1 ENGLISH 2 Bold 3 Italic 4 Bold Italic 5 Regular 10 (%3d gals) 11 (%3d lbs) 12 &Left Tank (in lbs) 13 &Right Tank (in lbs) 14 Total or gross weight is %1d,%03d lbs. 15 Maximum fuel load is %2d gals or %3d lbs. 16 Maximum legal takeoff weight is %1d,%03d lbs. 20 High Altitude 21 Low Altitude 22 Terminal 23 VOR 24 VORTAC 25 VOR/DME 26 Localizer 27 /Glideslope 40 NESW 41 WE 42 NS 43 nm 44 NM 50 Next > 51 Finish 52 Retry 53 Cancel 54 Yes 55 No 56 OK 57 Going To Crash! 58 Warning 59 You have been moved to the opposite side of ProPilot's airspace. 60 You are leaving ProPilot 99 Demo's airspace. 61 Please insert the ProPilot CD into your drive. 62 Please insert ProPilot's CD #%d into the drive. 63 ProPilot cannot continue without this disk.\n\nProPilot will now exit. 64 No Help Topic is associated with this item. 65 Failure opening %s 66 Pro Pilot 99 Demo Help 67 Please insert the correct CD and restart ProPilot. 70 %d.%d NM 71 %2d.%d NM 72 %d FT 73 %d.%d FT 74 Freqs: 75 Lat: 76 Lon: 77 ID: %s 78 Type: %s 79 Freq: %s 80 %d deg BRG 81 %03d TRK 82 %d KTS 83 L 84 R 85 %c%d DEG 86 Waypoint Information 87 Navigation Info. 88 Flight Plan Info. 89 YES 90 NO 91 Flight Plan Active 92 Departure %s 93 Arrival %s 94 Enroute to %s 95 Leg: 96 Near Information 100 Waypoint Type 101 Waypoint ID 102 Show Victor Routes 103 Show Obstacles 110 Show VOR 111 Show NDB 112 Show Intersections 113 Show Airports 114 Show Victor Routes 115 Show Obstacles 120 Waypoint Type 121 Show Victor Routes 122 Show Obstacles 130 ATIS 131 CLD 132 GND 133 TWR 134 DEP 135 APP 140 T 141 L 142 H 143 VORTAC 144 VOR/DME 145 VOR 150 Airport 151 VOR 152 NDB 153 Inter 160 Title: %s\n 161 Feedback: sound %d\n 162 Done 163 Play 164 Stop 165 Skip 170 Fix 171 Hdg 172 Winds(-HW) 173 Est GS 174 Dist 175 Dist Rem 176 ETE 177 ETA 178 Est Fuel 179 Fuel Rem 190 UTC Time 191 Manual Local Time 192 Automatic Local Time 200 Eastern Standard Time 201 Central Standard Time 202 Mountain Standard Time 203 Pacific Standard Time 210 United Kingdom, Ireland 211 France, Germany, Spain 220 Complete 221 Simple 222 None 230 Complete 231 Simple 232 None 240 High 241 Medium 242 Low 243 Towers and Beacons 244 Towers 250 Student 251 Only Alphanumeric Characters May be Used in Pilot Names. 252 Pilot Message 253 You Must Select a Pilot. 260 C-172 261 B-V35 262 B-58 263 B-B200 264 C-525CJ 265 C-172R 270 Cessna 172 Skyhawk 271 Beechcraft v35 Bonanza 272 Beechcraft Baron 58 273 Beechcraft Super King Air B200 274 Cessna Citation Jet 275 Cessna 172R Skyhawk 280 Single 281 Multiengine 290 Night 291 Instrument 292 Day 300 Cross Country 301 Dual 302 Pilot-In-Command 310 Load Flight Plan 311 Save Flight Plan 312 Flight Plan Files 313 The current flight plan is not saved. Save it first? 314 Hold on a minute... 315 No Flight Plan 316 Fuel Qty: 317 Fuel Load: 318 to 319 kts 320 gal 321 gph 322 pph 323 lbs 324 Save Flight 325 Resume Flight 326 Flight Files 330 Fix 331 Hdg 332 Winds(-HW) 333 Est GS 334 Dist 335 Dist Rem 336 ETE 337 Est Fuel 338 Fuel Rem 350 Fix 351 Hdg 352 Winds(-HW) 353 Est GS 354 Dist 355 Dist Rem 356 ETE 357 ATE 358 Act GS 359 ETA 360 ATA 361 Est Fuel 362 Fuel Rem 363 Act Rem 370 Date 371 Aircraft 372 From 373 To 374 Remarks 375 Category 376 Conditions 377 Piloting Time 378 Duration 380 Enroute Temperature 381 Temperature 382 C 383 F 384 Winds Aloft (MSL) 385 at 386 Calm 387 FL 388 ft 390 Altimeter %.2f - Clear - Surface Winds %s 391 Altimeter %.2f - %04d Scattered - Surface Winds %s 392 Altimeter %.2f - Ceiling %04d Broken - Surface Winds %s 393 Altimeter %.2f - Ceiling %04d Overcast - Surface Winds %s 410 Clear 411 1/8 412 2/8 413 3/8 414 4/8 415 5/8 416 6/8 417 7/8 418 Overcast 420 Steady 421 Gusting 430 None 431 Light 432 Moderate 433 Severe 434 Extreme 440 Occasional 441 Intermittent 442 Continuous 450 calm 451 to 452 Kts 460 Altitude 461 Direction 462 Speed 463 Character 464 Turbulence 465 Duration 470 Hdg: %3d °M Alt: +%5d MSL IAS: %3d Kts VSI: %3d fpm 471 Paused 472 Joystick Enabled 473 Brakes 474 Left Brake 475 Right Brake 476 Parking Brakes 477 Speedbrakes 478 Attenuators 479 Attenuators - Speedbrakes 480 Crashed - Press ESC to Repair 481 Propeller Reverse 482 fps 483 %s %s +%5d MSL 490 Class B 491 Class C 492 Class D 493 Class E 494 Class G 495 TRSA 496 ATIS 497 CLNC 498 GND 499 TWR 500 DEP/APP 501 DEP 502 APP 510 C 511 L 512 R 513 ILS 520 Terminal VOR/DME 521 High altitude VOR/DME 522 Low altitude VOR/DME 523 Canadian VOR/DME 524 Terminal VORTAC 525 High altitude VORTAC 526 Low altitude VORTAC 527 Canadian VORTAC 528 Terminal VOR 529 High altitude VOR 530 Low altitude VOR 531 Canadian VOR 532 Error 533 ILS/DME 534 LOC 535 LOC/DME 536 LOC/GS 537 SDF 538 LDA 539 LDA/DME 540 Sky-Cam 1 541 Sky-Cam 2 542 Sky-Cam 3 543 Sky-Cam 4 544 Tower 550 12 O'clock 551 1 O'clock 552 2 O'clock 553 3 O'clock 554 4 O'clock 555 5 O'clock 556 6 O'clock 557 7 O'clock 558 8 O'clock 559 9 O'clock 560 10 O'clock 561 11 O'clock 600 Instruments 601 Controls 602 Communication 603 Primary Flight Controls 604 Vy climb 605 Straight and Level Flight 606 Level Off From a Climb 607 Constant Altitude Turn 608 Constant Airspeed Descent 609 Level Off From A Descent 610 Transition to Slow Flight 611 Slow Flight Turn 612 Slow Flight Climb 613 Slow Flight Descent 614 Power-off Stall 615 Power-on Stall 616 Steep Turns 617 Normal Takeoff 618 Traffic Pattern 619 Final approach 620 Normal Landings 621 Wind Effects 622 Scanning 623 Standard Rate Turns 624 Straight and Level on a Partial Panel 625 Finding Position 626 NDBs 627 Tracking a VOR 628 Chandelle 629 Lazy Eights 630 Eights Around Pylons 700 This tutorial will guide you through descriptions and functions of the main instruments in ProPilot's Cessna 172. 701 This tutorial will guide you through descriptions and functions of the main controls in ProPilot's Cessna 172. 702 This tutorial will guide you through descriptions and functions of the Communication and Navigation radios in ProPilot's Cessna 172. 703 Learn what the 3 primary flight controls are, how they are controlled, and observe the effect they have on an aircraft during flight. 704 How to execute a Vy climb, and using visual references, how to maintain a correctpitch attitude. 705 Straight and level flight can be maintained using visual references. This video will teach you this basic technique. 706 Determining when, and how to level off from a climb. 707 Is ATC instructing you to change your heading? Learn how to execute a constant altitude turn, and when to roll out, to prevent overshooting your assigned heading. 708 This video will teach you the proper procedure for controlling your rate of descent when airspeed must be held constant. 709 Learn when and how to level off from a descent. 710 Learn the proper procedure for performing level flight airspeed changes. 711 The most common cause of light aircraft crashes is stalling while in a turn. This video will teach you the proper technique for turning while in slow flight. 712 Learn how to establish and maintain a slow flight climb. 713 Learn how to establish and maintain a slow flight descent. 714 Learn the proper procedure for performing a power-off stall. 715 Learn the proper procedure for performing a power-on stall. 716 This important skill is needed to prevent possible collisions with other aircraft. In this video you will learn the proper procedure for executing steep turns. 717 The thrill of taking flight is something everyone should experience. Take the challenge and learn how to get your aircraft safely in the air. 718 The Traffic Pattern regulates the flow of traffic entering and leaving the airport area. This video will introduce you to the different parts of the traffic pattern. 719 Test your nerves and skill, setup that perfect landing by learning the proper way to fly a final approach. 720 Landings, the most criticized of all maneuvers. Learn the proper technique for that perfect landing. 721 Learn how wind effects your ground path, and what you must do to compensate for wind drift. 722 Scanning is an art developed with practice. This video gives a brief introduction to the art of scanning. 723 Learn the basics of performing a standard rate turn. 724 Be prepared in the event you lose an instrument during flight. This video covers the scanning technique used for straight and level flight with the loss of an ADI and Heading Indicator. 725 Are you Lost? This video will teach you how to find your position using a VOR and DME. 726 Learn how to navigate using NDBs. 727 This video will teach you a simple method of tracking to and from a VOR. 728 Learn how to execute this maximum performance 180 degree climbing turn. 729 Learn the proper procedure for performing the Lazy Eight maneuver. 730 Learn the proper procedure for executing Eights Around Pylons. 5001 Show Airports 5002 Show VORs 5003 Show NDBs 5004 Show ILSs 5005 Show Waypoints 5006 Show Victor Routes 5007 Show Obstructions 5008 Zoom In 5009 Zoom Out 5010 Move Map North 5011 Move Map South 5012 Move Map West 5013 Move Map East 5014 Runways 5015 Enroute Tracking 5016 ILS Approach 5017 Add Fix 5018 Remove Fix 5019 Display Frequencies 15501 255,255,255,MS Sans Serif,Normal,8,L 15502 192,192,192,MS Sans Serif,Normal,8,L 15503 0,0,0,MS Sans Serif,Normal,8,L 15504 0,0,0,MS Sans Serif,Normal,8,L 15505 0,0,0,MS Sans Serif,Normal,8,L 15506 0,0,0,MS Sans Serif,Normal,8,L 15507 0,0,0,MS Sans Serif,Normal,8,L 15508 0,0,0,MS Sans Serif,Normal,8,L 15511 Runway 15512 Final 15513 Base 15514 Downwind 15515 20 mile inbound 15600 USA 15601 Europe 15602 Unknown 15610 Error: The flight %s was not found. 15611 Error: This flight was created for %s scenery area. You are currently running %s scenery area. 15612 Slew 15613 Freeze 15614 START FLIGHT 15615 END FLIGHT 15616 CONTENTS 15617 Could not open the selected Flight or Flight Plan... perhaps it was created for a different scenery area.