MakeCD Compatibility List

Table of Contents

Compatibility List

MakeCD has been carefully tested. This chapter tries to list all CD writers, CD-ROM drives, CD-Rs and systems, that have been tested and tells you, if they worked in our tests or in customer's tests or if they didn't.

If a CD writer or CD-ROM drive is listed as "tested", this does not mean, that it works on all systems. On some systems, it might block the SCSI bus or do any other bad things. Therefore, we have added lists of systems which have been reported as section Working systems or section Systems causing problems. Read these lists, too!

Feel free to contribute your configuration. Send it to

This document is Copyright (C) 1997 by Angela Schmidt. All Rights Reserved.

Introduction to the Compatibility List

In order to grow, the Compatibility List needs your help. If your configuration is not yet listed here, please contribute it to enhance this document.

There are a few known problems in MakeCD drivers, which are listed here. You don't have to report them.

Known problems with MakeCD drivers

There are some known problems with some MakeCD drivers and drives. They are listed here. Usually, they are not fatal.

Using driver "JvcTeac":
This driver is no longer beta. Please note that this only means that we think our driver is quite stable now. JVC drives (we tested the JVC XR-W2010) still can cause a lot of trouble. If you own a JVC CD writer, try it and be happy if it works, but don't blame us if it does not work.
JVC XR-W2010 V1.51:
  • With our first tries, the JVC XR-W2010 didn't work with an oktagon.device V6.8 and a omniscsi.device V6.11. It always rejected the first write command with an ILLEGAL COMMAND error.
    This turned out to be a very strange SCSI or heating problem. The drive works now when connected to the Oktagon with no other device on this SCSI chain.
    Other sources state that our problem might have been caused by a not so good media. Hmm...
  • This drive is a very bad CD and CD-R reader. We could not even read data or audio tracks, which the drive wrote by itself, although they are read well by a Yamaha CDR 100 and a Matsushita CD-ROM drive. The JVC XR-W2010 even produced a lot of read errors with normal (pressed) CDs.
    If your drive has the same problem, this will have the following consequences:
    1. Multisession merging often will not work properly, because the previous tracks have to be scanned with the CD writer.
    2. Mode 2 recognition can fail and therefore XA CD-Rs can be fixed with the wrong TOC type.
    3. The name of ISO tracks can not always be read.
  • Once we made a test with one very full CD-R, and the drive reported a start block which was higher than the end block. We wrote another track and both last tracks were listed correctly afterwards. Again, we wrote another track, and it was listed wrong again -- and writing a 4th track fixed the problem again. Very strange.
    When we put the same CD-R, which showed the wrong track start in the JVC XR-W2010, into a Yamaha CDR 100, it was listed correctly. Putting it back to the JVC XR-W2010 showed wrong values again.
    You cannot fix a CD-R with invalid track starts with the JVC XR-W2010. You have to use either a different CD writer or write more tracks and hope that this will fix the problem.
Using driver "Plextor":
Using device Plextor CD-R PX-R24CS V1.50:
Using device Ricoh RO-1420C:
Using device Ricoh RS-1420C:
  • Session information may not be read properly depending on the firmware version.
Using driver "Sony":
Using device SONY CD-R CDU926S 1.0a ( Jan23):
  • The writer seems to be unable to accept buffer chunks of more than approx. 240kB. It rejects the write command with ILLEGAL FIELD IN COMMAND DESCRIPTOR. You have to reduce the chunk size in the settings.
  • The writer is not able to write XA tracks with a blocksize of 2048 (form 1) or 2328 (form 2). Therefore only the general mode 2 type is supported by MakeCD. You will be warned and may ignore the warning, but until a firmware supports this block sizes the writer will reject some commands as illegal.
  • The Sony writer are very accurate regarding CD-ROM standards. You will not be able to write certain track types after some others (but you won't want to anyway). Example of impossible combinations: Mode 1 (data) + Mode 2.
  • The writer seems to be unable to simulate fixation. The testmode can really be enabled for writing tracks, but has no effect on fixation. The Sony.driver will therefore _not_ issue the fixation command if testmode is enabled. If other Sony CD writers behave differently, tell us.

Contributing to this list

You should test your system carefully, before stating that it works. You can use the following checklists to do that. Send your test results to

Testing your CD writer

If you want to test your CD writer, go through the following steps.

  1. What is the complete name of your CD writer? Have a look at the settings window -- when you select your CD writer as target, it displays the whole version string. That's what we need.
  2. Note the name of the driver which you use for your tests, e.g. "Yamaha". The name is being displayed in the settings window.
  3. Open the window that lists the contents of your CD-R, using the menu.
  4. Try to write in test mode
  5. Try to write an audio track
  6. Try to write a data track

    Note, if you have written some audio tracks, you can fix the session and then create and write a data track and fix that session, too. Your CD will be a perfect audio CD in your CD player and if your filesystem supports multisession, it will be a perfect data CD in your CD-ROM drive, too. So you need only one CD-R for testing. However, you must create the data image especially for this track, because you can not transfer data tracks to multisession tracks. This feature requires MakeCD V2.0 or better.

  7. Try to fix a session and the CD-R. You have to open the window that lists the contents of your CD-R (use the menu) in order to do that.
  8. If you are using a CD-RW drive, try to erase a CD-RW.
  9. Now we are going to do some read tests. For these reading tests you have to select the writer as source drive in the settings window. Try to read a data track from your CD writer.
  10. Try to read an audio track from your CD writer.
  11. Repair function
  12. Your name

Testing your CD-ROM drive (if any)

If you want to test your CD-ROM drive, go through the following steps.

  1. What is the complete name of your CD-ROM drive? Have a look at the settings window -- when you select your CD-ROM drive as source, it displays the whole version string. That's what we need.
  2. Note the name of the driver which you used for your tests, e.g. "ToshibaCD". The name is being displayed in the settings window.
  3. Add a track, select "CD-Track" as source and open the track requester.
  4. Try to read a data track.
  5. Try to read an audio track.
  6. Your name

Testing your whole system

If you have a system that runs fine with MakeCD, or a system that causes SCSI trouble, and if your system is not yet contained in this file, we are looking forward for your test results in order to include them in this list. We need the following information:

  1. Your Amiga
    e.g. A3000, A4000, A1000, ...
  2. The OS version you use
    e.g. OS 3.1
  3. Information about your SCSI system in the following form:
    For each SCSI hostadapter which you are using
  4. Which version of MakeCD do you use for your tests?
    MakeCD Version ..........
  5. Write a large amount of data (test mode is no problem).
  6. Do you know which SCSI settings you used for this test? (Reselection, Synchronous Transfer Mode, ...)
    ( ) Yes, ..............................................
    ( ) No
  7. How many of your CD-Rs have had an "accident" and how many CD-Rs did you already write?
  8. Did you have to do any changes to your system, in order to make things work?
    ( ) Yes, ..............................................
    ( ) No
  9. Your name

CD writers

This section is intended to help you find a good CD writer or to find more information about the CD writer which you already have. We created a list of all CD writers we have heard of, and collected more detailed information about a lot of drives. Furthermore, we tested your drives with a lot of drives and show you the test results.

Recommended CD writers

At the moment, we have statements about the following CD writers. Please don't forget to check if they section Working systems or section Systems causing problems with your system.

Yamaha CDR 100/102 (recommended)
These CD writers don't have any known SCSI problems. They are old, but known as very reliable drives. People tell, they don't get any coasters when using these drives.
Yamaha CDR 200/400 (recommended)
This is the new generation of Yamaha drives. Since they are not yet available for a long time (as of 7/97), we can't tell how long they live. But they seem to work reliable and people report they don't get any coasters when using these drives.
Ricoh MP6200S (recommended)
This is a new (as of 7/97) CD-RW drive. If you'ld like to be able to write up to 1000 times on a CD-RW, you should consider buying this drive. Seems to be a good deal! People report they don't get any coasters when using this drive.
TEAC CD50S (?)
We never had such a drive, but the users who have one seem to be happy with it.
JVC (be careful!)
There are some people who really like their JVC drives, and others, who have nothing but problems. Although it obviously doesn't cause SCSI hangups, it sometimes reports strange errors and creates coasters. Seems to have problems caused by firmware bugs.
Ricoh 1420 / Plextor (be careful!)
The Plextor drive totally confused our SCSI hostadapter. We don't know if Ricoh 1420 is better in this point.
Sony (be careful!)
Sony CDU 926S won't be able to perform DAO writing. So it's good for TAO mode only. The drive we had got hangups when reading audio tracks while starting to read a new track.
Philips/HP (be careful!)
Philips and HP drives don't work with every SCSI hostadpater. Sometimes, reselection problems appear, e.g. on A3000 or GVP hostadapters. This results in coasters. Additionally, the old Philips/HP generation (CDD 2000/HP 4020) suffer from hardware problems. Many of these drives need repair every few months. The new Philips/HP generation (CDD 2600/HP 6020) have problems when extrating audio data.

All CD writers we have heard of

This section lists all CD writers the authors of MakeCD have heard of. Some of them are supported and tested by the authors or by customers, others are untested (but should work in theory), some are still unsupported, and others are unknown, which means that we don't know if one of our drivers works with that drive or not.

Please note, that sometimes a CD writer is not compatible with a specific Amiga SCSI system. In this case, you might have problems with that CD writer -- e.g. it might block the SCSI bus, etc. This is not the fault of MakeCD. Look out for tested systems.

The fact, that a device is listed here as tested, does not mean that it works on every SCSI system. We are collecting experiences which customers have made with several combinations of hardware. See section Working systems, section Systems causing problems. Read these sections, too! Please note that some systems might appear on both lists, which means that this system works fine for one customer and causes problems for another one.

Each device name contained in this list is preceeded by a character to give you a quick overview. This character means the following:

This device has been tested with MakeCD by the authors or by customers. Although there might be SCSI problems in some cases, it should work in general.
This device had not yet been tested with MakeCD, but will most likely work anyway. If you have such a device, try it and tell us if it works or not!
This device is known, but not or not yet supported by MakeCD.
This device is not known. Maybe one of the MakeCD drivers supports it. If you find out that such a device works with MakeCD, please tell us which driver you used to make it work. Thank you.

The following section lists all CD writers we have heard of in alphabetical order. Many of them are not very popular. You will most likely know only a few of them.

Important note: we do not guarantee for any information contained in this list!

(t) Compro CD-R 7501-INT
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Panasonic.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Panasonic CW-7501.
See section Panasonic CW-7501.
(t) Compro CD-R 7502-INT
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Panasonic or MMC.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Panasonic CW-7502.
See section Panasonic CW-7502.
(U) Creative Labs CDR2000:
Not yet supported. Programmer documentation in order. No promises, though.
Based on Ricoh RS1060C.
See section Ricoh RO-1060C.
(t) Creative Labs CDR4210:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Panasonic.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Panasonic CW-7501.
See section Panasonic CW-7501.
(?) Delta CDR-6121 (6x read, 2x write, ATAPI):
(t) DynaTek CDE260R:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver MMC.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Ricoh MP6200S.
See section Ricoh MP6200S.
(?) DynaTek Automation Systems CDM200:
(t) DynaTek Automation Systems CDM240:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver JvcTeac or Yamaha.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on JVC XR-W2010 (new drives) and Yamaha CDR 102 (old drives).
See section JVC XR-W2010.
See section Yamaha CDR 102.
(?) DynaTek Automation Systems CDM260:
(t) DynaTek Automation Systems CDM400:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Yamaha.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Yamaha CDR 100.
See section Yamaha CDR 100.
(?) DynaTek Automation Systems CDM4000:
(?) DynaTek Automation Systems CDM460:
(t) Freecom CD-Writer:
Probably supported by MakeCD. Driver MMC.
Untested! We hope it will work.
Based on Mitsumi CR-2600TE.
See section Mitsumi CR-2600TE.
(T) Grundig CDR100 IPW:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver PhilipsCDD2000.
Tested by customers of MakeCD.
Based on Philips CDD 2000.
See section Philips CDD 2000.
(?) Hightech CD-R 2000:
You might want to try PhilipsCDD2000 driver.
(t) Hi-Val CD-R:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver JvcTeac.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on JVC XR-W2010.
See section JVC XR-W2010.
(T) HP SureStore 4020i:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver PhilipsCDD2000.
Tested by customers of MakeCD.
Based on Philips CDD 2000.
See section Philips CDD 2000.
(T) HP SureStore CD-Writer 6020i:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver PhilipsCDD2600.
Tested by customers of MakeCD.
Based on Philips CDD 2600, internal, SCSI.
See section Philips CDD 2600.
(T) HP SureStore CD-Writer 6020es:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver PhilipsCDD2600.
Tested by customers of MakeCD.
Based on Philips CDD 2600, external, SCSI.
See section Philips CDD 2600.
(U) HP SureStore CD-Writer 6020ep:
Not supported. If someone writes a device that provides a SCSI interface for this CD writer, and if your hardware is fast enough, it probably would work. Driver PhilipsCDD2600.
Based on Philips CDD 2600, external, parallel port interface.
See section Philips CDD 2600.
(?) JVC Personal RomMaker:
Unknown. Try driver JvcTeac.
(t) JVC R2626:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver JvcTeac.
Might cause problems because of firmware bugs!
Based on JVC XR-W2020.
See section JVC XR-W2020.
(?) JVC XR-W1001:
Unknown. Try driver JvcTeac.
See section JVC XR-W1001.
(t) JVC XR-W2001:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver JvcTeac.
Might cause problems because of firmware bugs!
See section JVC XR-W2001.
(T) JVC XR-W2010:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver JvcTeac.
Tested by the authors of MakeCD.
Might cause problems because of firmware bugs!
See section JVC XR-W2010.
(T) JVC XR-W2012:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver JvcTeac.
Tested by customers of MakeCD.
Might cause problems because of firmware bugs!
Based on JVC XR-W2010.
See section JVC XR-W2010.
(T) JVC XR-W2020:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver JvcTeac.
Tested by customers of MakeCD.
Might cause problems because of firmware bugs!
See section JVC XR-W2020.
(T) JVC XR-W2022:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver JvcTeac.
Tested by customers of MakeCD.
Might cause problems because of firmware bugs!
Based on JVC XR-W2020.
See section JVC XR-W2020.
(?) JVC XRS-201:
Unknown. Try driver JvcTeac.
(?) Kodak PCD200:
Probably based on Philips CDD 521.
You might want to try PhilipsCDD2000 driver.
See section Philips CDD 521.
(t) Kodak PCD225:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver PhilipsCDD2000.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Philips CDD 522.
See section Philips CDD 522.
(t) Kodak PCD240:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver PhilipsCDD2000.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Philips CDD 2000.
See section Philips CDD 2000.
(?) Kodak PCD600:
You might want to try PhilipsCDD2000 driver.
(t) Matsushita CW-7501:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Panasonic.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Panasonic CW-7501.
See section Panasonic CW-7501.
(t) Matsushita CW-7502:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Panasonic or MMC.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Panasonic CW-7502.
See section Panasonic CW-7502.
(?) MDI CD Writer:
(?) Memorex CD-622:
This is an ATAPI drive, 6x read, 2x write.
(t) Microboards PlayWrite 2000:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Sony.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Sony CDU 920S.
See section Sony CDU920S.
(?) Microboards PlayWrite 2040:
(t) Microboards PlayWrite 2060R:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver MMC.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Ricoh MP6200S.
See section Ricoh MP6200S.
(t) Microboards PlayWrite 4000:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Yamaha.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Yamaha CDR 100.
See section Yamaha CDR 100.
(t) MicroNet Technology MasterCD Pro:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Yamaha.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Yamaha CDR 100.
See section Yamaha CDR 100.
(t) MicroNet Technology Plus 4x6:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver MMC.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Yamaha CDR 400.
See section Yamaha CDR 400.
(U) Mitsumi CDR 2201CS:
Not supported.
See section Mitsumi CDR 2201CS.
(U) Mitsumi CR-2200CS:
Not supported.
Based on Mitsumi CDR 2201CS, but 4 MB buffer size.
See section Mitsumi CDR 2201CS.
(T) Mitsumi CDR 2401:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver PhilipsCDD2000.
Tested by customers of MakeCD.
Based on Philips CDD 2000.
See section Philips CDD 2000.
(t) Mitsumi CR-2600TE:
Probably supported by MakeCD. Driver MMC.
Untested! We hope it will work.
See section Mitsumi CR-2600TE.
(?) Olympus CD-R2:
Unknown. Try Sony driver.
Based on Olympus CDS615E, external case.
(?) Olympus CD-R2x4:
Unknown. Try Sony driver.
Probably based on a Sony CD writer.
(?) Olympus CDS615E:
Unknown. Try Sony driver.
Most likely based on a Sony CD writer.
(?) Olympus CDS620E:
Unknown. Try Sony driver.
Most likely based on a Sony CD writer.
(?) Olympus CDS630E:
Unknown. Try Sony driver.
Most likely based on a Sony CD writer.
(?) Optima DisKovery 1300CDR:
(t) Optima DisKovery 650 CD-R:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Sony.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Sony CDU920S.
See section Sony CDU920S.
(T) Panasonic CW-7501:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Panasonic.
Tested by customers of MakeCD.
See section Panasonic CW-7501.
(t) Panasonic CW-7502:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Panasonic or MMC.
Untested! Will most likely work.
See section Panasonic CW-7502.
(T) Philips CDD 2000:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver PhilipsCDD2000.
Tested by the authors of MakeCD.
See section Philips CDD 2000.
(T) Philips CDD 2600:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver PhilipsCDD2600.
Tested by the authors of MakeCD.
See section Philips CDD 2600.
(t) Philips CDD3600:
Probably supported by MakeCD. Driver MMC.
Untested! We hope it will work.
See section Philips CDD 3600.
(t) Philips CDD3610:
Probably supported by MakeCD. Driver MMC.
Untested! We hope it will work.
See section Philips CDD 3600.
(T) Philips CDD521:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver PhilipsCDD2000.
Tested by customers of MakeCD.
No test mode available!
See section Philips CDD 521.
(T) Philips CDD522:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver PhilipsCDD2000.
Tested by customers of MakeCD.
See section Philips CDD 522.
(t) Pinnacle RCD-1000:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver JvcTeac.
Untested! Might cause problems because of firmware bugs.
Based on JVC XR-W2001.
See section JVC XR-W2001.
(U) Pinnacle RCD-202:
Unknown. Try driver JvcTeac.
Based on either JVC XR-W1001 or JVC Personal RomMaker or both.
(t) Pinnacle RCD 4x4:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver JvcTeac.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on TEAC CD-R50S.
See section TEAC CD-R50S.
(?) Pinnacle RCD 5020:
(t) Pinnacle RCD 5040:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver JvcTeac.
Untested! Might cause problems because of firmware bugs.
Based on JVC XR-W2010.
See section JVC XR-W2010.
(?) Pinnacle RCDW226:
Unknown. Try driver MMC.
This is a 2x write 6x read CD-RW drive with 1 MB buffer.
(U) Pioneer DW-S114X:
Not yet supported. Programmer documentation available. No promises, though.
We are still looking for people who have such a drive. Contact us!
(t) Plasmon CDR4220:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver PhilipsCDD2000.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Philips CDD 2000.
See section Philips CDD 2000.
(t) Plasmon CDR-4240:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Panasonic.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Panasonic CW-7501.
See section Panasonic CW-7501.
(T) Plasmon CDR-4400:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Yamaha.
Tested by customers of MakeCD.
Based on Yamaha CDR 100. Exactly the same according to Plasmon.
See section Yamaha CDR 100.
(U) Plasmon CDR RF4100:
Not supported. Will probably never be supported.
Only the hardware of the drive is based on Philips CDD 522.
1 MB buffer, expandable to 2 MB.
See section Plasmon CDR RF4100.
(U) Plasmon CDR RF4102:
Not supported. Will probably never be supported.
Only the hardware of the drive is based on Philips CDD 522.
Based on Plasmon RF4100.
2 MB buffer, expandable to 32 MB.
(t) Plasmon CDR 480:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Panasonic or MMC.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Panasonic CW-7501.
See section Panasonic CW-7502.
(T) Plextor CD-R PX-R24CS:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Plextor.
Tested by the authors of MakeCD.
See section Plextor PX-R24CS.
(t) Procom Technology PCDR-4x:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Yamaha.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Yamaha CDR 100.
See section Yamaha CDR 100.
(t) Ricoh MP6200I:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver MMC.
Untested! Will most likely work.
New drive that supports CD-Rs and CD-ReWritable media.
Based on Ricoh MP6200S, IDE interface
See section Ricoh MP6200S.
(T) Ricoh MP6200S:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver MMC.
Tested by the authors of MakeCD.
New drive that supports CD-Rs and CD-ReWritable media.
See section Ricoh MP6200S.
(t) Ricoh MP6201S:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver MMC.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Ricoh MP6200S, caddy version, 2 MB buffer.
See section Ricoh MP6200S.
(t) Ricoh MP6211S:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver MMC.
Untested! Will most likely work. Based on Ricoh MP6200S.
See section Ricoh MP6200S.
(U) Ricoh RO1060C:
Not yet supported. Programmer documentation in order. No promises, though.
See section Ricoh RO-1060C.
(T) Ricoh RO-1420C:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Plextor.
Tested by customers of MakeCD.
Might be based on Plextor CD-R PX-R24CS.
See section Ricoh RO-1420C.
(U) Ricoh RS1060C:
Not yet supported. Programmer documentation in order. No promises, though.
Based on Ricoh RO-1060C, but in external case.
See section Ricoh RO-1060C.
(T) Ricoh RS-1420C:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Plextor.
Tested by customers of MakeCD.
Based on Ricoh RO-1420C, but in external case.
See section Ricoh RO-1420C.
(?) Ricoh RS9200CD:
You might want to try Plextor driver.
See section Ricoh RS9200CD.
(t) Smart & Friendly CDR1002:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Sony.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Sony CDU 920S.
See section Sony CDU920S.
(t) Smart & Friendly CDR1004:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Yamaha.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Yamaha CDR 102.
See section Yamaha CDR 102.
(U) Smart & Friendly CDR2001:
(t) Smart & Friendly CDR2004:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Sony.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Sony CDU 940S / 924S.
See section Sony CDU924S.
(t) Smart & Friendly CDR2006 Pro:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Sony.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Sony CDU926.
See section Sony CDU926S.
(t) Smart & Friendly CDR2006 Plus:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver JvcTeac.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on JVC XR-W2020.
See section JVC XR-W2020.
(t) Smart & Friendly CDR4000:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Yamaha.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Yamaha CDR 100.
See section Yamaha CDR 100.
(t) Smart & Friendly CDR4006:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver MMC.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Yamaha CDR 400.
See section Yamaha CDR 400.
(t) Sony CDU920S:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Sony.
Untested! Will most likely work.
See section Sony CDU920S.
(T) Sony CDU924S:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Sony.
Tested by customers of MakeCD.
See section Sony CDU924S.
(T) Sony CDU926S:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Sony.
Tested by the authors of MakeCD.
See section Sony CDU926S.
(?) Sony CDU928E:
Unknown. Try drivers Sony and MMC.
See section Sony CDU928E.
(t) Sony CDU940S:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Sony.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Sony CDR 924S, including software etc.
See section Sony CDU924S.
(t) Sony CDU960S:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Sony.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Sony CDR 926S, including software etc.
See section Sony CDU926S.
(?) Sony CDW 900E:
Unknown. Try Sony driver.
(?) Sony EDW-1/CDW-1:
Unknown. Try Sony driver.
(t) Sony Spressa 9211:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Sony.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Sony CDR 920S, external case.
See section Sony CDU920S.
(t) Sony Spressa 9411:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Sony.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Sony CDR 940S / 924S, external case.
See section Sony CDU924S.
(t) Sony Spressa 9611 (CSP-9611S):
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Sony.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Sony CDR 926S, external case.
See section Sony CDU926S.
(?) Taiyo Yuden EW-50:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver JvcTeac.
Tested by customers of MakeCD.
See section TEAC CD-R50S.
(?) TEAC CD-R55S:
Might be supported by MakeCD. Try driver JvcTeac and MMC.
Untested! Might work.
(t) Traxdata CDR 2600:
Probably supported by MakeCD. Driver PhilipsCDD2600.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Probably based on Philips CDD 2600.
See section Philips CDD 2600.
(t) Traxdata CDR 4600:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver MMC.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Yamaha CDR 400.
See section Yamaha CDR 400.
(t) Traxdata CDERW 2260:
Probably supported by MakeCD. Driver MMC.
Untested! We hope it will work.
Based on Traxdata CDRW 2260.
(t) Traxdata CDERW 4260:
Probably supported by MakeCD. Driver MMC.
Untested! We hope it will work.
Based on Traxdata CDRW 4260.
(t) Traxdata CDRW 2260:
Probably supported by MakeCD. Driver MMC.
Untested! We hope it will work.
Based on a ReWritable drive.
(t) Traxdata CDRW 4260:
Probably supported by MakeCD. Driver MMC.
Untested! We hope it will work.
Based on a ReWritable drive.
(t) Turtle Beach 2040R:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Plextor.
Untested! Will most likely work.
Based on Ricoh RO-1420C.
See section Ricoh RO-1420C.
(?) Wearnes CDR 432:
(t) Wearnes CDR632P:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver PhilipsCDD2600.
Tested by customers of MakeCD.
Based on Philips CDD 2600.
See section Philips CDD 2600.
(?) Wearnes CDR 622:
This is an ATAPI drive, 6x read, 2x write.
(T) Yamaha CDE 100:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Yamaha.
Tested by customers of MakeCD.
Based on Yamaha CDR 100, external.
See section Yamaha CDR 100.
(T) Yamaha CDE 102:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Yamaha.
Tested by customers of MakeCD.
Based on Yamaha CDR 102, external.
See section Yamaha CDR 102.
(T) Yamaha CDR 100:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Yamaha.
Tested by the authors of MakeCD.
See section Yamaha CDR 100.
(T) Yamaha CDR 102:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver Yamaha.
Tested by customers of MakeCD.
See section Yamaha CDR 102.
(T) Yamaha CDR 200:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver MMC.
Tested by customers of MakeCD.
See section Yamaha CDR 200.
(T) Yamaha CDR 400c:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver MMC.
Tested by the authors of MakeCD.
Caddy version
See section Yamaha CDR 400.
(T) Yamaha CDR 400t:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver MMC.
Tested by the authors of MakeCD.
Tray version
See section Yamaha CDR 400.
(T) Yamaha CDR 400tx:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver MMC.
Tested by customers of MakeCD.
External version with tray
See section Yamaha CDR 400.
(t) Yamaha CDR 401t:
Supported by MakeCD. Driver MMC.
Untested! Will most likely work.
ATAPI version of Yamaha CDR 400.
See section Yamaha CDR 400.
(t) Yamaha CD-RW 4001:
Probably supported by MakeCD. Driver MMC.
Untested! Will most likely work.
See section Yamaha CD-RW 4001.

CD writer information list

We have tried to collect as many information about the different CD writers as possible in order to help you buying the best drive for your needs. Of course, it's your own risk to use this information, but we tried to do a good job. If you have corrections or additions, contact us at

The information about the CD writers is in alphabetical order.

JVC XR-W1001


Reading speed.............: 1x
Writing speed.............: 1x
Internal buffer size......: 64 KB
Loading mechanism.........: Caddy
FlashROM for firmware.....: <unknown>
Latest firmware version...: <unknown>
Supports Disk At Once.....: <unknown>
Supports Packet Writing...: <unknown>
Release date..............: <unknown>
Interface.................: SCSI
Comments..................: Discontinued

MakeCD should support this CD writer (untested). Try driver JvcTeac.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt. We never had a JVC XR-1001 here to test, so all information is based on JVC's information. Further information is welcome.

JVC XR-W2001


Reading speed.............: 2x
Writing speed.............: 2x
Internal buffer size......: 1 MB
Loading mechanism.........: <unknown>
FlashROM for firmware.....: <unknown>
Latest firmware version...: <unknown>
Supports Disk At Once.....: <unknown>
Supports Packet Writing...: <unknown>
Release date..............: <unknown>
Interface.................: SCSI
Comments..................: Discontinued

The following drives are based on JVC XR-W2001:

MakeCD should support this CD writer (untested). Try driver JvcTeac.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt. We never had a JVC XR-2001 here to test, so all information is based on JVC's information. Further information is welcome.

JVC XR-W2010


Reading speed.............: 4x
Writing speed.............: 2x
Internal buffer size......: 1 MB
Loading mechanism.........: Tray
FlashROM for firmware.....: Yes
Latest firmware version...: V2.05 (as of 20-Aug-1997)
Supports Disk At Once.....: Yes
Supports Packet Writing...: Yes
Release date..............: <unknown>
Interface.................: SCSI-2
Comments..................: Discontinued

Mechanic does not look very stable. Tray often opens while transporting the drive. Drive has a SPEED and a BUSY LED, a phone connector and a volume control wheel at the front.

Firmware version 1.51 has problems with reading commands. CD-ROM filesystems often report reading errors and the drive sometimes seems to pass wrong data when reading. Seems like it does not do any error checking. So don't expect you can use this drive with this firmware version as a CD-ROM drive. Try firmware version 2.05 instead, which seems to be much better!

You also have to expect problems with MultiSession CDs (with data merging), because for data merging, some data must be read from CD. Again, try firmware version 2.05.

There's another firmware version V1.52i. It appeared on internet, but is for the JVC XR-W2020/2022 drives only.

See section A4000 + Cyberstorm MkII + JVC XR-W2010. (working)

The following drives are based on JVC XR-W2010:

MakeCD supports this CD writer. However, since the firmware of the JVC XR-W2010 is very buggy at the moment, it might not work in some configurations. See section Test of MakeCD driver JvcTeac.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt. Rene <> has provided some additional information.

JVC XR-W2020


Reading speed.............: 6x
Writing speed.............: 2x
Internal buffer size......: 1 MB
Loading mechanism.........: Tray
FlashROM for firmware.....: Yes
Latest firmware version...: 1.55 (as of 20-Aug-97)
Supports Disk At Once.....: Yes
Supports Packet Writing...: Yes
Release date..............: 4/1997
Interface.................: SCSI-2
Comments..................: <none>

See section A1200T + Oktagon + JVC XR-W2022. (working)

The following drives are based on JVC XR-W2020:

MakeCD supports this CD writer. We don't know if this CD writer is better than the JVC XR-W2010 or not. Try it! See section Test of MakeCD driver JvcTeac.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt. We never had a JVC XR-2020 here to test, so all information is based on JVC's information. Further information is welcome.

Mitsumi CDR 2201CS


Reading speed.............: 4x
Writing speed.............: 2x
Internal buffer size......: 1 MB
Loading mechanism.........: Caddy
FlashROM for firmware.....: Yes
Latest firmware version...: 6121 (as of 15-Mar-1997)
Supports Disk At Once.....: Yes
Supports Packet Writing...: No
Release date..............: 1995
Interface.................: SCSI
Comments..................: Discontinued

The following drives are based on Mitsumi CDR 2201CS:

MakeCD does not support this CD writer.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt. We never had a Mitsumi CDR 2201CS here to test, so all information is based on Mitumi's information. Further information is welcome.

Mitsumi CR-2600TE


Reading speed.............: 6x
Writing speed.............: 2x
Internal buffer size......: 1 MB
Loading mechanism.........: Tray
FlashROM for firmware.....: Yes
Latest firmware version...: 2.16 (2=hardware; 16=firmware version)
Supports Disk At Once.....: No, but TAO without GAP
Supports Packet Writing...: Yes
Release date..............: 12/1996
Interface.................: IDE/EIDE (ATAPI)
Comments..................: <none>

Maybe you need a 2nd controller to read the data because of performance reasons.

The following drives are based on Mitsumi CR-2600TE:

MakeCD should support this CD writer (untested). Try driver MMC.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt. We never had a Mitsumi CR 2600TE here to test, so all information is based on Mitumi's information. Further information is welcome.

Panasonic CW-7501


Reading speed.............: 4x
Writing speed.............: 2x
Internal buffer size......: 1 MB
Loading mechanism.........: Tray
FlashROM for firmware.....: <unknown>
Latest firmware version...: <unknown>
Supports Disk At Once.....: Yes
Supports Packet Writing...: Yes
Release date..............: 1996
Interface.................: SCSI
Comments..................: <none>

This CD writer is said to be very reliable.

The following drives are based on Panasonic CW-7501:

MakeCD supports this CD writer. See section Test of MakeCD driver Panasonic.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt. We never had a Panasonic CW-7501 here to test, so all information is based on customer's information and from Plasmon. Further information is welcome.

Panasonic CW-7502


Reading speed.............: 8x
Writing speed.............: 4x
Internal buffer size......: 1 MB
Loading mechanism.........: Tray
FlashROM for firmware.....: Yes
Latest firmware version...: <unknown>
Supports Disk At Once.....: Yes
Supports Packet Writing...: Yes
Release date..............: 5/1997
Interface.................: SCSI-2
Comments..................: <none>

This CD writer is said to be very reliable.

The following drives are based on Panasonic CW-7502:

MakeCD supports this CD writer. See section Test of MakeCD driver Panasonic. See section Test of MakeCD driver MMC.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt. We never had a Panasonic CW-7502 here to test, so all information is based on customer's information and from Plasmon. Further information is welcome.

Philips CDD 2000


Reading speed.............: 4x
Writing speed.............: 2x
Internal buffer size......: 1 MB
Loading mechanism.........: Tray
FlashROM for firmware.....: Yes
Latest firmware version...: 1.26 or 1.27
Supports Disk At Once.....: Yes
Supports Packet Writing...: <unknown>
Release date..............: 1995
Interface.................: SCSI
Comments..................: <none>

This CD writer is very popular, although we can't really recommend it. A lot of people reported hardware errors called write append erros and similar things. They had to send in their drive to get it fixed. Have a look at the MakeCD FAQ for further information about those problems.

Firmware is kept in flash ROM, so you can update it. But you need a PC in order to do that.

Some SCSI hostadapters have SCSI trouble (reselection problem) with this drive. Be prepared to switch off reselection for this CD writer. See MakeCD-FAQ.

See section A1200 + dkbscsi.device + Philips CDD 2000. (working)
See section A4000 + GURU-A2091 + Philips CDD 2000. (working)
See section A3000T + Philips CDD 2000. (working)
See section A4000 + warpdrive.device + dkbscsi.device + Philips CDD 2000. (working)
See section Grundig CDR 100 IPW V1.20. (bad)
See section A4000/40 + Fastlane + HP SureStore 4020. (bad)

The following drives are based on Philips CDD 2000:

MakeCD supports this CD writer. See section Test of MakeCD driver PhilipsCDD2000.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt.

Philips CDD 2600


Reading speed.............: 6x
Writing speed.............: 2x
Internal buffer size......: 1 MB
Loading mechanism.........: Tray
FlashROM for firmware.....: No
Latest firmware version...: 1.07
Supports Disk At Once.....: Yes
Supports Packet Writing...: <unknown>
Release date..............: IV/1996
Interface.................: SCSI-2
Comments..................: <none>

Some of the Philips CDD 2600 can't extract all audio tracks at full speed. You have to slow down to 1x and 2x speed.

Philips CDD 2600 / Amiga 3000 caused reselection problems (SCSI hangups). That may also happen with other SCSI hostadapters. Be prepared to switch off reselection for this CD writer. See MakeCD-FAQ.

This CD writer does not have a flashrom for firmware updates.

See section A4000 + CyberSCSI + Philips CDD 2600. (working)
See section A2000 + Blizzard 2060 + HP SureStore 6020. (working)
See section A1200 + 1230scsi.device + HP SureStore 6020. (working)
See section A4000 + Cyberstorm MK II + PhilipsCDD 2600. (working)
See section A2000 + G-Force 030/40 + PhilipsCDD 2600. (working)
See section A4000 + Fastlane + Philips CDD 2600. (working)
See section A3000 + Cyberstorm MkII + PhilipsCDD 2600. (working)
See section A3000 + Philips CDD 2600. (bad)
See section A4000/40 + Fastlane + Philips CDD 2600. (bad)
See section A3000 + Philips CDD 2600. (bad)
See section A3000 + Philips CDD 2600. (bad)

The following drives are based on Philips CDD 2600:

HP SureStore CD-Writer 6020 includes an empty HP SureStore CD-R and software for PC: Easy-CD, Easy CD-Audio and Alchemy Personal.

MakeCD supports this CD writer. See section Test of MakeCD driver PhilipsCDD2600.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt.

Philips CDD 3600


Reading speed.............: 6x
Writing speed.............: 2x
Internal buffer size......: 1 MB
Loading mechanism.........: Tray
FlashROM for firmware.....: <unknown>
Latest firmware version...: <unknown>
Supports Disk At Once.....: Yes
Supports Packet Writing...: Yes
Release date..............: 1997
Interface.................: SCSI-2 or EIDE/ATAPI (CDD 3610)
Comments..................: CD-R/RW Drive

The following drives are based on Philips CDD 3600:

MakeCD should support this CD writer (untested). Try driver MMC.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt. We never had a Philips CDD 3600 to test. All information is based on Philips's press releases. More information is welcome.

Philips CDD 521


Reading speed.............: 2x
Writing speed.............: 2x
Internal buffer size......: 256KB
Loading mechanism.........: <unknown>
FlashROM for firmware.....: <unknown>
Latest firmware version...: <unknown>
Supports Disk At Once.....: <unknown>
Supports Packet Writing...: No
Release date..............: <unknown>
Interface.................: SCSI
Comments..................: Discontinued

This is quite an old CD writer.

MakeCD can't switch on test mode on this CD writer. Maybe the CD writer even does not support test mode. So MakeCD always preform real writes.

The following drives are based on Philips CDD 521:

MakeCD supports this CD writer. See section Test of MakeCD driver PhilipsCDD2000.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt. We never had a Philips CDD 521 here to test, so all information is based on customer's information. Further information is welcome.

Philips CDD 522


Reading speed.............: 2x
Writing speed.............: 2x
Internal buffer size......: <unknown>
Loading mechanism.........: Tray
FlashROM for firmware.....: <unknown>
Latest firmware version...: <unknown>
Supports Disk At Once.....: No
Supports Packet Writing...: No
Release date..............: <unknown>
Interface.................: SCSI
Comments..................: Discontinued

This is quite an old CD writer.

The following drives are based on Philips CDD 522:

MakeCD supports this CD writer. See section Test of MakeCD driver PhilipsCDD2000.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt. We never had a Philips CDD 522 here to test, so all information is based on customer's information. Further information is welcome.

Plasmon CDR RF4100


Reading speed.............: 2x
Writing speed.............: 2x
Internal buffer size......: 1 MB (expandable to 2 MB)
Loading mechanism.........: Tray
FlashROM for firmware.....: No
Latest firmware version...: <unknown>
Supports Disk At Once.....: No
Supports Packet Writing...: No
Release date..............: 1993
Interface.................: SCSI
Comments..................: Discontinued

The following drives are based on Philips Plasmon CDR RF4100:

MakeCD does not support this CD writer.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt. We never had a Plasmon CDR RF4100 to test. All information is based on information from Plasmon. Further information is welcome.

Plextor PX-R24CS


Reading speed.............: 4x
Writing speed.............: 2x
Internal buffer size......: <unknown>
Loading mechanism.........: Caddy
FlashROM for firmware.....: Yes
Latest firmware version...: <unknown>
Supports Disk At Once.....: <unknown>
Supports Packet Writing...: <unknown>
Release date..............: <unknown>
Interface.................: SCSI
Comments..................: <none>

We had a very early model which might differ from the models that are being sold. This drive has a phone connector, two volume control buttons and one LED in the front. The terminator resistant arrays are located at the back of the drive and pin 1 is not marked on the drive, so make sure you note this when removing them.

Some SCSI hostadapters have SCSI trouble with this drive. Be prepared to switch off reselection for this CD writer. See MakeCD-FAQ.

AFAWK Firmware is kept in flash ROM, so you can update it. But you need a PC in order to do that.

See section A4000T + WarpEngine 40/40 + Plextor CD-R PX-R24CS. (working)
See section A2000 + 2060scsi.device + Ricoh RO-1420C. (working)
See section A4000 + scsi.device/cybscsi.devices + Ricoh RO-1420C. (working)
See section SCSI using WD chip + Plextor CD-R PX-R24CS. (bad)

The following drives are based on Plextor CD-R PX-R24CS:

MakeCD supports this CD writer. See section Test of MakeCD driver Plextor.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt.

Ricoh MP6200S


Reading speed.............: 6x
Writing speed.............: 2x
Internal buffer size......: 1 MB
Loading mechanism.........: Tray
FlashROM for firmware.....: Yes
Latest firmware version...: 1.20 (as of 23-Jun-1997)
Supports Disk At Once.....: Yes
Supports Packet Writing...: Yes
Release date..............: 3/1997
Interface.................: SCSI-2
Comments..................: CD-R/RW Drive

MakeCD supports this CD writer. See section Test of MakeCD driver MMC.

The following drives are based on Ricoh MP6200S:

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt.

Ricoh RO-1060C


Reading speed.............: 2x
Writing speed.............: 2x
Internal buffer size......: 512 KB
Loading mechanism.........: Caddy
FlashROM for firmware.....: <unknown>
Latest firmware version...: <unknwon>
Supports Disk At Once.....: No
Supports Packet Writing...: No
Release date..............: 1995
Interface.................: SCSI
Comments..................: Discontinued

The following drives are based on Ricoh RO-1060C:

MakeCD does not yet support this CD writer. Programmer documentation is in order. No promises, though.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt. We never had a Ricoh RO-1060C here to test, so all information is based on customer's information. Further information is welcome.

Ricoh RO-1420C


Reading speed.............: 4x
Writing speed.............: 2x
Internal buffer size......: 512 KB, 1 MB and 2 MB
Loading mechanism.........: Caddy
FlashROM for firmware.....: Yes
Latest firmware version...: <unknwon>
Supports Disk At Once.....: Yes
Supports Packet Writing...: No
Release date..............: 1996
Interface.................: SCSI
Comments..................: Discontinued, replaced by Ricoh MP-6200

Some SCSI hostadapters have SCSI trouble with this drive. Be prepared to switch off reselection for this CD writer. See MakeCD-FAQ.

Firmware is kept in flash ROM, so you can update it. But you need a PC in order to do that.

Some people reported that this drive might cause problems if you write several CD-Rs nonstop.

See section A4000T + WarpEngine 40/40 + Plextor CD-R PX-R24CS. (working)
See section A2000 + 2060scsi.device + Ricoh RO-1420C. (working)
See section A4000 + scsi.device/cybscsi.devices + Ricoh RO-1420C. (working)
See section SCSI using WD chip + Plextor CD-R PX-R24CS. (bad)

The following drives are based on Ricoh RO-1420C:

MakeCD supports this CD writer. See section Test of MakeCD driver Plextor.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt. We never had a Ricoh RO-1420C here to test, so all information is based on customer's information. Further information is welcome.

Ricoh RS9200CD


Reading speed.............: 1x
Writing speed.............: 1x
Internal buffer size......: 512 KB (?)
Loading mechanism.........: Caddy
FlashROM for firmware.....: <unknown>
Latest firmware version...: <unknwon>
Supports Disk At Once.....: <unknown>
Supports Packet Writing...: Yes
Release date..............: 1993
Interface.................: SCSI
Comments..................: Discontinued

MakeCD does not and maybe will never support this CD writer.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt. We never had a Ricoh RS9200CD here to test. All information is based on Ricoh's information. Further information is welcome.

Sony CDU920S


Reading speed.............: 2x
Writing speed.............: 2x
Internal buffer size......: 1 MB
Loading mechanism.........: <unknown>
FlashROM for firmware.....: <unknown>
Latest firmware version...: <unknown>
Supports Disk At Once.....: <unknown>
Supports Packet Writing...: <unknown>
Release date..............: <unknown>
Interface.................: <unknown>
Comments..................: Discontinued. Replaced by Sony CDU 940S / 924S.

The following drives are based on Sony CDU920S:

MakeCD should support this CD writer (untested). See section Test of MakeCD driver Sony.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt. We never had a Sony CDU 920S here to test, so all information is based on customer's information. Further information is welcome.

Sony CDU924S


Reading speed.............: 4x
Writing speed.............: 2x
Internal buffer size......: 1 MB
Loading mechanism.........: <unknown>
FlashROM for firmware.....: <unknown>
Latest firmware version...: <unknown>
Supports Disk At Once.....: <unknown>
Supports Packet Writing...: <unknown>
Release date..............: <unknown>
Interface.................: <unknown>
Comments..................: <none>

The following drives are based on Sony CDU924S:

MakeCD should support this CD writer (untested). See section Test of MakeCD driver Sony.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt. We never had a Sony CDU924S here to test, so all information is based on customer's information. Further information is welcome.

Sony CDU926S


Reading speed.............: 6x
Writing speed.............: 2x
Internal buffer size......: 512 KB
Loading mechanism.........: Caddy
FlashROM for firmware.....: <unknown>
Latest firmware version...: <unknown>
Supports Disk At Once.....: No
Supports Packet Writing...: Yes
Release date..............: 1997
Interface.................: SCSI-2
Comments..................: <none>

This drive has one orange/green LED, a phone connector and a volume control wheel at the front. You can use a jumper to configure if it should show up as CD-ROM SCSI drive or as WORM SCSI drive.

Sony CDU 926S does not support DAO. Instead, it supports TAO without gaps to record audio CDs without pauses between the tracks.

See section A3000 + Sony CDU926S. (working)
See section A1200 + Blizzard 1230/IV + Sony CDU 926S. (working)
See section A4000 + z3scsi.device + Sony CDU 926S. (bad)

The following drives are based on Sony CDU926S:

MakeCD supports this CD writer. See section Test of MakeCD driver Sony.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt.

Sony CDU928E


Reading speed.............: 8x
Writing speed.............: 2x
Internal buffer size......: 512 KB
Loading mechanism.........: Caddy
FlashROM for firmware.....: <unknown>
Latest firmware version...: <unknown>
Supports Disk At Once.....: No
Supports Packet Writing...: Yes
Release date..............: 1997
Interface.................: ATAPI
Comments..................: <none>

Maybe MakeCD supports this CD writer. Try driver MMC and Sony.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt. We never had a Sony CDU928E here to test. All information is based on Sony's information. Further information is welcome.



Reading speed.............: 4x
Writing speed.............: 4x
Internal buffer size......: 1 MB
Loading mechanism.........: Tray
FlashROM for firmware.....: Yes
Latest firmware version...: <unknown>
Supports Disk At Once.....: Yes
Supports Packet Writing...: Yes
Release date..............: <unknown>
Interface.................: SCSI-2
Comments..................: <none>

It is recommended to use at least firmware version 1.0E for this drive. The drive might eject CD-Rs if they are not yet supported by the firmware. So be prepared that you have to update your firmware (flashrom) eventually. It has been reported that you have to switch off synchronous transfer mode (at least on the A3000).

The following drives are based on TEAC CD-R50S:

MakeCD supports this CD writer. See section Test of MakeCD driver JvcTeac.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt. We never had a TEAC CD-R50S here to test, so all information is based on TEAC's information. Further information is welcome.

Yamaha CDR 100


Reading speed.............: 4x
Writing speed.............: 4x
Internal buffer size......: 512 KB
Loading mechanism.........: Caddy
FlashROM for firmware.....: N
Latest firmware version...: 1.12 (as of 15-Mar-1997)
Supports Disk At Once.....: Yes
Supports Packet Writing...: No
Release date..............: <unknown>
Interface.................: SCSI-2
Comments..................: Discontinued. Replaced by Yamaha CDR 400.

This is a very recommended CD writer. The authors of MakeCD are using this CD writer (firmware version 1.12) for quite a while without any trouble. Reading audio data works without problems in any speed. Writing data and audio CDs is very reliable. Every SCSI hostadapter we tried worked fine with this CD writer. Reselection works fine, too.

There are 5 LEDs in the front of this CD writer:

DISC, green
Blinking while a new CD is being accepted. On when CD is accepted.
READ, green
On while reading.
WRITE, orange
On while writing. Blinking when writing in test mode.
2x, green
On while working in 2x speed. Off while working in 1x or 4x speed.
4x, green
On while working in 4x speed. Off while working in 1x or 2x speed.

We don't have exact information, but we think this device is almost the same as the section Yamaha CDR 102, except for the maximum writing speed.

See section A3000 + internal scsi.device + Yamaha CDR 100. (working)
See section A4000 + Cyberstorm MK-I + cybscsi.device + Yamaha CDR 100. (working)

The following drives are based on Yamaha CDR 100:

MakeCD supports this CD writer. See section Test of MakeCD driver Yamaha.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt.

Yamaha CDR 102


Reading speed.............: 4x
Writing speed.............: 2x
Internal buffer size......: 512 KB
Loading mechanism.........: Caddy
FlashROM for firmware.....: No
Latest firmware version...: 1.01 (12/25/95) (as of 10-Apr-1997)
Supports Disk At Once.....: Yes
Supports Packet Writing...: No
Release date..............: <unknown>
Interface.................: SCSI-2
Comments..................: Discontinued. Replaced by Yamaha CDR 200.

This CD writer is very recommended.

We don't have personal experiences with this CD writer, but we think it will most likely behave similar to section Yamaha CDR 100.

See section A1200 + 1230scsi.device + Yamaha CDR-102. (working)

The following drives are based on Yamaha CDR 102:

MakeCD supports this CD writer. See section Test of MakeCD driver Yamaha.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt. We never had a Yamaha CDR 102 here to test. All information is based on Yamaha's and on customer's information. Further information is welcome.

Yamaha CDR 200


Reading speed.............: 6x
Writing speed.............: 2x
Internal buffer size......: 1 MB
Loading mechanism.........: Caddy or Tray
FlashROM for firmware.....: Yes
Latest firmware version...: 1.0g (as of 10-Aug-1997)
Supports Disk At Once.....: Yes
Supports Packet Writing...: Yes
Release date..............: 6/1997
Interface.................: SCSI-2
Comments..................: <none>

See section A4000 + z3scsi.device + Yamaha CDR 200t. (working)

MakeCD supports this CD writer. See section Test of MakeCD driver MMC.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt. We never had a Yamaha CDR 200 here to test. All information is based on Yamaha's information. Further information is welcome.

Yamaha CDR 400


Reading speed.............: 6x
Writing speed.............: 4x
Internal buffer size......: 2 MB
Loading mechanism.........: Caddy and Tray
FlashROM for firmware.....: Yes
Latest firmware version...: 1.0g (as of 10-Aug-1997)
Supports Disk At Once.....: Yes
Supports Packet Writing...: Yes
Release date..............: 2/1997
Interface.................: SCSI-2
Comments..................: Also available as IDE version

Yamaha CDR 400t is the tray model and Yamaha CDR 400c the caddy model.

See section A1200 + 1230scsi.device + Yamaha CDR 400. (working)
See section A4000 + GVP + Yamaha CDR 400. (working)
See section A4000/40 + Oktagon 2008 SCSI + Yamaha CDR 400. (working)
See section A4000 + MacroSystem Hardcard + Yamaha CDR 400. (bad)
See section A4000 + Oktagon + Yamaha CDR 400. (bad)

The following drives are based on Yamaha CDR 400:

MakeCD supports this CD writer. See section Test of MakeCD driver MMC.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt.

Yamaha CD-RW 4001

Reading speed.............: 6x
Writing speed.............: 4x (CD-R) and 2x (CD-RW)
Internal buffer size......: 2 MB
Loading mechanism.........: Tray
FlashROM for firmware.....: Yes
Latest firmware version...: <unknown>
Supports Disk At Once.....: <unknown>
Supports Packet Writing...: Yes
Release date..............: 7/1997
Interface.................: SCSI-2
Comments..................: <none>

MakeCD most likely will support this CD writer. Try driver MMC.

This node has been written by Angela Schmidt. We never had a Yamaha CD-RW 4001 here to test. All information is based on Yamaha's information. Further information is welcome.

CD writer test protocol list

We have carefully tested all MakeCD drivers. Have a look at our test protocols. They help you to find out if your drive well tested, which restrictions you have to expect, etc.

Test of MakeCD driver JvcTeac

Using drive TEAC CD-R50S-000 1.0E
Table of Contents: ....OK
Test mode: ............OK
Read data track: ......OK? <not yet tested>
                       (somebody else reported it works)
Read audio track: .....OK
Write data track: .....OK
Write audio track: ....OK? <not yet tested>
                       (somebody else reported it works)
Writing speeds: .......<not yet tested>
Fix session: ..........<not yet tested>
Fix CD-R: .............<not yet tested>
Repair track: .........<probably not supported by CD writer>
Tested by: ............Giles Jones <>

Using drive JVC XR-W2010 V1.51
Table of Contents: ....OK (sometimes did not work correctly with
                          the last track of unfixed sessions in
                          our test; a negative track length is
                          reported. That's a firmware bug. Ignoring
                          this error and writing another track is
                          possible and even fixed the problem.)
Test mode: ............OK
Read data track: ......OK (sometimes passes wrong data or fails
                          with medium errors; that's a JVC XR-W2010
                          bug. CD-Rs written by the JVC XR-W2010 can
                          be read in other drives, though.
                          Recognition of mode 2 tracks may fail
                          because of the read errors, thus fixation
                          might be done with the wrong TOC type.)
Read audio track: .....OK
Write data track: .....OK (caused "unknown command" errors on
                          some systems; these errors disappeared
                          when we removed all other drives from
                          the SCSI bus - not our bug.
                          Other sources say that our problem has
                          most likely been caused by a "bad media"
                          or a heating problem. If you have a
                          similar problem, try a different media
                          and remove all warm devices around the
Write audio track: ....OK (caused "unknown command" errors on
                          some systems; these errors disappeared
                          when we removed all other drives from
                          the SCSI bus - not our bug.
                          Other sources say that our problem has
                          most likely been caused by a "bad media"
                          or a heating problem. If you have a
                          similar problem, try a different media
                          and remove all warm devices around the
Writing speeds: .......OK
Fix session: ..........OK (won't work if the firmware bug
                          described under Table of Contents
Fix CD-R: .............OK (won't work if the firmware bug
                          described under Table of Contents
Repair track: .........<not supported by CD writer>
Tested by: ............Patrick Ohly

Using drive JVC XR-W2010 1.51
Table of Contents: ....OK
Test mode: ............OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK
Write data track: .....OK
Write audio track: ....OK
Writing speeds: .......OK
Fix session: ..........OK
Fix CD-R: .............OK
Repair track: .........<not supported by CD writer>
Tested by: ............Frank Arlt <>

Test of MakeCD driver MMC

Using drive Yamaha CDR 400:
Table of Contents: ....OK
Test mode: ............OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK
Write data track: .....OK
Write audio track: ....OK
Writing speeds: .......OK
Fix session: ..........OK
Fix CD-R: .............<not yet tested>
Quick erase CD-RW:.....<not supported by CD writer>
Complete erase CD-RW:..<not supported by CD writer>
Repair track: .........<not yet tested>
Tested by: ............Patrick Ohly

Test of MakeCD driver Panasonic

<list still empty>

Test of MakeCD driver PhilipsCDD2000

Using drive Philips CDD 2000:
Table of Contents: ....OK
Test mode: ............OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK
Write data track: .....OK
Write audio track: ....OK
Writing speeds: .......OK
Fix session: ..........OK
Fix CD-R: .............OK
Quick erase CD-RW:.....<not supported by CD writer>
Complete erase CD-RW:..<not supported by CD writer>
Repair track: .........<not yet tested>
Tested by: ............Patrick Ohly

Using drive HP SureStore 4020i:
Table of Contents: ....OK
Test mode: ............OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK
Write data track: .....OK
Write audio track: ....OK
Writing speeds: .......OK
Fix session: ..........OK
Fix CD-R: .............OK
Quick erase CD-RW:.....<not supported by CD writer>
Complete erase CD-RW:..<not supported by CD writer>
Repair track: .........<not yet tested>
Tested by: ............<unknown>

Using drive IMS CDD2000/00 1.26
Table of Contents: ....OK
Test mode: ............OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK
Write data track: .....OK
Write audio track: ....OK
Writing speeds: .......OK
Fix session: ..........OK
Fix CD-R: .............OK
Quick erase CD-RW:.....<not supported by CD writer>
Complete erase CD-RW:..<not supported by CD writer>
Repair track: .........<not yet tested>
Tested by: ............Arno Griffioen <>

Test of MakeCD driver PhilipsCDD2600

Using drive PHILIPS CDD2600 1.07 (10/21/96), 5:
Table of Contents: ....OK, unfixed sessions not tested
Test mode: ............OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK
Write data track: .....OK
Write audio track: ....OK
Writing speeds: .......OK
Fix session: ..........OK
Fix CD-R: .............OK
Quick erase CD-RW:.....<not supported by CD writer>
Complete erase CD-RW:..<not supported by CD writer>
Repair track: .........<not supported>
Tested by: ............<does not want to be listed here>

Using drive HP CD-Writer 6020 V1.07 (10/21/96):
Table of Contents: ....OK, but wrong sessions (MakeCD < V2.3)
Test mode: ............OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK
Write data track: .....OK
Write audio track: ....OK
Writing speeds: .......OK
Fix session: ..........OK
Fix CD-R: .............OK
Quick erase CD-RW:.....<not supported by CD writer>
Complete erase CD-RW:..<not supported by CD writer>
Repair track: .........<not yet tested>
Tested by: ............Holger Kruse <>

Using drive HP CD-Writer 6020 1.07 (10/21/96):
Table of Contents: ....OK, sessions now correctly displayed
Test mode: ............OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK
Write data track: .....OK
Write audio track: ....OK
Writing speeds: .......OK
Fix session: ..........OK
Fix CD-R: .............OK
Quick erase CD-RW:.....<not supported by CD writer>
Complete erase CD-RW:..<not supported by CD writer>
Repair track: .........OK
Tested by: ............Paul Kerwin <>

Using drive PHILIPS CDD2600 1.07:
Table of Contents: ....OK
Test mode: ............OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....<not yet tested>
Write data track: .....OK
Write audio track: ....OK
Writing speeds: .......OK (tried 1 for audio track, 0 for other)
Fix session: ..........OK
Fix CD-R: .............OK
Quick erase CD-RW:.....<not supported by CD writer>
Complete erase CD-RW:..<not supported by CD writer>
Repair track: .........<not yet tested>
Tested by: ............Hermann Doerries <>

Test of MakeCD driver Plextor

Using drive Plextor CD-R PX-R24CS V1.50
Table of Contents: ....OK
Test mode: ............OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK
Write data track: .....OK
Write audio track: ....OK
Writing speeds: .......OK
Fix session: ..........OK
Fix CD-R: .............OK
Quick erase CD-RW:.....<not supported by CD writer>
Complete erase CD-RW:..<not supported by CD writer>
Repair track: .........<not supported by CD writer>
Tested by: ............Angela Schmidt

Using drive RICOH RO-1420C 1.62 (19961031):
Table of Contents: ....OK
Test mode: ............OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK
Write data track: .....OK
Write audio track: ....OK
Writing speeds: .......OK
Fix session: ..........OK
Fix CD-R: .............<not yet tested>
Quick erase CD-RW:.....<not supported by CD writer>
Complete erase CD-RW:..<not supported by CD writer>
Repair track: .........<not supported by CD writer>
Tested by: ............Rudi Brand <>

Using drive Ricoh RO-1420C ver. 1.62 199610319:
Table of Contents: ....<not completely tested>
Test mode: ............OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK
Write data track: .....OK
Write audio track: ....OK
Writing speeds: .......OK
Fix session: ..........OK
Fix CD-R: .............OK
Quick erase CD-RW:.....<not supported by CD writer>
Complete erase CD-RW:..<not supported by CD writer>
Repair track: .........<not supported by CD writer>
Tested by: ............Torsten Buecheler <>

Test of MakeCD driver Sony

Using drive SONY CDU 926S 1.1a
Table of Contents: ....OK
Test mode: ............OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK
Write data track: .....OK
Write audio track: ....OK
Writing speeds: .......OK
Fix session: ..........OK
Fix CD-R: .............OK
Quick erase CD-RW:.....<not supported by CD writer>
Complete erase CD-RW:..<not supported by CD writer>
Repair track: .........OK
Tested by: ............Horv�th P�ter <>

Using drive SONY CD-R CDU926S 1.0a ( Jan23)
Table of Contents: ....OK
Test mode: ............OK (can't fix session or disk in test mode)
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK
Write data track: .....OK
Write audio track: ....OK
Writing speeds: .......OK
Fix session: ..........OK (not possible in test mode)
Fix CD-R: .............OK (not possible in test mode)
Quick erase CD-RW:.....<not supported by CD writer>
Complete erase CD-RW:..<not supported by CD writer>
Repair track: .........OK
Tested by: ............Patrick Ohly <>

Note on the repair test:

The CD-R was trashed by a CDR521, reported as not writeable in a Yamaha CDR 100 and not recognized at all by a Philips CDD 2000. With the Sony the target CD-R window showed one track covering the whole disc and told that "writing was interrupted". After repairing the track was reduced to its real size and the CD-R was writeable again. The track could be read, but not in the CDD 2000, which recognized the CD-R only once.

With the Sony another track could be written and fixation was succesful. Now the CD-R is always recognized by the CDD 2000, too.

Test of MakeCD driver Yamaha

Using drive Yamaha CDR100 1.12 (06/17/96):
Table of Contents: ....OK
Test mode: ............OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK (drive supports single and double speed only)
Write data track: .....OK
Write audio track: ....OK
Writing speeds: .......OK
Fix session: ..........OK
Fix CD-R: .............OK
Quick erase CD-RW:.....<not supported by CD writer>
Complete erase CD-RW:..<not supported by CD writer>
Repair track: .........<not supported by CD writer>
Tested by: ............Angela Schmidt

CD-ROM drives

The following section lists all CD-ROM drives that have been tested with MakeCD. Please note, that sometimes a CD-ROM drive is not compatible with a specific Amiga SCSI system. In this case, you might have problems with that CD-ROM drive.

Using MakeCD driver "AtapiCD":
Using drive MATSHITA CD-ROM CD-581 1.07 (xx592110):
Table of Contents: ....OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK
Tested by: ............Hans de Groot <>

Using drive TOSHIBA CD-ROM XM-5302TA 1095 (04/19/95):
Table of Contents: ....OK (mode detection might cause problems)
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK (single speed only, not after 74 min)
Tested by: ............M.L. Lie

Using MakeCD driver "CDROM" (no CDDA reading):
Using drive SANYO CRD-400I 1.41 ():
Table of Contents: ....OK
Read data track: ......OK (double speed)
Read audio track: .....<not supported by this MakeCD driver>
Tested by: ............Frank Zuendorff <>

Using MakeCD driver "NecCD":
Using drive NEC CD-ROM DRIVE:500 2.5:
Table of Contents: ....OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....didn't work
Tested by: ............ Arno Griffioen <>

Using MakeCD driver "PlextorCD":
Using drive PLEXTOR CD-ROM PX-8XCS (12/12/96)
Table of Contents: ....OK
Read data track: ......OK (eightfold speed)
Read audio track: .....OK (changable from 1x to 8x speed)
Tested by: ............Frank Zuendorff <>

Using drive PLEXTOR CD-ROM PX-12TS 1.01 (11/05/96), 5
Table of Contents: ....OK
Read data track: ......OK (Oktagon V6.8: XA only in single speed
                           MASOBOSHI-Mastercard MC702: fast)
Read audio track: .....OK (Oktagon V6.8: single speed only
                           MASOBOSHI-Mastercard MC702: fast)
Tested by: ............Thorsten Reichelt <Apollo@BLUE.DSSD.SUB.ORG>

Using drive TEAC CD-ROM CD-516S 1.0D
Table of Contents: ....OK
Read data track: ......OK (measured ~12x speed on plain A3000)
Read audio track: .....OK (measured ~8x speed on plain A3000)
Tested by: ............Angela Schmidt

Using drive TEAC CD-ROM CD-516S 1.0D
Table of Contents: ....OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK
Tested by: ............Paul Kerwin <>

Using drive PLEXTOR CD-ROM PX-6XCS 2.05
Table of Contents: ....OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK
Tested by: ............Hermann Doerries <>

Using MakeCD driver "SonyCD":
Using drive SONY CD-ROM CDU-55S 1.0t ()
Table of Contents: ....OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK
Tested by: ............Paul Kerwin <>

Using drive PIONEER CD-ROM DR-124X 1.06 (28/11/1995):
Table of Contents: ....OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK
Tested by: ............Felix Winter <>

Using drive SONY CD-ROM CDU-8003A 1.9a (), 5:
Table of Contents: ....OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK
Tested by: ............<does not want to be listed here>

Using drive SONY CD-ROM CDU-8003A 1.9a ()
Table of Contents: ....OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....NOT OK (stops after a few blocks with error)
Tested by: ............M.L. Lie

Using drive Nakamichi NRC MBR-7 110() -- 7-Disc CD-ROM Changer
Table of Contents: ....OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK
Tested by: ............Alessandro Zummo <>

Using drive Mitsumi FX 600 (6x)
Table of Contents: ....OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK
Tested by: ............Horv�th P�ter <>

Using drive Wearnes CDD 1020 (10x)
Table of Contents: ....OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK
Tested by: ............Horv�th P�ter <>

Using MakeCD driver "ToshibaCD":
Using drive TOSHIBA CD-ROM XM-4101TA 2483 (09/05/93):
Table of Contents: ....OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK (drive supports single speed only)
Tested by: ............Angela Schmidt

Using drive TOSHIBA CD-ROM XM-3501TA 1875:
Table of Contents: ....OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK (drive supports single speed only)
Tested by: ............Matthias Egerland <>

Using drive Toshiba CD-ROM XM-5301TA 0925 (04/02/95):
Table of Contents: ....OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK
Tested by: ............Rudi Brand <>

Using drive TOSHIBA CD-ROM XM-3601TA V0265 (01/26/95):
Table of Contents: ....OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK
Tested by: ............Holger Kruse <>

Using drive TOSHIBA CD-ROM XM-3601TA 0175 (01/17/95),5:
Table of Contents: ....OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK (single speed only)
Tested by: ............Martin Sprenger <>

Using drive TOSHIBA CD-ROM XM-3501TA V1875 (07/06/95)
Table of Contents: ....OK
Read data track: ......OK (quad-speed)
Read audio track: .....OK (drive supports single speed only)
Tested by: ............Frank Zuendorff <>

Using drive Toshiba CD-ROM XM-3501TA 2694 (09/26/94),5
Table of Contents: ....OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....<Hardware Positioning Error>
Tested by: ............Matthias Egerland <>

Using drive TOSHIBA CD-ROM XM-3401TA 3593 (12/25/93)
Table of Contents: ....OK
Read data track: ......OK
Read audio track: .....OK
Tested by: ............Heiko Weiss <>

Using drive Toshiba CD-ROM XM-3701TA 0236 (01/23/96)
Table of Contents: ....OK
Read data track: ......OK (6.7x speed)
Read audio track: .....OK (single speed only)
Important note: .......Older firmware (e.g. 3055 (12/25/95)) does
                       not allow proper CDDA reading. Try the
                       Toshiba BBS (Germany) +49 2131/158123
              or contact me.
Tested by: ............Sven Hansen <>

Experiences with CD-Rs

During our tests and during writing MakeCD, we had a lot of different CD-Rs of a lot of different companies to burn. Some CD-Rs cause problems with some CD-ROM drives (e.g. with Toshiba). Others don't cause these problems. After a lot of tests, professionals found out that usually this is not the fault of the media, but of your hardware. But what does this help you if you already have purchased your hardware? We tested CD-Rs of different companies with the Toshiba 4101, which is known to have a lot of problems with some CD-Rs. Here are our experiences and the experiences of other users with other CD-ROM drives.

Since obviously test results also depend on the CD recorder which you have used and on the recording speed, we have noted these attributes, too.

Please note that you should use a CD-R only with the speed which it is made for. Don't use CD-Rs which are made for 4x speed for single speed, or you run into danger of producing coasters because the laser stays too long at the same place and the "hole" it burns into the CD-R gets too big. And don't use CD-Rs which are made for single speed with 4x speed, because the laser might not have enough time to burn the data into CD-R because it rotates too fast. So the hole would get too small.

We list the name of the CD-R as complete as possible. Usually, the line below starts with "x/y". "y" tells you, how many CD-Rs of this company we have tested. "x" tells you, how many of these CD-Rs fit into the corresponding class.

We created four classes:

very good
No read errors at all.
Not more than 1 read error in 100 MB. Read error must not be reproducable after retrying.
Some read errors, but after a retry, the usually disapper, so you can use the CD, although it is nasty.
A lot of read errors, which often even do not disappear after a retry. The CD-R is quite unusable in the CD-ROM drive.

Please note, that a CD-R, that is classified as "bad" here, may work very good on a different systems. That's why we list the CD-ROM drive, CD writer and writing speed which we have used for our tests. If you have made different experiences, email us!

Of course, we can not guarantee that CD-Rs, that are listed as "good" or "very good" are good for your system, too!

If you want to submit your experiences, please create some similar entries and mail them to

altima CD-R74/74min
2/6 good
4/6 very good
Color.............: Green
CD Recorder.......: Plextor CD-R PX-R24CS and Yamaha CDR 100
Recording speed...: 2x
CD-ROM drive......: Toshiba 4101
Tested by.........: Angela Schmidt

BASF CD-R Extra 74min
1/1 very good
Color.............: Golden
CD Recorder.......: Yamaha CDR-102
Recording speed...: 1x
CD-ROM drive......: Toshiba XM-3701
Comments..........: Excellent for creating audio CD-Rs
Tested by.........: Sven Hansen

3/3 "OK"
Color.............: Golden
CD Recorder.......: YAMAHA CDR400t 1.0c (12/03/97)
Recording speed...: ???
CD-ROM drive......: PIONEER CD-ROM DR-U10X 1.07 ( 1996/08)
Tested by.........: Glenn Mrosek

boeder CD-R74
?/? "successful"
Color.............: Green
CD Recorder.......: JVC XR-W2010
Recording speed...: 1x / 2x
Tested by.........: Frank Arlt

boeder CD-R74 multispeed
Comments..........: Shall be compatible with CD-ROM drives 1x to 8x

CIS Taiwan, 74min
3/3 very very bad
Color.............: Green
CD Recorder.......: Yamaha CDR-102
Recording speed...: 1x
CD-ROM drive......: Toshiba XM-3701
Tested by.........: Sven Hansen

DynaTec DCD - P74
<no further information available>
Dysan Writeable Compact Disc 74 min
1/1 very good
Color.............: Green
Recording speed...: 2x
CD Recorder.......: HP 6020i
CD-ROM drive......: TEAC CD-516S
Tested by.........: Paul Kerwin <>

Fujifilm CD-R
?/? "successful"
Color.............: Green
CD Recorder.......: JVC XR-W2010
Recording speed...: 1x / 2x
Tested by.........: Frank Arlt

Fujifilm CD Recordable 74 Min
3/3 very good
Color.............: Green
CD Recorder.......: Yamaha CDR 100
Recording speed...: 2x
CD-ROM drive......: Toshiba 4101
Tested by.........: Angela Schmidt

Fujifilm CD Recordable, 74min
1/1 good
Color.............: Green
CD Recorder.......: Yamaha CDR-102
Recording speed...: 1x
CD-ROM drive......: Toshiba XM-3701
Tested by.........: Sven Hansen

Fujifilm CD Recordable, 74min
1/1 very good
Color.............: Golden
CD Recorder.......: Yamaha CDR-102
Recording speed...: 1x and 2x
CD-ROM drive......: Toshiba XM-3701
Tested by.........: Sven Hansen

Fujifilm CD Recordable For Professional Use 74 Min
1/1 very good
Color.............: Green
CD Recorder.......: <unknown>
Recording speed...: <unknown>
CD-ROM drive......: Toshiba 4101
Tested by.........: Angela Schmidt

2/2 "OK"
Color.............: Green
CD Recorder.......: YAMAHA CDR400t 1.0c (12/03/97)
Recording speed...: ???
CD-ROM drive......: PIONEER CD-ROM DR-U10X 1.07 ( 1996/08)
Tested by.........: Glenn Mrosek

HP SureStore CD-R C4423
1/1 very good
Color.............: Gold (Green tint)
CD Recorder.......: HP 6020i
Recording speed...: 1x and 2x
CD-ROM drive......: TEAC CD-516S, SONY CDU-55S, Hi-Fi CD player
Tested by.........: Paul Kerwin <>

Comments..........: Supports 4x speed, hard coated

KAO CD-R 74 30002
10/10 very good
Color.............: Green
CD Recorder.......: Philips CDD 521
Recording speed...: 2x
CD-ROM drive......: Toshiba 4101
Tested by.........: Angela Schmidt

KAO CD-R 74 40002
1/1 bad
Color.............: Golden (shines a little bit green)
CD Recorder.......: Philips CDD 521
Recording speed...: 2x
CD-ROM drive......: Toshiba 4101
Tested by.........: Angela Schmidt

Kao CD Recordable #40002, 74 min
1/1 very good
Color.............: Golden
CD Recorder.......: Yamaha CDR-102
Recording speed...: 1x
CD-ROM drive......: Toshiba XM-3701
Tested by.........: Sven Hansen

1/1 very good
Color.............: Green
CD Recorder.......: Philips CDD 521
Recording speed...: 2x
CD-ROM drive......: Toshiba 4101
Tested by.........: Angela Schmidt

Koch Storemaster
?/? "successful"
Color.............: Green
CD Recorder.......: JVC XR-W2010
Recording speed...: 1x / 2x
Tested by.........: Frank Arlt

1/1 bad
Color.............: Green/Golden
CD Recorder.......: YAMAHA CDR400t 1.0c (12/03/97)
Recording speed...: 1+multi
CD-ROM drive......: PIONEER CD-ROM DR-U10X 1.07 ( 1996/08)
Comment...........: Very good labeling
Tested by.........: Glenn Mrosek

KODAK writable
2/2 "OK"
Color.............: Golden
CD Recorder.......: YAMAHA CDR400t 1.0c (12/03/97)
Recording speed...: ???
CD-ROM drive......: PIONEER CD-ROM DR-U10X 1.07 ( 1996/08)
Tested by.........: Glenn Mrosek

Note: Many people say Maxell CD-Rs are bad ones.
Maxell CD-R74H
11/11 very good
Color.............: Gold/Green
CD Recorder.......: HP 6020i
Recording speed...: 2x
CD-ROM drive......: TEAC CD-516S, SONY CDU-55S, Hi-Fi CD player
                    Many CD-ROMs do not like these CD-Rs, best to
                    try before you buy, otherwise avoid.
                    (and yes, I know, I must be the only person
                    who has never had a Maxell coaster!)
Tested by.........: Paul Kerwin <>

Maxell CD-R74H
?/? "failed"/"successful"
Color.............: Golden
CD Recorder.......: JVC XR-W2010
Recording speed...: 1x / 2x
Tested by.........: Frank Arlt

Maxell CD-R74H
?/? bad/good
Color.............: <unknown>
CD Recorder.......: PhilipsCDD 2600
Recording speed...: <unknown>
CD-ROM drive......: Plextor PX-43CE (bad) and Toshiba 3401B (good)
Tested by.........: Henning Sauer

Color.............: Golden
CD Recorder.......: YAMAHA CDR400t 1.0c (12/03/97)
Recording speed...: 2,4
CD-ROM drive......: PIONEER CD-ROM DR-U10X 1.07 ( 1996/08)
Tested by.........: Glenn Mrosek

Maxell CD-R 74 XL
<no further information available>
2/2 "OK"
Color.............: Golden
CD Recorder.......: YAMAHA CDR400t 1.0c (12/03/97)
Recording speed...: 1,2,4,6
CD-ROM drive......: PIONEER CD-ROM DR-U10X 1.07 ( 1996/08)
Tested by.........: Glenn Mrosek

6/19 very bad
9/19 bad
4/19 acceptable
Color.............: Most of them green, some green/gold or gold
CD Recorder.......: Philips CDD 521
Recording speed...: 2x
CD-ROM drive......: Toshiba 4101
Tested by.........: Angela Schmidt

Mitsui Gold IIIIII 74
Comments..........: Shall be able to record in 1x to 6x speed.

Philips medical CD writeables
4/10 bad
Color.............: <unknown>
CD Recorder.......: <unknown>
Recording speed...: <unknown>
CD-ROM drive......: Different IDE drives
Tested by.........: Hans de Groot <>

Philips Professional CD-Recordable 74 min
1/1 bad
Color.............: Golden (shines a little bit green)
CD Recorder.......: Philips CDD 521
Recording speed...: 2x
CD-ROM drive......: Toshiba 4101
Tested by.........: Angela Schmidt

Philips Professional CD-Recordable 74 min
1/1 very good
Color.............: Blue
Recording speed...: 2x
CD Recorder.......: HP 6020i
CD-ROM drive......: TEAC CD-516S
Tested by.........: Paul Kerwin <>

2/2 "OK"
Color.............: ???
CD Recorder.......: YAMAHA CDR400t 1.0c (12/03/97)
Recording speed...: ???
CD-ROM drive......: PIONEER CD-ROM DR-U10X 1.07 ( 1996/08)
Tested by.........: Glenn Mrosek

Philips PCD-R 74
<no further information available>
Pioneer CDM-V74
<no further information available>
Plasmon PCD-R74-2
Comments..........: For recording with 1x and 2x speed.

Plasmon PCD-R74-4
Comments..........: For recording with 2x and 4x speed.

Ricoh CD-RW Type 74 (650 MB)
Comments..........: ReWritable compact disc.

Ricoh CD-R 74R-SFH
20/20 very good
Color.............: Golden
CD Recorder.......: Philips CDD 2000
Recording speed...: 1x and 2x
CD-ROM drive......: Mitsumi FX200 & some popular PC CD-ROM drives
Comments..........: Ricoh brand, hard coated, enough pre-labelled
                    space to write your life story 8)
Tested by.........: Korneel Ketelslegers

Ricoh CD-R 74N-SFH
Comments..........: No jacket, no label printing, hard coated

Ricoh CD-R 74L-SFP
Comments..........: Custom print (requires ink-jet printers)

Ricoh CD-R 74L-SFPW
Comments..........: Custom print, white

Sentinel CD-R 63
<no further information available>
Sentinel CD-R 74
<no further information available>
Smart and Friendly CDR 74
<no further information available>
Sony CDQ-74SZA
12/12 very good
Color.............: <unknown>
CD Recorder.......: Yamaha CDR 100
Recording speed...: <unknown>
CD-ROM drive......: Toshiba 3501, Plextor 6x, Pioneer 10x
Tested by.........: Matthias Egerland <>

Color.............: Green
CD Recorder.......: YAMAHA CDR400t 1.0c (12/03/97)
Recording speed...: 1,2,4
CD-ROM drive......: PIONEER CD-ROM DR-U10X 1.07 ( 1996/08)
Tested by.........: Glenn Mrosek

START Lab "That's CD-R74Q"
4/4 bad
Color.............: Green
CD Recorder.......: Philips CDD 521
Recording speed...: 2x
CD-ROM drive......: Toshiba 4101
Tested by.........: Angela Schmidt

Color.............: ???
CD Recorder.......: YAMAHA CDR400t 1.0c (12/03/97)
Recording speed...: ???
CD-ROM drive......: PIONEER CD-ROM DR-U10X 1.07 ( 1996/08)
Comment...........: Not good for Yamaha CDR 100/102
Tested by.........: Glenn Mrosek

?/? "successful"
Color.............: Green
CD Recorder.......: JVC XR-W2010
Recording speed...: 1x / 2x
Tested by.........: Frank Arlt

?/? good
Color.............: Green
CD Recorder.......: Teac CD-R50S
Recording speed...: 4x (states it supports 4x)
CD-ROM drive......: Old CD player didn't like them, newer one did
Comments..........: No errors found so far
Tested by.........: Giles Jones

Color.............: Golden
CD Recorder.......: YAMAHA CDR400t 1.0c (12/03/97)
Recording speed...: 1,2,4,6
CD-ROM drive......: PIONEER CD-ROM DR-U10X 1.07 ( 1996/08)
Comment...........: Made by Mitsui
Tested by.........: Glenn Mrosek

Thats CD-R
?/? "failed"
Color.............: Green
CD Recorder.......: JVC XR-W2010
Recording speed...: 1x / 2x
Tested by.........: Frank Arlt

Traxdata 74 minute-700 NB (TXW074)
Comments..........: Shall be able to record in 1x to 6x speed

Traxdata 74 minute-700 NB (CDRW074)
Comments..........: ReWritable media

Verbatim DataLifePlus CD-R Multi-Speed 74 Min., Reorder #91224
2/2 very good
Color.............: Blue
CD Recorder.......: Yamaha CDR 100
Recording speed...: 2x
CD-ROM drive......: Toshiba 4101
Tested by.........: Angela Schmidt

Yamaha CDM12Y 74
2/2 very good
Color.............: Green
CD Recorder.......: Yamaha CDR-102
Recording speed...: 1x (states it supports 4x)
CD-ROM drive......: Toshiba XM-3701
Comments..........: Excellent for creating audio CD-Rs
Tested by.........: Sven Hansen

Yamaha CDM 12Y74
<no further information available>
TDK, Sony, Kodak and Pioneer
Color.............: <unknown>
CD Recorder.......: Philips CDD 2000
Recording speed...: <unknown>
CD-ROM drive......: Toshiba XM3501 (no problems) and FX400 drives (problems)
Tested by.........: Frank Z�ndorff

Working systems

Here follows a list that lists all systems, that worked fine for some users. Please note, that this list has been created by a lot of different customers. Some of them know their Amiga very well and know what they're writing -- others don't. Sometimes, a hardware combination might work fine for one person and another person has a lot of trouble with almost the same combination. Therefore, read also the list that reports section Systems causing problems combinations! See section CD writers, which contains a lot of information about many CD writers.

If your system is not listed in the list of tested systems, look out for entries in that list, that apply to a system that seems to be similar to yours, except for the CD writer. Now use section All CD writers we have heard of to find out if the CD writer that is used in that configuration is compatible to your CD writer. Often, these CD writers are not only compatible, they are even identical --- except the label on it!

A3000 + internal scsi.device + Yamaha CDR 100

Amiga 3000, OS 3.1
Internal, scsi.device V40.12 (21.12.93)
CD writer:
Yamaha CDR100 1.12 (06/17/96)
Other devices at the same SCSI bus:

System works fine.

I can write big image files from the IBM hard disk to CD-R in 4x speed. I used to have trouble, but then I found out that my hard disk has been prepped with the wrong mask value. After changing it to 0xfffffffc, I can write in 4x speed without any trouble.

A made another test on a different A3000 (scsi.device 40.20 (18.02.94), QUANTUM EMPIRE_1080S 1100 (QS940131), TOSHIBA CD-ROM XM-4101TA 2483 (09/05/93)), and everything worked fine, too.

Tested by Angela Schmidt.

A4000T + WarpEngine 40/40 + Plextor CD-R PX-R24CS

Amiga 4000T, WarpEngine 40/40
CD writer:
Plextor CD-R PX-R24CSi V1.50

This system worked without any problems in several different configurations.

Tested by Angela Schmidt & Heinz Wrobel.

A4000 + CyberSCSI + Philips CDD 2600

Amiga 4000, Cyberstorm MK II 060/50
SCSI device:
CyberSCSI V8.4
CD writer:
Philips CDD 2600 V1.07 (21-Oct-96)
CD-ROM drive:
Toshiba XM-3601TA (ROM version 0175, 17.01.95)

The whole system works fine.

Tested by Christian Berger <>.

A1200 + 1230scsi.device + Yamaha CDR-102

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.2
Amiga 1200, OS 3.0, Blizzard 1240 (68040)
SCSI device:
1230scsi.device 8.5 (using SoftSCSI)
CD writer:
Yamaha CDR-102 V1.01 (12/25/95)
CD-ROM drive:
Toshiba CD-ROM XM-3701TA 0236 (01/23/96)
Other devices at the same SCSI bus:
CD-ROM, DEC DSP3053LS X442000044087 hard disk

No SCSI problems. Reselection enabled for all devices, the hard disk used synchron mode. An EIDE hard disk (WDC 2.1gig) was also in use.

Tests performed:

Three coasters produced due to low quality CDRs. The buffer size used for all these tests was 8 MB. While writing a CDR the buffer capacity never dropped below 90% for direct writing, 99% when using an image file. Even old CD-players play Audio-CDRs perfectly.

Tested by Sven Hansen <>.

A4000 + Cyberstorm MK-I + cybscsi.device + Yamaha CDR 100

A4000, OS 3.1, Cyberstorm MK-I 060/50
SCSI device:
cybscsi.device V8.1
CD writer:
Yamaha CDR 100
CD-ROM drive:
Toshiba CD-ROM XM3501TA
Other devices at the same SCSI bus:
Seagate harddisk ST15150N, Quantum harddisk Lightning 730S, Epson scanner GT-8500, SyQuest removable harddisk SQ3270S, Toshiba CD-ROM XM3501TA, Hewlett Packard DAT-streamer HP35480A

System works fine.

Tested by Matthias Egerland <>.

A2000 + Blizzard 2060 + HP SureStore 6020

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.0
A2000, Blizzard 2060, OS 3.1
SCSI device:
2060scsi.device 7.25
CD-ROM and CD-Writer: asynchronous, reselection
CD writer:
HP CD-Writer 6020 V1.07 (10/21/96)
CD-ROM drive:
TOSHIBA CD-ROM XM-3601TA V0265 (01/26/95)
Other devices at the same SCSI bus:

System works fine. No SCSI hangups at all. 3 CD-Rs written, all successful.

Tested by Holger Kruse <>.

A2000 + 2060scsi.device + Ricoh RO-1420C

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.0
A2000, 2060SCSI.DEVIVE V8.1, OS 3.1
SCSI device:
2060scsi.device V8.1
CD writer:
RICOH RO-1420C 1.62 (19961031)
CD-ROM drive:
Toshiba CD-ROM XM-5301TA 0925 (04/02/95)
Other devices at the same SCSI bus:
1GB hard disk, DEC     Unit 0 DSP3107LS 441C000042686
CD-ROM drive, Toshiba  Unit 2 XM5301TA092504|02|95
DAT streamer, IBM      Unit 3 IBM4326NP/RP !D4.BK
CD writer, Ricoh       Unit 4 RO1420C 1.62199610319
Scanner, HP (2CX)      Unit 5 C2500A 3332

System works fine. No SCSI hangups. 20 CD-Rs written, all successful. No changed had to be made to the system in order to make it work.

Tested by Rudi Brand <>.

A1200 + 1230scsi.device + HP SureStore 6020

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.3
Amiga 1200T, OS 3.1, Blizzard 1260 (68060), 2+48 MB RAM
SCSI device:
1230scsi.device 8.5 (also tested with 7.19 and 8.3)
CD writer:
HP CD-Writer 6020 1.07 (10/21/96)
CD-ROM drive:
Other devices at the same SCSI bus:
ZIP 100 E.11

System works fine. No SCSI hangups with reselection turned off for writer and CD-ROM. 14 CD-Rs written, all successful.

With this setup it is possible to get SCSI hangups when reading from a CD-ROM and writing the ISO image to a file on a SCSI hard drive. This is a common problem with earlier versions of the 1230scsi.device, using version 8.1 or higher fixes this problem (SoftSCSI on Aminet can be used to patch older ROMs.)

Tests performed:

The buffer size used for all these tests was 8 MB, the Parallel read/write and use ExAll settings were both turned on and all hard drive partitions have 1024 buffers.

Tested by (Paul Kerwin).

A1200 + squirrelscsi.device + Philips CDD 2600

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.0
Amiga 1200, OS 3.1
SCSI device:
squirrelscsi.device V37.775 (23.08.1995)
CD writer:
PHILIPS CDD2600 V1.07 21/10/1996
CD-ROM drive:
PIONEER CD-ROM DR-124X V1.06 28/11/1995
Other devices at the same SCSI bus:
Only CD-ROM drive and CD writer

System works fine. No SCSI hangups. 4 CD-Rs written, all successful.

Tested by Felix Winter <>.

A4000 + scsi.device/cybscsi.devices + Ricoh RO-1420C

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.1
Amiga 4000, OS 3.0
SCSI device:
cybscsi.device 8.2 (beta)
  • Unit 1 FIREBALL 1080 S ver. 1Q0906/05/953 (Quantum HD)
    synchron, reselection on, FWC mode on, no removable
  • Unit 2 RICOH RO-1420C ver. 1.62 199610319 (CD writer)
    asynchron, reselection on, FWC mode off, removable
  • Unit 5 Syquest SQ3105S ver. 2_04 (SyQuest 105)
    asynchron, reselection on, FWC mode off, removable
scsi.device 37.64 (13.08.92)
  • Unit 0 Seagate ST5080A ver. 14.1 (Seagate HD)
    reselection on
  • Unit 1 QUANTUM FIREBALL_TM3840A ver. A6B. (Quantum HD)
    reselection on; this hard disk is the one that is used for image files etc.
CD writer:
Rocoh RO-1420C ver. 1.62 199610319
Other devices at the same SCSI bus:
Only CD-ROM drive and CD writer

System works fine. 17 CD-Rs written, 15 successfull. The two coasters might be caused by the Garshne Blanker.

Tested by Torsten Buecheler <>.

A1200 + dkbscsi.device + Philips CDD 2000

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.2
SCSI device:
CD writer:
CD-ROM drive:
(This is an atapi drive - I use it with atapi.device)
Other devices at the same SCSI bus:

System works fine. No SCSI hangups. +20 CD-Rs written, some trashed due to wrong settings, all the rest were successful.

The same CD writer was also tested on an A4000 with a GVP SCSI-II controller (V2.?? an old one!). We could only write at single speed. But with a ROM update for the controller it should work.

Tested by Korneel Ketelslegers.

A4000 + Cyberstorm MK II + PhilipsCDD 2600

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.2
A4000 with Cyberstorm MK II 68060/50 MHz card and CyberVision 2MB video card, OS 3.1
SCSI device:
cybscsi.device 8.1 -- CyberSCSI controller connected to Cyberstorm card
Reselection on, asyncronous transfer.
CD writer:
PHILIPS CDD2600 1.07 (10/21/96) (ID 4)
CD-ROM drive:
SONY CD-ROM CDU-8003A 1.9a (), in an Apple CD-300 box (ID 3)
Other devices at the same SCSI bus:
QUANTUM TRB850S (Trailblazer HD) rev. 0404 (ID 6)
IOMEGA ZIP 100 rev. N*32 (ID 5)

System works fine. No SCSI hangups. 12 CD-Rs written, 10 successful, 2 unsuccessful due to user errors/software bugs.

Tested by Roberto Tosco.

A2000 + G-Force 030/40 + PhilipsCDD 2600

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.2+public driver update 5, 2.3 BETA
A2000 with GVP G-Force 030/40, OS 3.1
SCSI device:
omniscsi.device 1.9 (01.04.95)
Reselection off for all hard disks.
Reselection on for CD-ROM and writer.
Asynchronous transfer for all drives.
CD writer:
PHILIPS CDD2600 1.07 (10/21/96)
CD-ROM drive:
Other devices at the same SCSI bus:

System works fine. No SCSI hangups. Audio extraction works fine with all speeds. Couldn't hear any jumps/noise, even with higher track numbers.

Tested by Patrick Ohly <>.

A4000 + Fastlane + Philips CDD 2600

Fastlane Rev. 2.2
CD writer:
Philips CDD 2600 (V1.06)

This system caused the following problems using Fastlane ROM V7.120:

After updating Fastlane to ROM version 8.2, the problems disappeared, except the problem in reading audio data (after 10 - 15 minutes, there's a lot of garbage in the data stream). This is a problem of the Philips CDD 2600 CD writer.

Tested by Bernd Drefs <>.

A1200 + 1230scsi.device + Yamaha CDR 400

A1200, 2 MB chip, 32 MB fast
Blizzard 1230scsi.device
CD writer:
YAMAHA CDR400t 1.0c (12/03/97)
Termination: on (Jumper off)
Parity: off (Jumper on)
Unit: 3
Block Size: 2048 (Jumper off)
MMC V7.8
Took a while to get working due to lack of docs, i.e. transport info and nothing else! Thanx Yamaha! This drive is an excellent piece of kit. 646mb Data track at 4x speed in 17mins! No problems encountered. Seems to enjoy any writable CD's up till now, very easy to feed ;-).
CD-ROM drive:
PIONEER CD-ROM DR-U10X 1.07 ( 1996/08)
Termination: off (Jumper on)
Unit: 2
Block Size: 2048 (Jumper off)
PlextorCD V7.4
Nice 10x CDROM, works perfectly but doesn't like CD's with sticky labels (low clearance in drive). Reads CDDA.
Hard disk:
2.5GB Seagate EIDE
Extra stuff:
Built into tower system with Mitsumi 12X CDROM Atapi (Not used in tests) plus Artec SCSI Scanner (Not connected during tests).
Frequent SCSI hang-ups until 1230scsi.device was patched from V6.x to V8.x with a utility from an Aminet CD. (Input "Blizzard" as search word in Lists/AminetFind). After installing the patch, the only errors were due to Human error. CD copying, on-the-fly writing from HD and writing from image file all worked perfectly at 4x speed.
Try Re-Org or Ami-filesafe on HD for speed, we managed to achieve over 2.5MB/sec.

Tested by Glenn Mrosek <>, +49 571 508316.

A4000 + GVP + Yamaha CDR 400

A4000 Hardital Power Changer 040 at 28Mhz, 2MB chip, 16MB fast. 8088 bridgboard (No laughing, it was free ;-) ), Mitsumi FX002D + Tandem.
GVP Series II+Guru ROM V6.11 (omniscsi.device)
CD writer:
YAMAHA CDR400t 1.0c (12/03/97)
Termination: on (Jumper off)
Parity: off (Jumper on)
Unit: 3
Block Size: 2048 (Jumper off)
MMC V7.8
Took a while to get working due to lack of docs, i.e. transport info and nothing else! Thanx Yamaha! This drive is an excellent piece of kit. 646mb Data track at 4x speed in 17mins! No problems encountered. Seems to enjoy any writable CD's up till now, very easy to feed ;-).
CD-ROM drive:
PIONEER CD-ROM DR-U10X 1.07 ( 1996/08)
Termination: off (Jumper on)
Unit: 2
Block Size: 2048 (Jumper off)
PlextorCD V7.4
Nice 10x CDROM, works perfectly but doesn't like CD's with sticky labels (low clearance in drive). Reads CDDA.
Hard disk:
Seagate ST3144A 130 MB HD as boot drive.
This is what I am stuck with at the moment. It works, but the maximum transfer rate I could achieve was 357KB/sec. This is just a bit too slow to be able to write in 2x speed. At the moment I am using Reselection off the writer, DMA on the Host adapter, 32kb chunks and sequential writing with a 12MB buffer while writing in only 1x speed, very disappointing after buying a 4x CD writer :-(.
Not many, it works (mostly) but you should always, ALWAYS write the WHOLE CD in test mode first. I have a very nice collection of "coasters" now so if you want to buy a "CD clock" as a present for someone you don't like, or a frisbee for the kids, I'm your man ;-).

Tested by Glenn Mrosek <>, +49 571 508316.

A3000 + Cyberstorm MkII + PhilipsCDD 2600

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.3 (Settings: parallel read/write, buffer between 6 and 16 MB, chunk size 100 KB)
A3000, Cyberstorm MkII, 32 MB Ram, CyberGfx/Spectrum board, OS 3.1
A3000 internal SCSI hostadapter, scsi.device V40.12
CD writer:
PHILIPS CDD2600 1.07 (unit 4, terminated)
CD-ROM drive:
PLEXTOR CD-ROM PX-6XCS 2.05 (unit 3, not terminated)
Other devices at the same SCSI bus:
Internal bus: hard disk (unit 0, terminated)
External bus: different hard disks (varies)

Reselection and asynchronous transfer mode is switched on for all devices. No SCSI hangups at all. 10 CD-Rs written, all successful.

Note: With earlier versions of MakeCD, I noticed SCSI hangups. I assume it was caused by too big chunks. Now I use 100 KB chunks. This works fine.

Tested by Hermann Doerries <>.

A3000 + Sony CDU926S

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.3
A3000/25 (ECS), 16+2 MB RAM, A2060, Ariadne, AmiTCP 4.2, Envoy 2.0, WShell 2.0/Display-Handler. ToolManager, Snap, SegTracker, Kiskometer, DMouse, rload, UMS, OS 3.1 (KS 40.70, WB 40.42)
scsi.device V40.20 (A3000 internal SCSI device)
CD writer:
Sony CD-R CDU926S 1.0a
Other devices at the same SCSI bus:
Quantum LP240S, IBM DPES 31080

Writing in test mode and reading worked. Playing more than one Audio Track in a row didn't work: the CD writer accepted no more commands. Playing only one track after another was fine.

The writer sometimes reported read errors on an audio CD.

Tested by Bernhard M�llemann <>.

A1200T + Oktagon + JVC XR-W2022

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.3
A1200 (Mikronic Tower), Blizzard 1230II/50 FPU 50, 24 MByte RAM, VOB Speed-up System, Toccata Audio, Cybervision 64/3D
Oktagon 2008
IDE devices:
Conner 420 MB HD, Western Digital 1,2 GB HD, Mitsumi FX600 (6*) CD-ROM
CD writer:
JVC XR-W 2022
CD-ROM drive
Mitsumi FX600 (6*) (ATAPI)
Other devices at the same SCSI bus:
Artec View-Station 6000c plus

No SCSI problems at all. ISO Images are OK. Audio data can be read in single speed only (note: probably that's the fault of the Oktagon); reading audio data from the Mitsumi CD-ROM drive is not possible because Mitsumi can't extract audio data. There seem to be some problems with the XA-Mode (this might be the fault of the Oktagon, too).

Tested by Christian Steiner <>.

A4000 + GURU-A2091 + Philips CDD 2000

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.3
A4000/040-40 (Cyberstorm1)
A2091 with GURU-ROM and 1 MB RAM
CD writer:
Philips CDD 2000

Works fine, however the image file must be located on a IDE hard disk and not on a SCSI hard disk (connected to the A2091), otherwise the A2091 is too slow and a buffer underrun occurs.

Tested by Siegfried Otto <>.

A4000/40 + Oktagon 2008 SCSI + Yamaha CDR 400

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.4
A4000/040 with Oktagon 2008 SCSI, OS 3.0, IDE-Fix '97 v1.3, setpatch v43.6 (Public Beta)
Oktagon 2008 Z2 SCSI-2 (Rom v6.8), ID=1
Quantum SCSI Fireball TM 2110S 300N (2GB HD), ID=2
Yamaha SCSI CDR-400c v1.0d, ID=5
AlfaQuatro 4 IDE devices Interface
Seagate IDE Medalist ST32140A 0.80 (2GB HD), ID=0
Toshiba IDE 4x CD-Rom XM-5302TA 1095, ID=3
SCSI devices:
SoftSCSI_OktagonC9XE9.device v6.9 (31.08.95)
Reselection disabled for all devices
(Using reselection only for the CDR, causes it to hang!)
Synchron Mode disabled for all devices
IDE devices:
scsi.device v107.1 (03.06.97) ("patched" by IDE-Fix)
or atapi.device v117.1 (03.06.97), both can be used.
CD writer:
YAMAHA CDR400c 1.0d (MMC.driver)
CD-ROM drive:
TOSHIBA CD-ROM XM-5302TA 1095 (AtapiCD.driver)

Tested by M.L. Lie <>.

A1200 + Blizzard 1230/IV + Sony CDU 926S

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.3
Amiga 1200 + Mikronik Infinity tower and Infinity Zorro-II motherboard, CV64 3D, 32 MB fastram, Blizzard 1230/IV card, 1,7G IBM HDD, 540MB SCSI Quantum HDD, Multiface card III, Tandem card, OS 3.0
Blizzard SCSI KIT IV (1230scsi.device ver. 8.2)
CD writer:
SONY CDU 926S 1.1a
CD-ROM drive:
Mitsumi FX 600 (6x) and Wearnes CDD 1020 (10x)
Other devices at the same SCSI bus:
Quantum LPS540S 5900 harddisk

No SCSI hangups. 50 CDs written, 40 successful. The 10 coasters resulted in either a frozen system or in strange error messages:

Tested by Horv�th P�ter <>.

A4000 + Cyberstorm MkII + JVC XR-W2010

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.4, JvcTeac.driver 9.4
Amiga 4000/40 40Mhz Cyberstorm MKII, 2 Mb Chip, 16 MB Fast-Ram, OS3.0
CyberSCSI controller connected to the Cyberstorm board.
cybscsi.device 8.4 beta
IDE devices:
HD Seagate st3144AT 120 MB
CD writer:
JVC XR-W2010
Other devices at the same SCSI bus:
Unit | Vendor   | Product          | Revision | Comment
0    | MICROP   | 2217-15MZ1001905 | HQ30     | 1.7 Gbyte HD
1    | JVC      | XR-W2010         | 1.51     | 
2    | TOSHIBA  | CD-ROM XM-3401TA | 3593     | doublespeed
4    | MATSHITA | PD-1 LF-1000     | A109     | Phase Drive

Tested by Frank Arlt <>.

A3000T + Philips CDD 2000

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.4
A3000T, OS 3.1, Cyberstorm Mk-II 060, 64 Mb FAST (on CS), 1 Mb CHIP, CyberVision 64/3D, GG-II+ Zorro<>ISA converter
A3000 built-in (scsi.device V40.12) with WD33C93A rev 8 SCSI chip
Reselection on, Sync on
CD writer:
IMS CDD2000/00 1.26 (Philips CDD 2000)
CD-ROM drive:
Other devices at the same SCSI bus:
FUJITSU M2909S-512 0127 (hard disk 3.1 GB)
IBM DORS-32160 WA0A (hard disk 2.1 GB)
WANGTEK 5150ES SCSI FA03 08 (tape drive)

53 CD-Rs written, 50 successful. The three unsuccessful CD-Rs were caused by bad media quality.

Tested by Arno Griffioen <>.

A4000 + warpdrive.device + dkbscsi.device + Philips CDD 2000

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.4
SCSI device:
warpdrive.device and dkbscsi.device
CD writer:
NOTE: I could not get the writer to work with the warpdrive.device! The SCSI bus was correctly terminated, yet the complete system locked up when I attempted to scan the warpdrive.device. I have tried several solutions, but this drive just would not work! Therefor I had to connect it to the dkbscsi.device, which works perfectly.
CD-ROM drive:
This is a fast SCSI-2 drive, 12 speed -- I use it with the warpdrive.device (extremely fast access time and very high transfer rates of upto 1.5MB/sec!).
Other devices at the same SCSI bus:
This one is connected to the warpdrive.device, because this is a fast SCSI-2 device (the dkbscsi.device is just a SCSI-2 device). This way you achieve the optimal access time with the ZIP drive.

System works fine. No SCSI hangups. +70 (!) CD-Rs written, 7 trashed due to wrong settings, buffer underruns (because of wrong settings) and two unexplainable problems ('callibration area full' errors). All the rest were successful.

The same CD writer was also tested on an A4000 with a GVP SCSI-II controller (V2.?? an old one!). We could only write at single speed. But with a ROM update for the controller it should work.

Tested by Korneel Ketelslegers.

A4000 + z3scsi.device + Yamaha CDR 200t

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.4
A4000, OS3.1, Cyberstorm MkI 060, Cybervision
IDE: Quantum Bigfoot 4.3 GB
SCSI: Quantum Fireball 1.08 GB, Iomega Zip
SCSI device:
Fastlane Z3.
Reading or writing audio data does not work with z3scsi.device v5.1034. Everything works fine with z3scsi.device v8.5.
CD writer:
Yamaha CDR 200t v1.0001/05/97

Everything works fine when using z3scsi.device v8.5.

Tested by Malte Brockmann <>.

Systems causing problems

Here follows a list that lists all systems, that didn't work for some users. Please note, that this list has been created by a lot of different customers. Some of them know their Amiga very well and know what they're writing -- others don't. Sometimes, a hardware combination might work fine for one person and another person has a lot of trouble with almost the same combination. Therefore, read also the list that reports section Working systems combinations! See section CD writers, which contains a lot of information about many CD writers.

If your system is not listed in the list of bad systems, look out for entries in that list, that apply to a system that seems to be similar to yours, except for the CD writer. Now use section All CD writers we have heard of to find out if the CD writer that is used in that configuration is compatible to your CD writer. Often, these CD writers are not only compatible, they are even identical --- except the label on it! That's how you can avoid to to the same mistake as another user did before.

If you tried everything to get your system to work with MakeCD, but if you were still unsuccessful, email us to be included in this list. Beside the information which you are supposed to mail is when you are successful (see above), mail an exact description, which kind of error occurs.

SCSI using WD chip + Plextor CD-R PX-R24CS

A1000/30, A3000, probably more
Hostadapters using WD chip
CD writer:
Plextor CD-R PX-R24CS V1.50

The WD Chip obviously causes problems with Plextor CD-R PX-R24CS V1.50. However, if reselection is disabled, it seems to work. But since Plextor uses only a very small buffer, it is "dangerous" to work without reselection (watch the buffer display). If your source drive is connected to a 2nd SCSI hostadapter, no problems are expected, though. Or, if you get your data from a network (we were using Envoy 2.0/Ethernet and received our data from an A4000T), you probably won't have problems, if the network connection is fast enough. We were able to write in double speed with Envoy/Ethernet. We tried the Plextor in the A4000T, too - without such problems, since the A4000T is based on the NCR Chip and not on the WD, like the A3000 or GVP boards.

When using scsi.device version 40.20 on a A3000 (with A3640), the machine crashed when accessing the device. We could fix this by installing a new V43 beta scsi.device. See

Tested by Angela Schmidt & Heinz Wrobel.

Grundig CDR 100 IPW V1.20

CyberSCSI + A3000 + GVP with GuruROM
CD writer:
Grundig CDR 100 IPW V1.20

After 80 to 90 % of the writing process the error "append write error" occurs. Philips CDD 2600 works fine on the CyberSCSI Amiga (not tested under the other configurations). Seems to be a problem with the Grundig CD writer.

Note from Angela Schmidt: This write append error is a very common hardware defekt with Philips CDD 2000, HP SureStore 4020, Grundig CDR 100 IPW and all similar drives. Read the FAQ. Most likely, you will have to send in your drive to get it repaired. We recommend, never to buy a Philips CDD 2000 or similar CD writer.

Tested by Christian Berger <>.

A4000 + MacroSystem Hardcard + Yamaha CDR 400

A4000 Hardital Power Changer 040 at 28Mhz, 2MB chip, 16MB fast. 8088 bridgboard (No laughing, it was free ;-) ), Mitsumi FX002D + Tandem.
MakroSystems Hardcard with Fujitsu ~40MB HD evolution.device
CD writer:
YAMAHA CDR400t 1.0c (12/03/97)
Termination: on (Jumper off)
Parity: off (Jumper on)
Unit: 3
Block Size: 2048 (Jumper off)
MMC V7.8
Took a while to get working due to lack of docs, i.e. transport info and nothing else! Thanx Yamaha! This drive is an excellent piece of kit. 646mb Data track at 4x speed in 17mins! No problems encountered. Seems to enjoy any writable CD's up till now, very easy to feed ;-).
CD-ROM drive:
PIONEER CD-ROM DR-U10X 1.07 ( 1996/08)
Termination: off (Jumper on)
Unit: 2
Block Size: 2048 (Jumper off)
PlextorCD V7.4
Nice 10x CDROM, works perfectly but doesn't like CD's with sticky labels (low clearance in drive). Reads CDDA.
Hard disk:
Seagate ST3144A 130 MB HD as boot drive.
Got nowhere with this. MakeCD always reported Cmd Error $52, Drive not ready. Tried all possible settings.
May be better in a Museum!

Tested by Glenn Mrosek <>, +49 571 508316.

A3000 + Philips CDD 2600

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 1.3
A3000, OS 3.1
A3000 internal, scsi.device versions 40.12, 40.20 and 43.11 tested. Sync transfer on/off tested. Reselection on/off tested.
CD writer:
Philips CDD 2600 (V1.07)
Other devices at the same SCSI bus:
TOSHIBA CD-ROM XM-3401TA ROM FA31225 (March 1994)

SCSI hangups at every try, independant of the SCSI settings.

Tested by Jochen Koob <>: "Still looking for a solution".

A4000/40 + Fastlane + HP SureStore 4020

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.0
A4000/40, FastlaneZ3/CyberSCSI/Blizzard, OS 3.1
Fastlane SCSI: z3scsi.device 5.820 (08/04/93).
CD writer:
HP C4324/C4325 1.27 (07/22/96), reselection enabled, async, fwc mode off, scsidirect dma on.
Other devices at the same SCSI bus:
QUANTUM FIREBALL 1280S 630C (12/20/95), reselection enabled, async, fwc mode on, scsidirect dma on.

SCSI hangups. Also executed z3scsidirectdma BUSTER11.

The problem I have is that the HP just refuses to function with cd-r in it that has already been written.

If I write a CD (on win95) and it finishes ok, and I insert it again to add an extra session the green led starts flashing like normal and after a while it should be on all the time (like it does when I insert a normal or blank CD) but the led goes dark and the whole CD writer is does no longer respond to anything I tell it. (in scsi mounter error reading device) and in the PEECEE, the writer software does no longer recognize it.

It used to function ok but one day it did not work as it should anymore. Today I heard from someone at work that he had upgraded the firmware form 1.20 to 1.27 and I will ask him to trie and re install 1.20 and then check if it will work. If not its defective if it does the 1.27 firmware is worse that the 1.20.

Tested by Hans de Groot <>.

A4000/40 + Fastlane + Philips CDD 2600

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.0
Fastlane Rev. 2.2 with ROM 5.1034
CD writer:
Philips CDD2600 (V1.07)
CD-ROM drive:
Toshiba CD-Rom XM 3701TA rev 0236

If reselection is on, CD writer stops writing without error message (SCSI hangup). CD writer seems to work after switching off reselection.

Tested by Friedhelm Bunk <>.

A3000 + Philips CDD 2600

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.2 and 2.3
scsi.device V40.12 (A3000 internal SCSI device)
CD writer:
Philips CDD2600 (V1.07)

If reselection is off, everything seems to work, but there are buffer underflows sometimes when reading the data from the same SCSI hostadapter. I didn't test reading audio tracks a lot, but it seems the Philips CDD 2600 can read audio data in 6x speed without problems --- even the last audio track.

If reselection is on, there are SCSI hangups sometimes. If you transfer only one (e.g. ISO image) or a few (e.g. audio images) big image files, SCSI hangups are very seldom. On-the-fly image creation however causes SCSI hangups very often. After a SCSI hangup the SCSI LED of the A3000 is off, and you can still access your hard drives, but any try to access the Philips CDD 2600 hangs. If you try to abort MakeCD, it reports that the writing process is waiting for IO to be finished. That means that the Philips did not reply to a request sent by MakeCD.

Note: you can use Heinz Wrobel's tool HWGCTRLscsi to switch on/off reselection for the Philips CDD 2600.

Tested by Angela Schmidt.

A4000 + Oktagon + Yamaha CDR 400

A4000 Hardital Power Changer 040 at 28Mhz, 2MB chip, 16MB fast. 8088 bridgboard (No laughing, it was free ;-) ), Mitsumi FX002D + Tandem.
Oktagon 2008 0MB ram
SoftSCSI_OktagonC9XE9.device (oktagon.device) V6.8
CD writer:
YAMAHA CDR400t 1.0c (12/03/97)
Termination: on (Jumper off)
Parity: off (Jumper on)
Unit: 3
Block Size: 2048 (Jumper off)
MMC V7.8
Took a while to get working due to lack of docs, i.e. transport info and nothing else! Thanx Yamaha! This drive is an excellent piece of kit. 646mb Data track at 4x speed in 17mins! No problems encountered. Seems to enjoy any writable CD's up till now, very easy to feed ;-).
CD-ROM drive:
PIONEER CD-ROM DR-U10X 1.07 ( 1996/08)
Termination: off (Jumper on)
Unit: 2
Block Size: 2048 (Jumper off)
PlextorCD V7.4
Nice 10x CDROM, works perfectly but doesn't like CD's with sticky labels (low clearance in drive). Reads CDDA.
Hard disk:
Seagate ST3144A 130 MB HD as boot drive.
Everything appears to run smoothly until the 2MB buffer in the CDR400 is full. The drive still shows that it is writing but MakeCD shows that the timers and buffers are all still. Nothing further happens. I presume it is a SCSI hang-up. Changing Reselection, Sync, Parity settings have no effect, neither does changing buffer size, chunk size or parallel/sequential writing. Also impossible to Abort without power cycling the CDR400. HELP!
At the moment I am hoping that Oliver Kastl can come up with a patch for the oktagon.device, as a lot of people have this particular host adapter it would be nice to see it working properly.

Tested by Glenn Mrosek <>, +49 571 508316.

A3000 + Philips CDD 2600

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.3
A3000/25 (ECS), 16+2 MB RAM, A2060, Ariadne, AmiTCP 4.2, Envoy 2.0, WShell 2.0/Display-Handler. ToolManager, Snap, SegTracker, Kiskometer, DMouse, rload, UMS, OS 3.1 (KS 40.70, WB 40.42)
scsi.device V40.20 (A3000 internal SCSI device)
CD writer:
Philips CDD2600 (V1.07)
Other devices at the same SCSI bus:
Quantum LP240S, IBM DPES 31080

The A3000 sometimes doesn't boot with the writer connected. Usually after such a hangup one of the hard drives is "dead" and I have to switch off the A3000.

Writing data (in test mode) seems to hang up the writer. After that, the writer didn't respond to any command.

Tested by Bernhard M�llemann <>.

A4000 + z3scsi.device + Sony CDU 926S

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.4
A4000, OS 3.1
Fastlane (z3scsi.device 5.992)
CD writer:
SONY CD-R CDU926S 1.1f
Dynamicache (and tested with and without it -- no difference). Tried all possible combinations of reselection and parallel read/write. Got buffer overflow errors while reading an audio CD (YACDP reads with no hangups). Note by the authors: turn on ignore overflow in the MakeCD settings.
Other devices at the same SCSI bus:
MICROP 4421 -07 0502SJ 0502 (internal 2 GB)
MAXTOR 7245-SCSI 1357 (internal 275 MB)

Wrote 2 CDs, both coasters.

Writing a data CD interrupted at about 10 % with an illegal function. Writing at single speed works better because it does not cause the illegal function as often as double speed.

Note by the authors: maybe some of his problems can get fixed by updating his z3scsi.device!

Tested by James Killian <>.

This document was generated on 15 September 1997 using the texi2html translator version 1.51.