====================================================================== Title : Doom2: Circle of Death for Duke3d Author : DaScott Author of many Doom DM wads. Found on #quake or Kali, playing warcraft2. Original : iD Software E-mail : entreri@richmond.infi.net (subj: DaScott) Description : Doom2 map 11 converted and enhanced for Duke3D. My favorite Doom2 level, and it rocks in Duke ;> Not just a bunch of slapped on textures either, this is a GOOD map, and makes for an EXCELLENT deathmatch level. Don't let the lava scare you. Besides three pairs of boots and a jetpack, as long as you hop around you won't take much damage. Plus, it's much easier to avoid the lava than in the doom version anyway. The only butchering I had to do I was forced into by Duke's lack of one way teleporters. That explains the extra ledge and the one way walls. Would only notice with the jetpack anyhow. Map11 fans: No, it's not the ultimate 2 player map as it was in Doom. But a lot of the things that made it good are still there, and you are less restricted. (try seeing what kind of jumps you can make...) Should be a blast with any number of players. Additional Credits to : Entreri, for drooling when I mentioned that I was making map11 for Duke3d, then asking me every six hours if I was finished. ;> ====================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player : No monsters, but I suggest you practice ;> DeathMatch : Yes 10+ DM starts * Construction * Base : Doom2 map11 Known Bugs : It bugs me that you can't have your own music, graphics, and sounds in a .map. It bugs me that there's no one way teleports. It bugs me that there's no difficulty level settings for items. It bugs me that all demos are saved to demo1.dmo. Ahem, Apogee? As far as the level goes.. it's not a bug, it's a feature ;>