Quake2 Fraglogs Mod (DLL file included) 3/6/98 ================================================================ Title : Quake2 Fraglogs v0.4 (for Quake2 v3.14) Author : Dave "Mongoose" Feldman Email Address : dmf14@cornell.edu Web Page : http://www.people.cornell.edu/pages/dmf14/q2flog/ Description : Adds fraglogging support to Quake2 in Quakeworld format fraglogs via the new console variable fraglogfile Additional Credits to : John Penman (rage@itouch.net) for the buffer flushing suggestion Dave Dynerman a.k.a. anarchy for the readme format id Software for Quake/Quake2 Dave "Zoid" Kirsch and Jack "Morbid" Matthews for doing the original Quakeworld fraglog format ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Yes, but what's the point? Deathmatch : Yes, that IS the point! New Sounds : No --- New Graphics : No - No need New Music : No --- * Construction * Base : Quake2 DLL Source Editor(s) used : Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 Known Bugs : None Build Time : Less than a minute * What's New * Version 0.4 is fully Quake2 v3.14 compatiable and was recompiled using the v3.14 source. I also released a v0.4 of q2 fraglogging for linux as well. Version 0.3 forces quake2 to write to the logfile after each frag so that logfiles can be processed while the server is still running. The logfile will show a size of 0 bytes while it is still open but will contain up-to-the-second fraglogging. Version 0.2 was just recompiled to work with Quake2 v3.09. No other changes were made. * Install Instructions * 1) Make a dir under your quake2 directory (c:\quake2\q2flog for example) 2) Unzip the gamex86.dll into the dir created in #1 (i.e. C:\quake2\q2flog) 3) Run Quake2 with the command line "quake2 +set game dir" where "dir" is the directory where you copied the gamex86.dll or gamei386.so (i.e. quake2 +set game q2flog, or quake2 +set game q2flog +set dedicated 1 for dedicated servers) 4) To turn on fraglogging, type "fraglogfile 1" at the console. To turn it off, type "fraglogfile 0". Simple enough? 5) This patch is server side only! Clients do not need it. * Other Info * I noticed that Quake2 has its own style of console logging that records everything from the console including the full death messages and the talk on the server, but I wanted servers to have the option to output nice concise "who killed who?" frag logs like that in Quakeworld (http://www.quakeworld.net/). So, I put this little patch in the writes the same format fraglogs as quakeworld fraglogs (frag_#.log consisting of \frager\fragee\) lines except they are generated in the quake2 directory. Any quakeworld log parser will be able to read these logs. If you're still looking for a log parser, try my QRC @ http://www.people.cornell.edu/pages/dmf14/qrc/ Enjoy! And please report any comments/suggestions/bugs to me at dmf14@cornell.edu. For a sample of what both my Q2Fraglogs and QRC have to offer, go to my ex-clan's site: http://www.dol.net/~kaless/default.html and check out the "Q2Stats" which were generated by QRC on a Q2 Server running the fraglog mod. Dave "Mongoose" Feldman dmf14@cornell.edu * Legal Stuff/Disclaimer * By using this, you agree that I'm not responsible to any damages that might occur! But I am in the process of uploading it to http://openquake.geek.net/ to make us all feel warm and fuzzy and safe.