FUBAR Control Centre

FREE Registration Form

Right. To become a registered user of FUBAR CC and recieve your free keyfile to allow saving, please fill in the following form (as correct as possible please - false applications will be withdrawn).

I would have used HTML forms and have a submit button, but I can't program CGI/whatever to run on this UNIX box. So...

How To Fill In This Form

1. In your web browser (be it iBrowse, AWeb, Netscape, something-you've-just-written-browse) save this document to disk (use Save Document or File/Save As... or hold Shift and click on the link). (And yes, to all those clever people who spotted the modem fields twice, there is only one now :)

2. Open your favourite text editor, and load in that file you just saved.

3. Use overwrite in your editor to type over the lines and place an "X" in the brackets "( )" to mark it (like ticking a box on a questionnaire).

4. Save the file (making sure you tick the last box), crank up your mailer, import that file, and mail it to oondy@nildram.co.uk with "FUBAR CC Registration" in the subject (or something like that).

5. Wait a few days then check your mailbox. Note that it may take up to a week to process your application - Oondy is a very busy person :)

That's it.

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