Who we are

We are a batch of Amiga-dedicated software developers. Our group tries to create the best possible software for the Amiga, and are able to support it in its lifespan. In our eyes, the Amiga is the best machine ever invented, and we aim to support it until well into the next century.

The group itself consists of seven people, and are dedicated to make our software the best. Exclusively, most of the group support the games manufacturing side whilst applications are supported solely by the programmers - since they know the machine best.

These seven are:

Andrew King (aka Oondy)Oondy is the main group leader, organiser, programmer and designer of the group and basically makes sure the development goes according to plan. Oondy has about 16 years of general computing experience with about 10 years of that with the Amiga. He programs in Blitz Basic, Amiga E, C and a little Assembler, knows what makes good software, and also programs the Psion 3c ;).

He enjoys music, being a right ars* and interested in peoples behevioural patterns... overall, quite weird!

Casey Williams (aka Etherius)Etherius is the graphics person. Currently residing in America, he likes many things a normal human being does (i.e. sex, booze, and rock'n'roll).

Although being American, he has some very strong views against his country and prefers the much greener grass of others like the UK.

Done by Oondy as Eth wasn't gonna do it :)

Will Morton (aka Q)Q has the following things to say about himself:

"My job is to compose the music and conjure up the sound effects for Q-Group (my nick "Q" is in no way connected with the "Q" in Q-Group!). I am 18 years old and have had about 11 years of experience with computers, 2 years with the C64 and about 9 years with the Amiga. I compose with OctaMED (Protracker? Pah!) and I play the piano, albeit slightly badly. In my spare time I enjoy listening to and writing music and...... well, that`s about it!"

Ian Gledhill (aka IanG)IanG is the secondary programmer and web master of the group. Currently getting to grips with 68000 programming, and residing at Aberystwyth University in Wales (although not Welsh himself).

A prime example of a Computer Programming course - mad with computers (especially the Amiga), freaked-out about booze, doing general non-intensive tasks, collecting hard disks, and sometimes ogling over his girlfriend.

Filled in by Oondy, 'cos he wasn't gonna do it either! What a bunch, eh? :)

Stuart Simpson (aka Simmie)Simmie had the following words to say about himself: "Greetings, my name is Simmie. My post at Q-Group is that of imagineer. This means that I steal other peoples ideas and shout at Oondy to incorparate them into a game. 90% of the time this causes headaches for other people - it's great!!

I live far from civilisation in the quasi-mythical semi-utopia that resides at the centre of the unknown and vastly underrated sub-universe. Locally, we call this area Lumphanan. From here I monitor what happens in the real world and store it for future reference. By selling this information to the US government I make enough money to avoid having to work for real...

Since the World Bank and IMF revoked my e-mail privilages, any messages for me must be directed through Oondy - mark 'em for the attention of Simmie and they'll get to me eventually.

See you on Judgement Day,
Ross Liversidge (aka Ross)Ross has the following written statement:

"Hi, I'm Ross, the graphics designer, game idea tweaking person and all-round nice person, responsible for designing and directing the cut scenes, designing the characters and keeping Oond realistic."Tut, charming ;) - Oond

"Hobbies include Anime, drawing, playing on the PSX, cooking and occasionally some sport.

I'm way behind on everything because of other work and amazing sex.

Slap me a stripper, I'll be back for Slimfast!"

Tim Stubbs (aka DAngel)Just someone who likes jetting around the world, seeking his love (puke).

Oh, and he knows quite a lot of people and beta tests internal versions of our software when he's around.

You'd never have guessed that Oondy filled this in :)

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