Miscellaneous Notes and Information

When running POV-Ray 'by hand' in a shell window, ctrl-C will not break the task. Type 'q' to allow POV-Ray to cleanup and close output files properly.

I'm currently making improvements to Amiga POV-Ray, including new display modules. If possible, these will be released in a revision sync'ed to a general POV-Ray revision. If necessary, however, there will be an Amiga-only revision to address needed changes. Don't count on Amiga and General releases necessarily occuring together.

I am expecting to be the Amiga POV-Ray representative for the forseeable future. Eventually, I hope to get a domain name assigned for the POVAmiga web site. In the nearer future, work is in progress to get an 'unofficial' POV-Amiga mailing list going.

There are many POV-Ray related utilities available, mostly for other systems. Several of these utilities have been or are being ported to Amiga by myself and others. Work is also being done on Texture editors, and possibly a modeller. The design of the Amiga POV-Ray GUI interface is such that it allows easy replacement of the official GUI with another, so it is quite likely that other GUI's (likely a non-MUI version) will become available, as well as direct interface to a modeller.

The Official POV-Ray Amiga release is compatible with the earlier unofficial release by Joshua Marshall, and with the GUI released by Ireneo Toffano. Ireneo's GUI does not offer interactivity with the renderer, and Joshua's POV-Ray supports only CyberGFX display preview.