# ServObit version 1.4 - Death Match Obituaries for your server. # By SteQve (steqve@shore.net) # Thanks to NewtonD, Sati "Queen of Death Messages," Hawkeye, # and Eradicator; see ServObit.txt for details. # See the ServObit.txt file for a description of the codes used. # The first line that matches a situation will be used. # You are limited to 20 different Obituaries per obituary "selection" # WARNING: You may get unexpected results if you don't read # ServObit.txt or debug.txt # ******************************* # Welcome # There is only one welcome message. Each line is printed # centered on the screen # YOU MUST HAVE :END AT THE END OF THE WELCOME MESSAGE! # # To set the amount of time your welcome message is displayed, # include a number after the :WELCOME. The minimum is 2 and # the maximum is 999. # ******************************* :WELCOME 10 ServObit 1.4 Welcome, $N Let the gibbing begin! Press F1 or TAB to disable this message :END # ******************************************** # Substitutions # ******************************************** :SUBSTITUTIONS # *** Text Substitutions *** # # Text substitutions allow you to identify different words and phrases # which can be randomly selected and inserted into your obituary, e.g # "X %killed% Y" might become "X eliminated Y" one time and # "X eradicated Y" another time. # # Do the text substitutions first, before the obituary substitutions. # Why? If you use these text substitutions in the obituary substitutions, # ServObit's error checker can spot if you make a spelling mistake [megagibbed] completely eliminated utterly erased easily eradicated gibbed into teeny tiny pieces smeared into worm food [killed] wiped out murdered erased eradicated eliminated [grenade] fried green tomato grenade little bomb [hand_grenade] fistful of shrapnel handful of death grenade fried green tomato [railgunshot] corkscrewed skewered slugged spiked impaled gutted [giblets] juicy little bits worm food a shower of giblets teeny tiny pieces # ***** Obituary Substitutions ***** # # You can define "groups" of obituaries. This can make it easier for you # to include the same obits with many different situations. # *** Grenade Obit Substitutions *** [grenade_obit] The last thing $V saw was $K's $Q%grenade% $K popped $V with $HISK $Q%grenade% $V caught $K's $Q%grenade% "Pineapples!!" shouts $K to $V, "Get your fresh pineapples here!" # *** Hand Grenades [hg_obit] $V munches on $K's fried green tomato $V eats from $K's handful of death $V chews on $K's grenade # *** Rocket Obit Substitutions *** [rocket_obit] $V rode $K's $Qrocket $V swallowed $K's $Qrocket # this one is Sati's $V attempts to be the first person to land on the sun via $K's $Qrocket [self_rocket] $V homed $HISV rocket on the wrong target # Sati's Is it any surprise that $V killed $HERSELFV with $HISV rocket? # *** Hyperblaster Obit Substitutions *** [hyperblaster_obit] $V was %killed% by $K's $Qhyperblaster $K melted $V with $HISK $Qhyperblaster $V is hyper-dead thanks to $K's $Qhyperblaster # *** BFG Obit Substitutions *** # # We go to town on the BFG's. See the BFG selector section below. # $Q says "Quad " or "" depending on whether the # killer has Quad or not. [any_bfg_obit] $V basked in the green glow of $K's $QBFG $V was annihilated by $K's $QBFG # This is Sati's $V's particles were rearranged by $K's BFG [mgib_bfg_obit] $V was %megagibbed% by $K's $QBFG $V was utterly vaporized by $K's $QBFG $V was Big Freakin' Gibbed by $K's $QBFG [gib_bfg_obit] $V was vaporized by $K's $QBFG $V was Big Freakin' Gibbed by $K's $QBFG [bfg_laser_obit] $V saw the pretty lights from $K's $QBFG $K punctured $V with $HISK $QBFG laser # *** Water Obit [water_obit] $V tries to extract oxygen from H2O $V forgot to come up for air $V should have taken swimming lessons $V rests in a watery grave # Generic Environmental Obit [generic_environment] $V is killed by the map $V becomes one with the map # this is Sati's $V is killed by the AI on this server, Mulder is on the case! # *** Connect message substitution *** [beware] Beware! Heads up! Careful... You have been warned: [hasjoined] has entered is lurking about is now among us [othergame] Tomb Raider Jedi Knight Space Invaders Pong cards Pac Man Quake I :END # ******************************* # Connect messages - thanks to NewtonD for the ideas and many messages # Use $N for name, $HIS for his/her, $SHE for she/he, and $HIM for # him/her. # YOU MUST HAVE :END AT THE END OF YOUR CONNECT LIST! # ******************************* :CONNECT $N has entered the game $N has joined the action $N is ready to die $N, come on down! $N is ready to rumble! $N offers $HERSELF for the gibbing New Player $N! How long until $SHE is killed? %beware% $N %hasjoined% $N has graced us with $HIS presence # Thanks to Hawkeye for this one Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's $N! # These is Sati's $N is armed and dangerous, shoot $HIM on sight! $N, is that fresh meat we smell? :END # ******************************* # Disconnect messages - - thanks to NewtonD for the ideas and most # messages. Use $N for name, $HIS for his/her, $SHE for she/he, # and $HIM for him/her # ******************************* :Disconnect $N has left the game! $N hit the road $N is gone $N's boss just walked in the room... (disconnected) Player $N disconnected $N is no longer in the game. $N has become burnt out. (disconnected) $N gets $HIS ass the hell outta here # Thanks to Hawkeye for this one $N exits to go play some %othergame% # Thanks Sati $N is licking $HIS wounds $N succumbed to a bad case of "Quake Butt" $N decided to end $HIS violent ways :END # ******************************************** # FORMAT OF Obituary Selectors and Obituary messages: # : KillerType WeaponType PowerType KillerGender VictimGender BodyState # [obitgroup1] # [obitgroup2] # Obituary1 # Obituary2 # # # Read ServObit.txt for details. # # ******************************************** # ******************************* # **** Enemy Attacks **** # ******************************* # *** Blaster *** : ENEMY BLASTER QUAD * * * $V was shot executioner style by $K's Quad blaster : ENEMY BLASTER NORMAL * * * $K actually managed to kill $V with the blaster $V quietly receives $K's blaster # This next one shouldn't ever happen - it's just here as an example : E BLASTER * * * * $V was blasted by $K # *** Shotgun *** : E SHOTGUN Q * * * $V was completely blown away by $K's Quad shotgun : E SHOTGUN N * * * $V was blown away by $K's shotgun # *** Super Shotgun *** : E SUPER_SHOTGUN Q * * GIB $V was blown to juicy little bits by $K's Quad super shotgun : E SUPER_SHOTGUN Q * * NORMAL $V is served a lead breakfast by $K's super shotgun : E SUPER_SHOTGUN N * * * $V was blown to pieces by $K's super shotgun $K served $V shells for dinner # *** Machine Gun *** : E MACHINEGUN * * * * $V was chewed up by $K's $Qmachinegun $V was mowed down by $K's $Qmachinegun # *** Chain Gun *** : E CHAINGUN Q * * * $V was plastered against the wall by $K's Quad chaingun : E CHAIN N * * * $V was ground into hamburger by $K $K made swiss cheese out of $V with $HISK chain gun # *** Grenade Launcher *** : E GRE Q * * GIB $V was $G into %giblets% by $K's Quad grenade : E GRE Q * * * [grenade_obit] : E GRE N * * GIB $V is $G by $K's pineapple $K's pineapple makes %giblets% out of $V : E GRE N * * * [grenade_obit] $V eats $K's pineapple $V chews on $K's grenade $K launched a grenade into $V's lap # *** Grenade Launcher "Splash" *** : E G_SPLASH Q * * GIB $K's Quad grenade shrapnel $G $V into %giblets% : E G_SPLASH Q * * * $K's Quad grenade shrapnel shredded $V : E G_SPLASH N * * GIB $V is $G by $K's pineapple bits : E G_SPLASH N * * * [grenade_obit] $V eats $K's pineapple $V chews on $K's grenade $K launched a grenade into $V's lap # *** Hand Grenades *** # We have hand grenades, hand grenade splash, and held grenades. # We'll use the same obit group for all of them. : E HAND_GRENADE Q * * GIB $V was $G into %giblets% by $K's Quad hand grenade : E HA Q * * NORM $V inhaled $K's Quad hand grenade : E HA N * * NORM [hg_obit] # *** Hand Grenade "Splash" *** : E HG_SPLASH * * * * [hg_obit] $V didn't see $K's hand grenade # *** Hand Grenade held *** : E HG_HELD * * * * [hg_obit] $V feels $K's pain $K saved $HISK grenade for $V # *** Rocket Launcher *** : E ROCKET Q * MALE MEGAGIB $V was %megagibbed% by $K's Quad rocket $V ships his gonads via $K's Quad Rocket Express : E ROCKET Q * FEMALE MEG $V was %megagibbed% by $K's Quad rocket $V ships her ovaries via $K's Quad Rocket Express : E ROCKET Q * NEUTER MEG $V was %megagibbed% by $K's Quad rocket $V ships its reproductive apparatus via $K's Quad Rocket Express : E ROCKET Q * * GIB $V got up close and personal with $K's Quad rocket $K's Quad rocket split $V into %giblets% : E ROCK Q * * * $K somehow wasn't able to gib $V with $HISK Quad rocket $V rode $K's Quad rocket $V flies $K's Quad Rocket Express # Male kills female : E RO N M F * [rocket_obit] $K feeds $V his rocket o' love # this is Sati's $V asks $K, "Is that a rocket in your pocket, or are you...?" # Male kills non-female : E RO N M * * [rocket_obit] # Female kills male : E RO N F M * [rocket_obit] $K showed $V that she has a bigger rocket than he does # Rockets with neuter/etc. genders, F kills F : E RO N * * * [rocket_obit] # *** Rocket Launcher "Splash" *** : E R_SPLASH * * * * [rocket_obit] $V almost dodged $K's $Qrocket $K grazed $V with $HISK $Qrocket # *** Railgun *** : E RAIL Q * * GIB $K $G $V with $HISK Quad railgun $V was %railgunshot% by $K's Quad railgun : E RAIL Q * * * $V slugged it out with $K's Quad railgun and lost $V was %railgunshot% by $K's Quad railgun : E RAIL N * * * $V was %railgunshot% by $K's railgun $V slugged it out with $K's railgun and lost # *** Hyper Blaster *** : E HYPERBLASTER Q * * * [hyperblaster_obit] $V was blasted to Hell and back by $K's Quad hyperblaster : E HY N * * * [hyperblaster_obit] $V was blasted to Hell by $K # *** BFG *** # # This section is where some interesting stuff happens (OK, so I'm a geek.) # We split each BFG death type by megagib, gib, and normal. The obit # substitutions take care of saying whether it's Quad or not. : E BFG_LASER * * * MEGA [mgib_bfg_obit] [bfg_laser_obit] [any_bfg_obit] : E BFG_LASER * * * GIB [gib_bfg_obit] [bfg_laser_obit] [any_bfg_obit] : E BFG_LASER * * * NORM [bfg_laser_obit] [any_bfg_obit] : E BFG_BLAST * * * MEGA [mgib_bfg_obit] [any_bfg_obit] $V was disintegrated by $K's BFG blast : E BFG_BLAST * * * GIB [gib_bfg_obit] [any_bfg_obit] $V was disintegrated by $K's BFG blast : E BFG_BLAST * * * NORM [any_bfg_obit] $V was disintegrated by $K's BFG blast : E BFG_EFFECT * * * MEGA [mgib_bfg_obit] $V couldn't hide from $K's $QBFG : E BFG_EFFECT * * * GIB [gib_bfg_obit] $V couldn't hide from $K's $QBFG : E BFG_EFFECT * * * NORM [any_bfg_obit] $V couldn't hide from $K's $QBFG # *** Telefrag *** : E TELEFRAG * * * * $V tried to invade $K's personal space $K telefragged $V $K absorbed $V's essence # Sati's $V forgot to say "Beam me up, Scotty" and was telefragged by $K # General Weapon Obituaries. # All the normal weapons have been covered. Below is a default in case # you accidentally don't include all possible Enemy situations in # the Obituaries above, or if ServObit can't determine the precise nature # of the death. They are mostly to show how to select by gender. # when a male is killed by a female... : E WEAPON * FE MA * $K shows $V a thing or two about Girl Power # anyone is killed by a male... : E WEAPON * MA * * $V submits to $K's manly weapon # Sister vs. Sister : E WEAPON * FE FE * $K wipes her sister $V clean off the map # This will match anything that slips through the cracks of Enemy-based # Obituaries. You *really* want this here just in case you made a # mistake and didn't cover all the bases. # Make it a unique message so you can spot it easily if it # ever needs to be used by ServObit : E * * * * * $V boosted $K's frag count $K killed $V (aren't you wistful for original Quake 2 messages?) $V died thanks to $K # ******************************* # Self Kills (Suicides) # # When specifying gender here, the KillerGender is ignored; only # select by the VictimGender. Also, use victim pronouns like # $HISV. # ******************************* # ****** # BFG # ****** # Of the 3 BFG death types, only the BFG blast can kill the shooter : S BFG_BLAST QUAD * * * $V splattered $HISV body across the map with $HISV Quad BFG $V serves $HERSELFV $HISV own Quad BFG giblets : S BFG_BLAST NORMAL * * * $V can't escape $HISV own BFG blast # This is Sati's $V: rule number one, don't shoot a BFG into the wall # ****** # Rocket Launcher Splash # ****** # You can't kill yourself with regular rockets - but the shrapnel, # that's another story : S R_SPLASH Q * * GIB $V's Quad Rocket makes $HIMV a big firework : S R_SPLASH Q * * * $V lights up like a firework # Male kills self : S R_SPLASH N * M * [self_rocket] # Sati's $V stroked his rocket one too many times # Female kills self : S R_SPLASH N * F * [self_rocket] $V died from a serious case of "Rocket Envy" # Remainder (e.g. neuter) : S R_SPLASH N * * * [self_rocket] # ****** # Grenade Launcher # ****** : S GRENADE * * * * $V stepped on $HISV own $Qgrenade $V launched a grenade onto $HISV head # ****** # Grenade Splash # ****** : S G_SPLASH * * * * $V died picking $HISV grenade shrapnel out of $HISV butt $V tripped on $HISV own grenade # ****** # Hand Grenade Splash # ****** : S HG_SPLASH * * * * $V couldn't get away from $HISV $Qgrenade fast enough $V tripped on $HISV own $Qgrenade # ****** # Hand Grenade Held # ****** : S HG_HELD * * * * $V tries to put the pin back in $V's hand blew off from $HISV $Q grenade $V forgot to let go of $HISV $Qhand grenade # ****** # Hand Grenade # ****** : S HAND_GRENADE * * * * $V detonates $HERSELFV $V sits on $HISV $Qgrenade : S SUICIDE * * * * $V suicides $V couldn't take the pressure $V became bored with life $V ends the suffering # This will match anything that slips through the cracks of # Self-based Obituaries. You *really* want this here just in # case you made a mistake and didn't cover all the bases, or if ServObit # sees a suicide it can't diagnose. # # Make it a unique message so you can spot it easily if it # ever needs to be used by ServObit : S * * * * * $V found a new way to kill $HERSELFV # ******************************* # World - it can kill, too # ******************************* # Did you know that Lava can gib you? : WORLD LAVA * * * GIB $V serves $HIMVself lava-fried giblets : WORLD LAVA * * * * $V languishes in the lava $V goes lava diving $V is burnt to a crisp $V took a hot bath $V is charred for life # Thanks to Sati for these $V splashes on entry while lava diving $V never learned "Fire hot, don't touch" $V sacrificed $HERSELFV to Pele, Goddess of Fire : W WATER * FEMALE * * [water_obit] $V retains too much water : W WATER * * * * [water_obit] $V gulps it down : W SLIME * * * * $V goes slime swimming $V is dissolved in sludge $V is absorbed into the radioactive waste # Thanks to Sati for this one $V returned to the Primordial Ooze from whence $SHEV came : W SQUISH * * * * $V is squished $V became flat as a pancake $V got stuck between a hard place and a hard place : W TOUCH * * * * [generic_environment] $V touched something $SHEV shouldn't have $V is mangled into a bloody heap # Thanks to Sati for these $V don't touch that! Oops, too late $V should learn not to touch things that don't belong to $HIMV : W FALL * * * * $V fell to $HISV death $V came down to earth Gravity gets the best of $V $V cratered $V does $HISV best impression of Newton's apple $V splats on the ground # These two are Sati's Watch out $V, that last step is a doozy! $V forgot to pull the ripcord for $HISV parachute : W LASER * * * * [generic_environment] $V was lasered by the map $V was sliced in two by the map $V saw the light : W EXIT * * * * $V tried to exit $V didn't read the "Do Not Exit" sign # This will match anything that slips through the cracks of # World-based Obituaries. You *really* want this here just in case # you made a mistake and didn't cover all the bases, or if ServObit sees # an environmental death it can't diagnose. # # Make it a unique message so you can spot it easily if it # ever needs to be used by ServObit : W * * * * * The map loved $V so much it killed $HIMV # This will match ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING that slips through the cracks of # ANYTHING. You probably want this here, even if it never matches # anything. Cause after all, you never know... # Make it a unique message so you can spot it easily if it # ever needs to be used by ServObit : * * * * * * $V died a mysterious death