the 2D bid is showing a major 2-suiter. All bids are natural for standard and more complex weak 1NT systems. 1NT 2D ? // game in a minor suit 5D,5C: OPC 15+, good 6+ minor suit. //partial in a minor suit 3D,3C: HCPC 5+, good 6+ minor suit. [597 Bidding 6+ card minor suits, more complex version, when opponent passes, player did not pass previously. 1NT 4C: OPC 21+, Gerber cue bid asking for aces, slam try in either minor suit. 1NT 2C then 4C*,4D*: OPC 19-20, strong slam interest. 3C*,3D*: OPC 15+ (HCPC 12+), 6+ minor with no stopper in either major suit. 1NT 5C*,5D*: OPC 16+, usually an 8 card suit. 1NT 3NT: 6+ minor, A,K,Q in minor suit. Also with semibalanced hand with stoppers. 1NT 3C*,3D*: HCPC 9 or less and A,K in 6+ minor. Also HCPC 10-12 with good 6+ minor (A,Q,J,9,x,x, if missing ace must have 12 points, example: K,Q,J,9,x,x) 1NT 2NT* HCPC 3+, 6+ minor, club or diamond bust. *Different meanings in standard system. [598 Standard method of Bidding long minor suits when opponent passes and the player did not pass previously. 1NT pass ? 4C: OPC 21+, good 6+ minor, Gerber asking for aces. 3NT: HCPC 9+, 6+ minor headed by A,K,Q or HCPC 12+ and good 6+ minor. 2C: OPC 15+, good 6+ minor. Opener bids 3NT with appropriate stoppers, else goes to game in minor. 5C,5D: OPC 16+, poor distribution for 3NT. 3C,3D: HCPC 3+, club or diamond bust. In the case of clubs, the bid is necessary even with 5 cards because 2C is used for Stayman. [599 Abbreviations used for bidding prompts. Because of the benefit of keeping the information confined to one small screen, abbreviations are are used in all prompts, some examples follow: HCPC 12+: the hand has 12 or more high card points. 6+ spades: The spade suit has 6 or more cards. Solid 5+ suit: the suit has at least 5 cards and all 5 honors. A,K,Q,J,10 (minimum hand) Strong 6+ spades: the spade suit has at least 6 cards and usually 4 honors. A,K,Q,10,X Good 6+ minor: the suit has at least 6 cards and and usually 3 honors. K, Q, J, 9, X, X Good 3 card suit: A,Q,x, usually 2 honors. Fair 5 card suit: the suit has 5 cards and usually 2 honors. K, Q, X, X, X or A, Q, X, X, X Bust hand, 6+ diamonds: the suit has at least 6 diamonds and few points in suit and hand. K,X,X,X,X,X. [600 No information. [601 When the defense bids 2D 1NT 2D pass? If the defense bid 2D with a non-passed hand, it shows a major 2-suiter. All bids made by responder are natural. 5C,5D: OPC 15+, good 6+ minor suit. 3C,3D: HCPC 6+, fair 6+ minor suit, for partial game. If the defense bid 2D with a passed hand, it shows a 3-suiter, one of the suits being diamonds. In this case the bidding proceeds as it generally does following intervention by the opponent. [602 When the defense bids 2NT 1NT 2NT pass? The 2NT bid shows a 2-suiter (5/5). If the 2NT bidder was bidding with a non-passed hand, it shows either a minor 2-suiter or a minor/major 2-suiter. If the bid was made with a passed hand it shows a minor/major 2-suiter. Since the defense can have any kind of 2-suiter except a major 2-suiter, responder passes and waits for an opportunity to bid again after the defense has declared the distribution more fully. [603 Following 2NT bid, more complex responses. 1NT 2H 2NT 3C pass ? Pass: Club bust or 2-suiter with strong clubs 3D: Diamond bust or 2-suiter with strong diamonds 3S: HCPC 12+, 5 spades, no stopper in hearts. 3H*: HCPC 12+, cue bid showing 4 spades, no stopper in hearts. 3NT*: HCPC 13+, balanced hand, no stopper in hearts. *Opener may not have a stopper in hearts and be forced to bid some other suit; therefore, it is best to have some support in the other suits in case opener feels compelled to bid the unexpected. [604 When responder passed previously pass pass 1NT pass 2C This 2C bid is natural showing a weak hand and 5+ clubs. [605 Reaching 3NT, more complex system 1NT pass ? BALANCED HANDS 3NT: HCPC 13-19, balanced hand. 3NT: HCPC 12, good 5 card minor suit, balanced hand. 3NT: HCPC 13+, semibalanced hand with stoppers. UNBALANCED HANDS 3NT: HCPC 9+, 6+ minor headed by A,K,Q or HCPC 13+, good 6+ minor (unless missing stoppers in both major suits, then bid 2C). 2C: OPC 15+, good 6+ minor, no stopper in either major suit. Opener with stoppers in both major suits, bids 3NT, otherwise bids 4 of minor with HCPC 12 and 5 of minor with HCPC 13-14. 3C,3D: HCPC 7+ requires A,K in 6+ minor; with HCPC 10+, it requires good 6+ minor(A,Q,J,9,x,x). When the missing ace, it requires HCPC 12+ and a good suit (K,Q,J,9,x,x). Opener with HCPC 14 (or 13 with high honor in minor suit) bids 3NT; otherwise passes. [606 Reaching 3NT, standard method of bidding. BALANCED HANDS 3NT: HCPC 13-19, balanced hand. 3NT: HCPC 12, good 5 card minor suit, balanced hand. 3NT: HCPC 13+, semibalanced hand with stoppers. UNBALANCED HANDS 3NT: HCPC 9+, 6+ minor headed by A,K,Q or HCPC 12+, good 6+ minor. Hand tends to be semibalanced. 2C: OPC 15+, good 6+ minor shown with next bid. Opener either bids 3NT with stoppers or game in minor suit. [607 Terry's method of getting the most out of your long minor suits when opponent passes and the player did not pass previously. 1NT pass ? 4C: OPC 21+, good 6+ minor, Gerber asking for aces. 3NT: HCPC 9+, 6+ minor headed by A,K,Q or HCPC 13+ and good 6+ minor (unless missing stoppers in both major suits, then bid 2C). 2C: OPC 15+, good 6+ minor, no stopper in either major suit. Opener with stoppers in both major suits, bids 3NT, otherwise bids 4 of minor with HCPC 12 or less, and 5 of minor with HCPC 13-14. 3C,3D: HCPC 9 or less requires A,K in 6+ minor; with HCPC 10-12, requires good 6+ minor (A,Q,J,9,x,x When missing ace, requires HCPC 12, in a good suit K,Q,J,9,x,x). Opener with HCPC 14 (or 13 with high honor in minor suit) bids 3NT; otherwise passes. 5C,5D: OPC 16+, usually with an 8 card minor suit. 2NT: HCPC 3+, club or diamond bust. [608 Standard method of bidding long minor suits when opponent passes and the player did not pass previously. 1NT pass ? 4C: OPC 21+, good 6+ minor, Gerber asking for aces. 3NT: HCPC 9+, 6+ minor headed by A,K,Q or HCPC 12+ and good 6+ minor. 2C: OPC 15+, good 6+ minor. Opener bids 3NT with appropriate stoppers, else goes to game in minor. 5C,5D: OPC 16+, poor distribution for 3NT. 3C,3D: HCPC 3+, club or diamond bust. In the case of clubs, the bid is necessary even with 5 cards because 2C is used for Stayman. [609 Modified 3C(3D) response to 1NT 1NT 3C(3D) ? Opener bids 3NT anytime with HCPC 14 or with HCPC 13 and a high honor in the minor suit; otherwise, opener passes. [610 Standard 3C(3D) response to 1NT 1NT 3C(3D) ? Pass: The only option after hearing the 3C or 3D bid. [611 Double, standard system Penalty Double: Only follows a 1NT bid, shows HCPC 15+, balanced hand. It is usually passed by partner. Double opponent's suit bid with HCPC 18+, clarify next bid. Take out Double: requires OPC 13+, 3+ cards in all suits except opener's suit, and not more than 2 in opener's suit. [612 1 level overcall, standard system 1 level suit overcall requires 5+ card suit and HCPC 10+ and the inability to make a jump 2-bid in your chosen jump 2-bid system and the inability to double. Partner's responses with 3-card support or longer. HCPC 8-10, raise partner one level. HCPC 11-13, jump raise partner's suit. HCPC 14+, cue bid opponent's suit or bid game in major suit. Partner's responses without 3-card support. HCPC 8-13, bid a good 5-card suit of your own. HCPC 14+, cue bid opponent's suit, then jump in your suit. Partner's responses with stoppers in opponent's suit. 1NT, HCPC 8-10; 2NT, HCPC 11-13; 3NT HCPC 14-16; HCPC 17+, cue bid opponent's suit, then bid notrump. [613 Jump 2-bids, competitive 2-bids, double jump bids. Jump 2-bids. 1C 2H? The player may choose between the weak jump 2-bid system and the intermediate jump 2-bid system. Click the red squares provided to find information on these two systems. Competitive 2-bids. 1S 2H? The 2H bid promises 6+ hearts and OPC 12+. Double jump bid. 1C 3H? The double jump bid is preemptive. It promises a weak hand, and a long suit (in this case hearts). [614 Double opener's suit bid, complex system Double a suit bid to show 18+ points, clarify next bid. Take out double: requires OPC 12+, 3+ cards in all suits except opener's suit, and not more than 3 cards in opener's suit. Partner's responses to take out double: Pass*: 5+ cards in opponent's suit with 3 or 4 honors. Pass: if right hand bids and less than 8 RPC. RPC 0-9, bid longest suit at lowest level. RPC 10-12, jump bid in longest suit. RPC 13+, 5(4)+ hearts or spades, bid game in major suit. RPC 16, 5(4)+ clubs or diamonds, bid game in minor suit. With two stoppers in opponent's suit, bid 1NT: HCPC 7-10; 2NT: HCPC 11-12; 3NT: HCPC 13+ [615 Complex system, overcall in a major suit 1C 1H? The one level overcall requires HCPC 8-17, a good 5+ suit (usually 6+ suit), and the inability to make a jump bid in hearts. The partner of the overcaller 3NT*: 3+ hearts, RPC 18+ 2C: 3+ hearts, RPC 15+ 3C: 3+ hearts, RPC 12+ 2H: 3+ hearts, RPC 8+ 3H: 4+ hearts, weak preemptive hand. 1S: 5+ spades, HCPC 10+ (or less points and longer suit). 2D: 5+ diamonds, HCPC 10+ (or less points and longer suit). 1NT: HCPC 12+; 2NT: HCPC 16+, (either bid requires a double stopper in clubs, and stoppers in S & D). *If 3NT is chosen as a non-supporting bid, the following applies. 1NT: HCPC 10-12; 2NT: HCPC 13-15; 3NT: 16+. [616 Standard defensive bidding system In the standard system, there are no elaborate sets of defensive bids following an opening 1NT bid by the offense. There are other major differences as well. Click the red squares below to gain an appreciation of some of the more important elements of the standard system. As is true of all the bids made in Let's Play Bridge, appropriate prompts are available during the play of the game just by clicking on a bid made. [617 Complex defensive bidding system The red help squares explain the essential requirements for various possible bids by the defensive player. If first defender passes, second defender can make use of these same bids depending on the action of right hand opponent. Reminder: pass pass pass 1NT ? If the offensive player is bidding a weak 1NT, then bids by defensive player with a passed hand are the same as if the offense were using a strong 1NT system. [618 Cue bid, standard defensive system This cue bid promises a very strong hand, HCPC 22 or more, and a good 6 card suit. Usually with few cards in the opponent's suit. This bid is forcing to game. Slam may be possible. [619 Jump 2-bids You are free to choose either a weak jump 2-bid or an intermediate jump 2-bid. The limited research I have done on the two suggests the intermediate jump 2-bid can be applied just as frequently and is just as helpful in befuddling the enemy and is more helpful in advancing your own bidding system. [620 Complex, after a 1NT opening bid 3C(3D): A good 6+ suit with 10+ points. 3H(3S): 7+ suit, less than 10 points, preemptive. [621 Response to strong cue bid by first defender 1C 2C opponent ? Jump bid in suit: 5+ suit, OPC 10+, invites slam 3NT: Stopper in opponent's suit. Competitive bid: 5+ suit. 2NT: None of the above. [622 Double, standard system Penalty Double: Only follows a 1NT bid, shows HCPC 15+, balanced hand. It is usually passed by partner. Double opponent's suit bid with HCPC 18+, clarify next bid. Takeout Double: requires OPC 13+, 3+ cards in all suits except opener's suit, and not more than 2 in opener's suit. [623 Standard defense, responses to takeout double Pass*: 5+ cards in opponent's suit with 3 or 4 honors. Pass: if right hand bids and 7 RPC or less. RPC 0-9, bid longest suit at lowest level. RPC 10-12, jump bid in longest suit. RPC 13+, 5(4)+ hearts or spades, bid game in major suit. RPC 16, 5(4)+ clubs or diamonds, bid game in minor suit. With two stoppers in opponent's suit, bid 1NT: HCPC 7-10; 2NT: HCPC 11-12; 3NT: HCPC 13+ *Converts takeout double to penalty double. Note: When the offense bids after partner's double, a 3-bid response only requires RPC 7 and a 2-bid, RPC 4. Determine RPC by discounting distribution in opponent's suit, then add 5 points for a void, 3 for a singleton and 1 for a doubleton in any other suit. Add one point for every card in the suit over 4 cards in length. [624 Standard responses to suit bid Partner's responses with 3-card support or longer. HCPC 8-10, raise partner one level. HCPC 11-13, jump raise partner's suit. HCPC 14+, cue bid opponent's suit or bid game in major suit. Partner's responses without 3-card support. HCPC 8-13, bid a good 5-card suit of your own. HCPC 14+, cue bid opponent's suit, then jump in your suit. Partner's responses with stoppers in opponent's suit. 1NT, HCPC 8-10; 2NT, HCPC 11-13; 3NT HCPC 14-16; HCPC 17+, cue bid opponent's suit, then bid notrump. [625 Complex defensive bidding system 1C 1D 1H ? 1S: good 5+ spades, HCPC 8+ 2S; good 6+ spades, HCPC 9+. Double: HCPC 8+, 4+ spades (with some diamond support). 2C: Cue bid forcing to game (next bid show type of hand) HCPC 18+, notrump hand, stoppers H,C RPC 18+, diamond support. HCPC 14+, good 6+ spades. 2D: RPC 8-11, 3+ diamonds 3D: RPC 12-15, 3+ diamonds. 4D: RPC 16-17, 3+ diamonds. 5D: 4+ diamonds, weak offensive hand, if not vulnerable. Notrump hand with stoppers in clubs and hearts 1NT: HCPC 9-12, 10+ points if vulnerable 2NT: HCPC 13-15, 14+ points if vulnerable 3NT: HCPC 16-17, 17+ points if vulnerable [626 Complex defensive bidding system 1C 1D 1S ? 2H: Good 6+ hearts, HCPC 9+ Double: HCPC 8+, 4+ hearts 2C: Cue bid forcing to game (next bid show type of hand). HCPC 18+, stoppers in clubs and spades RPC 18+, 3+ card diamond support OPC 14+, good 6+ heart suit. 2D: RPC 8-11, 3+ diamonds 3D: RPC 12-14, 3+ diamonds 4D: RPC 15-17, 3+ diamonds 5D: 4+ diamonds, weak offensive hand, if not vulnerable. Notrump hand with stoppers in clubs and spades 1NT: HCPC 9-12, 10+ points if not vulnerable 2NT: HCPC 13-15, 14+ points, if not vulnerable 3NT: HCPC 16-17, 17+ points, if vulnerable [627 Complex defensive bidding system 1C 1D 2C ? 2H,2S: good 6+ major suit, HCPC 9+. double: 4/4 in major suits, HCPC 8+ 2D: RPC 8-11, 3+ diamonds 3D: RPC 12-15, 3+ diamonds 4D: RPC 16+, 3+ diamonds 5D: 4+ diamonds, weak offensive hand, if not vulnerable Competitive notrump hand, double stopper in clubs 2NT: HCPC 11-14, points 12+ if not vulnerable 3NT: HCPC 15+, points 16+ if not vulnerable [628 Penalty double by responder when opener bids 1S or 1H, but not after opener bids a minor suit. 1S 2D ? Responder doubles with 1. HCPC 9+, defensive type hand. 2. Prospects of at least 1 trump trick. 3. Shortness in partner's opening suit bid. 4. About 1 1/2 QT (or more) in the unbid suits. Typical hand: 8, A732, Q1043, K852 Opener should take this double out with an offensive type hand; namely, with a long spade suit and poor values in the other suits, opener should rebid the spade suit again. [629 Penalty Double using trick values Double when you can defeat contract two or more tricks. 1. Estimate total probable tricks in trumps, adjust as follows: Add 1 trump trick for having 5 trumps or 1/2 trump trick for having 4 trumps. Deduct 1 1/2 trump tricks if opener is left hand. Deduct 1 trump trick if left hand suported trumps. 2. Add your QT other than in trumps, adjust as follows: Add 1/2 trick for fair 4 card suit bid by opponent. Only count 1 trick in a 6 card or longer suit. 3. Add tricks promised by partner's bid. For example: Opening bid or intermediate jump 2-bid, 2 1/2 tricks. Overcall 1-bid or weak jump 2-bid, add 1 trick. Overcall competitive 2-bid, add 2 tricks. Strong 1NT opening bid, add 4 tricks. Deduct 1/2 trick with 4+ cards in partner's suit. 4. Add 1/2 trick for non-bidding partner. [630 Inferential penalty doubles of Game Suit Bids Double when cards appear to split badly for opponents if offensive responder did not support trumps strongly. Example bidding 1S 1NT 2H 2S 3S 4S With 5 spades (may be weak), 1 heart or less, and as little as 1QT, double even if partner never bid. Also double if the reverse distribution is true (zero trumps and length and some strength in hearts). [631 Double opponent's off the wall' game bid. 1S pass 3S pass 4S 5C dble If the opponent is not vulnerable, and you do not double, the most you can gain is 50 points per trick for every trick you set them. Even if you set them by 10 tricks, the most you will get for the set is 500 points. A game in spades if vulnerable is worth 620. If you double them, and set them by the same number of tricks you will make 1700 points. Opponent doubled at game Vulnerability Number set to Yours opponents' come out ahead yes(620) no 4 (700 points) no (420) no 3 (500 points) yes(620) yes 3 (800 points) no (420) yes 2 (500 points) [632 Sacrificing to prevent opponent from taking the contract. The best time to sacrifice is early. This interrumpts the opponents' bidding. If this does not seem practical, then the next best time arrives when there have been two passes in front of you. At this point the opponents have arrived at their best contract, and it may seem right to you to bid higher, especially if you are not vulnerable. You may steal a contract and never be doubled. When the sacrifice bid is less than game, it is much more difficult for the opponent to double. You may be doubled into game or you may deny the enemy a profitable contract of their own. [633 Reassessing hand after the opponent overcalls When the opponent overcalls and there is a good chance of making a bid one higher than originally intended, then it may be in your best interest to bid higher unless you decide to double. Reminder: OPC + RPC* 24 points Minimum for a 4-bid. 27 points Minimum for a 5-bid. 31 points Minimum for a 6-bid. 35 points Minimum for a 7-bid. *Use a point or two higher if you adjust for distribution for OPC by using 3 for a void, 2 for a singleton, and 1 for a doubleton (the strong 1NT system). [634 1C 1S DOUBLE PASS ? 4H: 4 hearts, HCPC 19+ 3H: 4 hearts, HCPC 15+ 2H: 4 hearts, opening bid values, usually HCPC 12+ 3NT: HCPC 20, appropriate stoppers. 2NT: HCPC 19(18), appropriate stoppers. 1NT: HCPC 15-17, appropriate stoppers. 3C: OPC 18+, long strong club suit. 2D: HCPC 15+, 6+ clubs, stopper in diamonds. 2C: OPC 12+, 5+ clubs. Pass: strong 4 spades (converts to penalty double). Note: Partner will correct to clubs when holding 5+ clubs and HCPC 13+. [635 Complex responses 1H PASS PASS ? A bid in this situation is known as balancing. You are in part bidding your partner's hand too. With 2 cards or less in opponent's suit: 2S: 6+ spades, HCPC 9+, 1 1/2 QT (jump bid) 1S: 6+ spades, HCPC 4+. 1S: Good 4 card or fair 5+ spades, 1 1/2 QT, HCPC 8+ 2D(2C): 6+ diamonds, HCPC 9+, 1 1/2 QT. 2NT: Unusual notrump showing minor 2-suiter (5/5). Double: HCPC 11+, 4 spades, 3+ clubs, 3+ diamonds. Double: HCPC 15+, good 6+ spades (rebid, spades). 2H: Cue bid, 2-suiter (4 spades, 5-card minor). (after a minor suit it would show a major 2-suiter). 1NT: Balanced hand, HCPC 9+, 2 QT, and stopper in opponent's suit, but less than 4 cards in this suit. [636 1C pass pass 1NT pass 2C? This cue bid shows a major 2-suiter (5/5). Partner will bid in his/her best major suit. A cue bid of a major suit shows a minor 2-suiter. [637 Raising a suit bid. The player continues to raise the suit if there is a chance for game. The combined points, as suggested by partner's previous bid, are used as a guide. OPC+RPC* 3-bid 21 4-bid 24 4-bid in minor to suggest game requires 25+ 5-bid 27 5-bid in major suit only when forced to 6-bid 31 or cue bid in a different suit to show 7-bid 35 control and slam interest *Values shown are for the weak 1NT system, where opener allows 2 for a void and 1 for a singleton, and responder uses 5,3,1 for void,doubleton,singleton respectively. The computer requires one additional point when using the strong 1NT system(void 3, singleton 2, and doubleton 1). [638 1C 1H 1S ? 4S: RPC 13+, 4 spades 4H: OPC 15+, strong 6 card heart suit 3NT HCPC 12+, stoppers in hearts and diamonds. 5C: OPC 15+, 5+ clubs 2NT: HCPC 9-11, stoppers in hearts and diamonds. 3S: RPC 11+ and 4 spades (3 with honors) 3H: OPC 11+ and good 6+ hearts (strong 5) 3C: OPC 11+ and 5+ clubs (4 with honors) 2D: HCPC 9+, stopper in diamonds 2H: HCPC 9+, fair 6+ hearts (good 5) 2S: RPC 8+, 4 spades (3 with honors) 2C: OPC 8+, 5+ clubs (4 with honors) Pass: 4 spades, 5 points or less 2C: 5+ clubs (possibly slightly less than expected by partner) 1NT: HCPC 5-8, escape bid showing poor values [639 1C 3D,3H,3S? A. When there is even vulnerability, or the other team is vulnerable, it shows a preemptive bid; a 7 card suit, 1 QT or less, HCPC 8 or less, no aces, and most of the points in the suit bid. Typical hand: x KJ109xxx xx xxx This is a weak offensive type hand and partner will usually pass. It is capable of taking 5 or 6 tricks in the suit bid. B. If you are the only team vulnerable, it shows a 7 card suit with about 2 QT. Typical hand: x KQJ10xxx xx Axx It is capable of taking 7 tricks, mostly in the suit bid. With fewer QT make the weak jump 2-bid (if available) or 1-bid whichever seems more appropriate. With 2 1/2 QT or greater, make the intermediate jump 2-bid (if available), or make a 1-bid. [640 1NT pass ? 4C: HCPC 15+, good 6+ minor suit (asks for aces), or bid slam directly. 2D: HCPC 13+, good 6+ minor, at least one suit with a singleton or void (slam try). This is one feature of the dual nature Jacoby bid. 3NT: HCPC 9+, may have good 6 card minor suit. 2C: HCPC 10+, no stoppers in either major suit, 6+ minor suit (partner will either bid game in minor or 3NT). This is one of four possible reasons for bidding 2C. 3C(3D): HCPC 6+, ragged 6+ minor. Asks partner to bid 3NT with top card help in minor suit or pass. 5C(5D): HCPC 8-14 (OPC 12+), 8(7) card minor suit with little hope of slam and unsuitable for notrump play. 2NT: Club bust. Pass when partner bids manditory 3C. 2S: Diamond bust. Bid 3D after partner bids manditory 2NT. Note: add a point when using 15-17 strong 1NT system. [641 not used 172,173,174