@database ColourLock.guide @$VER: ColourLock.guide 0.13 (30.12.97) @node main "Manual - main menu" __________ _ _ _ _ __________ _ _ _______/ ._______ _______._______ ._______ \_______ _ _ ._______ | /___.___\_____ | /___| /___. ___________. | /______|__. / | _______ | /___ | / |__\_________ | | /_________ |-------'----------'----------'----------'__________ | `----------------' - - ------- pRESENTs ------- - - `-------------tF!' @{b} ColourLock @{ub} Version 0.13 Date 30.12.1997 Copyright (c) 1997 Krashan/BlaBla @{b} MANUAL Table of contents: @{ub} 1. @{" Copyrights & distribution " link Prawa} 2. @{" Short overview " link Do_czego} 3. @{" Detailed description " link Opis} 4. @{" Requirements, technical stuff " link Wymagania} 5. @{" Future plans " link Future} 6. @{" Program history " link History} 7. @{" Info about BlaBla " link BlaBla} 8. @{" Author info & greetings " link Rest} @endnode @node Prawa "Copyrights & distribution" This software is subject to the @{"Standard Amiga FD-Software Copyright Note" link AFD-COPYRIGHT/main 178}. It is >@{fg shine}FREEWARE@{fg text}<, as defined in paragraph @{"4>a<" link AFD-COPYRIGHT/main 86}. For more information please read @{"AFD-COPYRIGHT" link AFD-COPYRIGHT/main 1} (version 1.2 or higher). @{" Copyright " link AFD-COPYRIGHT/main 28} @{" Distribution " link AFD-COPYRIGHT/main 42} @{" Disclaimer " link AFD-COPYRIGHT/main 60} @{" Return service " link AFD-COPYRIGHT/main 76} @endnode @node Do_czego "Short overview" @{b}Short overview @{ub} ColourLock purpose is to set and then lock Workbench screen colour palette. Using ColourLock You can manage easily Workbench palette if You have WB opened in more than eight colours. Palette locking frees You from many colour related problems in MagicWB, MUI or backdrop pattern. ColourLock locks given (e.g. all) Workbench colours, so any software can't change them later. ColourLock is easy to use - You can compose palette using any painitng program like DPaint or PersonalPaint, or get palette from any IFF picture (ILBM or even DR2D). @endnode @node Opis "Detailed description" @{b}How it works @{ub} ColourLock finds Workbench screen after starting, then reads a palette from given IFF ILBM (or DR2D) file, sets WB colours and locks them. Then it quits. Colours stay locked until the Amiga is rebooted. In typical use ColourLock is started from startup-sequence right after IPrefs. IPrefs locks first four and last four colours from the patette. These colours can be adjusted with Palette Preferences. IPrefs locks also colours 17, 18 and 19 (if WB has more than 16 colours) for mouse pointer. Normally ColourLock doesn't touch these colours. You can make ColourLock to change them using FORCE option. If there is more colours in read palette than on WB screen, surplus palette entries will be ignored. If there is less colours in the file, remaining WB colours will stay free and unchanged. ColourLock manages palettes with non-standard colours quantity (e.g. 24 entries) if only IFF file structure is correct. @{b}Running the program @{ub} ColourLock is a typical Shell-only command. It doesn't work started from Workbench, so it makes no sense to add icon to it. Typically it is launched from startup-sequence. Here is command pattern and parameters description: @{fg shine}ColourLock PALETTE/A/K, REPORT/S, FORCE/S@{fg text} @{b}PALETTE@{ub} - path to file from which palette should be extracted. You must give @{b}REPORT@{ub} - this switch turns the report mode on. ColourLock prints which colours were already locked nad which have been changed. @{b}FORCE@{ub} - this switch makes ColourLock to change already locked (e.g. by IPrefs) colours. @{u}Examples:@{uu} @{i}ColourLock PALETTE=SYS:Prefs/Presets/palette.iff @{ui}Program gets palette from given file and changes colours. @{i}ColourLock PALETTE DH3:Graphics/Pictures/Backdrops/cindy36.ilbm FORCE @{ui}Program gets palette from file, changes all the colours including already locked ones. @{i}ColourLock PALETTE=RAM:test.pal REPORT >RAM:colour_list @{ui} Program reads palette, changes and locks non-locked colours. Report will be written to 'RAM:colour_list'. @{b}Installation @{ub} Due to non-standard installation process there is no Installer script in the archive. But installation is rather simple: @{fg shine}1.@{fg text} Prepare a file containing the palette. It can be a picture (e.g. an amazing WB screenshot You've just downloaded from Aminet, or Your favourite backdrop) or palette written by painting program. Place this file somewhere that it can be accessed during system bootup (e.g. somewhere on boot drive). @{fg shine}2.@{fg text} Copy ColourLock anywhere that it will be accesible during bootup too (e.g. SYS:C). @{fg shine}3.@{fg text} Put ColourLock call in startup-sequence right after IPrefs. @{b}If monitor driver@{ub} You use for WB screen @{b}is called after IPrefs@{ub}, You should @{b}run ColourLock after it@{ub}. Or better move monitor driver call before IPrefs. This speeds Your system booting up. @{fg shine}4.@{fg text} Reboot Your Amiga. Your palette is set and locked from now! @endnode @node Wymagania "Requirements, technical info"" @{b}Requirements@{ub} ColourLock works only on Amigas with OS 3.0 or higher. However AGA chipset isn't required. Memory needed is about 10 kB (freed after colour locking). ColourLock needs also iffparse.library version 39 or higher (it is a part of Workbench software). @{b}Technical data @{ub} Program was written in C and compiled with SAS/C 6.57 compiler. It is 100% StyleGuide compliant. After it do its job it removes completely from memory. @endnode @node Future "Future plans" @{b}ColourLocker future@{ub} I have no ideas how to improve this program. If You have any suggestions or ideas (or of course bug reports), please @{"contact me" LINK Rest}. @endnode @node History "Historia programu" @{b}Program history @{ub} Version @{fg shine}0.1@{fg text} 13.12.1997 * First public version. Version @{fg shine}0.13@{fg text} 30.12.1997 * BUG FIXED: Missing UnlockPubScreen ()! How could I do such a silly mistake? It caused problems to IPrefs. WB screen was still locked, so IPrefs couldn't close it when screen mode, overscan or other preferences had been changed. Bug reported by Krzysztof Kurdzieko. @endnode @node BlaBla "Co to jest BlaBla?" @{b}@{b}@{fg shine}BlaBla@{ub}@{fg text} is a Polish biggest system programmers group. We make the system friendly programms. We guarantee that our programs will run on almost every machine (@{fg fill}Amiga@{fg text} of course), including future ones. All our programs are running in multitasking, and all of them are PD, Freeware, or Shareware. Our organisation has a few members (we "absorb" only good programmers), an own e-mail address and own @{b}BBS@{ub}. Our newest productions you can find in our PD library called "@{b}Polware@{ub}". Our texts, articles you can also find in our disk-mag "@{b}Izviestia@{ub}" (sorry, in Polish!). @{i}Blabla memberlist (XI'97):@{ui} @{fg fill}Kordi/DuckRed & BlaBla@{fg text} @{i}(Kordian Adamczyk)@{ui} @{fg fill}Kysy/AM & 2xBla@{fg text} @{i}(Krzysztof Habowski)@{ui} @{fg fill}LeMUr/BlaBla@{fg text} @{i}(Lukasz Prokulski)@{ui} @{fg fill}Karol/BlaBla@{fg text} @{i}(Karol Bryd)@{ui} @{fg fill}Scott/Inferno & BlaBla@{fg text} @{i}(Marcin Ochocki)@{ui} @{fg fill}Thufor/BlahBlah@{fg text} @{i}(Dariusz J.Garbowski)@{ui} @{fg fill}Tomash/Art-B & BBla@{fg text} @{i}(Tomasz Korolczuk)@{ui} @{fg fill}Warhawk/SubBlaBla@{fg text} @{i}(Przemyslaw Jez)@{ui} @{fg fill}Krashan/BlaBla @{fg text}@{i}(Grzegorz Kraszewski)@{ui} @{ui}@{fg fill}Kaczus/subBlaBla@{fg text} @{i}(Tomasz Kaczanowski)@{ui} @{fg fill}Futrzak/subBlaBla@{fg text} @{i}(Krzysztof Wolski) @{ui}@{fg fill}X-Pert/subBlaBla @{i}@{fg text}(Piotr Wyderski) @{fg fill}@{ui}Bruner/subBlaBla @{i}@{fg text}(Piotr Hoppe) @{fg fill}@{ui}Mr.DoDo/subBlaBla @{i}@{fg text}(Krzysztof Dolinski) @{fg fill}@{ui}Melon/subBlaBla @{fg text}@{i}(Grzegorz Chmiel) @{fg fill}@{ui}Siumot/subBlaBla @{i}@{fg text}(Tomasz Bielinski) @{fg fill}@{ui}Szczepan/subBlaBla @{fg text}@{i}(Marcin Juszkiewicz) @{fg fill}@{ui}Valar/subBlaBla @{fg text}@{i}(Daniel Owsianski)@{ui} @{b}@{fg shine}BlaBla@{ub}@{fg text} group is well-known in Poland, and programs signed with "Blabla" are for sure very good. We made many productions, we help many young programmers, we write articles to Polish edition of @{b}Amiga Magazine@{ub}, @{i}we try to do all, for our beloved computer - Amiga!@{ui} @endnode @node Rest "Other informations" @{b}Contact with author @{ub} @{fg fill}Grzegorz Kraszewski (Krashan/BlaBla) Zalesie 17 16-003 Kozince POLAND@{fg text} @{fg fill}krashan@cksr.ac.bialystok.pl@{fg text} to July 1998 @{b}Greetings@{ub} To all BlaBla people: LeMUr, Tomash, Kysy, Siumot, Szczepan, ScoTT, Kaczus, Kordi, Thufor, Karol, Bruner, Futrzak, Melon, Mr. DoDo, Valar, Warhawk and X-Pert. Special X-greets to Krzysztof Konopko and @{b}chiefly to Krzysztof Kurdzieko@{ub}, who was going to buy a pERSONAL cRAP, but fortunately he stays with Amiga. This program was written mainly for him. @endnode