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Aminet 15

  Aminet CD 15, dated November 1996, contains more than 1 gigabyte (uncompressed) of software in thousands of archives. Since the release of Aminet CD 14 more than 500 MB new software has appeared. The current edition has a special focus on MPEG-animations. Hundreds of animations from various sources were included.

Contents of Aminet 15

Directory Size Files Contents
biz 9 MB 40 Business software
comm 27 MB 180 Communications
demo 69 MB 90 Graphics & sound demo
dev 16 MB 78 Development software
disk 3 MB 18 Disk & HD tools
docs 17 MB 36 Documents
game 24 MB 84 Games
gfx 10 MB 64 Graphics software
hard 1 MB 12 Hardware related
misc 7 MB 39 Miscellaneous
mus 44 MB 188 Music software
pix 275 MB 360 Pictures
text 5 MB 40 Text software
util 16 MB 190 Utilities
release details

RECOMMENDED RETAIL PRICE: �14.95 (14.95 UK Pounds Sterling)

Click HERE to place your order.

contact details
SAdENESS Software - 13 Russell Terrace - Mundesley - Norfolk - NR11 8LJ - England/UK

Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1263 722169

Email us: rich@sadeness.demon.co.uk