Energy Physiks The Light is, of course, unknown and unknowable; and even as one who stares into the heart of a sun succeeds only in blasting his sight into eternal Shadow, so those souls of pure intent who seek to transcend the preordained limits of enlightened cognition may instead find themselves overwhelmed by the Darkness Beyond All. Surely those who seek to chain the Light into the sophistry of shape, theologically refracting it into such finite embodiments as "particles" and "waves," "gamma rays" and "radio waves," commit the same fatal error; for in categorizing that which is Immanent, one succeeds only in affirming, however inadvertently, the false divinity of the all-encompassing Shadow. My most learned colleague Brother Hargravane often disputes with me on this point, averring that just as souls are myriad manifestations of the omnipotent Light Within, so can the Light Itself manifest in an unending array of avatars, becoming simultaneously creator and created, finite and eternal. I need not dwell overlong on the similarities between the good Brother's postulations and the expurgated Vorinox Heresy of the Multiplicity, sent to the Shadows of its origin in 4843 by the efforts of our Most Holy Inquisition.