**************** ED HUNTER DEMO README **************** Last updated: 6 May 1999 **************** Welcome to Ed Hunter, the unique new shoot 'em up for PC and PlayStation! This is a playable demo featuring a very small section of level five. You start the game armed only with a pistol, but a rusty old Gatling gun soon appears. This weapon is rather clunky but very effective against the rotting mummies, snakes and scorpions that you meet! The full game has lots more special weapons, each with different effects and rates of fire! Release date for the game on PC CD-ROM is 17 May 1999. The game comes with a DOUBLE CD of the Iron Maiden top 20 tracks of all time (as voted by fans on the Iron Maiden web site). The same 20 tracks are available in the full game and any track can be selected to play during any of the game's 8 massive levels, using the Music Select option (for reasons of disc space, Music Select is disabled in this demo). Full details can be seen at WWW.EDHUNTER.COM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Minimum Spec.: P120 or better, 16MB RAM, 4x CD-ROM Drive, 2MB DirectX compatible Video Card, 16-bit SoundBlaster and DirectX compatible sound card, Windows 95 or 98, DirectX 6 (included). Recommended: P200 or better, 32MB RAM, 8x CD-ROM Drive. Supports: Mouse, Digital Joypad, Analogue Joystick, Microsoft Sidewinder Force-Feedback Pro Joystick ACT Labs Light Gun You may need the latest DirectX drivers for your hardware. Contact your hardware supplier for details. PLAYING TIPS: The head-up display shows your current score, next higher score to beat, health bars, weapon in use, number of clips of ammo, number of shots left in the current clip, number of lives (continues) remaining and an identification of your current target. The gun sight is moved around the screen and turns red when over a target. The whole display turns red when you are hit. When a special weapon (such as the Gatling gun) appears, click on it to grab and use it. Be quick, as it will soon go away! Defend yourself! You can shoot the bottles and other objects thrown at you. Scoring: You get points for everything you shoot, but you get more points for hitting an enemy in the head. Shoot enemies as soon as you see them, but shoot anything they have thrown at you first. When you lose a life, Continue appears on the screen. Left-click or fire to continue playing. TROUBLESHOOTING: If you have any problems installing or running the game, please consult the Ed Hunter web site at www.edhunter.com where you will find all the latest information together with any patches or other downloads that are available. Please note that you may require the latest DirectX drivers for your particular hardware. Please consult your hardware provider for these. We recommend that you re-install DirectX and Ed Hunter after any change in computer hardware. If you encounter any errors when uninstalling, you can uninstall manually by deleting the folder containing Ed Hunter. Video Cards Using NVidia Chipset: This information is for users with a video card incorporating an NVidia chipset (e.g. Riva 128, Diamond Stealth 550). Some users may find that at certain points in the game graphical glitches and a lock-up may occur. If this happens, proceed as follows: 1. You should first ensure that you are using the latest drivers for your video card. You should be able to obtain these from the card manufacturer's web site, or from your hardware supplier. 2. If, after installing the latest drivers you find that the problem still occurs, please carry out the following steps. Shut down and re-start your machine and go to Start/Settings/Control Panel/System and click on the Performance tab. Under Advanced Settings click on the Graphics button. Set the slider for hardware acceleration to None. Click on OK and you will then be prompted to re-start your machine. When you play the game again the problems described above should not occur. Please check the Ed Hunter web site regularly for the latest news on any technical issues and fixes for any problems.