By Gareth Murfin

It has only been three weeks since you returned from your previous mission, ostensibly gaining information to pass onto the Council of the New World Order. The reality would live with you for years to come being reignited each night in your dreams, but you had a feeling that once the Council had received your report they would suddenly decide that there were missions for one who had survived the obsessive cultists and their servants.

Ordinarily there was a break of about six months between each mission, time to recover and recuperate but now you find yourself standing outside the same door that you stood in front of just a few weeks ago, you hope the circumstances of your subsequent mission will be considerably less dangerous...though secretly you know that they won't be.

Once inside, the seven old men dressed in grey and hidden in the cavernous expanses of their own dark thrones, one presses a single button and the spotlight falls onto you and they begin speaking.

"We are pleased that you successfully completed your mission" one remarked.

"As was I" you reply

"It is...unfortunate that we must recall you to our service so quickly, but a problem has appeared and it must be solved with the utmost alacrity and we know of only one man who can act with such" the sentence ended and there was complete silence, then a different man spoke from just to your right hand side.

"Do you accept?"

The question is irrelevant as it would mean certain death if you did refuse, so you choose life, this time at least.

"Yes, I accept. What is the mission?"

"As you are no doubt aware we have several planets in the Beta Quadrant set aside for military testing and research on weapons, chemicals and the like."

"Indeed" you reply interested suddenly despite yourself, there are many rumours about the Beta Quadrant and few facts.

"You must go to the planet Splinn and investigate a situation that has developed there"

"A situation?"

"A number of subjects at the plant were accidentally exposed to a form of biological anti-personnel weapon that we were developing to aid our efforts against our enemies on the outer ring of the empire. This biological substance causes a process of transformation over time resulting in the death and subsequent reanimation of mammalian tissue. In short it kills, as it was supposed to, but then restores the dead to life...after a fashion.

These creatures crave living human flesh and many of them lose the ability to recall any of their human skills within days of their death. Initially this would not have been a problem, the security forces on the planet captured them and the scientists began their experiments anew on these zombified corpses."

"So why do you need me?" you interrupt with growing trepidation.

"We believe that the enemy from the outer planets some how sabotaged the containment fields and comprimised the security measures, exposing all in the base to the biological agent.

It is your mission to enter the base, eliminate all non human life forms that you encounter and secure all (enter the amount of levels), once this has been accomplished you must leave a tactical thermo-nuclear device in the deepest level where the reactors are located and then after you are aboard a ship detonate the device from orbit. This will make sure that there is no chance of the infection moving to colonies in nearby systems.

We will see you in one week after the completion of your mission, good luck."

With that the light shuts off and the door opens behind you, you never saw their faces and so you don't know if they think you will return but you vow you will....

Gloom 3 Zombie Edition
By Gareth Murfin

leading Artist
James Caygill

Additional SFX By
Chris Burns
Richard Murfin

Story By
Chris Murfin

With Thanks to Mark Sibly for the Gloom Concept and original version

Go back to the Official Gloom 3 website

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Best viewed on an Amiga with iBrowse in 724x470

Gloom 3 and all Gloom graphics and files are �opyrighted by Gareth Murfin 97.