LOKI'S MISSIONS Half-Life - The Xeno Project About: The Xeno Project is a single player adventure for Half-Life. Included are 15 maps and some custom sounds. The poly counts are slightly higher than the original game so a P-200 / voodoo 1 would be the absolute minimum system I would recommend. Design Time - 10 weeks Compile Time - 24 hours on a p2-450, 256mb ram Contact: mrwhite@planetquake.com http://www.planetquake.com/lmctf/missions Getting Started: - or higher Go to the windows start/programs menu and select "The Xeno Project" from the "Loki's Missions" group. You'll then be able to load or start a new game using the standard menus. You'll also be able to access "The Xeno Project" through the "custom game" menu using your regular Half-Life shortcut. - Pre If you don't have the upgrade patch (and don't want to download it), go to the half-life/lm_txp directory and rename pak0.pak to pak1.pak. Then copy the renamed pak file into your half-life/valve directory. Make sure you don't overwrite anything in that directory. If pak1 already exists, then rename the txp pak to pak2, 3, 4 etc.... To start a new game go back to the half-life/lm_txp directory and run the pre1009.bat file. To load a saved game, use the load/save menu using your regular half-life shortcut. The Story: The terraformation of Xen known as "The Xeno Project" has begun. Noticeable changes to the planet thus far include regular gravity and a breathable atmosphere. After agreeing to work for the Gman, you are teleported onto a train, inbound to the Xeno Project control complex. Your mission is to report to an underground test lab which has been set up for further experiments into portal technology. Everything seems to be going smoothly until the military decides to completely take over the operation. Once this happens, your goal will be to get the hell off the planet and escape back to earth.....good luck....you'll need it. Credits: LEVEL DESIGN Mr. White PREFABS Mr. White Adam Grebinsky Gael chauvin aka "chickenpanzer" xKinetiCx littlemute J.C. CUSTOM SOUNDS Mr. White ADDITIONAL SOUNDS adapted from Quake2 by Mr. White