Amiga Flame - News - Starfighter - An Excellent Space Fighter Game

(*)Starfighter - An Excellent Space Fighter Game(*)


GeoSync Media are New Developers who are making a number of high spec games for the Amiga. The furtherest game in development is Star Fighter D'Yammen's Reign of which a demo is available from there web site. Make sure you check it out as it is awesome and really enjoyable to play.

(You_can_make_a_difference)The plot behind Star Fighter D'Yammen's Reign begins at a meeting on Reintide, a neutral world. �A heated discussion ensues when Earth is mentioned to be a part of the Confederation. �A rebellious councillor named Gyan D'Yammen refuses to allow Earth to�become a part of the Confederation because it is weak. �Gyan then says that the Confederacy should continue to grow in military strength to save itself.

(Confeds)The leader Councillor Teelar retorts with the fact that the Confederacy is designed to allow free and safe trade amongst its members, and tells the guards to take Gyan away to cool off. �Gyan pulls a gun from his cowl, shoots a guard and begins to transport back to his ship. �In his evil voice he says, 'Mark this day all of you, for this is the day Gyan D'Yammen declared war on the Confederation'.� In a flash he is gone.

(Confeds)You of course get the choice of where your allegiance will be. You can either get to hamper the Confeds and take your place along side Gyan's forces, or you can fight it out with the good guys and restore peace to the galaxy as a Confed, or you can be a Rogue-pilot. Rogues use Cloaking technology to move around in battle. �Rogues collect debris from space to make a living. �The alliance of the Rogue can change and if you are consistance you can have either side help you out as you progress further in the Star Fighter universe.�

(Dock__Menu) _ (Battle)

(Gyan's_forces)The demo includes Battleships, Cruisers and tonnes more of which you can destroy or protect if they are yours. This game has been well designed and thought out with the gameplay that really makes a good game. Others games from GeoSync Media include H.A.R.D. Corps, Rally World, Matrix Assault and Fire Mission 3D of which I will be bringing more details about them soon, so watch out. If there are Publishers out there I would suggest they get in contact with him.

Go to their web site now to get a demo:-



E-mail - philip (@)

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