Alpha Software Logo

Welcome to A l p h a Software!

Alpha Software is a new Amiga software company which produces free software for the Amiga Scene. The idea is that Alpha products will be spread around for you to enjoy and hopefully a publisher may take interest and decide to invest in something. Alpha Software also design websites for large companies and private users, their web designing service is very cheap. Alpha Software was previously known as GazSting Enterprises and was founded originally in October 1995 by me, Gareth Murfin.

I am also now looking for a Software company to sponsor me through University, I will be taking a BCS (hons) Computer Science degree in Games, Simulation and Virtual Reality. If you are interested or can me help find a sponser then contact me or look at my Curriculum Vitae and list of achievements. I am willing to work on any platform, be it Amiga, PC, Mac or other. All information on this matter will be greatly appreciated :)

| D W a R F x | is Alpha's most popular program, download it here!

Alpha's commercial game Gloom 3 is complete, has an Official Website & Playable Demo and is in the shops soon!

Free Downloads..
Downloads from Alpha Software. * = Coming Soon!
|DWaRFx| v2.4TDK - Popular AmIRC scripts AmiGreet v1.1b - Speaks to you on bootup.
DwarfDemo - Small AGA demo about DWaRFx Theme040 - 040 patch for ThemePark AGA
ZombieFest - Small AGA Zombie film demo. Carnlevels - New levels for Carnage
AmiClock - Stylish and colourful WB clock AmiTip - Gives you a tip on bootup
JoyMouse - Lets CD32 pad emulate a mouse Gloom 3 rejects - Rejected files from Gloom3
Hoppy X demo - GFX & SFX MegaDemo DOTD - Dawn of the dead RPG with gfx & sfx
Viking Raiders Se - 4 Player War Game! DMscript - Upgrade to DiskMaster GOLD
AlphaIRC - New Amiga IRC Client! * WbLogo - Animates your WB backdrop!
Demo of Gloom 3 - Commerical Doom Game Zippy X demo - GFX & SFX MegaDemo

Alpha software which has been BANNED from AmiNet
Uncut Alpha Software BANNED by AmiNet
|DWaRFx| v2.4TDK - Popular AmIRC War scripts SetPatch97 - Unofficial Gateway 2000 SetPatch.
Find out about the man behind Alpha Software and his infamous A1200Tg right here.

Hits since April 1st 1997
Click on the Zombie to visit my Dawn of the dead site!
Microsoft Internet ExplorerNetscape Navigator Voyager Next GenerationIBrowse
Best viewed on an Amiga with iBrowse in 724x470

Alpha Software, its logo and all Alpha productions on this page or any other are �opyrighted by Gareth Murfin 97.