
This bit of the 'MUG Guide' is simply where we blow our own trumpets and list a few bits of praise we've received over the last couple of years.... If anyone wants to send in any valid criticisms of TI, we will more than happily print these as well.
Bob Powell:'s good to see a dedicated music forum which has a good sense of humour and at the same time, is able to offer good advice and interesting articles, unlike another disk based mag which always seems to be rather straight-laced about everything...
Andrew Lingham:
...I've been a regular purchaser of all types of PD and Licenseware since I bought my Amiga four years ago and I can honestly say that I consider TI to be one of the best examples of its genre. Packed to capacity with items which are interesting and informative and modules which would often be found on disks of their own simply because of their sheer quality. TI is a brilliant example of how it should be done... quality efforts produced by Amiga loving people who seem to know what they are talking about.
Clive Gardner:
I really enjoyed TI7. The mag seems to get better with each issue. Is there no stopping it?
James Crockett:
I think you've got the style and presentation of TI as perfect as possible. It's the best looking and operating diskmag I've seen...
Peter Kwann:
Here is mini review of TI - The mods are of a very high standard and the editorial content in lively. I look forward to future issues. Keep it up!
Grant Mearns:
...ModSpot is now perfect, I cannot fault it at all. Coloured text, logical codes for regulars and newcomers, and a good whack of text for each review. The Christmas mods on TI4 were excellent, the Memoirs articles (TI1993) were very entertaining and, it's my humble opinion, that it is these sorts of articles that put TI streets ahead of the rest. The "homely" feel you said you wanted to create is certainly paying off by making the mag so much more relaxed and entertaining to read. Originally I wasn't too keen on this concept at the start, but I much prefer it now. You have made me see the light of day....
Matthew Horn:
....I only wish you had named that lovely snowman featured on TI4's boot up picture because my three year old daughter has made me print it out for her and stick it on her bedroom wall. Any chance of seeing the easter bunny on TI6?...
Joseph Rosenski:
...I got hold of every available issue of TI three days ago. All these disks are real technical treasures which I can use for study and examples. I even liked your first volume...
Michael Richmond:
I must congratulate you on a superb magazine... Had I not started to read your diskmag, I would not have continued producing music. I was getting a bit disillusioned because I wanted to improve my music skills and let others listen to my music but I had no way of doing so. TI has provided just that - the hope of getting a good review in Modspot section simply keeps me going...
Andrew Southgate:
....I can't believe how you've managed to improve TI with every issue. When TI2 came out I thought "Well, this is how it's gonna be now, it can't get any better", I was proved wrong with TI3 and I was simply blown away with TI4. The new menu system and improved module player helped, but it's the quality of the mods and articles that make the magazine. Unlike other diskmags I have read, there is not ONE "filler" article in TI. Each article has been given individual attention, nothing is "shovelware", all the articles are written in an interesting and entertaining fashion and presented well especially considering the boundries of a text viewing programme. The commands series was probably the most entertaining tutorial I have ever read and on the strength of the FOPIII review, I got it straight away and really had to agree with every comment. ModSpot just improves every issue and as soon as TI gets the attention it deserves from the computer press, it will be un-touchable...

and finally...
Tony Horgan (CU Amiga)
If you're into OctaMED in a big way, there's plenty in TI to keep you happy.