Welcome Message

The Welcome Message user dialog displays a message welcoming the user to your application's installation, instructions to exit all Windows programs before starting the setup, and a brief copyright warning.
InstallWizard will automatically place the application name you entered in the Application Information dialog in the top static text field of the Welcome Message user dialog.
There are no settings for this dialog.

Software License Agreement

The Software License Agreement user dialog allows you to display a text file containing a copy of your license agreement.
Specify your file on the Software License Agreement Settings tab either by using the Browse... push button to search for the file on your source system, or by typing the fully qualified path and filename in the edit field.

Note The Software License Agreement preview is a pre-canned sample. The previewed image will not change to reflect your specified text file.

Readme Information

The Readme Information user dialog allows you to display a Readme text file to the user before the setup begins collecting information.

Note The contents of the file will not be automatically formatted to fit the width of the multi-line edit field in which the Readme Information dialog displays the text. If you do not want the user to have to use the left and right scroll arrows to read the text, you must format your text file using hard returns at the end of each line to be displayed.

Specify the text file in the Readme Information Settings tab either by using the Browse... push button to search for the file on your source system, or by typing the fully qualified path and filename in the edit field.

Note The Readme Information preview is a pre-canned sample. The previewed image will not change to reflect your specified file.

User Information

The User Information user dialog collects the user's name, company, and, optionally, serial number. 
The default setting for this dialog collects all three pieces of information. If you want to get the user's Name and Company, but not the serial number, click the Name and Company radio button in the User Information Settings tab.
If the target system is Windows 95 or NT, the information collected from this dialog will be stored in the registry under the following path:

The key names <Company>, <AppName>, and <Version> will be determined by the information you entered in the Application Information InstallWizard dialog.
The values collected from the User Information dialog will be stored under the value names Name, Company, and Serial (if applicable).
If the target system is Windows 3.x, the default entries will be read from the USER.EXE file, and the returned information will be stored in the WIN.INI file. The section will be your application name, and the keywords are Name, Company, and Serial (if applicable).

Choose Destination Location

The Choose Destination Location user dialog allows the user to select the directory in which he wants to install your application. The directory and path selected by the user will be used to replace the <INSTALLDIR> directory specifier in any of the InstallWizard dialogs in which you have used it.

The Default Destination Directory entry that you accepted in the App Info tab of the Set the Visual Design dialog box is also displayed on the Settings tab for the Choose Destination Location dialog box. You can also modify that entry here. If you are creating a 32-bit application, Microsoft's Windows 95 Setup Guidelines recommend that the destination directory for your application be a subdirectory of the Program Files directory, and that you use a long filename to help create a unique name for it.
In InstallWizard, you can designate the Program Files directory on the target system using the <ProgramFilesDir> directory specifier. You can also use the <CommonFilesDir> specifier to indicate the Common Files directory on the target system (e.g. C:\PROGRAM FILES\COMMON FILES). We recommend that you avoid using hard-coded directories in your setup whenever possible by taking advantage of the more flexible InstallWizard directory specifiers.

Note Do not use the <INSTALLDIR> specifier to indicate the default destination directory. The Disk Builder will generate a warning message if you do. InstallWizard uses the Choose Destination Location user dialog to get the value of <INSTALLDIR> from the user. Using <INSTALLDIR> in your setting will create an unusable default for your user.

If you do not specify a directory, InstallWizard will set the default to C:\PROGRAM FILES\<Company>\<Application>. The names of the <Company> and <Application> directories will be determined by the information you entered in the Application Information InstallWizard dialog.

Setup Type

The Setup Type user dialog allows the user to select a Typical, Compact, or Custom installation. You must create the components for each of these setup types in the Specify Components and Files InstallWizard dialog.
This dialog also allows the user to select a destination directory using the Browse... push button. (The user's selection on this dialog will override a selection made on the Choose Destination Location dialog, if applicable, and will reset the value of <INSTALLDIR>.)

This dialog must be selected if you are offering multiple setup types. If you do not want to give the user these options, deselect the Setup Type user dialog. When you select or deselect the Setup Type user dialog, you will automatically select or deselect the Custom Setup user dialog, and vice-versa.
The Setup Type user dialog has no settings.
For more information about setup types, refer to the Groups, Components, and Setup Types section of Planning Your Setup.

Select Program Folder

The Select Program Folder user dialog allows the user to choose the program folder (Windows 95 or NT 4.0) or group (Windows 3.1 or NT 3.51) in which your application icons will be placed.
Specify the default folder name by typing it into the edit field on the Select Program Folder Settings tab. If you do not specify a folder name, InstallWizard will use your setup project name as the default folder name.

Start Copying Files

The Start Copying Files user dialog displays the setup type, destination directory, and user information entered by the user. It allows the user to double-check his entries and, if necessary, go back and modify one or more of them.
Since the text displayed in the multi-line edit field of the Start Copying Files dialog is determined by information obtained from the user, there are no settings for this dialog.

Progress Indicator

The Progress Indicator gives the user a graphical representation of the file-transfer process. The progress bar gradually increments to depict the percentage of the file transfer process which has been completed, while the text field above the bar displays the names of the files as they are copied.
There are no settings for the Progress Indicator.

Setup Complete

The Setup Complete user dialog actually consists of two dialogs: a reboot computer dialog box and a launch application dialog box. The preview shows only the reboot computer dialog.

The readme file option will launch a file named readme.txt. You need to include this file in Components Dialog.