1000 Microsoft NetShow Player Properties 1001 NSOP 1002 General stream properties 1003 Detailed stream properties 1004 Stream playback statistics 1005 Stream markers 1006 Stream playback settings 1007 Stream codecs 1008 Advanced playback settings 1009 MS Sans Serif,8 1010 250 1011 Channel properties 2000 Buffering 2001 General 2002 Details 2003 Statistics 2004 Markers 2005 Settings 2006 %1!d! bps 2007 Marker 2008 Time 2009 Description 2010 Default Size 2011 Half Size 2012 Double Size 2013 No Controls 2014 Simple Controls 2015 Full Controls 2016 None 2017 Standard 2018 &Pause 2019 Active Streaming Format Files (*.ASF;*.ASX) 2020 *.ASF;*.ASX 2021 Microsoft NetShow Player 2022 nsoDefaultSize 2023 nsoHalfSize 2024 nsoDoubleSize 2025 nsoNone 2026 nsoSimple 2027 nsoFull 2028 True 2029 False 2030 Properties 2031 No property pages to display. 2032 Error 2033 Microsoft NetShow Control 2034 Installed 2035 Codec 2036 URL 2037 60 2038 125 2039 125 2040 50 2041 50 2042 200 2043 Codecs 2044 No 2045 Yes 2046 Advanced 2047 Channel 2801 Loading 2802 Locating 2803 Connecting 2804 Listening 2805 Opening UDP 2806 Opening TCP 2807 Opening HTTP 2808 Opening file 2809 Waiting 2851 Opening %1 2852 Locating channel/stream at %1 2853 Connecting to channel/stream at %1 2854 Listening for program on channel %1 2855 Opening UDP stream from %1 2856 Opening TCP stream from %1 2857 Opening HTTP stream from %1 2858 Opening file stream from %1 2859 Waiting for the next program to begin on channel %1 2900 Unknown 2901 Multicast 2902 Multicast with connection 2903 UDP 2904 TCP 2905 Distribution 2906 HTTP 2907 File 3000 Argument set to invalid value. 3001 Property/method unavailable at design time. 3002 Property cannot be set at run time. 3003 Property set to invalid value. 3004 The FileName property has not been set. 3005 Unable to open '%1' - error %2!8.8X! 3006 Unable to start playing from the current position. 3007 Unable to pause. 3008 Unable to stop. 3009 Unable to close. 3010 Call Stop before setting this property. 3011 Can't set CurrentPosition of this file. 3012 Property cannot be set. 3013 File not found: %1. Please verify that the path is correct. 3014 Could not locate server: %1. Please see the help file. 3015 Invalid name: %1. The file name specified is incorrect. 3016 You do not have access to the location or file. 3017 Protocol mismatch error. 3018 The specified stream type is not recognized. 3019 A network service failed. 3020 An attempt to acquire a network resource failed. 3021 The server session limit has been exceeded. 3022 The network connection has failed. 3023 Server bandwidth exceeded. 3024 Server bandwidth for an individual file was exceeded. 3025 Could not connect to server: %1. Please see the help file. 3026 No multicast alternative is available. 3027 No stream formats were found in %1. 3028 Bad or missing multicast address in %1. 3029 No reference URLs were found in %1. 3030 Bad or missing channel URL in %1. 3031 The attempt to open timed out. 3500 Data received with unknown stream format %1!d!.