102 MGA Desktop Navigator Error 103 MGA Desktop Navigator is unable to initialize the window class. 104 MGA Desktop Navigator is unable to create a window. 105 MGACTRL.EXE is nor running. MGA Desktop Navigator will now close. 106 At least one function in MGACTRL.DLL is missing. MGA Desktop Navigator will now close. 107 &Follow Display 108 &Update Screen 109 MGA DeskNav 110 &Preferences... 111 MGA Desktop Navigator is unable to access the registry. 112 Zoom-in 113 Zoom-out 114 PanLOCK 115 CenterWINDOW 116 C&enter Cursor on Panning 117 &Display Properties... 118 Unable to query the MGA Drivers - Desktop Navigator will now close. 119 Your current MGA drivers do not support this version of MGA PowerDesk.\n Please install the drivers provided with MGA PowerDesk.