Ugg - don't use wordwrap, make this full screen. Sorry, this was Bart's first thyme doing docs - he did a good job, cept for that little tripup. Introduction Action Quake² is a Quake 2 modification where stealth, strategy, ammo conservation, and accuracy are what matter. Rather than who can get to the BFG fastest. Try it out, see how you like it, we think it’s probably the most fun we’ve ever had playing Quake, but we’re biased. Below you will find all the information you need to get fragging. Getting Started After installation you should load up a game and get your configuration set up. There are a few commands you need to know and bind. opendoor * Doors, for one, do not open automatically, like in Quake 2. Instead you will have to actually open the door with the ‘opendoor’ command that I told you to bind. This is to encourage thoughtful, strategic play, rather than the ‘run, shoot’ matches Quake games often turn into. bandage * Another thing that might take some getting used to is our unique damage code. Instead of taking a set amount of damage, wounds are actually inflicted on regions of your body. While head wounds are almost always fatal, some wounds will continue to bleed and create other adverse effects. To stop the bleeding and any other effects of the wound simply hit your ‘bandage’ key, but beware; bandaging takes six seconds, during which time you cannot fire. There is no way to regain lost hit points, so try not to get shot. reload * This empties your gun of all rounds currently in it and loads a new clip. Ammo is scarce so be careful with this one. drop item * This is simple, it drops whatever special item you currently have. drop weapon * Drops your unique weapon, even if you are using it. sniper * Toggles whether or not you are looking thru your sniper rifle lens lens * The sniper rifle comes equipped with a high powered visible light scope. It has three lenses to accommodate your sniping needs. 2x, 4x, and 6x, the ‘lens’ command cycles through them. Server Commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The server setting "actionmaps 1" or the cmd line "+set actionmaps 1" will rotate between the three action quake maps we have so far. Some other quick reminders, fall damage has been greatly increased in this mod, so don’t go jumping out of any 3rd story windows. Also, running causes your accuracy to go down, so line up for those shots. Walking is also a good idea - you are less accurate then if you were standing or crouching, but more accurate then if you were running. The Weapons The heart of any mod, the big guns. The Pistol Ah, your trusty sidearm, an IMI Desert Eagle .44; don’t leave home without it. For ammo it uses bullets that can be found in clips of 10 each (Yes, we know an Eagle only carries 7 rounds, but play balance takes precedence over realism.) throughout the level. When you reach the end of a clip it takes a few seconds to load another, so keep an eye on that ammo meter. You can hold two clips at a time, plus the one you have in the gun itself. Firing is semi-automatic, meaning that you have to pull the trigger each time you want to fire another round. Though it may take a while to get used to, it actually helps your aim quite a bit. The Shotgun The old standby, the shotgun is perfect in that medium range fighting. It carries 6 rounds and takes 6 seconds to reload when those run out. This one functions much the same as the Quake 2 shotgun, with one obvious difference, power. One good, clean shot can take anyone down, and even grazing hits will hurt them. The knock-back from this baby is impressive to say the least, makes it perfect for blasting people off a roof or out a window. You can carry 2 six-packs of shells at a time, plus the 6 rounds in the gun. This weapon is unique and there is only one on the level. You can only carry one unique weapon at a time. The 9-mm Uzi Although wildly inaccurate the Uzi more than makes up for it by shooting very fast. Less powerful than the pistol it’s quite useful when clearing a room. It holds 24 rounds per clip and you can carry two extra clips at a time. Reload time is the same as the pistol. This weapon is unique. The Sniper Rifle A 7.62-mm SSG 69 fitted with a powerful scope, this gun is not to be trifled with. Although nearly useless in close combat, it is unequaled in distance fighting. The scope can be switched from 2x, to 4x, all the way down to 6x. Since it is bolt action you will have to reload each time you fire. Each box of bullets holds five round, and you can carry up to two extra boxes. Each time you draw the weapon you must assemble it from it’s case, so find a good spot and snipe from there. This weapon is unique. The Hand Cannon Word to the wise; don’t get in front of this thing. Basically a sawed off double-barrel shotgun it’s spread is wide enough to kill just about anyone getting too close. However, this benefit causes the gun to become nearly useless at long and medium range. It uses the same ammo as the shotgun but only holds two shells at a time. This weapon is unique. The Concussion Grenades If you see one of these thrown you had better take cover fast. Even if it doesn’t kill you it is liable to blow you out a window or break your legs. Of course the one ho threw it is just as susceptible to it’s effects, and impatient handling of these has led to more than one player blasting himself. You can only carry 2 at a time, so use them wisely. Jump Kick Jump into someone - just try it. Does 20 damage - no bleeding. The Items Akin to the runes from CTF these items can be held in addition to your unique weapon, making for some very interesting combinations. You can only carry one item at a time, but can drop your current item by using the ‘dropitem’ command. The Kevlar Vest All shots to your chest do no damage, however, you are still knocked back and can be shot out a window. The grenades, shotgun, and hand cannon can still penetrate the vest however, and a well placed shot from any other weapon will do damage as normal. The Silencer The Pistol, Uzi, and Rifle all become ‘silenced’. They give no muzzle flash and make only the tiniest noise. This and the sniper rifle makes for a very dangerous T! The Lasersight The Lasersight will make you extremely accurate with the pistol or uzi, even if you are running! Q: I can’t open doors! What gives? A: Type ‘opendoor’ at the console. You should also bind it if you haven’t done so already. Q: This mod sucks, all the Stroggs die in one shot. What gives? A: This is a multiplay only mod, it is not intended for single player games (although it is sometimes interesting). There are no plans for a single play TC based on Action Quake at anytime in the future. Q: Office2 Kicks ass, but i'm getting sick of playing it over and over again! (alt. Q: I'm sick of rotating thru dm maps!) A: Get the server admin. To "+set actionmaps 1" or type "actionmaps 1" at the console. This will rotate through the actionquake2 maps. Q: Any more questions I should ask? A: Not any I can think of, but if anyone does have any questions, game play related or otherwise, don’t hesitate to write us at Contact The alien looks like Jodie Foster’s father. Upp, sorry. WWW EMAIL Copyright The A-Team 1998