Setting up your own Pro Pilot 99 Voice: For those of you who are willing to go a little out of your way to customize your simulator. If you can record .wav files, you can make the pilot's voice in Pro Pilot 99 be YOUR VOICE! Here's how it is done. 1. Create the following directory(s) on your HD: Flight\English. Depending on your install type, some or all of the directories may already exist. 2. Record the following phrases, and name the files as listed below. You will need the .wav files to be in the following format: 11k, 8 bit, mono. 3. Place these .wav files into the English directory you created and the simulation will use YOUR VOICE when the pilot speaks. Filename Phrase 5001.wav clearance delivery 5002.wav ground 5003.wav tower 5004.wav departure 5005.wav approach 5006.wav center 5007.wav this is 5008.wav with information 5009.wav request taxi for takeoff 5010.wav taxi to 5011.wav contact 5012.wav inbound for landing 5013.wav holding short of 5014.wav position and hold 5015.wav cleared for takeoff 5016.wav heading 5017.wav climbing through 5018.wav enter left downwind for 5019.wav cleared left base for 5020.wav cleared to land, runway 5021.wav enter right downwind for 5022.wav cleared right base for 5023.wav taxi to the ramp 5024.wav enter left base for 5025.wav enter straight in for 5026.wav continue left downwind for 5027.wav expect vectors for 5028.wav miles 5029.wav north 5030.wav south 5031.wav east 5032.wav west 5033.wav enter right base for 5034.wav continue right downwind for 5035.wav squawk 5036.wav my mistake, setting transponder to... 5037.wav looks like I need a go around 5038.wav request closed traffic 5039.wav Fly runway heading and climbing 5040.wav cleared for the touch and go 5041.wav and hold short 5042.wav clearing the runway 5043.wav request clearance to Universal ATC Words & Phrases Spoken by all controllers & pilot 6001.wav one 6002.wav two 6003.wav three 6004.wav four 6005.wav five 6006.wav six 6007.wav seven 6008.wav eight 6009.wav niner 6010.wav zero 6011.wav alpha 6012.wav bravo 6013.wav charlie 6014.wav delta 6015.wav echo 6016.wav foxtrot 6017.wav golf 6018.wav hotel 6019.wav india 6020.wav juliet 6021.wav kilo 6022.wav lima (lee-mah) 6023.wav mike 6024.wav november 6025.wav oscar 6026.wav papa 6027.wav quebec (kay-bek) 6028.wav romeo 6029.wav sierra 6030.wav tango 6031.wav uniform 6032.wav victor 6033.wav whiskey 6034.wav x-ray 6035.wav yankee 6036.wav zulu 6037.wav point 6038.wav left 6039.wav right 6040.wav center 6041.wav thousand 6042.wav hundred 6043.wav runway 6044.wav Cessna niner 572 lima 6045.wav Bonanza niner 621 sierra 6046.wav Baron 6430 sierra 6047.wav King Air 1416 sierra 6048.wav Citation 525C juliet 6049.wav 72 lima 6050.wav 21 sierra 6051.wav 30 sierra 6052.wav 16 sierra 6053.wav 5C juliet 6054.wav g'day 6055.wav on 6056.wav and 6057.wav (not used) 6058.wav on 118. (remember to say " on one one eight point" ) 6059.wav on 119. 6060.wav on 120. 6061.wav on 121. 6062.wav on 122. 6063.wav on 123. 6064.wav on 124. 6065.wav on 125. 6066.wav on 126. 6067.wav on 127. 6068.wav on 128. 6069.wav on 129. 6070.wav on 130. 6071.wav on 131. 6072.wav on 132. 6073.wav on 133. 6074.wav on 134. 6075.wav on 135. 6076.wav turn left heading 6077.wav turn right heading 6078.wav squawk 6079.wav fly heading 6080.wav roger 6081.wav with 6082.wav climb 6083.wav descend 6084.wav and maintain Make sure you check the "Listen to Pilot's Readback" box in the Airspace/ATCCommunication menu. Also make sure the "Handles Radio Communication" check box under Dual Flight Mode is NOT selected. If your pilot seems to skip a phrase, make sure that phrase is numbered correctly. Good Luck and have fun.