AmigaSoc UK


Installation Instructions
By now you should be familiar with the steps needed to install the pre-compiled software. If you need reminding take a quick look at last months Window Managers Page.
The following files are all provided on this months CD.

Homepage:None Found Yet!
.login .cshrc .logout
Description:The Tab Completion C Shell. Similar in syntax to the C shell supplied with NetBSD, but offering more features to make it easier to use.
Special Instructions:tcsh uses the standard .login .cshrc and .logout files to read it's configuration settings.


Description:zsh is a shell designed for interactive use, although it is also a powerful scripting language. Many of the useful features of bash, ksh, and tcsh were incorporated into zsh.
Special Instructions:z-shell can be configured by placing a .zshrc file in your home directory.


Description:Bash is a re-written version of the Bourne Shell (sh). It features tab completion and a shell history.
Special Instructions:This archive contains the source code for Bash. It should be extracted into your home directory. To compile Bash you will need to run the configure and then the make scripts. More details are provided in the documentation provided in the archive. On startup bash will attempt to read it's configuration from a file called .profile in your home directory.

Homepage:None found yet!
Description:Top is a shell command to show which processes are taking up the most CPU time on a unix system.
Special Instructions:Top may refuse to run because of a missing library under NetBSD 1.2 and earlier. If you have an earlier version of this library top may be made to run by copying the older version to the name top is looking for. Note: whilst this proceedure seems to work, it is not recommended.