You need to spend more time on the theme of the webpage. make all the art work one seemless design instead of all these clutered graphics that dont go well together. the blue background is not very good and it is not seemlessly tileable. also the webpage takes forever to load. must be your server or maybe its all the graphics. It does look like the webpage has a lot of content that is what sometimes matters the most | the site is cool but it is too blue! you see if you can make the links a different color it would be better. try making it a bit brighter. websites which are bright really attracts the eye | Si sogna uno stato ideale e spesso si compiono anche passi per realizzarlo nel pi∙ adeguato modo possibile. Comunque il sogno implica una critica della condizione presente. (Anonimo) | site is OK | pretty good but if u can suppl more language for chossing it will be more better | '_╕,.'=µñ║▓░`» »`░▓║ñµ=-Si sogna uno stato ideale e spesso si compiono anche passi per realizzarlo nel pi∙ adeguato modo possibile. Comunque il sogno implica una critica della condizione presente. (Anonimo) Utopia-WebSite: (Sirio) (Arcangelo)'' -=µñ║▓░`» »`░▓║ñµ='.,╕_' | hi i'd visited your site- cool | your site`s good, & I like it :) | nice site;-) | nice, kinda blank though | anything interesting | its very nice,^^ | I shure will I have a friend that has a web site I will ask him to link it to yours, and when I finish my web site I will link it. | well the site seems very good only, I don't speak italian | #anime_emuzone is Il sito di ANIME (Evangelion, 5 Samurai, Transformers), EMUZONE, e tutte le stronzate della rete!!!!!!! sito ospite: (KrAbA[DeFuNtO]) | Wooo... Nise site... Thank you so much | i saw it its nice | you welcome | oh it's good^ | this site is good i like it