------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Viking DM&CTF v0.97b http://www.planetquake.com/viking bugreports, questions, suggestions to thedd@planetquake.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ About Viking................................................................§1 Requirements................................................................§2 Installation................................................................§3 Server variables............................................................§4 User classes................................................................§5 Available commands..........................................................§6 Server data files...........................................................§7 MOTD files..................................................................§8 Map cycling.................................................................§9 Fun names..................................................................§10 Credits....................................................................§11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ §1 : About Viking ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Viking is a mod for Quake2 3.14+. The main purpose with Viking is to give administrators more power over their Quake2 servers, as well as extending the current DM/CTF gameplay by adding new features. It uses a number of config files to do this, all of them stored in the dir you put Viking in. The reason why I'm using so many files is that they are also being modified by Viking at various times, and if I would put all data in one file you would have problems modifying it when Quake2 is running. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ §2 : Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Viking is available for Win32 and Linux servers. You need Quake2 v3.14 on your system, and to run Viking CTF or DM with grapple/tech you also need Zoid's Threewave CTF for Q2. Viking is mainly meant to be a server-side mod, but it includes some optional features that require clients to have extra files. If you run Viking DM/CTF with VWeap enabled, clients need to download the weapon models from http://www.planetquake.com/viking/dl.shtml or http://www.telefragged.com/tsunami. Note that the Viking code supports VWeap on all models (including any custom), but only male/female/cyborg weapon models are included in the client file (pak2.pak). The pak2.pak file is constantly updated to support more models, you'll find the latest version at http://www.telefragged.com/tsunami. You can use the server variable "models" to specify which models should be allowed on the server. For example, setting models to "male,female,cyborg" will only allow the id default models on the server. Clients connecting using another model will be forced to use male/grunt. This is useful for VWep, since it will fix the problem with clients using "odd" models showing up with white cubes sticking out of their a**. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ §3 : Installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Viking mod supports both DM and CTF servers. It is recommended that you place Viking in the Quake2\ctf directory, otherwise you will not be able to run a Viking CTF server or a Viking DM server with grapple or tech. So, before you install Viking, make a backup of your Quake2\ctf directory. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! Then unpack all Viking files into Quake2\ctf and you are ready to go : start the server with +set game ctf +exec vikingdm.cfg (for Viking DM) or +set game ctf +exec vikingctf.cfg (for Viking CTF) If you want to uninstall Viking, just remove the Quake2\ctf directory and rename Quake2\ctfold to Quake2\ctf again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ §4 : Server variables ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are very many new server variables. I will not list them all here, since all of them (except models) are reachable from the Admin Menu. Play around with the settings, and feel free to email me with any questions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ §5 : User classes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Viking gives the administrator a way to give clients extra privileges, by promoting them to Voiced users or Operators. Voiced users aren't able to use commands that directly affect other players (such as 'cmd kick' or 'cmd ban'). Furthermore, if a Voiced user wants to change gameplay in any way (using 'cmd nextmap' for instance), a vote system will assure that the majority of the privileged users (operators+voiced users) agree before the command is executed. Operators have much more control. They can kick or ban players, promote unprivileged clients to voiced users, and may use the same commands as voiced users without having to go through the voting procedure. The server administrator is still the guy in charge, though. On dedicated servers, the administrator must type 'sv' in front of the Viking commands. Example: sv maplist On non-dedicated servers, the administrator is also an operator. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ §6 : Available commands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Most of these commands are only available to the administrator. Operators and Voiced users should use the menu system. You can reach the menus by using the "inven" command when you have joined a game. Inven is bound to [TAB] by Quake2 default. These are the Viking commands. [mask] is name@ip. For example, the mask for Thodd at ip number is Thodd@ You can use wildcards (*) and joker signs (?) in masks. Note: To use the admin commands on a dedicated server console, you must type 'sv '. hud Toggles the VikingHUD on/off. Bind this command to a key (I use ctrl). maplist (administrator only) Shows a list of the maps in the current cycle. cyclelist (administrator only) Shows a list of the map cycles the server runs. ban [mask] (administrator only) Bans [mask] from the server. unban [mask] (administrator only) Removes the ban on [mask]. banlist (administrator only) shows a list of banned users. addop [mask] (administrator only) Adds [mask] to the user_o.txt file. rmop [mask] (administrator only) Removes [mask] from the user_o.txt file. oplist (administrator only) Shows the contents of user_o.txt. addvoice [mask] (administrator only) Adds [mask] to user_v.txt rmvoice [mask] (administrator only) Removes [mask] from user_v.txt voicelist (administrator only) Shows the contents of user_v.txt The command "players" is extended to show net name and IP if used by an operator. It is also available at the dedicated console. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ §7 : Server data files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Viking stores data in a few files in the dir you installed Viking to. All files except for maps.txt and motd.txt consist of none or more lines of text on the format user@ip (see description of [mask] above). All lines must end with newline. IP_allowed.txt masks that are allowed on the server. *@*.*.*.* lets anyone in. A*@*.*.*.* will let people whose names begin with 'A' in. *@123.45.67.? will let people whose ip is This is the only file you have to create manually. It is read every time a client tries to connect. IP_banned.txt masks that are banned on the server. *@*.*.*.* bans everyone. A*@*.*.*.* bans all people whose names begin with an 'A'. *@123.45.67.? bans people whose ip is Read every time a client respawns or joins a game. user_o.txt masks of users who are operators. *@*.*.*.* makes all connecting clients operators. A*@*.*.*.* makes all people whose names begin with an 'A' operators. *@123.45.67.? makes people whose ip is operators. Read every time a client respawns or joins a game. user_v.txt masks of users who are voiced. *@*.*.*.* makes all connecting clients voiced. A*@*.*.*.* makes all people whose names begin with an 'A' voiced. *@123.45.67.? makes people whose ip is voiced. Read every time a client respawns or joins a game. dm_maps.txt/ctf_maps.txt In this file, you can specify which maps should be used on the server. Each entry in this file must look like :Cycle Name map1 map2 map3 [...] This file is only read when you start the Viking server. motd_dm_o.txt, motd_dm_v.txt, motd_dm.txt, motd_ctf_o.txt, motd_ctf_v.txt, motd_ctf.txt "Message of the day" files. These files are read every time the motd is shown to a client. Eraser bot, ServObit and FragLog also generates/uses a few files. You will find these in the respective subdirs, and there are readme files for each mod in ctf\readmes\. Do not edit any of these files manually (except for *_maps.txt, motd_*.txt and IP_allowed.txt), since erratic entries seriously can screw up the server. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ §8 : MOTD files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Viking uses 3 MOTD files, one for each user class. These files can be plain text, but you can also use the Q2 fun characters in them. I have included sample motd files in the package. motd_*_o : the motd operators see motd_*_v : the motd voiced users see motd_* : the motd regular users see ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ §9 : Map cycling ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This mod supports multiple (unlimited) map cycles, with unlimited maps. Each cycle should be given a descriptive name. You define a map cycle in the file 'maps.txt' like this: :Cycle name map1[,map alias][,min players][,max players] map2[,map alias][,min players][,max players] map3[,map alias][,min players][,max players] [..] mapn[,map alias][,min players][,max players] If you remove the 'maps.txt' file, Viking will use default map cycle. When the server starts, it will use the first map cycle in the file. NOTE: With Viking CTF, you can play CTF on any id map, not only Q2CTF1..5. You can even play on custom maps, but make sure the clients know where to download them in that case. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ §10 : Fun names ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Viking includes a feature that lets clients use fun chars in their names. For clients, it works like this: Using Q2NM (download it from http://qnm.telefragged.com) you create the fun name you wish to use on servers that support this standard. This name is saved to a .cfg file, usually named funname.cfg. This file should be put in the Quake2\baseq2 directory. Then, you add '+exec funname.cfg' (without the ' signs) to the Quake2 start line. Thats it! The Viking server only uses the fun name as an alias for the client. It does not use fun names to any of the data files (IP_banned.txt, user_v.txt, user_o.txt) since it still uses each clients 'net name' (the one you write in multiplayer setup, or change with the 'name' command) internally for IP control etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ §11 : Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks to the following people : * Hentai (hentai@intelegenesis.com) for the VWeap patch * David 'crt' Wright for most of the menu code and helping out with the "EyeCam" mode. * Tony Browneller for supporting Viking with Q2NM and helping out with converting fun chars to ascii in the dedicated console. * Stefan "Eavy" Schwarz for the CTF+ code * Darren "SGT-D" Winter for bugtesting, suggestions and the Viking front-end (http://www.sod.net/vcp) * The unknown author of the Shock'em tutorial. * All of you who have helped me find and correct bugs, and who have given suggestions for this mod.