The Explorer Ship
Engines: 6x Magthrust-867 Fusion plasma drives with deuterium afterburn generating
270,000,000N thrust
Crew: 600 (300 Crew + 100 pilots + 200 fighter maintentance)
Mass: 1.8 Million Tonnes
Length: Min 4 miles, Max 7 miles.
Weapons: 12 Multidirection pulse cannons, 2 high velocity 12 ton mass driver cannons, 8
ion cannons, 8 interceptor cannons
80 missile bays, XKB8-327 High sensitivity EM/HS scanners, RM5 mine pods, 6 ROV-
Secbots, 50 fighter bays with axial launch ports.
Cargo: 32 Cargo Bays, each of 10000 tonnes.
Miscellaneous Facts
The primary function of the Explorer ship is to map systems
and build and repair jumpgates but two companies, Orion Mapping
and Deep Space Exploration have started to use these ships as
mining vessels. Explorer ships are completely self sufficient
and can remain out of contact for well over 3 Earth years
without difficulty. Only 15 have been built to date, the first
one, TCS2319, completed in 2210 is the smallest of the explorer
ships whereas the latest ship, TCS5972 Osorkon, only completed
in November of 2259 is 7 miles long.