16100 Matrox MultiDesk 16101 %d Õ\¸ø­¨· 16102 tÇÙ³ (&M) 16103 èÍŒÁ 16104 /*+*/Show Only on This Desktop/*-*/ (&H) 16105 /*+*/Start Automatically when Desktop is First Shown/*-*/ (&T) 16106 \ÔÜ (&S) 16107 \ÔÜ (&S) 16108 ÈÀ\¸ ̹ä´0® (&N) 16109 tÇ„¹À¼½¬ (&R) 16110 ­ÀÈ (&D) 16111 ¼ÕÐ TÖtº ­¬¹ (&M)... 16112 ijl­ ¨ºLÇ \ÔÜ (&T) 16113 ¼ÕÐ TÖtº (&D) 16114 Õ\¸ø­¨· (&P) 16115 ä²LÇ ¼ÕÐ TÖtº (&N) 16116 ë²0® (&L) 16117 Matrox MultiDesk ë²0® (&C) 16118 Õ\¸ø­¨· 16119 ¼ÕÐ TÖtº 5ÆXÁ 16120 ÈÀ ¼ÕÐ TÖtº 16121 %s Ó|ÇDÇ ôÅ  ÆŵÂȲä². tÇ Õ\¸ø­¨·DÇ ë²µÂȲä².\n\ntÇ Õ\¸ø­¨·DÇ ¬ÇÜ‘ÇXÕ0® ÈÐÅ tÇ Ó|ÇtÇ Matrox MultiDesk Õ\¸ø­¨· Ó|Ç ("%s")@Æ(ü¬) ¬@Ç ôÓT³ÐÅ ˆÇ”²ÀÉ UÖxÇXÕíÂÜÂ$Æ. 16122 ȹÀÉɹ ¼ÕÐ TÖtºDÇ ­ÀÈ`Õ  ÆŵÂȲä². 16123 Õ\¸ø­¨·DÇ ôÅ Lµ ¼ÕÐ TÖtº ÈXÖ 16124 ¼ÕÐ TÖtº 16125 ¼ÕÐ TÖtº 1 16126 ¼ÕÐ TÖtº 2 16127 ñ´]¸ Èô¼ (&P)... 16128 Õ\¸ø­¨· ©º]¸ 16129 ˜Ç|·´°0® (&C) Ctrl+X 16130 ™½ìÅ#±0® (&P) Ctrl+V 16131 ¼ÕÐ TÖtºXÇ ¨º‘Å $ÁÈDÇ À¼½¬XÕ0® ÈÐÅ tÕù² ¼ÕÐ TÖtºDÇ \Ö1ÁTÖtÕ|Å iÕȲä².\n\nÖ¬Ç ÁÝÐ\Õ ¼ÕÐ TÖtºDÇ \Ö1ÁTÖXÕÜ ¬µÂȲL®? 16132 DÅtÇXÏ Ó|Ç (*.exe, *.dll, *.ico) 16133 ijÀÆй (&H) 16134 MultiDesk ijÀÆй (&H) 16135 Èô¼ (&A) 16136 Õ\¸ø­¨· ÆÅLÇ 16137 Matrox MultiDesk Õ\¸ø­¨·DÇ ë²DÇL®”Æ? 16138 ¨ºà´ Õ\¸ø­¨·ÐÅ aÅ8Á¤Â ¬¥²XÕŒ¬ ̹ä´0® (&A) 16139 tÇ ŒÁÕ¸ÒèÆ´Å”² ôÎèÔ0ÑÐÅÁ ´Å¤µ Matrox ø­˜·=Õ XÕÜ´èÆ´Åij ¼¬¬XÕÀÉ »ºˆÕµÂȲä².\n\nMatrox ø­˜·=Õ XÕÜ´èƴŬ ȳ\¸ $ÁXδÈÅ”²ÀÉ UÖxÇXÕíÂÜÂ$Æ. 16140 \Õm­´Å 16141 /*+*/Select All Programs/*-*/ (&A) Ctrl+A 16142 /*+*/All Files (*.*)/*-*/ 16143 /*+*/Can't find "%s"./*-*/ 16144 /*+*/Select file name to export desktop/*-*/ 16145 Õ\¸ø­¨· 16146 /*+*/Status/*-*/ 16147 /*+*/Import/*-*/ (&I)... 16148 /*+*/Export/*-*/ (&E) 16149 /*+*/Matrox MultiDesk Settings (*.mds)/*-*/ 16150 /*+*/Import Desktop/*-*/ 16151 /*+*/Export Desktop/*-*/ 16152 /*+*/Remove/*-*/ (&R) 16153 /*+*/Include/*-*/ 16154 /*+*/Unresolved/*-*/ 16155 /*+*/Exclude/*-*/ 16156 /*+*/Override/*-*/ 16157 /*+*/Modified/*-*/ 16158 /*+*/Undefined/*-*/ 16160 /*+*/Import settings for "%s"/*-*/: 16161 /*+*/Import settings for "%s"/*-*/: 16162 - /*+*/The program already has settings on another desktop./*-*/ \n \n 16164 /*+*/Click "OK" to import the desktop./*-*/ \n \n 16165 /*+*/You can still modify MultiDesk settings for the selected program./*-*/ \n \n 16166 /*+*/The following problems are detected for the selected program:/*-*/ \n \n 16167 /*+*/MultiDesk can't import this desktop. To import this desktop, you need to change MultiDesk settings for some of its programs./*-*/ \n \n 16168 - /*+*/The command line for the program is invalid. Specify a new command line or confirm the current one./*-*/ \n \n 16169 /*+*/The selected program won't be imported with this desktop./*-*/ \n \n 16170 /*+*/Matrox MultiDesk will use the imported settings for the selected program. All existing MultiDesk settings for this program will be overridden when the desktop is imported./*-*/ \n \n 16171 /*+*/The MultiDesk settings for the selected program have been successfully updated./*-*/ \n \n 16172 - /*+*/The current MultiDesk options for the program aren't supported when importing desktops./*-*/ \n \n 16174 /*+*/To update MultiDesk settings, click "Apply"./*-*/ 16176 /*+*/You need to modify the MultiDesk settings of programs listed as "Unresolved" or exclude these programs from the import./*-*/ \n \n 16180 /*+*/Having only "Show only on this desktop" enabled isn't supported./*-*/ 16181 /*+*/Warning/*-*/